Default value of nginx keepalive - nginx

From, the default value of keepalive config is —, however I don't quite understand what this means.
Syntax: keepalive connections;
Default: —
Context: upstream
This directive appeared in version 1.1.4.

In order Nginx to keep TCP connection alive both upstream section and origin server should be configured to not finalise the connection. Upstream section keepalive default value means no keepalive, hence connection won't be reused, each time you can see TCP stream number increases per every request to origin server, opposite to what happens with keepalive. You can check it with using tcpdump.
10 Tips for 10x Application Performance blog post describes it very well:
Client keepalives – Keepalive connections reduce overhead, especially
when SSL/TLS is in use. For NGINX, you can increase the maximum number
of keepalive_requests a client can make over a given connection from
the default of 100, and you can increase the keepalive_timeout to
allow the keepalive connection to stay open longer, resulting in
faster subsequent requests.
Upstream keepalives – Upstream connections – connections to
application servers, database servers, and so on – benefit from
keepalive connections as well. For upstream connections, you can
increase keepalive, the number of idle keepalive connections that
remain open for each worker process. This allows for increased
connection reuse, cutting down on the need to open brand new
connections. For more information, refer to our blog post, HTTP
Keepalive Connections and Web Performance.
See also RFC-793 Section 3.5:
A TCP connection may terminate in two ways: (1) the normal TCP close
sequence using a FIN handshake, and (2) an "abort" in which one or
more RST segments are sent and the connection state is immediately
discarded. If a TCP connection is closed by the remote site, the local
application MUST be informed whether it closed normally or was
Two examples, take a look on Application Data below.
Without keepalive:
With keepalive:


Close HTTP request socket connection

I'm implementing HTTP over TLS proxy server (sni-proxy) that make two socket connection:
Client to ProxyServer
ProxyServer to TargetServer
and transfer data between Client and TargetServer(TargetServer detected using server_name extension in ClientHello)
The problem is that the client doesn't close the connection after the response has been received and the proxy server waits for data to transfer and uses resources when the request has been done.
What is the best practice for implementing this project?
The client behavior is perfectly normal - HTTP keep alive inside the TLS connection or maybe even a Websocket connection. Given that the proxy does transparent forwarding of the encrypted traffic it is not possible to look at the HTTP traffic in order to determine exactly when the connection can be closed. A good approach is therefore to keep the connection open as long as the resources allow this and on resource shortage close the connections which were idle (no traffic) the longest time.

what does the http keep alive affect on tcp connection?

On http persistent there is a "keep alive" timer.
When the keep alive time is over , what happend?
the tcp connection will close? i don't think so because there is keep alive on tcp connection that exsist.
so what is the affect of "keep alive http timer"?
If i open http connection to url (TCP) on port 80 ,
the port of server will not be free until the tcp connection will end.
so what if the http keep alive end?
I tried to understand that .
i will be happy if i get an official source to this .
On http persistent there is a "keep alive" timer.
Correct. Don't confuse it with TCP keepalive, which is a completely different thing (RFC 1122). I am here assuming you are talking about HTTP as per your text.
When the keep alive time is over, what happened?
The connection will be closed by one peer or the other.
the tcp connection will close?
I don't think so because there is keep alive on tcp connection that exist.
I don't know what this means.
so what is the affect of "keep alive http timer"?
It closes open HTTP connections when the specified period of inactivity has expired.
If i open http connection to url (TCP) on port 80 , the port of server will not be free until the tcp connection will end.
Incorrect. You can open many connections to the same listening port.
so what if the http keep alive end?
The connection is closed. You've already asked that.
I will be happy if I get an official source to this.
The official source for HTTP 1.1 is RFC 7230-5, the successors of RFC 2616.
TCP level keepalive is done out of band, so there is no stream data associated with this. This means applications using sockets don't see the effect of TCP keepalives, so an idle connection will still be closed by an http server or proxy.
Also, the interval for sending TCP keepalives is typically very long by default (hours). You can find more information on the keepalive socket option here on MSDN
HTTP doesn't allow a server to attempt to prompt a client to do something, so if the client doesn't use a connection, the only option is to close it or leave it open. That is typically a configuration option in the server or proxy.

What is the relationship between HTTP connection and a request?

While I am configuring my nginx, I found two modules: ngx_http_limit_conn_module and ngx_http_limit_req_module
one is for limiting connection per defined key, and one for limiting request.
My question is what is the relationship (and difference) between
a HTTP connection and a request.
It seems that multiple HTTP requests can use one common HTTP connection, what is the principle under this?
Basically connections are established to make requests using it. So for instance endpoint for given key may accept 5 connections per hour from given IP address. But it doesn't mean only 5 requests can be made but much more - if the connection is not closed after a request (from HTTP 1.1 it's by default kept alive).
E.g. an endpoint accepts 5 connections and 10 requests from given IP address. If connection is established for every request only 5 requests overall can be made. If connection is kept alive single client may make all the requests. If there are 5 clients, every establishes a connection and keeps it alive there are 2 request approx. that can be made by each client - however one can make all the request if it's fast enough.
HTTP connections - client and server introduce themselves.
HTTP requests - client ask something from server.
Making a connection with server involves TCP handshaking and it is basically creating a socket connection with the server. To make a HTTP request you should be already established a connection with the server. If you established connection with a server you can make multiple request using the same connection(HTTP/1.0 by default one request per connection, HTTP/1.1 by default it is keep alive). As most of the web pages need multiple resources from the server(ex: 100 photos to load in the screen). It is a low burden to the server if we keep the connection and request those 100 images using the same connection(No need to go through the connection establishment process 100 times). That is why HTTP/1.0 came up with keep alive as default.
A request is a functional execution: "Do something for me, and return the result back to me" - which is made by the client over a channel that the server is listening on, the "connection". Think of it as making a phone call to a restaurant. When the restaurant picks up the phone, you have an established "connection" - and now can place multiple requests over the same connection. The restaurant can handle multiple, simultaneous customer calls, if it has multiple phone lines open to receive the calls. This is your "connection pool" - at any point in time, you can only have as many simultaneous open connections (max) as the size of your connection pool. The number of requests however will vary. Some client may make 3 requests, and hang up, while other client may make 10 requests before hanging up.
The size of your connection pool determines concurrency - how many simultaneous clients can you talk to at any point in time? The length of those conversations will be use case specific.

SSL session tickets

Why one has to use tickets to avoid multiple SSL handshakes. Is it impossible to use HTTP persistent (keep alive) connection and send multiple GET... requests in a single SSL session? There is timeout in Apache for exmaple, but it can be reconfigured (in my case the web server is not random but fixed and have full control).
SSL sessions are not multiple requests inside a single TCP session like HTTP keep-alive, but multiple TCP connections inside a single SSL session. The purpose is to reduce the time it takes to establish the SSL connection, that is make a reduced handshake with SSL resumption instead of a full handshake.
Of course you can combine both technologies, that is create a TCP connection, upgrade it to SSL and then send multiple HTTP requests. Later, after the TCP connection is long already closed (takes resources at the server) you do another TCP connection and resume the SSL session from before and do another bunch of HTTP requests inside.

IIS HTTP Keep-Alives

I am reading that Keep-Alives is meant for performance - so that no connections need to be recreated but just reuse the existing ones. What if there is a traffic spike, will new connections be created?
Additionally, if I don't turn on Keep-Alive and in a high traffic environment, will it eventually running out of connections/socket port on client side? because a new connection has to be created for each http/web request.
HTTP is a stateless protocol.
In HTTP 1.0 each request meant opening a new TCP connection.
That caused performance issues (e.g. have to re-do the 3-way handshake for each GET or POST) so the Keep-Alive Header was added to maintain the connection across requests and in HTTP1.1 the default is persistent connection.
This means that the connection is reused across requests.
I am not really familiar with IIS but if there is a configuration to close the connection after each HTTP response, it will have impact on the performance.
Concerning the running out of sockets/ports on the client side, that could occur if the client fires a huge amount of requests and a new TCP connection must be opened per HTTP request.
After a while the ports will be depleted
