ListView of Xamarin Forms for Android and Arrows of keyboard - xamarin.forms

I have developed a Xamarin forms app for Android and I have a listview and one of devices where I test it has a keyboard, so I use the device with arrow in order to control instead the mouse. But the app that I have developed, doesn’t work with keyboard.
Do you know what should I do in order to work with arrow in order to select item of listview?
Thank you


Xamarin TextCell on UWP moves when tapped

In my Xamarin Forms app, I have numerous TextCells displayed in a TableView.
When run the app on UWP, I see that the text moves slightly (slightly indented) when the cell is tapped on. I suspect this is done as a form of highlighting the cell when it is tapped.
I find this very distracting and is different from what happens on iOS or Android.
Is there a way to disable this behavior?

Drap and drop in Xamarin forms with short press

I've added drag and drop gesture to a xamarin forms app following microsoft doc :
Everything works as expected.
Drag is initiated by a long press.
I would like to change this behavior by initiating a drag with a short press.
Is it possible ?

Xamarin Forms - Prevent webview from loosing focus on iOS

I'm trying to create an editor using Xamarin Forms.
The editor is a webview with content editable and a toolbar below.
You can check my current implementation here.
It works well on Android, when i tap on the button, it executes the javascript on the webview,the keyboard remains open and the webview doesn't loose focus.
On iOS the webview looses focus and the keyboard closes.
Like this:
Any idea on how can i solve this ?
What i tried so far:
Attach to the buttons an effect that calls ResignFirstResponder.
On the content editable, call focus when bluring.

UWP Desktop mouse won't trigger the gesture

Do we have a way to activate mouse gesture on UWP Desktop for a computer that does not have touch capability? On IOS (in the simulator) we can use the mouse to do PullToRefresh or CellSwipe on Listview.
I use Xamarin.forms
The problem here is that the ListView control in Xamarin.Forms doesn't Support PullToRefresh or CellSwipe on UWP. So you have to implement these functionalities by yourself and you can use the code provided by Shubham Sahu in the comments or you take a look at third pary libraries like Syncfusion. They provide also a ListView Control which is already able to handle PullToRefresh or CellSwipe on UWP.

How to change the keyboard layout of a UWP app in Xamarin Forms?

I am working on a Xamarin Forms app which I want to deploy on Windows (UWP). The current problem I am trying to solve is to set the keyboard layout on an "Entry". According to the docs the only change I have to make is to add a "keyboard" property in the Entry xaml code like that:
<Entry Keyboard="Numeric" />
That does work fine in Windows Mobile Emulator and the keyboard does change as soon as I click on the entry. However, when I run the project on a Surface Pro tablet (UWP) the layout of the keyboard does not change at all.
On tablets, no matter if it is an iPad or a surface, the Keyboard property is ignored. On a phone it is not.
So you have no chance to influence it on a tablet.
