Dealing with numbers using Spring ExampleMatcher - spring-mvc

I am new to Java and Spring, and I am building a sytem using Spring JPA. I am now working on my service and controller classes, and I would like to create a dynamic query. I have created a form, in which the user can enter values in the fields, or leave them blank. I then use example matcher to create an example based on non null fields and query objects in the database that match non null fields of the object.
It is working fine with Strings, and it works ok with numbers, in case the number entered by the user is matching the number in the database. What I would like to ask the community is: how can we, using Spring ExampleMatcher, add logic so that the query relating to numbers is not Select * from Projects where project.return = 10 but for instance Select * from Projects where project.return >=10?
It is a pretty basic question, but I have looked everywhere on the web, and I could not find an answer. All sources that I found said that ExampleMatcher deals only with Strings, but I find that strange that such a powerful system does not have a logic to deal with higherthan / lowerthan number type of criteria.
My code for the example matcher:
ExampleMatcher matcher = ExampleMatcher.matching()
.withIgnorePaths("projectId", "businessPlans", "projectReturn", "projectAddress.addressId")
I would like to add something like:
.withMatcher("projectAmountRaised", IsMoreThan(Long.parseLong()));
What I would have loved to have, but it is deprecated:
public static List getStockDailyRecordCriteria(Date startDate,Date endDate,
Long volume,Session session){
Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(StockDailyRecord.class);
return criteria.list();
I am thus looking for something similar... I could create a broad results list from just Strings criteria using ExampleMatcher, and then write my own logic to delete objects that do not fit number criteria, but I am sure there is a more elegant approach.
Thank you a lot for your help, and for your indulgence!

This is how you can use QBE and pageable with additional filters:
ExampleMatcher matcher = UntypedExampleMatcher.matching()
MyDao probe = new MyDao()
final Example<MyDao> example = Example.of(probe, matcher);
Query q = new Query(new Criteria().alike(example)).with(pageable);
List<MyDao> list = mongoTemplate.find(q, example.getProbeType(), "COLLECTION_NAME");
PageableExecutionUtils.getPage(list, pageable, () -> mongoTemplate.count(q, example.getProbeType(), "COLLECTION_NAME"));


Getting ProjectBOs from CatalogCategoryBO returns different results based on BusinessObjectRepositoryContext

We are trying to get all ProductBOs from CatalogCategoryBO with following code:
final CatalogBORepository catalogBORepository = applicationBO.getRepository("CatalogBORepository");
final CatalogCategoryBO catalogCategoryBO = catalogBORepository.getCatalogBOByCatalogName(catalogName).getCatalogCategoryBOByName(catalogCategoryName);
final CatalogCategoryBOCommonProductAssignmentExtension assignmentExtension = catalogCategoryBO.getExtension(CatalogCategoryBOCommonProductAssignmentExtension.class);
return assignmentExtension.getSortedProducts(applicationBO.getDefaultLocale());
But this does not always work as expected. After debugging I found out that main reason is BusinessObjectRepositoryContext:
which is different based on location from which we call given method (organization or channel).
The same problem is described here:
Is there some workaround or better way to get all assigned ProductBOs from CatalogCategoryBO?
We are using Intershop B2C version
One possibility is to call pipeline for getting products as suggested by Willem Evertse, another one is to fetch CatalogBORepository and CatalogCategoryBO within block of:
try (ApplicationContext applicationContext = application.forceApplicationContext()) {
// your code here
Yes, this is because the business objects can have different implementations depending on the context (application).
If you look at how the rest api does it (see ProductListResource) they call the ProductHandler (see ProductHandlerImpl) method:
getProducts(Domain currentChannel, CatalogCategoryBO category, String searchTerm, String localeId,...)
Only the category parameter is mandatory it seems, the other parameters can be null. The added benefit is that this code will call the Solr index (if u have it enabled) so it should perform better than running a query on the database (which is also a possibility).

StructureGroup Details using the Content Delivery/Broker API

I am trying to get all the structure groups published in a given publication using the PublicationID. I am expecting to get the structure groups with StructureGroupCriteria by passing the Root Structure Group TCM ID but getting page ids (I am expecting SGs).
Now I am trying to loop through the list and get details of each structuregroup. I did not find any API (.net) to get these details and also the API is returning only Pages.
What I have done and working so far using StructureGroupCriteria, returns list of Page IDs instead of SG IDs
PublicationCriteria pubCriteria = new PublicationCriteria(pubID);
// Root StructureGroup TCM ID -- tcm:45-3-4
StructureGroupCriteria sgCriteria = new StructureGroupCriteria("tcm:45-3-4", true);
Criteria allSGsInPub = CriteriaFactory.And(pubCriteria, sgCriteria);
Query allSGs = new Query(allSGsInPub);
string[] sgInfo = allSGs.ExecuteQuery();
Response.Write("Total : " + sgInfo.Length);
foreach (string sgid in sgInfo ) {
// HOW DO I get the Structure Group Details here
//TCMURI sgURI = new TCMURI(sgid);
Q # 1 : How to get the all the structuregroups and individual structure group details? (May be something simple, I am not able to find right API).
Q # 2 : How can I get all the structuregroups using ItemTypeCriteria sgCriteria = new ItemTypeCriteria(4); // 4 is SG Item Type .
When I tried this option, the query worked successfully but no results returned. Is this the expected behavior and should we always use StructureGroupCriteria instead of ItemTypeCriteria?
The reason for this approach, I want to avoid using the Root StructureGroup ID which is required with the above code. But at the moment, none of the approaches returning StructureGroup information and I always get Page Information.
Tridion Version: 2011 SP1, .net API.
Note: When I publish I am checking the publish SG info checkbox and published successfully. On Broker DB side, I can see the information on the taxnonomy table as well.
I was playing with Odata service and accidentally I found that I can get all my structure group information from Odata web service.
Also, the results are returning child structure groups with a depth parameter.
Just to clarify , using Broker API it is not feasible to get the structure groups (my original question). However, the workaround solution is to use OData Service to get the Structure Groups.
I don't think you will get Structure Groups returned by the Query object.
According to the documentation, when you publish Structure Group information the Structure Group hierarchy is published to the Content Delivery side where it is stored as a taxonomy.
Have you tried using the Taxonomy APIs to get the information you need?

How to get inserted row ID with WebMatrix

There is a GetLastInsertId method in WebMatrix. However, using Reflector, I can see that it's implemented like this:
[return: Dynamic]
public object GetLastInsertId()
return this.QueryValue("SELECT ##Identity", new object[0]);
Which, as far as I can see, is a very bad way of doing it, because ##Identity returns the last insert considering every table and every session. I need this restricted to the scope and session I'm working with, so I was expecting this to use SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY(), since that also seems to be what is most often used according to my reading.
My questions are:
Do the WebMatrix wrappers do something that makes this ok to use in my case?
If not, is there a simple way to get the inserted ID of an insert query using WebMatrix classes, or should I fall back on stuff like SqlClient for this?
I am interested in answers for SQL Server (not compact) if that makes a difference.
I had the same problem, and I read these answers but still couldn't get the code to work correctly. I possibly was misreading the solutions above, but what seemed to work for me was as follows:
var db=Database.Open(...);
var lastInsertID = db.QueryValue("INSERT name into Names; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()");
To quote David Fowler, one of the devs on the Data APIs in WebMatrix: "[SCOPE_IDENITTY] doesn't work on ce". Since we wanted a data API that would work on both CE and regular SQL Server, we used ##Identity. So if you want to use SCOPE_IDENTITY specifically, you should use db.QueryValue method:
var db = Database.Open(...);
var lastInsertId = db.QueryValue("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()")
here is my solution
var lastId = db.GetLastInsertId();

Dynamics GP Web Service -- Returning list of sales order based on specific criteria

For a web application, I need to get a list or collection of all SalesOrders that meet the folowing criteria:
Have a WarehouseKey.ID equal to "test", "lucmo" or "Inno"
Have Lines that have a QuantityToBackorder greater than 0
Have Lines that have a RequestedShipDate greater than current day.
I've succesfully used these two methods to retrieve documents, but I can't figure out how return only the ones that meet above criteria.
Please help!
Short answer: your query isn't possible through the GP Web Services. Even your warehouse key isn't an accepted criteria for GetSalesOrderList. To do what you want, you'll need to drop to eConnect or direct table access. eConnect has come a long way in .Net if you use the Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect and Microsoft.Dynamics.GP.eConnect.Serialization libraries (which I highly recommend). Even in eConnect, you're stuck with querying based on the document header rather than line item values, though, so direct table access may be the only way you're going to make it work.
In eConnect, the key piece you'll need is generating a valid RQeConnectOutType. Note the "ForList = 1" part. That's important. Since I've done something similar, here's what it might start out as (you'd need to experiment with the capabilities of the WhereClause, I've never done more than a straightforward equal):
private RQeConnectOutType getRequest(string warehouseId)
eConnectOut outDoc = new eConnectOut()
DOCTYPE = "Sales_Transaction",
INDEX1FROM = "A001",
INDEX1TO = "Z001",
WhereClause = string.Format("WarehouseId = '{0}'", warehouseId)
RQeConnectOutType outType = new RQeConnectOutType()
eConnectOut = outDoc
return outType;
If you have to drop to direct table access, I recommend going through one of the built-in views. In this case, it looks like ReqSOLineView has the fields you need (LOCNCODE for the warehouseIds, QTYBAOR for backordered quantity, and ReqShipDate for requested ship date). Pull the SOPNUMBE and use them in a call to GetSalesOrderByKey.
And yes, hybrid solutions kinda suck rocks, but I've found you really have to adapt if you're going to use GP Web Services for anything with any complexity to it. Personally, I isolate my libraries by access type and then use libraries specific to whatever process I'm using to coordinate them. So I have Integration.GPWebServices, Integration.eConnect, and Integration.Data libraries that I use practically everywhere and then my individual process libraries coordinate on top of those.

InfoPath autonumber field

I am designing an infopath (Change Request) form:
1)How can i add a text box that automaticaly increments to the next number when a new form is created (adding a new Change Request form to the form library).
2)How do i retrieve information from an existing form to the new form.
NOTE: The field is not inside a repeating table. I need to generate the next Change Request number on each new Change Request form.
There is no build-in way to do this, but there are several ways to achieve what you want (Database query or SPList query). But this kind of request somehow smells like a workaround for an other problem.
Common cases for increasing numbers are:
unique IDs
count the Requests
make referable by external list (same as ID)
make IDs guessable (time stamps are not)
If you need an ID: In most cases you are not forced to use integer IDs. Simply use the form title as a natural ID. (e.g. customer + timestamp)
If you need guessable IDs, you need them because an external system wants to access or refer to the request. In that case try to change the pull-direction into a push-direction (e.g. by using workflows) or let your other system provide a "getID" function that can be called by your form to obtain a known ID (no guessing needed).
Anyway - for me, it looks like you want to achieve this to solve some other problem. Maybe there are different solutions for that problem too?
You could enter a token in your text-titles on the form where you want autonumbering, such as #num#, and then use javascript or jquery to find those tokens and replace them with incremented numbers.
The drawback to this is that if you exported the list to excel, the tokens would not get translated to numbers. But it is a good solution for on-screen rendering.
Use Firebug to figure out the class of the container housing your autonumber tags.
Maybe you could do something like this:
function TokenReplacement(){
var ClassName = 'ms-formlabel';
var elements = new Array();
var elements = document.getElementsByTagName('td');
var numerator=0;
//Now do find and replace on everything else
for(var e=0;e<elements.length;e++){
thiselement = elements[e];
if(thiselement.className == ClassName){
//autonumber the questions by replacing the #num# token
if('#num#') > -1){
var replacenum = "<b>" + numerator + ". </b>";
thiselement.innerHTML = elements[e].innerHTML.replace('#num#',replacenum);
