Im setting up a Content Group with Google Analytics and we have a "/groups" page that contains about 10 sub-categories. As we change these once in a while I'd like to set up some tracking that can group all those subpages inside a Content Group. I know I can test it, but I'd like to be sure I dont miss any change. So the correct setup would be:
Page matches regex: /groups/*
Is this correct? Or does there exist a better way to set this up?
I have a problem with the filters at the level of Google Analytics which do not work, I explain myself, I try to put two filters on my report, the first is that all the pages with the name "menu-droite" must be excluded in addition to the homepage /home/
I manage to put the first filter on the name "menu-droite" but then when I want to select the second variable for the pages, I have nothing :
second filter page didn't find
I can do this another way by selecting all the pages to exclude which brings me back to a single filter but I would have to select some 100 pages and new pages under "menu-droite" are often published which won't change anything to problems
I've been searching the web, but can't find a solution. Who can help me?
I have a website selling tours with on some pages embedded calendars which all show up as separate pages in Behaviour Report (All Pages).
URI /embeds/calendar/blablabla
I also have book buttons which load embedded pages which I do want to track. Those URI's start with /embeds/book/ and in many of those URI's there's also the word calendar.
So I would like to filter out the pages that match exactly /embeds/calendar/ but I can't figure out how to do that preferably applying it as a filter to the view or otherwise as a segment.*
In the report itself, I figured out an advanced filter that works:
Exclude > Page > Matching RegExp > /embeds/calendar/
*Edit: applying it as a filter to the view or to add this as a segment.
I don't understand the question considering that it contains part of the answer. If you want those pages change the filter from exclude to include.
You can create a segment with user or session level who visited those page path, not those pages alone. For this you have the filter as you have already used.
If you do not want this data to be collected in the view you must enter a filter in the view settings, i.e. Prdefinited Exclude --> traffic to the subdirectories --> Select expression --> ... or Custom Exclude --> Request URI --> .... This change will only apply to today's and future data.
I'm trying to get the pageview number for the a particular page,
but I see two page view entry
I have:
/page ==> 100 page view
/page/ ==> 50 page view
The two pages are exactly the same page, but why does it have two entries?
Is the GA double counting, so instead of 150 views, I actually only get 100 view?
How do I combine the two entries?
Thank you
You can use a filter to the Google Analytics View to join then.
Go to the Admin section > View column > Filters.
Add Filter > Name it the way you want > Custom > Check "Advanced" option.
Select the field Request URI, in field A put the value "^(/.*)/$".
In field B put "-".
In the Output "$A1", just like the image below.
Hope I've helped you.
VĂtor Capretz
Good idea for your SEO and Google Analytics is to set-up redirects from page to page/ (or vice versa). I.e. you need to set-up rule for canonical urls: either with slash, or without slash. And stick with the rule.
for some time in google Analytics I observe very busy with foreign sites. These are spam site. How can I protect?
Screen GA:
These are called "Ghost Referrals" and the best way to rid yourself of them is to add a new view and create an Include filter for it.
Check out the full post
First go the the Analytics Admin section and choose the Account and Property you'd like to apply the filter to. Then create a new view like " (Ghost Referalls Filter)". Trust me on this create a new one and don't reuse your existing one. I'll explain later.
Add a new filter to your freshly created view. Then select the Custom tab, mark the Include radio button, and choose Hostname from the dropdown. Then you'll want to enter your sites hostnames separated with the OR operator "|" and make sure to add a backslash before each period. This will white list only your hostnames and block any other sites from sending fake data that muddy up your Analytics reports.
Example entry
So Why The New View?
If you add a filter to an existing view it will permanently change that view and all of the past data.
I Don't See Any Data
Unfortunately Analytics doesn't apply filters to past data. So all of the data in the filtered view will be from the day it was assigned onwards. Just give it a few days and you'll be using your original view less and less.
If your picture is what I think it is, its actually a GA issue. Its fake referral spam.
it's about this page:
Hey guys,
I've made a block-view with drupal that let's me sort my videos by a certain category, in this case "funny","epic","plays", "contest"...
The problem is: When you sort it by the certain category and click on a video and continue to click the "next" button, you will go threw all videos, instead of only the videos of the category...
My Question is: How can I put a filter on the nodes when i apply another category on the bottom block?
Thanks already!
If you're using Views, you should be able to filter the main block by the same taxonomy term.
Try adding a Contextual Filter to that block too. If there's a taxonomy term ID in the URL the block gets filtered by that Term ID and if there's no result, the block shows all the videos.
EDIT -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You may need to try & understand what goes on when you make a selection in Drupal.
1/ The taxonomy term page will list all the content affixed with a specific term. The term tid can be seen in the URL, unless an alias have been created. A block can retrieve that term id, whether there is an alias or not.
2/ The node page will give you access to a specific node, but any block on that page should be able to access the term id of that specific node.
If you know where you are, it becomes easier to retrieve the info you're looking for. On the other hand, you may have to reconfigure a specific page in order to add the necessary extra block...
That can be done with templates but you could also have a look at Panels.
The Panels UI makes it easier to configure the page you're looking for without having to mess with code or templates, or both.
There's a lot of free video tutorials out there, search for Views & Panels.
If you want to have a look at preprocess functions, you will definitely need to download the Devel module...
...but have a look at these sites first: