Error when fitting KNN model - r

I was going to fit a knn model with faithful data in R. My code is like this:
smp_size <- floor(0.5 * nrow(faithful))
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(faithful)), size = smp_size)
train_data = faithful[train_ind, ]
test_data = faithful[-train_ind, ]
pred = FNN::knn.reg(train = train_data[,1],
test = test_data[,1],
y = train_data[,2], k = 5)$pred
The faithful data only has 2 columns. I met this error "Error in get.knnx(train, test, k, algorithm) : Number of columns must be same!."
I don't understand why the error will come up because the columns of train and test data are the same.
Thanks first for answering my question!

?knn.reg says that train/test has to be data frame or matrix. But in your case you just have one independent variable so when you do str(train_data[,1]) it is no more a data frame. So the solution is to use with train & test parameters in knn.reg.
Another important point is that you need to first 'normalize' your data before you run KNN. May be you can try below snippet as a minor improvement to your code:
#normalize data
X = scale(faithful[, -ncol(faithful)])
y = faithful[, ncol(faithful)]
#split data into train & test
train_ind <- sample(seq_len(nrow(faithful)), floor(0.7 * nrow(faithful)))
test_ind <- setdiff(seq_len(nrow(faithful)), train_ind)
#run KNN model
knn_model <- knn.reg(train =[train_ind,]),
test =[test_ind,]),
y = y[train_ind],
k = 5)
pred = knn_model$pred
Hope this helps!

For FNN::knn.reg, the test and y must be data-frames. Just a minor modification to the last statement.
pred = FNN::knn.reg(train = train_data[,1],
test = test_data[1],
y = train_data[2], k = 5)$pred


How to find the optimal value for K in K-nearest neighbors using R?

My dataset contains 5851 observations, and is split into a train (3511 observations) and test (2340 observations) set. I now want to train a model using KNN, with two variables. I want to do 10-fold CV, repeated 5 times, using ROC metric and the one-standard error rule and the variables are preprocessed. The code is shown below.
ctrl_repcvSE <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv", number = 10, repeats = 5,
summaryFunction = twoClassSummary, classProbs = TRUE,
selectionFunction = "oneSE")
tune_grid <- expand.grid(k = 45:75)
mod4 <- train(purchased ~ total_policies + total_contrib,
data = mhomes_train, method = "knn",
trControl= ctrl_repcvSE, metric = "ROC",
tuneGrid = tune_grid, preProcess = c("center", "scale"))
The problem I have is that I already have tried so many different values of K (e.g., K = 10:20, 30:40, 50:60, 150:160 + different tuning lengths. However, every time the output says that the chosen value for K is the one which is last, so for example for values of K = 70:80, the chosen value for K = 80, every time I do this. This means I should look further, because if the chosen value is K in that case then there are better values of K available which are above 80. How should I eventually find this one?
The assignment only specifies: For k-nearest neighbours, explore reasonable values of k using the total_policies and total_contrib variables only.
Welcome to Stack Overflow. Your question isn't easy to answer.
For k-nearest neighbours I use another function knn3 part of the caret library.
I'll give an example using the iris dataset. We try to get the accuracy of our model for different values for k and plot those accuracies.
dt <-
# converting and scaling data ----
dt$Species <- dt$Species %>% as.factor()
dt$Sepal.Length <- dt$Sepal.Length %>% scale()
dt$Sepal.Width <- dt$Sepal.Width %>% scale()
dt$Petal.Length <- dt$Petal.Length %>% scale()
dt$Petal.Width <- dt$Petal.Width %>% scale()
# remove in the real run ----
# split data into train and test - 3:1 ----
train_index <- createDataPartition(dt$Species, p = 0.75, list = FALSE)
train <- dt[train_index, ]
test <- dt[-train_index, ]
# values to check for k ----
K_VALUES <- 20:1
test_acc <- numeric(0)
train_acc <- numeric(0)
# calculate different models for each value of k ----
for (x in K_VALUES){
model <- knn3(Species ~ ., data = train, k = x)
pred_test <- predict(model, test, type = "class")
pred_test_acc <- confusionMatrix(table(pred_test,
test_acc <- c(test_acc, pred_test_acc)
pred_train <- predict(model, train, type = "class")
pred_train_acc <- confusionMatrix(table(pred_train,
train_acc <- c(train_acc, pred_train_acc)
data <- data.table(x = K_VALUES, train = train_acc, test = test_acc)
# plot a validation curve ----
plot_data <- gather(data, "type", "value", -x)
g <- qplot(x = x,
y = value,
data = plot_data,
color = type,
geom = "path",
xlim = c(max(K_VALUES),min(K_VALUES)-1))
Now find a k with a good accuracy for your test data. That's the value you're looking for.
Disclosure: That's simplified but this approach should help you solving your problem.

Why do I keep getting and unused arguments error?

I am applying the kNN algorithm to a data set with 6 predictors and 1 class variable with 1599 rows, I have reviewed my syntax many times and gone back over other examples to try and find my error. I am totally bamboozled at present. I have broken the data set up into test_set, test_set_class, training_set, training_set_class. Any assistance would be fantastic, see below for the code and error.
num_obs <- nrow(wine_preds3)
# set the sample size to be 80%
sample_size <- as.integer(num_obs*0.8)
# set the seed for the sample split
# randomly split 80% the data indexes in reduced wine
split_index <- sample(num_obs, size = sample_size, replace = FALSE)
# subset the reduced wine into a testing subset of 20%
test_wine_preds <- wine_preds3[-split_index, 1:6]
test_wine_class <- wine_preds3[-split_index, 7]
# subset the reduced wine into a training subset of 80%
train_wine_preds <- wine_preds3[split_index, 1:6]
train_wine_class <- wine_preds3[split_index, 7]
Pred_class <- kNN(train = train_wine_preds, test = test_wine_preds, cl = train_wine_class, k = 15)
Error in kNN(train = train_wine_preds, test = test_wine_preds, cl = train_wine_class, :
unused arguments (train = train_wine_preds, test = test_wine_preds, cl = train_wine_class)

Use of PCA results as input to XGboost model throwing an error: Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different

I use PCA on my divided train dataset and project the test dataset to the results after removing irrelevant columns.
data <- read.csv('bottom10.csv')
inTrain <- createDataPartition(data$cuisine, p = .8)[[1]]
dataTrain <- data[,-1][inTrain,][,-1]
dataTest <- data[,-1][-inTrain,][,-1]
cuisine.pca <- prcomp(dataTrain[,-1])
Then I extract the first 500 components and project the test dataset.
traincom <- cuisine.pca$x[,1:500]
testcom <- scale(dataTest[,-1], cuisine.pca$center) %*% cuisine.pca$rotation
Then I transfer the labels into integer, and combine components and labels into xgbDMatrix form.
label_train <- as.integer(dataTrain$cuisine) - 1
label_test <- as.integer(dataTest$cuisine) - 1
xgb_train <- xgb.DMatrix(data = traincom, label = label_train)
xgb_test <- xgb.DMatrix(data = testcom, label = label_test)
Then I build the xgboost model as <- xgboost(cuisine~., data = xgb_train, nrounds = 40, num_class = 10, early_stopping_rounds = 5)
And after I run this, there is a warning but the training can still run.
xgboost: label will be ignored
I can predict the train dataset using the model but when I try to predict test dataset there will be an error.
xgb_pred <- predict(, newdata = xgb_train)
sum(label_train == xgb_pred)/length(label_train)
xgb_pred <- predict(, newdata = xgb_test, rescale = T)
Error in predict.xgb.Booster(, newdata = xgb_test, rescale = T) :
Feature names stored in `object` and `newdata` are different!
Please let me know what am I doing wrong?

Why is my model so accurate when using knn(), where k=1?

I am currently using genomic expression levels, age, and smoking intensity levels to predict the number of days Lung Cancer Patients have to live. I have a small amount of data; 173 patients and 20,438 variables, including gene expression levels (which make up for 20,436). I have split up my data into test and training, utilizing an 80:20 ratio. There are no missing values in the data.
I am using knn() to train the model. Here is what the code looks like:
prediction <- knn(train = trainData, test = testData, cl = trainAnswers, k=1)
Nothing seems out of the ordinary until you notice that k=1. "Why is k=1?" you may ask. The reason k=1 is because when k=1, the model is the most accurate. This makes no sense to me. There are quite a few concerns:
I am using knn() to predict a continuous variable. I should be using something along the lines of, cox maybe.
The model is waaaaaaay too accurate. Here are a few examples of the test answer and the model's predictions. For the first patient, the number of days to death is 274. The model predicts 268. For the second patient, test: 1147, prediction: 1135. 3rd, test: 354, prediction: 370. 4th, test: 995, prediction 995. How is this possible? Out of the entire test data, the model was only off by and average of 9.0625 days! The median difference was 7 days, and the mode was 6 days. Here is a graph of the results:
Bar Graph.
So I guess my main question is what does knn() do, what does k represent, and how is the model so accurate when k=1? Here is my entire code (I am unable to attach the actual data):
# install.packages(c('caret', 'skimr', 'RANN', 'randomForest', 'fastAdaboost', 'gbm', 'xgboost', 'caretEnsemble', 'C50', 'earth'))
# Gather the data and store it in variables
LUAD <- read.csv('/Users/username/Documents/ClinicalData.csv')
geneData <- read.csv('/Users/username/Documents/GenomicExpressionLevelData.csv')
geneData <- data.frame(geneData)
row.names(geneData) = geneData$X
geneData <- geneData[2:514]
colNamesGeneData <- gsub(".","-",colnames(geneData),fixed = TRUE)
colnames(geneData) = colNamesGeneData
# Organize the data
# Important columns are 148 (smoking), 123 (OS Month, basically how many days old), and the gene data. And column 2 (barcode).
LUAD = data.frame(LUAD$patient, LUAD$TOBACCO_SMOKING_HISTORY_INDICATOR, LUAD$OS_MONTHS, LUAD$days_to_death)[complete.cases(data.frame(LUAD$patient, LUAD$TOBACCO_SMOKING_HISTORY_INDICATOR, LUAD$OS_MONTHS, LUAD$days_to_death)), ]
LUAD <- LUAD[2:4]
# intersect(rownames(LUAD),colnames(geneData))
# ind=which(colnames(geneData)=="TCGA-778-7167-01A-11R-2066-07")
gene_expression=geneData[, rownames(LUAD)]
# Merge the two datasets to use the geneomic expression levels in your model
LUAD <- data.frame(LUAD,t(gene_expression))
LUAD.days_to_death <- LUAD[,3]
LUAD <- LUAD[,c(1:2,4:20438)]
LUAD <- data.frame(LUAD.days_to_death,LUAD)
# Number of Rows in the training data (createDataPartition(dataSet, percentForTraining, boolReturnAsList))
trainRowNum <- createDataPartition(LUAD$LUAD.days_to_death, p=0.8, list=FALSE)
# Training/Test Dataset
trainData <- LUAD[trainRowNum, ]
testData <- LUAD[-trainRowNum, ]
x = trainData[, c(2:20438)]
y = trainData$LUAD.days_to_death
v = testData[, c(2:20438)]
w = testData$LUAD.days_to_death
# Imputing missing values into the data
preProcess_missingdata_model <- preProcess(trainData, method='knnImpute')
if (anyNA(trainData)) {
trainData <- predict(preProcess_missingdata_model, newdata = trainData)
# Normalizing the data
preProcess_range_model <- preProcess(trainData, method='range')
trainData <- predict(preProcess_range_model, newdata = trainData)
trainData$LUAD.days_to_death <- y
apply(trainData[,1:20438], 2, FUN=function(x){c('min'=min(x), 'max'=max(x))})
preProcess_range_model_Test <- preProcess(testData, method='range')
testData <- predict(preProcess_range_model_Test, newdata = testData)
testData$LUAD.days_to_death <- w
apply(testData[,1:20438], 2, FUN=function(v){c('min'=min(v), 'max'=max(v))})
# To uncomment, select the text and press 'command' + 'shift' + 'c'
# set.seed(401)
# options(warn=-1)
# subsets <- c(1:10)
# ctrl <- rfeControl(functions = rfFuncs,
# method = "repeatedcv",
# repeats = 5,
# verbose = TRUE)
# lmProfile <- rfe(x=trainData[1:20437], y=trainAnswers,
# sizes = subsets,
# rfeControl = ctrl)
# lmProfile
trainAnswers <- trainData[,1]
testAnswers <- testData[,1]
prediction <- knn(train = trainData, test = testData, cl = trainAnswers, k=1)
Test_Question_Number <- c(1:32)
prediction2 <- data.frame(prediction[1:32])
prediction2 <- as.numeric(as.vector(prediction2[c(1:32),]))
data <- data.frame(Test_Question_Number, prediction2, testAnswers)
names(data) <- c("Test Question Number","Prediction","Answer")
p <- plot_ly(data, x = ~Test_Question_Number, y = ~prediction2, type = 'bar', name = 'Prediction') %>%
add_trace(y = ~testAnswers, name = 'Answer') %>%
layout(yaxis = list(title = 'Days to Death'), barmode = 'group')
merge <- data.frame(prediction2,testAnswers)
difference <- abs((merge[,1])-(merge[,2]))
difference <- sort(difference)
meanDifference <- mean(difference)
medianDifference <- median(difference)
modeDifference <- names(table(difference))[table(difference)==max(table(difference))]
cat("Mean difference:", meanDifference, "\n")
cat("Median difference:", medianDifference, "\n")
cat("Mode difference:", modeDifference,"\n")
Lastly, for clarification purposes, ClinicalData.csv is the age, days to death, and smoking intensity data. The other .csv is the genomic expression data. The data above line 29 doesn't really matter, so you can just skip to the part of the code where it says "set.seed(401)".
Edit: Some samples of the data:
days_to_death OS_MONTHS
121 3.98
NACC1 2001.5708 2363.8063 1419.879
NACC2 58.2948 61.8157 43.4386
NADK 706.868 1053.4424 732.1562
NADSYN1 1628.7634 912.1034 638.6471
NAE1 832.8825 793.3014 689.7123
NAF1 140.3264 165.4858 186.355
NAGA 1523.3441 1524.4619 1858.9074
NAGK 983.6809 899.869 1168.2003
NAGLU 621.3457 510.9453 1172.511
NAGPA 346.9762 257.5654 275.5533
NAGS 460.7732 107.2116 321.9763
NAIF1 217.1219 202.5108 132.3054
NAIP 101.2305 87.8942 77.261
NALCN 13.9628 36.7031 48.0809
NAMPT 3245.6584 1257.8849 5465.6387
Because K = 1 is the most complex knn model. It has the most flexible decision boundary. It creates an overfit. It will perform well within the training data by poorly on a holdout set (but not always).

binning continuous variables by IV value in R

I am building a logistic regression model in R. I want to bin continuous predictors in an optimal way in relationship to the target variable. There are two things that I know of:
the continuous variables are binned such that its IV (information value) is maximized
maximize the chi-square in the two way contingency table -- the target has two values 0 and 1, and the binned continuous variable has the binned buckets
Does anyone know of any functions in R that can perform such binning?
Your help will be greatly appreciated.
For the first point, you could bin using the weight of evidence (woe) with the package woebinning which optimizes the number of bins for the IV
# get the bin cut points from your dataframe
cutpoints <- woe.binning(dataset, "target_name", "Variable_name")
# apply the cutpoints to your dataframe
dataset_woe <- woe.binning.deploy(dataset, cutpoint, add.woe.or.dum.var = "woe")
It returns your dataset with two extra columns
Variable_name.binned which is the labels
Variable_name.woe.binned which is the replaced values that you can then parse into your regression instead of Variable_name
For the second point, on chi2, the package discretization seems to handle it but I haven't tested it.
The methods used by regression splines to set knot locations might be considered. The rpart package probably has relevant code. You do need to penalize the inferential statistics because this results in an implicit hiding of the degrees of freedom expended in the process of moving the breaks around to get the best fit. Another common method is to specify breaks at equally spaced quantiles (quartiles or quintiles) within the subset with IV=1. Something like this untested code:
cont.var.vec <- # names of all your continuous variables
breaks <- function(var,n) quantiles( dfrm[[var]],
lapply(dfrm[ dfrm$IV == 1 , cont.var.vec] , breaks, n=5)
options (scipen = 999)
read.csv("dummy_data.txt") -> dt
mydata <- dt
for(i in 1:ncol(mydata)){
val.quant <- unname(quantile(mydata[,i],probs = 0.75))
mydata[,i] = sapply(mydata[,i],function(x){if(x > (1.5*val.quant+1)){1.5*val.quant+1}else{x}})
x <- mydata[,!names(mydata) %in% c("Cust_Key","Y")]
y <- as.factor(mydata$Y)
fit <- randomForest(x,y,importance=T,ntree = 70)
mydata2 <- mydata[,!names(mydata) %in% c("Cust_Key")]
mydata2$Y <- as.factor(mydata2$Y)
####var reduction#####
vartoremove <- ncol(mydata2) - 20
for(i in 1:vartoremove){
rf <- fit(Y~.,data=mydata2,model = "randomForest", mtry = 10 ,ntree = 100)
varImportance <- Importance(rf,mydata2,method="sensg")
Z <- order(varImportance$imp,decreasing = FALSE)
IND <- Z[2]
var_to_remove <- names(mydata2[IND])
mydata2[IND] = NULL
library(smbinning) -> inp
inp$target <- as.numeric(inp$Y) *1
inp$target <- inp$target -1
result= smbinning(df=inp, y="target", x="X37", p=0.0005)
boxplot(inp$X2~inp$Y,horizontal=T, frame=F, col="red",main="Distribution")
inp$Y <- NULL
sample = sample.split(inp$target, SplitRatio = .7)
train = subset(inp, sample == TRUE)
test = subset(inp, sample == FALSE)
fit1 <- glm(train$target~.,data=train,family = binomial)
prediction1 <- data.frame(actual = test$target, predicted = predict(fit1,test ,type="response") )
result= smbinning(df=prediction1, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
write.csv(prediction1 , "test_pred_logistic.csv")
predict_train <- data.frame(actual = train$target, predicted = predict(fit1,train ,type="response") )
write.csv(predict_train , "train_pred_logistic.csv")
result= smbinning(df=predict_train, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
####random forest
rf <- fit(target~.,data=train,model = "randomForest", mtry = 10 ,ntree = 200)
prediction2 <- data.frame(actual = test$target, predicted = predict(rf,train))
result= smbinning(df=prediction2, y="actual", x="predicted", p=0.005)
##### K-fold Validation ########
cv_fold_count = 2
folds = createFolds(mydata2$Y,cv_fold_count,list=T);
smpl = folds[[i]];
g_train = mydata2[-smpl,!names(mydata2) %in% c("Y")];
g_test = mydata2[smpl,!names(mydata2) %in% c("Y")];
cost_train = mydata2[-smpl,"Y"];
cost_test = mydata2[smpl,"Y"];
rf <- randomForest(g_train,cost_train) <- cbind(cost_train,g_train) <- glm(cost_train~.,,family = binomial)
prediction <- data.f
rame(actual = test$Y, predicted = predict(rf,test))
