synchronise many microcontrollers - microcontroller

In my project i'll use modbus protocol for serial communication. There are more than 320 slaves which seperated equally in 2 groups(see image). Every 16 slaves are powered from the same supply and isolated from others galvanically(Master'll be isolated from all the slaves).
My first question is if there is a problem in this design?
Secondly I want to synchronise all the slaves via 10ms period pulses that are derived from master microcontroller. How can i achieve a robust synchronisation(what type of bus, single or differential signal, where to isolate)?
Here is an alternative one:
see picture

Many things can go wrong here. For starters, it will take a looooooong time for you to poll each and every one of your slaves. And your isolators will easily introduce delays beyond 2us to your sync signal.
Can you briefly tell us what are you trying to do specifically, eg. synchronized motion control? There are other alternatives used in industrial solutions.
Most of the synchronized motion control used in industrial systems are used to replace mechanical cams and eccentric gears, and thus usually called "electronic camming" in this field. Here's a list of techniques I had come across in my last job
A PLC which outputs multiple pulse trains, each commands an individual servo/stepper motor driver. The PLC will have to store all the motion profiles and do all the interpolations, so relatively simple drives can be used. But each actuator will need it's own pulse train lines, and there's just too much in your system.
Motor drives stores motion profile & does interpolation, and the motion is advanced/reversed by an external pulse train. This is a technique used in Delta Automation ASDA and Schneider Electric Lexium 23 model industrial servo drives. The motion profiles are either burnt into the drive's EEPROM beforehand, or written in through MODBUS. This is very close to what you are trying to do, but the difference here is the external sync pulse train is on a separate wire.
Real Time Ethernet. The target positions are periodically written to each drives at a specific interval. This can be done very rapidly at 100Mbps. As for the latency that occurs when writing to different drives, there is a built in mechanism that measures the latency of each drives, and this is then compensated accordingly later. Cool eh? The one that I had saw, but never really used is EtherCAT by Beckhoff.
I worked mostly with method 2 in the past, and from those experience you needs might not need to be so stringent. Here are my recommendations.
It will be perfectly fine if your sync signal is delayed a little if your mechanism has no risk of collision if the timing is off by a little. But lost pulses cannot be tolerated as one of the actuators will be out of phase. Don't scrimp on your sync & communication cable quality, shielded twisted pair if possble, and connect them properly.
If the communication line is not too long, isolators are not needed. I had worked with lines up to 8 meters without the need for isolators or repeaters. Instead I am more worried about the number of spur (branch) connection on your RS485 bus. If possible, connect everything to your 2 main buses directly.
If this is a production system, there might be a problem. When the system is running in sync motion mode, there is no way to monitor the actuators as the communication lines are now occupied. This will not be acceptable on a real world application, but if this is just a proof of concept design, go for it.


Some questions for bluetooth low energy as an indoor proximity sensor for building or school campus

My professor recently approved our research paper which will also be used in our final year thesis. Basically our main purpose is to create a system for location tracking and attendance automation for students and staffs. We would like to use the power of bluetooth low energy modules for this project.
I have actually done quite few research about this but I am having trouble which keywords to use in order for me to filter the right answers for my question. So instead, I'll just put all my questions here.
I provided an image to further understand the concept I am talking about.
Basically, the broadcaster/advertisement mode modules are for students and staffs. While the observer mode modules are initially installed in every rooms or spaces in our building/campus.
Broadcast and Observer mode
I would like to clarify first that the location tracking is only basic, it only detects which rooms are the students and staffs located.
Here are my questions:
What is the maximum advertisement/broadcaster module can the observer module detects at the same time?
Our target is about 50 students per room, 300 students in cafeteria, will the observer module have a large amount of latency upon scanning advertisement packets?
Do we have to use different module for observer mode, or will the same module for broadcaster mode be just fine?
Since this is supposedly embedded to school IDs, we would like to use a coin cell battery, how long will it last?
According to my research, BLE range is about 100 meters, but we will be using coin cell battery, is it really possible to achieve 100m for broadcasting and observing? If it is, can we perhaps decrease it by programming?
My apologies for too much question, as this is actually our first time doing applied hardware stuffs due to pandemic. Most of our laboratories are basically tinkercad base. Face-to-face classes are allowed for only medical students for now.
A few answers:
BLE scanners can detect hundreds of distinct broadcasters at the same time. There is no hard limit, but the more broadcasters the longer it will take the scanners to detect each broadcaster.
Most BLE modules support both peripheral mode (broadcaster) and central mode (scanner) simultaneously.
Scanning 50 broadcasters in a single room will easily detect 90% of packets, so if the advertiser is going at 1 Hz it will usually take one second to detect, but sometimes 2-3 seconds of packets are missed.
The indoor range is closer to 40 meters with no walls obstructing the signal. Outdoors with clear line of sight the range is higher. Walls often block signals almost entirely, depending on materials.
A CR2032 coin cell can power a BLE broadcast at 1 Hz and max power for about 30 days.
Creating an embedded solution is cool and valid but just remember that broadcasters already exists as each and every student carries a smartphone with BLE embedded into it and your observer can be any BLE capable device from smartphone through PC with BLE dongle all the way to Arduino and alike.
Your broadcasters (or BLE peripherals as they should be called) will need an Android / iOS app and you will have to deal with working in the background without the operating system stopping your app.
Your observer (or Central in BLE language) can be any stationary PC if such exists in the class which can make development and deployment a lot easier.

What happens before Micro-controller Startup Code being executed? or Power-On/Reset Sequence?

What I know is as below and correct me if wrong, For the automotive bootloader based on any microcontroller, we will have
Startup code (Flash)
Primary bootloader (Flash)
Secondary bootloader (RAM)
As far as a power-on sequence is considered I know that,
From the startup code (provided by the micro vendor, Freescale, ST
Micro, etc.,) the control will be transferred to PBL (Primary
bootloader) using jump or function pointer.
PBL will download the SBL (Secondary bootloader) into RAM, which will
contain the flash driver, capable to download the application.
SBL will download the application into the flash area.
But what will happen before startup code is being executed or just after power on?
I know that each controller will have some sort of code to execute after power on POST (power-on self-test) but still not clear with sequence to operation till bootloader execution comes into execution.
It would be a great help if someone can provide a sequence of operations to reach startup code?
I find it this not uncommon confusion interesting.
POST is software in general, but your question is so vague. Usually when someone talks about POST they are talking about their x86 based computer, that is just software, happens well after the part you are confused about, and is in no way whatsoever required for a computer/processor to run, it has a purpose, adds value so it is there.
Microcontrollers in general do not have primary bootloaders nor secondary, they simply start running your application. Of the dozens/hundreds I have used/examined trying to think of any that have a primary or secondary. Can't think of any off hand. Certain brands in particular do have bootloaders that are usually programmed by them and you cant change or some that you can. How you get into the bootloader varies by brand, often a strap, sometimes a non-volatile bit in a register.
First off processors and the chip around it are dumb, very dumb. Only do what they are told by the humans. Incredibly simple machines. And while the difference between an mcu and a full blown system are at this view pretty much identical, the mcus are simpler and more reliable (for various reasons). The root of the answer starts with the processor or processor core or core or whatever term
might help you. In an mcu this is just one lego block in the whole of the chip, not necessarily even the largest block in the chip. When you look at arm based chips like the stm32 and others with a cortex-m (or older ones with ARMV7TDMI) that lego block is purchased ip from arm, the rest of the chip is either other purchased ip from one or more vendors or in-house made logic. the sram certainly and the flash probably is ip that the chip vendor buys for the specific process on the specific foundry (just like other cell library items, simple gates like AND, OR, NOT and more complicated gates).
Whatever processor core this is, it has an architecture and instruction set. While we know some architectures are implemented using microcode, unlikely that the mcus are, makes no sense the more cisc like might, but the arms and mips and such definitely not. But for this understanding it doesn't matter being microcoded or not there are bit patterns that drive the processor, machine code. We have all heard that chips are made of transistors, and they are. The transistors are part of the simplicity, the basic ones AND, OR, NOT gates you can look up on Wikipedia. You can (inefficiently) build the rest out of those fundamental blocks. A particular instruction tickles the logic, the transistors in a certain way to cause a chain of events, ones and zeros in a specific sequence that do the thing you asked. Logic is not limited to implementing processor instructions, most logic is not part of the decoding and execution of a processor instruction, most if it are equally dumb items. An sram is a lot of packed in bits (four transistors wired up a certain way per bit) with an address and data bus, the logic of an sram lights up rows and columns of these bits when writing or reading. Then there is more logic in front of that sram that decodes an address bus, etc.
As mentioned in the other answer, when power comes up then reset is released, the flip flop based items in the chip which are the registers we read in the manual plus countless others that are behind the scenes are set to their reset value which is done by wiring of the transistors. A number of state machines start which are similar to programs, but are hardwired. wait for reset to go high, once reset goes high then if this input to the state machine is this and that input to the state machine is that then I can move to the next state. The rules to get from one state to the next are implemented in logic. A chip with memory and flash for example might do a bist on the ram first, likely not in an mcu, doesn't make sense, this is logic not software doing this, this is not the post you think of in your laptop/desktop/server. The flash or ram or adcs or other logic might require some number of clocks to settle their logic before reset is released (the reset on the edge of the chip is not necessarily hard wired to all items in the chip, usually it is gated, delayed, etc). So there is a power on state machine that manages this, when the chip is ready then the processor itself will be released, this can be a few or dozens of clock cycles later. The clock itself has to settle, and the logic is designed to wait for that.
When the processor is released from reset it again may have some number of clocks to settle things in its design, it will have a state machine or many that start up the various blocks, and then based on the architectural design of that processor it does one of two things, fetches its first instruction from a known address (address within the processors address space which isn't necessarily the address in the chips view), or it uses a vector table approach and it reads a value from a known address, and that value read is the address of the first instruction and it fetches that instruction. Up to the first fetch there is no software, it is logic.
Depending on how the chip vendor has designed the chip, how they have defined the address space, and understand that addressing within a chip or board design is not some flat universal thing, to the programmer it is, but in reality it isn't. There are many busses with addresses and those address spaces are specific to that portion of the design. When you see the stm32 or others with a bootloader and a strap (boot0/boot1 pin), the logic on the other end of the processor bus may see a fetch at the well known address (meaning both the folks that implement the logic and the folks that write software for the logic know that this is the specific address where things start and if you don't put stuff there it won't boot/work) but as mentioned the chip vendor can do whatever they want with that and often do. As a programmer this can be easily understood as logic isn't any more magical than software:
if strap == 0 return flash_bank_0[address&mask]
else return flash_bank_1[address&mask]
For a certain address range that is decoded in front of this code, but also both banks may be directly addressable:
if address[24]==0 return flash_bank_0[address&mask]
else return flash_bank_1[address&mask]
And this way you can have what you see in the stm32s, that both address 0x00000000 and 0x08000000 or in other vendors chips 0x00000000 and 0x01000000 for example map to the same (flash) memory.
The reason being is that the cortex-ms is vector based, there is a table of addresses that point you at code rather than just instructions at known addresses (like the full sized arms arm7, arm9, arm11, cortex-a). The way you use that is you set your address for reset in the table to be 0x08000000 based so when the processor reads at 0x000000xx it is told to fetch instructions from 0x0800xxxx and it does. When the strap is the other way it finds a different flash which may or may not have a fixed space it may only be visible from the if-then-else. (pretty easy to see with a cortex-m and an SWD debugger and software).
The stm32s will have logic that if the strap is set to run the user application will fetch my guess is four words, if the first one or a specific one is all ones or for some chips all zeros (very often flash/rom resets to ones, because there is a logic in version saving a transistor, so the bit is a zero, but we see it as a one, the bits are all inverted, but this is not a hard and fast rule, just very common) the logic/state machine will, for the stm32 realize there is no user application and will load the bootloader. Now it is very possible the design actually always boots the bootloader and there is software there that looks at the application flash, but I think myself and others on this site decided that is not the case, but none of us work there nor have the visibility into the design. In either case the processor then starts executing what it finds and it is very dumb it is told fetch from this address and it does, the programmer had to make sure that stuff is at that address, and each and every instruction has to be laid out in order properly like train tracks, any gaps or mistakes and the trail goes off the rails, otherwise the train is stupid it just follows the tracks. As humans we call the software post or bootloader or application or whatever. It is just software. Once the processor is started if some software loads and runs other software the processor doesn't know it is stupid it just keeps performing the instructions it is fed as it rolls down the track.
Short answer:
Power ramps up to a chip specified level. At a chip specified time reset should be released. This releases state machines to get the chip ready as needed and release the processor. The processor based on its design either fetches its first instruction from a known place or it reads from a known place and that user planted value is the address where the first instruction lives. After that per the architecture of the chip the execution of that first instruction and fetching of more based on that instruction continue until it crashes or is turned off or put in reset.
There is no magic.
There are a number of good open cores out there that you can simulate with free tools and see (with free tools) the internal signals that make that chip work, you can see the post reset activity leading up to the first fetch and then all the execution from there.
Without knowing which microcontroller you are using, this should be general enough:
The hardware in the microcontroller resets several registers to their documented values. This includes the PC, the program counter.
If the microcontroller has configurable reset vectors the value can be chosen from a few alternatives, other controllers always use the same value.
The code at the location the PC points to is the startup code.
Note: It's always a good idea to read the data sheet of the controller!

efm32 - efm32gg380f1024 - rtc features

I'm working with the efm32gg380f1024 on a project.
I currently use the BURTC timer (ULFRC clock) as tick source and I would like to use the normal RTC timer(LFRC clock) as well.
Do they exclude each other or can I use both the same time?
I was wondering if someone has already experience with the GG-series of silicon labs and give me some hints?
also what I'm wondering, I do have both LFXO and HFXO on my board currently not used. when I initialize the external clock setup, can I disable the interal rcos since they are not used (??) and just need energy.
the target is battery powered and each uWs counts..
You have a couple of questions here.
Yes you can use the LETIMER (which is what I think you mean when you say LERTC) peripheral independently of the RTC. They are separate peripherals, but note that the LETIMER is clocked from the same clock as the RTC.
As for using the external crystal oscillators, you need only enable the clocking sources that you actually use. However, clocking sources and entry/exit of the various low power energy modes interact. It can be rather tricky and complex. I suggest you use emlib to control these peripherals and in particular to enter and exit lower power energy modes.
If power consumption is important to you, note that high frequency clocking of the processor core consumes lots of power. Of course this must be traded off with how long you remain awake before going back to a lower power mode and with any real time requirements you might have for processing. Pushing off work to peripherals and using DMA to perform data movement is generally a win. Expect to do a good bit of tuning and you will need ways to accurately measure the power consumption. Using internal RC oscillators for clocking may be sufficient and a lower power approach. The low frequency external crystals tend to be 32 KHz clock crystals and don't consume that much power. They are a good alternative to the internal RC oscillators if you need better frequency stability.

Zigbee mesh networking

I'm making an application for a running competition on a fixed track. I'm investigating what systems could be used and tough of using a stick containing a GPS/DGPS module and a Zigbee enabled chip to communicate the location to a server.
I've researched the subject (on the internet) but I was wondering if anyone has some practical advice/experience with using a Zigbee mesh/star topology in a dynamic environment wich could apply to this use case. I'm also very interested in using a mesh topology where the data is transmitted (hopping) trough the different Zigbee modules to the server.
Runners are holding a stick; run around the track and than pass the stick on to the next team member.
I am not particularly clear about your goal. But I'd like to say a few things.
First, using GPS/DGPS to measure which team reaches the finish line is inaccurate. Raw GPS data is horrible in accuracy (varying in 1 - 10 meters, well, around that), also the sampling rate of a GPS module is low (say once a second?) How do you determine exactly which team reaches the finish line first?
Second, to use a mobile ZigBee chip to communicate in real-time is hard. I assume your stick has a ZigBee end device. When it is moving (which in your case is pretty fast), it must dynamically find and associate with new parent routers, which takes time and depending on the wireless environment, it might involve several retries. So you will imagine a packet is only successfully delivered to the other end after 100ms or even a second. This might not be a problem if your stick records the exact time when a team reaches the finish line. Since you have a GPS module in the stick so there is no problem in getting very accurate time.

How to synchronize media playback over an unreliable network?

I wish I could play music or video on one computer, and have a second computer playing the same media, synchronized. As in, I can hear both computers' speakers at the same time, and it doesn't sound funny.
I want to do this over Wi-Fi, which is slightly unreliable.
Algorithmically, what's the best approach to this problem?
Whether both computers "play" the same media, or one "plays" the media and streams it to the other, doesn't matter to me.
I am certain this is a tractable problem because I once saw a demo of Wi-Fi speakers. That was 5+ years ago, so I'm figure the technology should make it easier today.
(I myself was looking for an application which did this, hoping I wouldn't have to write one myself, when I stumbled upon this question.)
You introduce a bit of buffer latency and use a network time-synchronization protocol to align the streams. That is, you split the stream up into packets, and timestamp each packet with "play later at time T", where T is for example 50-100ms in the future (or more if the network is glitchy). You send (or multicast) the packets on the local network, to all computers in the chorus. The computers will all play the sound at the same time because the application clock is synced.
Note that there may be other factors like OS/driver/soundcard latency which may have to be factored into the time-synchronization protocol. If you are not too discerning, the synchronization protocol may be as simple as one computer beeping every second -- plus you hitting a key on the other computer in beat. This has the advantage of accounting for any other source of lag at the OS/driver/soundcard layers, but has the disadvantage that manual intervention is needed if the clocks become desynchronized.
hybrid manual-network sync
One way to account for other sources of latency, without constant manual intervention, is to combine this approach with a standard network-clock synchronization protocol; the first time you run the protocol on new machines:
synchronize the machines with manual beat-style intervention
synchronize the machines with a network-clock sync protocol
for each machine in the chorus, take the difference of the two synchronizations; this is the OS/driver/soundcard latency of each machine, which they each keep track of
Now whenever the network backbone changes, all one needs to do is resync using the network-clock sync protocol (#2), and subtract out the OS/driver/soundcard latencies, obviating the need for manual intervention (unless you change the OS/drivers/soundcards).
nature-mimicking firefly sync
If you are doing this in a quiet room and all machines have microphones, you do not even need manual intervention (#1), because you can have them all follow a "firefly-style" synchronizing algorithm. Many species of fireflies in nature will all blink in unison. describes the algorithm these fireflies use: "If a firefly receives a flash of a neighbour firefly, it flashes slightly earlier." Flashes correspond to beeps or buzzes (through the soundcard, not the mobo piezo buzzer!), and seeing corresponds to listening through the microphone.
This may be a bit awkward over very large room distances due to the speed of sound, but I doubt it'll be an issue (if so, decrease rate of beeping).
The synchronization is relative to the position of the listener relative to each speaker. I don't think the reliability of the network would have as much to do with this synchronization as it would the content of the audio stream. In order to synchronize you need to find the distance between each speaker and the listener. Find the difference between each of those values and the value for the farthest speaker. For each 1.1 feet of difference, delay each of the close speakers by 1ms. This will ensure that the audio stream reaches the listener at the same time. This all assumes an open area, as any in proximity to your scenario will generate reflections of the audio waves and create destructive interference. Objects within the area may also transmit sound at a slower speed resulting in delayed sound of their own.
