Set error message for block of asserts in phpunit - phpunit

Is there a way to set an error message for X number of asserts inside a block? I'm trying to provide more meaningful error messages and currently have a section of my testing code that looks like:
$helperString = 'testInsert() # test conflicting reasonid';
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
$this->assertEquals(..., ..., $helperString);
which works, but it's pretty ugly. I'd like to be able to do something like:
$this->assertEquals(..., ...);
$this->assertEquals(..., ...);
$this->assertEquals(..., ...);
$this->assertEquals(..., ...);
$this->assertEquals(..., ...);
Does functionality like this exist? I'm not aware of how to proivde better output in phpunit other than something like Failed asserting that 1 matches 0

There doesn't appear to be such functionality built in - but you could easily add your own assertion test, such as:
$this->assertNotConflictingReasonid($x, $y);
and then in the function, have your custom message, should the test fail. Depending on what, and how your tests want to do, they may also customise the message based on the inputs, or comparison.


Issues with reading file in erlang

So, I am trying to read and write into a file.
While writing into the file, I need to check if a particular index exist in file then I don't write and throw error.
The data in file will look like this:
{2, {data, dcA, 2}}.
I added the dot at the end of each line because file:consult() needs the file like this.
Which is in this format.
{Index, {Data, Node, Index}}
When I have to add a new file, I check with this Index.
Here's what I have tried so far -
And I run it like this:
193> {ok, P9} = poc:start(test1, self()).
194> poc:add(P9, Node, {6, data}).
In poc:add/3, P9 is the process id from the file:open.
I defined before in shell as dcA
And the third is the data - which is in this format - {Index, data}
Since I am using file:consult/1, it takes the filename as parameter. At that point, I only have process id. So I take the name from
This runs perfectly when I run it for the first time.
When I run this again - poc:add(P9, Node, {6, data2}), I get an error in this line file:pid2name(_Server).
exception error: no match of right hand side value undefined
How can I solve this issue?
I am new to Erlang. Just been a week that I started learning.
I am trying to read and write into a file. While writing into the
file, I need to check if a particular index exist in file then I don't
write and throw error.
A DETS table can easily do what you want:
open_table() ->
dets:open_file(my_data, [{type, set}, {file, "./my_data.dets"}]).
close_table() ->
clear_table() ->
insert({Key, _Rest}=Data) ->
case dets:member(my_data, Key) of
true -> throw(index_already_exists);
false -> dets:insert(my_data, Data)
all_items() ->
dets:match(my_data, '$1').
In the shell:
~/erlang_programs$ erl
Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [ds:4:4:10] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V9.2 (abort with ^G)
1> c(my).
my.erl:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported
2> my:open_table().
3> my:clear_table().
4> my:all_items().
5> my:insert({1, {data, a, b}}).
6> my:insert({2, {data, c, d}}).
7> my:insert({3, {data, e, f}}).
8> my:all_items().
9> my:insert({1, {data, e, f}}).
** exception throw: index_already_exists
in function my:insert/1 (my.erl, line 15)
When I run this again - poc:add(P9, Node, {6, data2}), I get an error
in this line file:pid2name(_Server):
exception error: no match of right hand side value undefined
When a process opens a file, it becomes linked to a process that handles the file I/O, which means that if the process that opens the file terminates abnormally, the I/O process will also terminate. Here is an example:
start() ->
{ok, Pid} = file:open('data.txt', [read, write]),
spawn(my, add, [Pid, x, y]),
add(Pid, _X, _Y) ->
timer:sleep(1000), %Let start() process terminate.
{ok, Fname} = file:pid2name(Pid),
io:format("~s~n", [Fname]).
In the shell:
1> c(my).
my.erl:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported
2> my:start().
** exception exit: "bye"
in function my:start/0 (my.erl, line 7)
=ERROR REPORT==== 25-Jun-2018::13:28:48 ===
Error in process <0.72.0> with exit value:
According to the pid2name() docs:
pid2name(Pid) -> {ok, Filename} | undefined
the function can return undefined, which is what the error message is saying happened.

Function clause error Erlang

I am trying to understand process communication in erlang. Here I have a master process and five friends process. If a friend sends a message to any of the other 5 they have to reply back. But the master should be aware of all this. I am pasting the code below.
-export([create_process/1,friends/4, master/1, main/0,prnt/1]).
{A,B} = H,
Pid = spawn(prog,friends,[B,self(),0,A]),
friends(Msg, M_pid, State, Self_name)->
S = lists:concat([Self_name," state =",State,"\n"]),
State == 0 ->
lists:foreach(fun(X) -> whereis(X)!{Self_name,"intro",self()} end, Msg),
friends(Msg, M_pid, State + 1, Self_name);
State > 0 ->
{Process_name, Process_msg, Process_id} ->
I = equal(Process_msg,"intro"),
R = equal(Process_msg,"reply"),
XxX = lists:concat([Self_name," recieved ",Process_msg," from ",Process_name,"\n"]),
I == true ->
M_pid!{lists:concat([Self_name," received intro message from ", Process_name , "[",Process_id,"]"]), self()},
whereis(Process_name)!{Self_name, "reply",self()},
friends(Msg, M_pid, State + 1, Self_name);
R == true ->
M_pid!{lists:concat([Self_name," received reply message from ", Process_name , "[",Process_id,"]"]), self()},
friends(Msg, M_pid, State + 1, Self_name)
io:fwrite(lists:concat([Self_name," has received no calls for 1 second, ending..."]))
{Process_message, Process_id} ->
main() ->
B = [{john, [jill,joe,bob]},
{jill, [bob,joe,bob]},
{sue, [jill,jill,jill,bob,jill]},
{bob, [john]},
{joe, [sue]}],
I think the line in friends() function,
M_pid!{lists:concat([Self_name," received intro message from ", Process_name , "[",Process_id,"]"]), self()}
is the cause of error but I cannot understand why. M_pid is known and I am concatenating all the info and sending it to master but I am confused why it isnt working.
The error I am getting is as follows:
Error in process <0.55.0> with exit value: {function_clause,[{lists,thing_to_list,
I dont know what is causing the error. Sorry for asking noob questions and thanks for your help.
An example of what Dogbert discovered:
go() ->
Pid = spawn(my, nothing, []),
lists:concat(["hello", Pid]).
nothing() -> nothing.
In the shell:
2> c(my).
my.erl:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported
3> my:go().
** exception error: no function clause matching
lists:thing_to_list(<0.75.0>) (lists.erl, line 603)
in function lists:flatmap/2 (lists.erl, line 1250)
in call from lists:flatmap/2 (lists.erl, line 1250)
go() ->
Pid = spawn(my, nothing, []),
lists:concat(["hello", pid_to_list(Pid)]).
nothing() -> nothing.
In the shell:
4> c(my).
my.erl:2: Warning: export_all flag enabled - all functions will be exported
5> my:go().
From the erl docs:
concat(Things) -> string()
Things = [Thing]
Thing = atom() | integer() | float() | string()
The list that you feed concat() must contain either atoms, integers, floats, or strings. A pid is neither an atom, integer, float, nor string, so a pid cannot be used with concat(). However, pid_to_list() returns a string:
pid_to_list(Pid) -> string()
Pid = pid()
As you can see, a pid has its own type: pid().
I ran your code.
Where you went wrong was to pass Process_id(which is of type pid()) to lists:concat/1.
Let us try to understand this error:
It states the function lists:thing_to_list/1 has no definition(see the word function_clause in the error log) which accepts an argument of type pid() as denoted here by [<0.84.0>].
Strings are represented as lists in erlang, which is why we use lists:concat/1.
As #7stud pointed out these are the valid types which can be passed to lists:concat/1 as per the documentation:
atom() | integer() | float() | string()
There are 2 occurrences of the following line. Fix them and you are good to go:
Incorrect Code:
M_pid!{lists:concat([Self_name," received intro message from ", Process_name , "[",Process_id,"]"]), self()},
Corrected Code
M_pid!{lists:concat([Self_name," received intro message from ", Process_name , "[",pid_to_list(Process_id),"]"]), self()},
Notice the use of the function erlang:pid_to_list/1. As per the documentation the function accepts type pid() and returns it as string().

Timeout error in recursive call of handle_call/3 of behaviour(gen_server), Erlang/OTP

I'm trying to make a recursive call to handle_call/3 before replying.
But it seems to not be possible, because a timeout exit exception is thrown.
Below you can see the code and the error.
The code:
%% API
-export([start_link/0,init/1,handle_info/2,first_call/1,second_call/1, handle_call/3, terminate/2]).
-record(state, {whatever}).
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?MODULE}, ?MODULE, [], []).
init(_Args) ->
{ok, #state{}}.
handle_info(Data, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
% synchronous messages
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
case _Request of
first_call ->
{reply, data1, State};
second_call ->
{reply, {data2, first_call(self())}, State}
first_call(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, first_call).
second_call(Pid) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, second_call).
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
The error:
2> {_, PID} = test:start_link().
3> test:second_call(PID).
** exception exit: {timeout,{gen_server,call,[<0.64.0>,second_call]}}
in function gen_server:call/2 (gen_server.erl, line 204)
A possible reason for this behaviour is that gen_server is not able to handle recursive calls until the first one is done (creating a deadlock). Is this the right reason, and if yes why?
Yes, that is the reason. The gen_server is a single process, and while handle_call is executing it doesn't pick up any messages nor respond to any gen_server:call. Therefore first_call(self()) times out.

Unpredictable behaviour with drakma-async and cl-async

I'm trying to use drakma-async in my small project. But I just can't understand what's happening. (I use emacs + slime + ccl). I need to get data with http(s) and parse it in a callback. I assume I can get wrong data that cannot be parsed, so I want to make a retry. But when I tried to make some tests I just can't understand what's happening...
(defun my-callback (data)
(prin1 data)
(error "Some error parsing data...")
(just-continue () (prin1 "Continue..."))))
(defun simple-test ()
(let ((future (asf:make-future)))
(as:delay #'(lambda () (asf:finish future "Some data")) :time 2)
(prin1 (asf:future-finished-p future))
(asf:attach future #'my-callback)))
(defun drakma-test ()
(asf:alet ((response (das:http-request "")))
;(prin1 (asf:future-finished-p response))
(asf:attach response #'my-callback)))
(defun drakma-test-let ()
(let ((response (das:http-request "")))
;(prin1 (asf:future-finished-p response))
(asf:attach response #'my-callback)))
(defun run-test (test)
(as:start-event-loop test))
1) So I will that's what I have with my simple example (that's what I've planned)
? (run-test #'simple-test)
NIL"Some data" ;I get debugger here with simple-error and choose my restart
Invoking restart: #<RESTART JUST-CONTINUE #x7F0578EC20AD>
2) Here what I get in second test:
? (run-test #'drakma-test)
Where are my debugger and my restart?
3) Uncomment the ;(prin1 (asf:future...)) line in drakma-test
? (run-test #'drakma-test)
No finished/unfinished bool, No Data is not printed, I don't get a restart, I just get 1 as result.
4) I assume if i write (let ((reponse (das:http-request ""))) ... )
instad of (asf:alet ...) the response will contain not future object, but will block until the request will be finished and the response will contain the data.
? (run-test #'drakma-test-let)
5) Uncomment the ;(prin1 (asf:future...)) line in drakma-test-let
? (run-test #'drakma-test-let)
NIL ;future is not finished
Data is not printed, just that is not finished and the result of run-test.
I've run tests for cl-async and they all passed except the ipv6 test. So I just don't know where to start to understand whats happening... Why I get no debugger and restart in 2nd test? Why nothing happens in 3rd test (it's the same as 2nd, but with prin1). Why nothing happens in 5th and 5th tests?
P.S. Don't have enough reputation to create drakma-async or cl-async tags for this libraries. I know that drakma-async is built over drakma so I put this tag.
Thanks for m-n's comment that made the situation clearer and explained shortly the situation.
I made some examples and want to show what happens in each case:
(defun my-callback (&rest data)
(format t "Echo from callback: ~A~%" data)
(error "Some error parsing data...")
(just-continue () (prin1 "Continue..."))))
(defun my-errback (e)
(format t "Echo from errback: ~A~%" e))
(defun make-example-future ()
(let ((future (asf:make-future))) ;creating future
(as:delay #'(lambda () ;finishing future in 2 seconds
(asf:future-handler-case ;wrapping asf:finish
(asf:finish future
"Result data")
(t (e) (asf:signal-error future e)))) ;signal future an error
:time 2)
(defun simple-test-2 ()
(let ((future (make-example-future)))
(format t "Is future?: ~A~%Finished?: ~A~%"
(asf:futurep future) (asf:future-finished-p future))
(asf:alet ((result future))
(asf:attach-errback future #'my-errback)
(format t "Finished? ~A~%" (asf:future-finished-p future))
(asf:future-finished-p result)
(asf:attach result #'my-callback))))
And here is what's happening:
? (as:start-event-loop #'simple-test-2)
Is future?: T
Finished?: NIL
;<here we have a 2 sec pause>
Finished? T
Echo from errback: There is no applicable method for the generic function:
when called with arguments:
("Result data")
A) asf:alet wait for result and bind the result value to the variable.
So I was wrong thinking that asf:alet bind a future.
B) In make-example-future we wrap asf:finish with asf:future-handler-case
and use asf:signal-error to send error to future.
That means that error is handled and the errback will be called.
Even if the callback is attached later in the code.
Moreover, the error with (asf:future-finished-p result)
was handled with future-handler-case because it was wrapped in asf:alet (At least I think so).
C) Comment the (asf:future-finished-p result) and the result is
Is future?: T
Finished?: NIL
Finished? T
Echo from callback: (Result data) ;here is my data
Echo from errback: Some error parsing data... ;;here is my error
In drakma-async there is similar future-handler-case wrapper that wraps asf:finish.
So this explains the #2 test result. I got the data and asf:alet returned me the string. The error from callback was passed to errback, which I didn't have.
Moreover. In drakma-test using only asf:alet I just can't attach errback because I don't have access to future. I need to call http-request in let, not in alet.
Also this explains the result of the #3 test: I got error in (future-finished-p) which was sent to errback.
If we look at the result of #4 and #5 test with new my-callback: It can be seen, that
cl-async try to call my callback with all values the drakma returned. There are 7 of them (the values that drakma:http-request return).
So I tried to attach wrong number of arguments callback and my #4 and #5 tests were signalling an error that was simply handled by that future-hander-case and send it to errback.
Anyway, it seems impossible to use restarts with drakma-async without removing that future-handler-case because it send error to errback, but lose all restarts.
Hope this post helps if somebody fill face up with my question.

Erlang TCP server handling

I am starting to learn Erlang in the hopes of creating a game server to real-time multiplayer games. Currently, I am trying to estimate the amount of work and headache Erlang would cause vs. Scala. So, to start, I am creating a simple Erlang server process. I found a nice tutorial by Jesse Farmer which I have modified to learn more. My modified code is meant to be similar to his echo server, except it takes in English words and simply returns the Lojban equivalent. However, only the wildcard case is ever selected. Here is the code:
-define(TCP_OPTIONS, [binary, {packet, 0}, {active, false}, {reuseaddr, true}]).
% Call echo:listen(Port) to start the service.
listen(Port) ->
{ok, LSocket} = gen_tcp:listen(Port, ?TCP_OPTIONS),
% Wait for incoming connections and spawn the echo loop when we get one.
accept(LSocket) ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:accept(LSocket),
spawn(fun() -> loop(Socket) end),
% Echo back whatever data we receive on Socket.
loop(Socket) ->
case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of
{ok, Data} ->
case Data of
"Hello" -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "coi\n");
"Hello\n" -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "coi\n");
'Hello' -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "coi\n");
<<"Hello">> -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "coi\n");
<<"Hello\n">> -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "coi\n");
_ -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "I don't understand")
{error, closed} ->
My current test is to open two terminal windows and execute
telnet localhost 8888
And the output becomes:
I don't understand
I don't understand
How can I parse the incoming data? This style of pattern matching seems to be failing completely. Thanks!
Try this one:
case binary_to_list(Data) of
"Hello\r\n" -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "this will be good variant\n");
_ -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "I don't understand")
Or without explicit convert:
case Data of
<<"Hello\r\n">> -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "this will be good variant\n");
_ -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "I don't understand")
Updated from comments
To work with more complicated matching remove "\r\n" suffix first:
Content = list_to_binary(lists:subtract(binary_to_list(Data), "\r\n")),
case Content of
<<"Hello">> -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<"Good day!\n">>);
<<"My name is, ", Name/binary>> -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, <<"Hello ", Name/binary, "!\n">>);
_ -> gen_tcp:send(Socket, "I don't understand")
