JavaFX Why The Task returns Null? - javafx

I'm trying to learn Threads and Tasks for days now ... but still can't implement it in my app ... help plz.
I want to run all Database operations in a background thread other than the application thread.
I have a class that manages the Database queries ... in this class i surrounded the executeQuery statement with a task:
public class Database {
ResultSet rs;
public ResultSet execQuery(PreparedStatement stmnt) throws SQLException {
Task<ResultSet> task = new Task<ResultSet>() {
#Override protected ResultSet call() throws Exception {
if (isCancelled()) {
ResultSet execRs = stmnt.executeQuery();
return execRs;
task.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>(){
public void handle(WorkerStateEvent event) {
rs = task.getValue();
return rs;
// remaining Code
As you can see the method should return a ResultSet but when i call this from another place it raise a null pointer ... the result set returned by this method is null.
So what did i do wrong here?
Update #1
#James_D Thank you for this great link ... i think i finally understand the concept ... but still have a small problem with implementing it ... for example in my authentication method after the user is authenticated i want to check if that user has an open shift ... so following your link i changed the method to this:
private boolean isShiftOpen(int userId, int branchId, int comId) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
// final boolean success = false;
Task<Shift> task = new Task<Shift>(){
protected Shift call() throws Exception {
return ShiftDAO.getShift(userId, branchId, comId);
task.setOnFailed(e -> {
System.out.println("isShiftOpenTask Faild!!");
success = false;
task.setOnSucceeded(e -> {
System.out.println("isShiftOpenTask Succeeded!!");
Shift shift1 = task.getValue();
System.out.println("User Open Shift Exists ... returning true");
success = true;
return success;
I have two problems:
1- The exec.execute(task) raise a nullpoint exception.
2- I wanted to use a boolean variable returned by this method ... the only way i could access such a variable is to define it outside the method ... but then if i want to use another method like this one i must declare another boolean variable for it to ... does this sound right to you?
Thank you for your time

You call;
which executes the task on the current thread, i.e. that statement will not complete until the task finishes. Then you call
which essentially says "when the task succeeds, set the instance variable rs to the result of the task. However, by the time you call this, the task has already succeeded (or possibly failed), so there is no way for the handler to be invoked.
You could fix the null result by reversing the order of these calls, i.e. do
public ResultSet execQuery(PreparedStatement stmnt) throws SQLException {
Task<ResultSet> task = new Task<ResultSet>() {
#Override protected ResultSet call() throws Exception {
if (isCancelled()) {
ResultSet execRs = stmnt.executeQuery();
return execRs;
task.setOnSucceeded(new EventHandler<WorkerStateEvent>(){
public void handle(WorkerStateEvent event) {
rs = task.getValue();
return rs;
However, since you are executing the task on the current thread, it's not really clear what the point of using a task at all is: you may as well just execute the database query directly in your execQuery method and return the result directly. In other words, the above code is equivalent to
public ResultSet execQuery(PreparedStatement stmnt) throws SQLException {
rs = stmnt.executeQuery();
return rs;


Why is ExecutorService not returning the results of my Task?

I have a button on a JavaFx App that should do the login after user input email and password.
<Button fx:id="loginButton" layoutX="157.0" layoutY="254.0" mnemonicParsing="false" onAction="#login" prefHeight="30.0" prefWidth="172.0" text="Login" />
I have an ExecutorService on a JavaFX app. I created a task to search the DB. It executes the query well and gets the UserInfo object, the problem is, the ExecutorService is not passing the results to the main thread. This is the main code that is having a problem of null returned from the executor service:
public class LoginController {
private Button loginButton;
private Label afterLoginText;
private TextField email;
private PasswordField password;
private Hyperlink hyperlink;
private ProgressBar progressBar;
private Navegador navegador;
public void login(ActionEvent event) {
afterLoginText.setText("Login in, please wait...");
String emailText = email.getText();
String passwordText = password.getText();
DAOGeneric<UserInfo> dao = new DAOGeneric<>();
LoginAtDataBaseTask loginAtDataBaseTask = new LoginAtDataBaseTask(dao, emailText, passwordText);
ExecutorService executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
Future future = executorService.submit(loginAtDataBaseTask);
loginAtDataBaseTask.setOnSucceeded(workerStateEvent -> {
UserInfo userInfo;
try {
userInfo = (UserInfo) future.get();
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
if(userInfo == null){
System.out.println("User info is null");
try {
changeToMainScreen(event, userInfo);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
//Set premium level if user have one
//Optional - show premium info
public void changeToMainScreen(ActionEvent event, UserInfo userInfo) throws IOException {
Stage stage = (Stage) ((Node)event.getSource()).getScene().getWindow();
runMainScreen("/mainScreen.fxml",stage, userInfo);
And here is the code of the LoginAtDataBaseTask Class:
public class LoginAtDataBaseTask extends Task <UserInfo> {
private static DAOGeneric<UserInfo> dao;
private static String email;
private static String password;
public LoginAtDataBaseTask(DAOGeneric<UserInfo> dao, String email, String password) {
this.dao = dao; = email;
this.password = password;
protected UserInfo call() {
return doLogin();
private UserInfo doLogin(){
final int maxProgress = 100;
List<UserInfo> usersList = dao.findByAnyParameter("email", email, UserInfo.class);
if(usersList.size() == 1){
UserInfo user1 = usersList.get(0);
String passwordDecoded = DecoderMD5.StringToMD5(password);
// afterLoginText.setText("Login Sucess!");
return user1;
// afterLoginText.setText("Wrong Password!");
else if(usersList.size()>1){
//More than one user with same email on BD
// afterLoginText.setText("Error code 1 - report to administrator");
else if(usersList.size()==0){
// afterLoginText.setText("This email is not registered! Please register first!");
//Erro at DAO Search
// afterLoginText.setText("Error code 2 - report to administrator");
return null;
I tried casting on many ways and using Future first to receive the submit and then calling get on the future object, but nothing seems to work. I have already readed the java documents of this related classes but i don't really understand why my object keeps null.
UPDATE: I put a setOnSucceeded but the future.get keeps returning null, and the main javafx ui keeps freezing. What am i keeping doing wrong and what can i do to solve it?
Why does get() return null?
This has to do with the fact that Task is, fundamentally, an implementation of Runnable. It is not an implementation of Callable. Therefore, you are calling #submit(Runnable) which returns a Future<?>1, meaning no result is expected. A Runnable cannot return a value. In other words, the call to #get() will always return null in this case.
But you should really be calling #execute(Runnable) when passing a Task to an ExecutorService, anyway. There's no reason to have a Future object representing the status of the Task. This is for at least two reasons:
The call to Future#get() is a blocking call. The whole purpose of Task is to communincate a result specifically back to the JavaFX Application Thread. And you must never block that thread, as doing so will lead to an unresponsive UI.
A Task is a FutureTask2, which means it is already a Future. If you really need to wait for a result (not on the FX thread), then you can just call #get() on the Task instance.
1. It really should have been defined to return Future<Void>
2. Note that the standard ExecutorService implementation, ThreadPoolExecutor, wraps all submitted Runnable and Callable objects in a FutureTask, at least by default.
How to get the result of a Task
As noted earlier, the purpose of Task (and the other javafx.concurrent classes) is to offload work to a background thread but communicate a result (as well as messages, progress, etc.) back to the JavaFX Application Thread. That thread specifically, not any other thread. But you must not block the FX thread. That means observing the task for completion, not waiting for it to complete. Then when it does complete, you react by doing what needs doing.
But how to get the value from a completed Task? You query its value property, which will be set to whatever is returned by the #call() method if and when the task succeeds. You can directly observe this property with a listener, if you want. Personally, I prefer using the onSucceeded and onFailed properties. For example:
Task<SomeObject> task = ...;
task.setOnSucceeded(e -> {
SomeObject result = task.getValue();
// do something with 'result'
task.setOnFailed(e -> {
task.getException().printStackTrace(); // or log it with a proper logging framework
// notify user of failure
Note properties of Task like message, progress, value and so on are guaranteed to only be set by the FX thread. And the onXXX handlers are also guaranteed to be invoked only by the FX thread.
See Concurrency in JavaFX and javafx.concurrent documentation for more information.

How to put an updating variable of a blocking function into asynchronous data stream of ReactiveX

I'm trying to send an int variable which is continuously updated in a for loop. Inside the for loop, data is published to an observable. Since the variable is incremented in a blocking call, and I want to fetch this value in my reactiveX subscription method. Note: I don't want to add this variable to my async data stream (i.e., without sending this value with publisher.onNext() method).
after incrementing the int variable and publishing to observable in each iteration of for loop, I call wait() on an object. In the subscription consumption, I fetch the value of variable and then notify() the same object. I get the exception 'Async loop interrupted'
public int var=0;
main(String[] args) {
for loop {
//call wait on a thread to make sure current value of 'var'
//is picked in the getSubscriber() method
public Subscriber<T> getSubscriber() {
return new Subscriber<Inference>() {
#Override public void onCompleted() {}
#Override public void onError(Throwable e) {
#Override public void onNext(Inference infer) {
//do something
//call notify on the thread to resume control in for
Just have to call the wait() and notify() in synchronized blocks and it works.

Repeat a Retrofit2.0 api-call based on the server response

Using Retrofit2 (Ver: 2.3.0), OkHTTP3 (Ver: 3.9.0) with RxJava2 (Ver: 2.0.0)
Scenario of a rest api call
Observable<ServerResponse> backendService.isUserVerified("someuserName")
which returns a 200 Ok HTTP
Expected Success Response JSON POJO if user is verified
user: "someUserName",
isVerified: "yes"
Expected Success Response JSON POJO if user is not verified
user: "someUserName",
isVerified: "no"
Following is code I am trying to implement
//Want to add a flatmap (or some other operator)
.flatmap(new Function<ServerResponse>, ObservableSource<?>>(){
public ObservableSource<?> apply(ServerResponse serverResponse) throws Exception {
if(0 != serverResponse.getisVerified.compareToIgnoreCase("yes")) {
return Observable.error(new CustomException());
return //current observable.
The intent is to throw a custom exception if verified == no so that retryWhen() operator can pitch in to repeat the call chain, else want to proceed through the chain till subscribe().
Any pointers / help ?
You can just use doOnNext rather than flatmap:
//we can throw an exception if the user is not verified or keep the response as it is otherwise
.doOnNext(serverResponse -> {
if(0 != serverResponse.getisVerified.compareToIgnoreCase("yes"))
throw new CustomException();
The doOnNext operator just performs a function with the emitted item without changing it. You just want to throw an error in a specific case based on the item and otherwise not to change it so it's an appropriate operator to use. As you don't change threads before the doOnNext operator or after it, before using the item in the next operator you know it will throw the exception BEFORE continuing in case it should throw it.
Here's an example from the linked documentation of the operator:
Observable.just(1, 2, 3)
.doOnNext(new Action1<Integer>() {
public void call(Integer item) {
if( item > 1 ) {
throw new RuntimeException( "Item exceeds maximum value" );
}).subscribe(new Subscriber<Integer>() {
public void onNext(Integer item) {
System.out.println("Next: " + item);
public void onError(Throwable error) {
System.err.println("Error: " + error.getMessage());
public void onCompleted() {
System.out.println("Sequence complete.");
Next: 1
Error: Item exceeds maximum value
If you want to throw an error using Observable.error(new CustomException());, you don't need to make function to return a specific object for the error and another one for the expected answer, it's an exception and will go to onError() method. Your ObservableResource<?> must return your expected answer that is retrieved in onResponse() method from Subscriber. If you throw an error using Observable.error(), your chain will be broken and error will be go to onError().
You should use retry function, because will return you ServerResponse and you can check if is valid or not. Using retryWhen, you get only the error when something goes wrong. In your case, you don't get any error, you get the answer. In this case, you don't need that flatMap
.retry(new BiPredicate<ServerResponse, Throwable>() {
public boolean test(ServerResponse serverResponse, Throwable throwable) throws Exception {
return serverResponse.getisVerified.equals("no");

WF 4 OnUnhandledException not hit

I've created a custom activity which contains as a Body another Activity.
public Activity Body { get; set; }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
ActivityInstance res = context.ScheduleActivity(Body, new CompletionCallback(OnExecuteComplete), OnFaulted);
private void OnFaulted(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
throw new Exception(propagatedException.Message);
When an exception is thrown during the execution of the Body, ma handler for the OnFaulted is hit.
My execution starts with a call to static method Run of the WorkflowApplication class. My WorkflowApplication instance has a handler associated for the OnUnhandledException event.
instance.OnUnhandledException +=
delegate(WorkflowApplicationUnhandledExceptionEventArgs args)
return UnhandledExceptionAction.Cancel;
But regardless of what happens when the Activity hosted in the Body is executed, i never reach the handler defined above. I thought that if i throw an exception from the OnFaulted, i will be able to redirect the flow to the OnUnhandledException but i was wrong. Any ideas ?
I need this in order to centralize my errors, check them and display messages accordingly. Also i need a way to stop the execution and so on and i don't want to define handlers all over the application. Is there any way to accomplish this ?
As Will suggested, i will post what i did to handle my scenario.
Basically, in my custom activity i have hosted an Assign :
public Activity Body { get; set; }
Activity System.Activities.Presentation.IActivityTemplateFactory.Create(System.Windows.DependencyObject target)
return new Assignment()
Body = new Assign() { DisplayName = "" }
I've added this code to my Execute method :
ActivityInstance res = context.ScheduleActivity(Body, new CompletionCallback(OnExecuteComplete), OnFaulted);
I was trying to run this Assignment by giving an array a negative value as index and and an exception was thrown. This, somehow ended my execution but no handler for the events of my WorkflowApplication instance were hit.
Here is the method given as a callback when executing the body ( in our case the Assign activity ) :
private void OnFaulted(NativeActivityFaultContext faultContext, Exception propagatedException, ActivityInstance propagatedFrom)
CommunicationExtension ce = faultContext.GetExtension<CommunicationExtension>();
ITextExpression toTextExpression = (propagatedFrom.Activity as Assign).To.Expression as ITextExpression;
string valueTextExpression = string.Empty;
if ((propagatedFrom.Activity as Assign).Value != null)
if ((propagatedFrom.Activity as Assign).Value.Expression != null)
valueTextExpression = (propagatedFrom.Activity as Assign).Value.Expression.ToString();
if (ce != null)
ce.AddData(string.Format("{0} found on Assignment definition [{1} = {2}]", propagatedException.Message, toTextExpression.ExpressionText, valueTextExpression));
The trick was to call :
and use CommunicationExtension to allow me to to display the erros in the GUI.
The code for this class is trivial :
public class CommunicationExtension
public List<string> Messages { get; set; }
public CommunicationExtension()
Messages = new List<string>();
public void AddData(string message)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
Use this to add the extension:
CommunicationExtension ce = new CommunicationExtension();
where instance is my WorkflowApplication instance.
I understood that for each instance of the workflow application we have one instance of its extension class. So i can send messages like this from all my custom activities in order to display their status.
I hope this scenario can help other people too.

Synchronous responses to `` in LibGDX

I'm making a small game in LibGDX. I'm saving the player's username locally as well as on a server. The problem is that the application is not waiting for the result of the call so the online database's ID is not saved locally. Here's the overall flow of the code:
//Create a new user object
User user = new User(name);
//Store the user in the online database
NetworkService networkService = new NetworkService();
String id = networkService.saveUser(user);
//Set the newly generated dbase ID on the local object
//Store the user locally
in this code, the id variable is not getting set because the saveUser function is returning immediately. How can I make the application wait for the result of the network request so I can work with results from the server communication?
This is the code for saveUser:
public String saveUser(User user) {
Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>();
parameters.put("action", "save_user");
parameters.put("json", user.toJSON());
HttpRequest httpGet = new HttpRequest(HttpMethods.POST);
WerewolfsResponseListener responseListener = new WerewolfsResponseListener(); (httpGet, responseListener);
return responseListener.getLastResponse();
This is the WerewolfsResponseListener class:
class WerewolfsResponseListener implements HttpResponseListener {
private String lastResponse = "";
public void handleHttpResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) {
this.lastResponse = httpResponse.getResultAsString();
public void failed(Throwable t) {
System.out.println("Saving user failed: "+t.getMessage());
this.lastResponse = null;
public String getLastResponse() {
return lastResponse;
The asynchrony you are seeing is from The methods on the second parameter (your WerewolfsResponseListener) will be invoked whenever the request comes back. The success/failure methods will not be invoked "inline".
There are two basic approaches for dealing with callbacks structured like this: "polling" or "events".
With polling, your main game loop could "check" the responseListener to see if its succeeded or failed. (You would need to modify your current listener a bit to disambiguate the success case and the empty string.) Once you see a valid response, you can then do the user.setId() and such.
With "events" then you can just put the user.setId() call inside the responseListener callback, so it will be executed whenever the network responds. This is a bit more of a natural fit to the Libgdx net API. (It does mean your response listener will need a reference to the user object.)
It is not possible to "wait" inline for the network call to return. The Libgdx network API (correctly) assumes you do not want to block indefinitely in your render thread, so its not structured for that (the listener will be queued up as a Runnable, so the earliest it can run is on the next render call).
I would not recommend this to any human being, but if you need to test something in a quick and dirty fashion and absolutely must block, this will work. There's no timeout, so again, be prepared for absolute filth:
long wait = 10;
{"Net", "Waiting for response");
Thread.sleep(wait *= 2);
catch (InterruptedException e)
public static class BlockingResponseListener implements HttpResponseListener
private String data;
private boolean done = false;
private boolean succeeded = false;
public void handleHttpResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse)
{"Net", "response code was "+httpResponse.getStatus().getStatusCode());
data = httpResponse.getResultAsString();
succeeded = true;
done = true;
public void failed(Throwable t)
done = true;
succeeded = false;"Net", "Failed due to exception ["+t.getMessage()+"]");
public boolean succeeded()
return succeeded;
public boolean isDone()
return done;
public String getData()
return data;
