Async communication between spring boot micro services - asynchronous

I am new to spring boot and created 2 micro services.
They need to communicate with one other in synchronous and asynchronous way.
For synchronous communication, I can use the RestTemplate.
But how to do for asynchronous calling ?
my requirement for Asynchonous is:
lets say I am querying for something from one micro service. To fetch the queried data it will take sometime because of queried for large sum of data.
In this case, I need to save the request into some transaction table and return the response with transactionId and callBackAPI. After sometime if I call the callBackAPI with transactionId. Then I should be able to get the previously queried data.
Please help me with this.

Two solutions :
Async call from your client :
Spring provides an Asynchronous version of the RestTemplate :
with this solution, your client is asynchronous, you don't need to store the data in a table with the transaction id and stuff.
Make your endpoint Asynchronous (if you don't need the response) :
Spring lets you create asynchronous methods(services) that you can call from your RestController. With this solution you can do what you described in the question(creating and storing a transaction id that will be returned directly to the client and start the async job).


Better Event centric way to solve request-reply problem in Kafka or any streaming service

I am stuck in a problem while using Kafka in a microservice architecture . I am not able to understand how a microservice handling HTTP requests will be able to send a response to the user. I want to take data from HTTP and then publish it to topic named A then another validator service will validate it and publish it on another topic named B. I want to send processed data to HTTP response from subscribed data from topic B.
In my experience, one option is to respond immediately with 201 accepted, or embed a blocking validator library into your API, and properly return a 400 Bad Request.
Then future GET calls are required to read eventually consistent data that might come back from any consumer. E.g. the consumer process is Kafka Connector that writes to some database, or is a Kafka Streams/KSQL table, future API queries will return data from that. Your original client may need to make periodic HTTP calls until that data is available.

Using grpc c++‘s async server api, should I add one (or more) cq per rpc method or just one cq for all service?

Using grpc c++‘s async server api, should I add one cq per rpc method or just one cq for all service?
I am taking over a grpc c++ service in my job. it use 10 completionqueue for a async service method , and yet another 20 completionqueue for another stream service method. The handling of the completionqueue is quite similar to the helloworld async service example, except that it use one thread worker per completionqueue.
Such a design is not very convenient for adding more service method. And I am thinking that refactoring it to using just one completionqueue, and dispatching the tags in the completionqueue to my own domain transactions handling thread pool.
Is it the right design pattern, or is there something better?
The best way to know the answer for your specific application is to create benchmarks with various scenarios and then compare the results from the different threading models.
Based on, the current recommendation is to use a pool of num_cpus threads with each thread polling over its own completion queue.

Choosing between calling core blazor methods synchronously or asynchronously

I have a CRUD app in Blazor that simply fetches the assignment lists from a table and has an AssignmentReminderService for data access layer that has a method (async version)
public async Task<AssignmentReminder> AddAssignment(AssignmentReminder assignment)
await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
return assignment;
I can also call the method with synchromus code as :
public AssignmentReminder AddAssignment(AssignmentReminder assignment)
return assignment;
Now it is just one database being accessed from a local server(could be hosted on cloud as well) with just one assignment table and the default authentication/authorization tables generated when one uses Individual User Account (aspnetusers, aspnetroles etc)
Can someone let me know which of the two ways I should use (between async or sync) method declaration?
In the general case, you should use asynchronous APIs if they are available. This will result in greater scalability on the server side, since asynchrony will allow the calling request thread to be used for other requests while the asynchronous operation is in progress.
There are specific scenarios where this guideline doesn't apply. E.g., if you're calling a generic asynchronous API (like Stream.ReadAsync) but you know that the implementation is actually synchronous (like MemoryStream). But in general, if there's an asynchronous API, then that's the one you should use.
You should be clear about the version of blazor you're talking about, because using async methods in the client is different from using them in the server version.
which of the two ways I should use (between async or sync) method declaration?
The first one.
The scarce resource here are the Threads. You want to keep their number down, and the first approach enables that by releasing the Thread to do other work.
In the second approach the Thread is suspended for the duration of the I/O operation. You would need more Threads to handle the same number of requests.
So using async I/O lets the same hardware handle more requests at the same time.

Is there a pattern for synchronizing message queue communication to request/response manually?

Let's imagine I have a REST API with an endpoint /api/status. When this endpoint is accessed, the API sends a message to a message queue requesting the status of some other service.
Then in reply, the service sends a message with its status to a queue on which the REST API listens. So it's single message to request the status and single reply message.
My question is: Is there a design pattern for converting the asynchronous nature of this approach to a synchronous one in the API? In other words: Is there a pattern that the GetStatus(...) method in the pseudo code below can implement to synchronize the getting of the status with communication over multiple message queues or even pub/sub systems.
var statusRequestMsg = "get_status";
var statusResponseMsg = GetStatus(statusRequestMsg);
I know how to solve this in code but I was curious if there is a design patter that introduces a common approach.
I googled a lot in search for that but the only think that I found was a very technical explanation of an approach to do that in this article:
A Communication Model to Integrate the Request-Response and the Publish-Subscribe Paradigms into Ubiquitous Systems
Please note that I understand that this is not the perfect API design and that there are better ways to implement the example. I've created the above example to help me illustrate my question. Also I understand that some AMQP impl. (like RabbitMQ) provide a way to synchronize MQ communication to request/response style.
Thanks in advance.
Microsoft calls it Async Request Reply pattern and uses a solution that polls over HTTP:
I imagine it should be possible to avoid polling by subscribing to updates for a key. For example, it's possible to subscribe to updates to a single key in Redis with keyspace notifications (The page mentions two caveats: that "all the events delivered during the time the client [is] disconnected are lost" and "events' notifications are not broadcasted to all nodes".)
Have you considered something like this:
Request comes in
Create a correlation id
Send correlation id to other service as part of message sent via queue
Begin polling for that id in some data store (say Redis)
Time elapses...
Send correlation id back to originating service along with result of request in a message sent via queue
Worker reading queue sets value of correlation id in data store to result of asynchronous request
Polling discovers result and returns in as response to request
Would that work?

Track status of multiple async requests when using Spring #Async

I am using spring boot for developing services in my application.
I have a scenario where-in the request submitted to the back-end would take some time to complete.
To avoid waiting the client I want to return the response immediately with a message your request has been accepted. The request would be in progress in a background thread.
I see Spring provides the #Async annotation which can be used to create a separate processing thread from the main thread and using that I am able to offload the processing in a separate thread.
What I want to do is when I return the initial response as accepted I also want to provide the client with a tracking key/token which the client can later use to check the status of the request.
Since there can be multiple clients who would be accessing the service there should be a way of uniquely identifying each client's request from another.
I see there is no such feature in Spring Async or Future which can return a tracking id as such.
One possibility I see it to put the Future returned in HttpSession and later use that to check for the status by the client. But, I prefer not to use HttpSession and want my services to be stateless.
Is there any way/approach I can accomplish my requirement.
Generate the key before calling the Async method, and pass it to the method:
String key = generateUniqueKey();
return key;
The Async method will have to persist the status of the execution somewhere (let's call it dataStore). When the client asks for the status using the key, you look it up on the dataStore and return it.
