how to change the text cursor specifically using css - css

I want to change the beam looking I thing that appears when you hover over text. However, I've only been able to change the pointer cursor. Is this possible in CSS?
Edit: I wanna change the way the text version of the cursor looks like. Instead of being the I beam, I want it to be a custom image. Is this possible?

you need to use css to style the cursor with " cursor: someStyleName "
ex that makes it a crosshair:
span.myclass {
cursor: crosshair;
this link shows a use (in html, but the code is the same in css) and a demo of what it looks like, as well as many of the different style types:
ps: this site in general is great for web dev info.. even java/jquery stuff.


Stuck on Wordpress CSS change the plugin button Colour

Hi I am new on here first of all nice to meet you all
I am facing a problem on wordpress
I am using "Quick Download Button" Plugin which the link is
after I have install it on my site I tried to change the button colour by css but I never ever success to change it. I have checked the button in inspect and I copied it but it didn't work.
what I tried was
color: #3c1c1c;
but it never worked.
please anyone help will be awsome thanks and sorry for my bad english
Like #jared said - it shouldn't be too hard to find the right selector and change the color within your browsers dev-tools. If you see the color change, bingo! Then if that doesn't work within your css file itself, you might have an ordering issue with your sites css files (i.e. your css is loading before the plugins). Quick way to test this is add the !important selector to that rule on your file - e.g:
color: #3c1c1c !important;
the css color-parameter is not defining the color of the button, but from the text of the button. if you want to change the color of the button, you need to look after "background" or "background-color".
color: #FFFFFF;
Background-color: #3c1c1c;
Visible example:
Source of example: Kryptonews Lexikon

WP Shopify Plugin CSS Button Color Issues

I am working on a website,, with the WP Shopify Plugin, and trying to change the default button colors. I have gone into dev tools and found the div class to change the button background. I can clearly see it's labeled as "wps-btn wps-btn-secondary wps-add-to-cart css-7k7g1c-buttonCSS-addToCartCSS-AddButton"
But when I use this class for my css changes, it doesn't work. The change is "wps-btn wps-btn-secondary wps-add-to-cart css-7k7g1c-buttonCSS-addToCartCSS-AddButton {
background-color: #D71614 !important;
Why is this not working?? I can't attach screenshots since I'm too new on here...sorry!
Actually you are pretty lost here.
This is not actually a class:
wps-btn wps-btn-secondary wps-add-to-cart css-7k7g1c-buttonCSS-addToCartCSS-AddButton
There are 4 classes there, separated by spaces. The last one is actually unique for the first button. And in css, when you are styling a class, you should start with a dot, like: .class-name
The code you are looking for is:
.wps-btn.wps-btn-secondary.wps-add-to-cart {
background: red;
We concatenate 3 classes here with dots and NO spaces.
You should take a look at CSS Selectors:

Change class name of header when hovering

I'm trying to change the class name of my header when I hover over it. The class name when NOT hovering is ".l-header.pos_fixed.bg_transparent.shadow_wide", but I'd like to rename it when hovering to ".l-header.pos_fixed.bg_solid.shadow_wide".
Is this possible?
EDIT: Maybe a bit more background information: I want to change the header of to the header of, for example, when hovering on the home page.
To answer your question, yes, it is possible to change class names based on events (hover, in this case), but you will need javascript for that. You can't achieve this with pure css.
As others have mentioned, it is usually a better approach to have a css rule with the :hover pseudo-class. But also be aware that you might have problems with the intended result in touch devices.
A good source of information for these rules is Mozilla Developer Network. Please have a look at the full documentation for :hover's pseudo class on MDN.
Sorry I thought only the logo should change.
I see you site is using jQuery.
When I enter this in the console it seems to work fine:
jQuery('.l-header.pos_fixed.bg_transparent.shadow_wide').mouseenter(function() {
}).mouseleave(function() {
You don't need to change the class name on hover, just specify the styles that you want to apply when you hover:
header:hover {
// place the styles that make the background solid here

Trying forever. Can't change CSS font color

I seriously have worked on this FOR-EVER!!!
Why the heck isn't my menu color change via the CSS?
I don't know if it's the Wordpress theme interfering or what, but I need a fresh pair of eyes on this website:
You should learn how to use web debugging tools. For chrome it's right click -> inspect element. Then you can find Your menu element and see what's setting the styles.
In added image You can see that Your style is accepted, but overridden by style in index file. Either it's style in php file itself or some Javascript.
You can either change the setting in the index file or (not the best way) set it to background: #40c2a6; !important` in your style.min.css
Also if You cannot figure something out, in Developer Tools click on the Html element, then click on "Computed" on the right side and then click on the specific style - it will show you where that real value is set at.
Hope this helps You in the future!
#menu-primary-items>li a {
color: #888;
search this and change the color..
Edit this in custom css.
#menu-primary-items>li a{
color : #000;
if it not works then put !important in color attribute.

change mouse icon in

I am using 3.5 and C#.
I want to change my mouse cursor similar to this site
How can I do the same ?
Please help.
Thanks in advance
Don't. Just Don't.
Or set the cursor style on the body tag.
In order to set a 'special' non-windows icon, you have to reference a URL to a cursor icon (.cur).
However, I highly recommend you do not set a custom cursor. It will only serve to annoy users.
I do believe this will cause all other pointers to be overridden. I.e. your anchor tags would also use the custom icon. If you wanted to keep the standard icon, you'd have to set the cursor on all the other standard html tags, i.e.:
Use the CSS cursor attribute
CSS Cursor
