Losing data after deployment - clarification - google-app-maker

I touched upon this in a question I submitted yesterday. I am not sure I clarified well what my issue is in that post, so, just to make it less confusing I thought I'd just create a new post.
This is what's happening.
If I go into Preview mode and create a new record and then refresh my browser, the record remains (as you can see I now have many records in Preview). But I realize the Preview is unique to my login.
[Inline image 2][1]
But when I do a deployment and go to the deployment url:
[Inline image 3][2]
And then I create and submit a new record, it works correctly and displays in my list view:
[Inline image 4][3]
But then, if I just stay on the same window tab and refresh my browser, my document disappears.

This could be a permissions problem. Are you using the same account when using the deployed version as when you tested with the Preview mode? If not, the account you used for the deployed version may not have permission to view the record you just entered. When you enter the new record it will appear on the form but when you refresh your browser it does not appear.


LinkedIn Profile Image missing on Authentication from App

I use REST API to share articles/posts on LinkedIn Timeline and Company pages. To do so, I authorize my LI profile with the APP for accessing the profile info. As a result, could view the profile/image of a user in the APP. Everything worked fine until, for some time now, aren't able to view the user profile image from the APP. Now, it looks like:
Previous image URL starts with(accessible): https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mprx/0_
Current image URL starts with(could not access): https://media.licdn.com/dms/image/
On accessing the image in the browser,
Help me understand what has changed with LI. Thanks.
Are you injecting the URL in same way that's escaping it? The URL recently changed and has some characters that templating engines such as Handlebars will mistakenly escape.
If you inject the URL without escaping it, it should work just fine.
Check out this documentation. https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/ref/v2/media-migration,
The problem which I was facing was the image loaded sometimes, but after some days it would give above error.
The new id will be dynamic and can change from time to time. We recommend retrieving at least once every 60 days to update your media-typed URN.
In order to fix this, I save the image, the moment it is received on to personal storage(AWS S3).

Can't get a value from an URL parameter

I'm trying to integrate the Google+ API in my web application which is developed in Angular2 so I can login to the home page using my Google account credentials and without the need to create a new account. I made a clickable html link that has the following href
Once clicking on it, it demands for permission through my google account and when i authorize, it redirect me to the http://localhost:3000/home?code=4 the problem is that I need the whole code's value so that I can use it to get the Access Token but I don't know why the value appeared then it went hidden in less than a second and just keeping the first letter of the code (which is 4 in this case). The problem that if I go back to the previous page of the browser it will appear again.
Any help please? Or Is there any Function in Angular2 that tells the browser to go back to the previous page so I can get the whole code ?

Show list of pages that are opened at the time being

I have a task to list all pages which are opened at that moment and show how many people are on that page.
I am looking for a way to make that happen without keeping any db records or saving information on a text file or smth like that. (Not seccessarily, then. Of course I am going to save that info to a dB, I just wanted to the logic of catching opened page addresses.)
I can of course keep track of every page which are opened till that time, but I want the page address appear on the page when someone opens that address and disappear when user is no longer browsing that address.
Can you give me some ideas how to make that happen using ASP.NET?
Note: I am using web forms with asp.net 4.5
"I just wanted to the logic of catching opened page addresses"
Use javascript in a timed loop (onload and then every 30 seconds perhaps) on every page, to asynchronously post to a page on your server. It should send information identifying the page. This will give you a good idea of how many people currently are on this page.
Store this information in a db in your code-behind, and use this information to report as you wish.
Of course if a user leaves their browser open on one of these pages or opens another tab it will still be reporting as 'open'.
To get the current url in javascript you can use:
var pathname = window.location.pathname;
In google analytics you can see what pages are being used in near-real time.
Why not use that to solve this issue - it's easy to setup.

Why no bookmark is added automatically for my canvas-app?

Why no bookmark is added automatically for my canvas-app to user's app list, after the user engages with it? The same app had functioned totally fine a few weeks ago.
Starting today, application bookmarks can move "above the fold" (above the "More" link), based on how recently the user used the application. We're now displaying six bookmarks above the fold, which gives users an extra slot for one-click access to your applications.
If a user hasn't clicked a bookmark within the past 30 days, it will move below the fold. If multiple applications have been used recently and are above the fold, their order will be determined by the order in which each bookmark was added. Also, we will automatically bookmark applications for users when they visit an application that has not been bookmarked.
Source : https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/396
There was before (with FBML) a way to create a bookmark button (See Here) but that option was removed and FBML is now deprecated.
I came across the same problem, i solved it by adding 'redirect_uri' => 'https://apps.facebook.com/your_app_name/' to $facebook->getLoginUrl array paremeters.
This then redirect back to your app url, making that app the latest used.
$dialogbox= "". $facebook->getLoginUrl(array(
'req_perms' => 'publish_stream',
'redirect_uri' => 'https://apps.facebook.com/your_app/'
The bookmarks are defined by usage or user preference - we as developers have no control over what icons appear as bookmarks.

Drupal not updating data for content page

I am using Drupal 6.19 to build a simple website with its own theme and layout. I also added and updated content regularly till I ran into a typical problem yesterday. There was a node-24 with a url alias of 'projects/india/current'. It is a content of type 'page'. As soon as I updated the content for this node, the data was not saved but it went to the url http://www.example.com/node/24/edit?destination=admin/content/node and the home page got displayed instead of normal update successful message. When I click on the back button I again came to the edit page options. It seems the data is not getting saved. I erased the body part of the content entirely and just typed 'test' and pressed the save button and to my surprise it updated successfully. I am not sure whats happening behind the hoods. I am using input format as PHP code. Any help would be highly appreciated.
just check the node the data might have been saved. due to load on server at times this happens check your logs if you are getting ERROR 500 at times
