Calculate % based on Total Events for Event Action in Google data studio - google-analytics

I just started to use Google Data Studio for creating a dashboard to get more insights in our data. Now I've created the table you can see below.
This is the data from the trackers on our video's. The first event action videotrackerStart is the total amount of people who started watching the video. What I want to do is calculate what percentage the rest of the event actions is from the videotrackerStart event.
So for example (176,985 / 222,468) * 100 = 79.5% and that for each action.
The problem I face, is that I don't know how to (if it is even possible) save the Total Events for videotrackerStart in a variable and use that value to create a new metric.
Does anyone know how I could get this done? I hope the question is clear, please let me know if not.
Thanks in advance!

Edit (2017/10/26): Percentage of total is now supported in Data Studio using Analytics Functions.
Original: Percentage of total for a metric is not yet supported in tables in Data Studio. You can Request this feature or vote for the feature in the existing feature request list.
To represent the same information visually you can try using barcharts.


How can i visualize a customer journey with tag manager and google data studio?

I have a website where the customer can take a quiz to find the right products. I want to track the customer's journey on the quiz, to see what they choose and where people fall off.
The quiz starts at and for every step they take, the URL "expand" to e.g., next step etc.
I think I can do it with tag manager, by creating events for each step / URL. But my first issue is, that the events get to long. The other issue is, I cant figure out how to visualize the journey in either Google analytics 4 or Google data studio.
enter image description here
Does any of you have a great idea for how I can do it?
what exactly to you mean saying "the events get to long"? Do you mean the requests payload to the google analytics server?
Generally speaking, I'd recommend the following:
Create a generic event for all quiz steps
Add two parameter for the progress, one containing the steps name an one containing the index (e.g. "quiz_step_str" & "quiz_step_index")
Send the events to GA4
Visualize them using a bar chart. (
Additional information regarding step 2:
The parameter containing the step name can be generated using js and getting the value from the url. Just scrape the corrsponding part from it (e.g. "" -> "first_step").
For the parameter containing the steps' index, I recommend creating a lookup table.

Google Analytics - user based segments

I have a user based segment created in GA that is working as expected. However, with user based segments, one can only apply a maximum date range of 90 days to the report.
This is as per their documentation (Limits on segments):
Is there a workaround this? I have a use case where I would want to apply the user based segment over a date range of ~1-2 years to get a better sense on the trend over time.
If I re-create the GA report in Google Data Studio - is there a way to apply this user based segment over a longer date range?
No there's no option for extending 90-days reporting timeframe. The only solution is to get user-level data through the Reporting API and process them within 3rd party software. However, to do that you'll need some custom tracking implemented beforehand.

Core Reporting API v4 sampling limit for click data

After how many clicks will the Core Reporting API start to sample the click data, when using samplingLevel=LARGE?
I'm trying to retrieve data from a large account (i.e. more than 30,000 clicks/day on average) and the number of clicks doesn't always match what I can see on Google Analytics. This, however, seems to happen only on this large account, and not every day. Strangely, on those days where the click count doesn't match, transactions and revenue match what I can see in Google Analytics.
In my query, I'm only trying to retrieve the data for a given account, without applying any filter.
EDIT: If I don't retrieve data aggregated at the account level ― thus not including ga:adwordsCampaignID, ga:adwordsAdGroupID and ga:adwordsCriteriaID in the dimensions ― I can retrieve all the clicks.
EDIT2: If add the ga:deviceCategory dimension, along with ga:adwordsCampaignID, ga:adwordsAdGroupID and ga:adwordsCriteriaID I can retrieve all clicks. I'm not sure if this can help narrow down the issue.
Google Analytics has a cardinality of 50K after that you ll receive (others)
Based on the "EDIT" i can safely assume the reason is that when a click doesn't have an 'ga:adwordsCampaignID' associated with it, it ll not retrieve that click. This happened to me with custom dimensions.
EDIT: Try using the 'include-empty-rows' parameter on your query.

Session numbers pulled from API dont match the numbers displayed in the Google Analytics Report

For my recent project, i m trying to develop a brand new report for google analytics using the Sessions data over a period of time.
When I compare the numbers that I get from and check the report that we have created in the numbers for sessions are off. They dont match exactly. They are off by like 1%. What might be the reason for this.
Can someone please help me here?
I can give more details if needed.
Adding to the above , one more thing I noticed
This happens only When I add Segment filter to be specific. Without the segments the numbers for all users look good.
Had a call with Google Analytics support. They say that there isnt actual support for the Rest Api code and the Front End report from Google Analytics has built in Logic to filter out certain personal information like age related, sex, etc. which is not there in the Rest Api when it pulls in data.
So this is the reason why the numbers are off by 1% all the time.
Hope this helps

Is it possible to use a specific event in calculated metrics in Google Analytics

I am setting up a report based on a calculated metric in Google Analytics. I would like to divide the total number of a specific event action with the number of users. Something similar to:
{{Total Events (MyEventCategory / MyEventAction)}} / {{Users}}
I have tried to find documentation on this feature. The autosuggestion when creating the calculated metric do not suggest the above is possible, but I would like to shout out and hear if anyone out there know whether or not this is possible.
