Error on meteor project setup - meteor

I setup meteor environment
meteor create todoapp
cd todoapp
Then write meteor and press enter after then I run on localhost:3000 then I receive following error on terminal
Exception from sub meteor_autoupdate_clientVersions id fRm2pMK35Ji2uPut5
TypeError: Cannot read property 'OneOf' of undefined

I don't know what the actual reason of this issue any way I found a solution I uninstalled Meteor the reinstalled it after this the issue has been resolved.


#prisma/client did not initialize yet with NextJS

Hi I'm using MongoDB and Prisma with my NextJS 13 app.
When I try to send a POST request I get this error
Error: #prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try to import it again.
In case this error is unexpected for you, please report it in
I initilized prisma/client before npm run dev. Also tried to install everything again but nothing worked and prisma generate won't work in terminal.

TypeError: module.exports.v1 is not a constructor, error thrown from google-cloud/firestore when using firebase-admin sdk

Recently I encountered the above error (TypeError: module.exports.v1 is not a constructor) when trying to run firebase-firestore related tests. Earlier I had no issue running the tests but after doing a npm install was getting the above error.
The source of the error is from google-cloud/firestore which is required by firebase-admin.
Tried several options but it doesn't seems to get resolved. I then tried with an older node-module and it worked as expected.
The problem was due to the test framework I've been using. Once I changed from jest to mocha the problem got solved.
When I updated firebase admin sdk from 8.4.0 to higher then I had same error in running jest test code.
I fixed it to add --env node option for jest.
jest --env node
I hit this error when I left out an await on an async function. That caused my code to continue running after the jest environment had been torn down.
There was a message that said ReferenceError: You are trying to import a file after the Jest environment has been torn down. which should have been a tip that I was running async code and not waiting for completion.
We needed to upgrade node from v8.11.3 to v8.16.2.

Exception from sub meteor_autoupdate_clientVersions

I am new to meteor. After creating the default meteor project and running it, I am getting this error:
Exception from sub meteor_autoupdate_clientVersions id 7AsCuXcz8A9yRRNm5
TypeError: Cannot read property '_failIfArgumentsAreNotAllChecked' of undefined
My meteor version is
Uninstall meteor and reinstall. Everything will be ok.

No metadata files found for isopack

whenever i run any meteor command like
meteor run android-device
it is giving this error
throw error;
Error: No metadata files found for isopack at:
at Isopack._loadUnibuildsFromPath (C:\tools\isobuild\isopack.js:900:13)
i have tried to uninstall and reinstall meteor again, also tried to update version but fails completely.

Error while starting Meteor App: illegal operation on a directory, unlink ".../dev_bundle"

I get this Error when trying to start my application on my server with the command:
Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, unlink '/home/.../.../myapp/.meteor /local/dev_bundle'
at Error (native)
at Object.fs.unlinkSync (fs.js:932:18)
at exports.makeLink (/tools/cli/dev-bundle-links.js:20:8)
at [object Object].ensureDevBundleLink (/tools/project-context.js:1416:7)
at [object Object]._readFile (/tools/project-context.js:1350:10)
at new exports.ReleaseFile (/tools/project-context.js:1300:8)
at /tools/cli/main.js:825:22
My app is running fine on my dev. win. machine.
I have no idea what is causing the error, please help.
I got it working by manually removing all directories and links where the name started with "dev_bundle" inside the "/.meteor/local" directory.
Hope this helps!
Also update meteor to the latest version using meteor update and then follow #henk's solution.
This worked for me.
