Wordpress migration to a new developed webpage - wordpress

A old website developed with wordpress and run for serveral years.
Now, this wordpress website is giveup and will be re-developed to a new website which is not using wordpress anymore.
Old data i.e. article content, uploaded image file, members' info etc will be migrated to the new website.
1. Is it any tools for this type of migration?
2. If there is no tool for data transfer and I need to export the content from mysql, where can I get the article content in database?
3. Where can I find the uploaded file?

Data migration is always dependant on two things.
1. If your current framework/CMS can export the data you have, and
2. If the new framework/CMS can import data that you have just exported.
Since both frameworks are different, i.e. WordPress to any other CMS, your new CMS must be able to map the exported XML files. Which means, it must be able to customize the import process to tell what bits of data is Title, Content, Categories etc.
To answer your questions
Is it any tools for this type of migration?
Since you didn't mention what you new framework is, no one can really suggest a tool. Just google for "WordPress to YOUR-NEW-FRAMEWORK migraiton" and you'll get a number of tools. If the new framework is a custom PHP framework then I think you'll have to import the data manually or code an import script for it.
WordPress has a pretty good export tool. Check this page to learn how to export WordPress content.
Where can I find the uploaded file?
The uploaded files are referenced in the exported XML file, so at the time of import anywhere else, they can be fetched and downloaded if you can. Otherwise, you can find them in the uploads directory located at YOUR-SITE-ROOT/wp-content/uploads/
As you are not targetting any framework/CMS but want to show the data with custom PHP, I'd suggest two methods.
Use the current database that WordPress is using and build your PHP script around it, benefiting from wp_posts and wp_postmeta tables.
A better way to go with this is using the WP REST API. This way, you keep the WordPress installation as is and still use it's data in your custom PHP site. Advantage of this method is that you won't have to bug your mind with scripting around database structures you have less information of.


Import / Export comments on Wordpress site

A few months ago I created a staging Wordpress site to implement some changes on my website. The databases run on phpMyAdmin (although I'm not sure if this is relevant). I would like to save the comments (the ones that are already published and the ones I've received recently), so my plan is to save them as it follows:
Save all comments and disallowed IPs from the regular website. I believe this is done by downloading the Commentmeta and Comment databases, although I'm not 100% sure. Are there other relevant databases?
Import those comments to the staging site.
Export the whole staging site (databases and webspace) to the regular website and let it run all the updates.
If this isn't the right way to do it or you know a better / more effective / safer method I'd appreciate to know it.
I'm trying to locate the file in which the Comment Blacklist / Disallowed List of my website is stored. I don't use any comment plugins besides the Subscribe to Comments Reloaded, although I don't think this one would store the data I'm looking for.
I'm fairly new to web developing, but I'm not sure if this file should be on a specific database or on a certain folder of the webspace, so all insights are welcome and much appreciated!

WordPress Export/Translate/Import Single Pages

Back story:
My company has recently expanded into other countries and requires the site have multiple iterations with different translations and the user be redirected based on their geolocation. I manage our public facing website which is part of the marketing department (no other developers on the team but me). Our website is a custom WordPress template that I inherited, originally developed by a third-party agency. Our parent global company has a relationship with a company called Language Wire, who will take files of many formats and translate them by hand to ensure quality, and then return them translated. In this case they will accept .html and .xml files. Before we get into a workflow of sending and receiving files regularly, they wanted me to send them some test files which they will machine translate quickly and send back to me so we can make sure the workflow will be smooth.
I did a WordPress export (which I've never done before) and I believe it exported our entire site in the form of an .xml file but I'm not sure what this file really is. Their machine translation translated a lot of dependencies that needed to remain in english which broke the file and disallowed me from importing back in but I'm assuming their agents who do manual translations will be able to navigate this better so I'm going to ask them to do a manual translation as a test. However, I'm wondering if there is a better way to export single pages or groups of single pages and then import them back in after translation without losing the template so I can send them a smaller file to manually translate.
Anyone have experience with this kind of situation? I'm also researching geolocation redirect plugins and have no idea how I'm going to organize the subdirectories of translated versions of our site. My main issue right now though is exporting and importing wordpress pages. Thanks!

Migrating a SPIP (version 3) website to a Wordpress website: any existing software ?

I have to find a way to import website based upon SPIP 3 to a wordpress site. Both sites do already exist, and the ancient site (SPIP3) contains approximately a thousand articles, in about 10 categories, written by ten authors or so (it's an association site). Is it possible to find a software efficient to do so? Thank you in advance for your answer if you know about that.
I was looking for this kind of software too a few weeks ago.
I found this post https://www.fredericgilles.net/tutorial-migrate-spip-to-wordpress/
It is a WordPress Plugin with two versions:
Free version (it imports only posts, categories and images)
Premium version (it imports in additional authors, it implements SEO
URL editing, ...)
I've tried yet the free version and it's worked for me (my SPIP version was the 3.1 one).
At first, make a backup of your old website using SPIP, SPIP 3 supports at least two formats : sqlite and XML (with compression packaged as a .gz archive or without compression). This is explained here. Personally, I use XML without compression.
Then, access your (s)ftp account, go into /spip/html/tmp/dump to find and download your backup file. You can do that in command line or by using FileZilla.
After that, look at the beginning of your backup file, it tells you where your logos, your documents and your images are stored. Access your (s)ftp account again to find and download them.
Finally, upload your logos, your images and your documents into your Wordpress media library. The trickiest part consists in converting your SPIP backup file into a RSS 2 Wordpress XML file. If you don't want to deal with this conversion, maybe you can try WP All Import (open source Wordpress plugin). Otherwise, when you have a RSS 2 Wordpress XML file, you can use the official Wordpress Importer plugin exactly like you would do to import the content of another Wordpress website.
I have to explain to the motivated developers how to convert SPIP XML into RSS 2.0 XML for Wordpress. Each SPIP version may use a different syntax. I advise you to use XSLT to perform the conversion but it's possible to obtain a similar result by parsing the former, make your own processing and write the latter, this is what I do with Java Stax API. You have to look for spip_articles to get your articles for example. The exact term for the format used by Wordpress is "WordPress eXtended RSS". You'll have to convert the SPIP syntax into a subset of (X)HTML supported by Wordpress too.

How to transfer two wordpress websites to new one

I have two websites abc.com and xyz.com. I buy new domain efg.com. Now I want to transfer complete data using plugins from both websites to the new one. These are ecommerce websites. I try to export xml files but it failed everytime
Can anybody tell me how can i do it?
I would look into why the exporting or importing of the xml's failed. Another Approach would be to access the data directly in the database and "diump" it from there using hand written MySQL queries or the PhpMyAdmin interface.
Some typical reasons why the import/export of xmls fails in WordPress:
The same theme and/or plugins aren't being used
The theme and/or plugins aren't exporting all their data.
The former is easy to fix. The solution to the later is to do manual exports of data from the database using MySQL queries or the PhpMyAdmin interface.
Good luck!

How to move site from Adobe Business Catalyst to Wordpress

I have a site that I has been created in Adobe Business Catalyst. I am not a fan of this CMS. I am looking to change it to a WordPress site. Is there any easy way to do this? Is there any kind of conversion software or service? I want to keep all the file names and redirects, etc the same.
One of my clients wanted to leave Business Catalyst and merge it with a Wordpress.com blog. The way I got around Adobe's lack of export was as follows;
I used my Linux Server to pull everything off the Adobe Servers using
wget --mirror -p --convert-links -P ./Local/Dir Website-ULR
Tutorial Here, Number 10
All the HTML files came down without any extensions so;
I copied the directory to my Mac and used Fork Lift to batch rename the files to add .html - though any renaming software will do.
The import tool for Wordpress needs an index file to find all your pages so I needed to make an index.html page with links to every post so;
I copied them back to the Linux machine and used
tree -H baseHREF ./Local/Dir
depending on OS you may need to download the tree package or similar.
This then generated an onscreen HTML file in the Terminal Window so;
I copied the HTML code it created and put it into Dreamweaver with the rest of the site, though any software will do, to run a batch clean up of the links.
As Wordpress.com doesn't allow you to install plugins I needed to put it on a my local installation of Wordpress to do the import.
I then used the Import HTML 2 plugin to get the pages into my local Wordpress installation
As I was moving the files to a Wordpress.com site;
Export from from my Wordpress and import into their blog.
I hope this helps anyone, in total it took me 12 hours to find all the tools I needed and to work out all the steps I needed. If i needed to do it again it would take up to an hour now I know how to do it.
I had more links in the post but as I'm new to the forum I was only allow 2.
Better people than I might be able tell you a quicker way to do this.
The only things that can be "exported" in Business Catalyst are E-commerce products and Web App items - they can be exported as .CSV files. You can then hire a programmer to convert them over to a format that works with Wordpress.
Exporting blogs from the Business Catalyst blog module is tricky - one way to do it is to enable RSS and copy the RSS feed and open it in excel to save it as a .CSV or .TAB file where you may be able to import the blogs or get a programmer to convert it into soomething Wordpress compatible.
Thank you for taking time to better explain your platform to me.
In the way of an answer, I recommend the following:
Export your current web site details into a csv file using Screaming Frog.
Then use the CVS Importer WordPress Plugin
This is working for me. I would still be pleased to hear if others have found a process that they also find suitable.
