Is Edit and Continue patented? - edit-and-continue

Just wondering why there isn't that many ide that can edit native code at runtime.
Visual Studio is the only one that can do it?
gdb can "compile and inject code", but it only executes a single line of code, doesn't seem like it modifies anything.
Found this , but not sure where can I get the whole patent, it's just ocr without any graphic.
I need to know if that technique of starting all functions with 6 nop is patented, that's all I care. It's pretty old by now. I plan on developing a language, if that matters.

To get a full answer you would need to contact a patent attorney, patent search company or engage with an examiner at a particular patent office.
For the patent you found above, you can obtain more complete information, including drawings etc from WIPO PATENTSCOPE here.
The preliminary search report from WIPO indicates that claims 1,2 7, 9 10 and 15 are insufficiently novel, and claims 1-15 do not constitute an inventive step on the basis of obviousness.
The WIPO Application has entered into national phase under application EP15735802 in Europe, and the website shows two citations, one patent and one NPL (non-patent literature). I can't post the link because I am new to stack overflow and can only post two links, but you can use the 'national phase' tab of the link above to go direct to the European Patent Office website.
You can search Esp#cenet using keywords to see if there are other inventions out there which are close to your idea.


What will be the type of user in case of SCRUM story for an API?

I have two queries related to SCRUM. They are as follows:
I have read that the format of SCRUM story is "As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >". I have to write a story for an API. This API will send an email with a link to validate the email address of the user. What will be the type of user here? Will it be the user logged in?
Do subtasks have story format similar to a story or it can be a normal description?
The trouble you are encountering is likely that you are starting from a determined implementation and then trying to work backwards to the need (unless your product is an API that your users leverage, in which case I think that answers your questions).
When we approach it from a user need, we'll usually end up with more of a problem statement, like
"As a vacationer, I'd like the site to calculate the best route across
all types of transportation for me so that I don't have to run many
searches to figure it out myself."
One of the pieces of delivering on this need will be creating the API calls if your application architecture calls for that. Then "add API method for aggregated call" may be a task under that user story.
You will have cases where all a particular story needs is API work, and that's fine, but it won't come out in the user story. For example, let's say we did the about user story but limited it to planes and trains for the first start, then we created another story that reads:
"As a vacationer in the US, I want my trip planner to factor in buses
so that I can make use of bus tours in my vacation."
Now, maybe the only task in there is to create a some API changes to include the bus routes in the search, but that doesn't cause a problem with your user stories because we started back at the user's problem statement in the beginning instead of starting at the desired implementation and working backward.
Let's start clarifying some concepts first.
Scrum is not an acronym so is written as Scrum (proper name). Then, there is nothing called "Scrum Stories". What you are referring to is called: user story. User stories were wide used in the Chrysler C3 project were eXtreme Programming was developed. Furthermore, you are referring to a particular template which was popularized by Mike Cohn known as canonical form. So it's ok to express your Product Backlog Item as user stories for an API. But take into account that you can use this template, you can use user stories or you can write the Product Backlog Item the way has more sense and value to you. In your case, which is the persona, machine or service which will be used the API?
About your second question. The Scrum Guide just says you should decompose your Sprint Planning in unit of work of 1 day or less. Normally, the implementation is to create this unit of work and call them task which are the work necessary to carry out the user story. The way the are written is open too but is not quite common to write them in the canonical form. So you can write it as an ID, title and a description.

Chart CiviCRM CiviPetition results?

We'd like a sort of overview report regarding our petitions in CiviCRM. It would be great to have two pie charts, one showing contacted and signed % and contacted but not signed %, and another pie chart showing the results of our one-question poll (Yes, No, Maybe).
Ideally the charting would be integrated into CiviCRM so we don't need to do custom code to get charts every time we run a poll.
I can't find anything to do this on the CiviCRM forums and my question there is unanswered.
Would this be better done in Drupal Webforms?
This is probably a job for a custom report template. The issue is that you're not just looking at petition signature activities; you're comparing that against being "contacted". CiviCRM won't know off the bat what you mean by that. Is it receiving an email? Having a phone call activity? Having any activity in X campaign?
The custom report template would need to extend the activity report to include contacts who are involved in two activities: being "contacted" and signing the petition. Really, it's not a report of petition signatures--many won't have signed anything--it's a report of being "contacted", so you'll need to be able to filter out what that is (and distinguish these activities from being contacted with a different ask).
You'll need to have the report template make joins from the "contacted" activity to the civicrm_activity_contact table, then to the same table (to find other activities the same contact is involved with), then to the civicrm_activity table again to get the petition signatures. Once you have the basics working there, you can add in columns and filters, and after that, you can give the report a pie chart display.
Once you have all this set up (and it is a bit significant--my shop would charge for 5-10 hours of work), you could use the regular interface to pick which petition and what criteria should be used for identifying those being "contacted". You could have a bunch of saved report instances for that single template, so you wouldn't need to write any new code unless a CiviCRM upgrade interfered with things.
Here's the reference for how to create custom report templates:

Best approach for fetching news from websites?

I have a function which web-scraping all latest news from a website (approximately 10 news and the number of news is up to that website). Note that the news are in chronical order.
For example, yesterday I got 10 news and stored in database. Today I get 10 news but there are 3 news that are not available from yesterday (7 news stayed the same, 3 new).
My current approach is to extract each news till I find an old news (the 1st among 7 news) then I stop extracting and only update the field "lastUpdateDate" of the old news + add new news to the database. I think this approach is somehow complicated and it takes time.
Actually I'm getting news from 20 websites with same content structure (Moodle) so each request will last about 2 minutes, which my free host doesn't support.
Is it better if I delete all the news and then extracting everything from the start (this actually increments a huge amount of the ID numbers in the database)?
First, check to see if the website has a published API. If it has one, use it.
Second, check the website's terms of service, which may specifically and explicitly disallow scraping the website.
Third, look at a module in your programming language of choice that handles both the fetching of the pages and the extraction of the content from the pages. In Perl, you would start with WWW::Mechanize or Web::Scraper.
Whatever you do, don't fall into the trap that so many who post to StackOverflow fall into: Fetching the web page, and then trying to parse the content themselves, most often with regular expressions which is an inadequate tool for the job. Surf the SO tag html-parsing for tales of sorrow from those who have tried to roll their own HTML parsing systems instead of using existing tools.
Its depend on requirement if you want to show old news to the users or not.
For scraping you can create a custom local script for cron job which will grab the data from those news websites and will store into database.
You can also check through subject if its already exist of not.
Final make a custom news block which will show all the database feed.

Categories of tags

I'm starting a pro bono project that is the web interface to the world's largest collection of lute music and it's a challenging collection from several points of view. The pieces are largely from 1400 to 1600, but they range from the mid-1200's to present day. Needless to say, there is tremendous variability in how the pieces are categorized and who they are attributed to. It is obvious that any sort of rigid, DB-enforced hierarchy isn't going to work with this collection, so my thoughts turn to tags.
But not all tags are the same. I'll have tags that represent a person/role (composer, translator, entabulator, etc.), tags that represent the instrument(s) the piece in written for, and tags that represent how the piece has been classified by any one of half a dozen different classification systems used over the centuries.
We will be using a semi-controlled tag vocabulary to prevent runaway tag proliferation (e.g., but I want to treat the tags as belonging to different groups. People tags should not be offered when the editor is doing instrument tagging, etc.
Has anyone done something like this? I have several ways I can think of to do it, but if there is an existing system that is well-done it would save me time implementing/debugging.
FWIW: This is a Django system and I'm looking at starting with Django-tagging and then hacking from there, possibly adding a category field or ...
There's an issue #14 for django-tagging filed back in 2007 which is trying to address this problem. Don't know whether developers are planning to add this feature or not.
However, there's a machinetags branch of django-tagging mantained by Gregor Müllegger here at It allows to assign tags namespaces (and/or values), and facilitate querying tags by namespace / value. So you'd be able to tag a piece with instrument:<instrument_name> or instrument=<instrument_name>, for example.
It's mostly in sync with the django-tagging trunk (the latest commit is there's a number of commits missing though). I remember myself working on some project using that branch about a year ago; it worked fine. Read the documentation on branch and comments on the issue for more details.

What is the most useful information to display at the front of the office?

The company I work for has just purchased 4 32" LCD screens to be mounted at the front of the office for demonstration purposes. Whilst we are not demonstrating (most of the time), the screens are to be used as development information screens for the whole team.
What information would people recommend displaying to be most useful to the team? Our focus is on hosted business web-apps but I am interested in what other teams doing other types of development find useful too. Pointers on how to gather the displayed information would be useful also.
Information about your continuous integration status.
Major Development Milestones that have been hit in the last week
Releases within the last month (including a short description why this release is awesome)
Use it as motivational board. The achievements of software development are seldom communicated well enough.
Since you're hosting apps for your customers, server and network status information would probably be useful.
Heck, why not create a "chat room" for the dev team to discuss issues and post a streaming version of that as well?
Schedule information, Scrum notes from that morning, a gantt chart...the possibilities abound.
Outstanding bugcount, sorted by priority and severity. You can likely get this from your bugtracking tool programmatically.
Depending on your process management
system, possibly a list of feature
requests and the percentage complete
on each of them. Again, you can probably get this programmatically from your process management / time tracking tool.
Time spent in the current development
cycle, and time remaining. Again, this should be available from your process / management / time tracking tool. You may want to use this data with your bugcounts as well to give a bugs / day fix rate.
If you're a public company with a
profit-sharing plan (i.e. stock or
options), the current price of the
stock (this can be surprisingly
strongly motivating). You can get stock data from several sources online programmatically (although a small delay may be injected unless you're paying for the service).
The movie 'Office Space'
Weather radar from
Latest Checkin.
Number of checkins per day
Number of customers that use software
Metrics on Bugs found/fixed and the ratio.
One screen could be an aggregated RSS feed of development topics pulled from sites such as Stack Overflow (or even Coding Horror). Not sure what your goal for these screens is, but I could see it useful to me if you had a feed with topics specific to your development team headlined. If I were there, I'd glimpse them, maybe catch an interesting thread, and go learn something. Funnel a bunch of keywords and tags through a Yahoo Pipe and dump it to the screen.
That's if they are more "informal and informational."
I think most popular pages from your webapp(s) would be a fun/interesting thing to show on a big monitor up front.
Another would be a live feed of your error reporting.
We have one monitor showing all meetings for the day, with start-end, subject, and room. I find this helpful, not only for my orientation, but also to see what other people do at our company.
xkcd, bunny, dilbert and savage chickens :-)
