SSOAP processWSDL SoapType - r

I'm new to R/web services.
I'm trying to use R's SSOAP package to get/post soap messages.
I want to generate functions definitions using the genSOAPCLientInterface by way of the processWSDL function.
when i run the processWSDL function, i get the following error message, which i dont know how to interpret:
Error in SOAPType(el, namespaceDefs=namespaceDefinitions):could not find function "SOAPType"
any help/pointers would be very helpful.
wsdl_doc<-xmlParse(paste0(wsdl_url, '?wsdl')
definitions<-processWSDL(wsdl_doc, verbose=T, useInternalNodes=T)
Error in SOAPType(el, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefinitions) :
could not find function "SOAPType"

SOAPType is a class used in SSOAP package, but it is declared in package XMLSchema. And for some reason it is not an exported class.
This workaround helped me to make the function processWSDL() working for me:
SOAPType = XMLSchema:::SOAPType
def <- processWSDL(doc)


How to debug a "hidden" function in an R package?

can someone please help me understand this:
I encountered an error when calling a function from a library, specifically "steinertree" from the "SteinerNet" package. When stepping into the function with debug(steinertree), I see that the error occurs, when the function in turn calls "steinertree3". When I try debug(steinertree3), I get "object 'steinertree3' not found". Similarly, I can get the code for 'steinertree' by typing it in the terminal, but not for 'steinertree3'.
So it seems to me that there are some "higher-level" functions and "hidden" functions in packages. I did eventually find the error by finding a file "steinertree.R" in the package at CRAN, which contains both 'steinertree' and 'steinertree3', but I`m wondering how to properly go about debugging such "hidden" functions.
Here is a simple example:
steinertree(type= 'KB', terminals= c(1,3), graph= g)
Thank you!
Use triple colon ::: to execute a function that is not exported by the package/namespace:

Parsing error in MonteCarlo::MonteCarlo function in R

I am trying to run a power analysis using a MonteCarlo approach in R.
I have created a function of two parameters that does output a boolean (tested manually for all relevant values of the parameters). I also have run baby-examples of the MonteCarlo function to make sure that I understand it and that it works well.
Yet when I try to run the real thing, I get the following error message:
Error in parse(text = all_funcs_found[i]) : <text>:1:1: unexpected '::'
1: ::
I read through the source code of the MonteCarlo function (which I found here) and found
#loop through non-primitive functions used in func and check from which package they are
for(i in 1:length(all_funcs_found)){
which doesn't really make sense to me - why should there be a problem there?
Thank you for any ideas.
I found the answer: the function I wrote was calling a function from a specific library in the form libraryname::functionname.
This works OK if you use the function once manually, but makes MonteCarlo break.
I solved the problem by first loading the relevant library, then removing the 'libraryname::' part from the definition of the main function. MonteCarlo then runs just fine.

Why is_installed() function does not work?

I am trying to use is_installed() function in order to see if my MASS package is installed or not? However, I get the following ERROR message that is_installed function not found...
Why is that? My R version is 4.0.2...
Use rlang::is_installed but more easily (and this is what that function does anyway) use requireNamespace(x, quietly = TRUE) where x is the package name.

PreprocessCore package

I'm quite new to R and I got an assignment that includes a sourcecode.
Part of the source code includes the following line:
Then I have in my source code a definition of the following function:
quantile.normalize.raw.gtex <- function(edata.mat)
norm_edata = normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(edata.mat))
rownames(norm_edata) = rownames(edata.mat)
colnames(norm_edata) = colnames(edata.mat)
Finally, I have an object being initialized to the output of this function, after sending a predefined parameter:
tissue.edata.qn = quantile.normalize.raw.gtex(tissue.edata)
From what I understand, the library function is supposed to include the function normalize.quantiles, which is called in the function that is defined in my source code.
However, when I run the line library(preprocessCore) I get the following error:
Error in library(preprocessCore) :
there is no package called ‘preprocessCore’
I also tried to run the rest of the code and got the error:
Error in normalize.quantiles(as.matrix(edata.mat)) :
could not find function "normalize.quantiles"
I looked for the preprocessCore online and eventually I tried to write install.packages("preprocessCore"), but I got a warning message that this package is only available in version 3.6.0 of R, even though I checked and this is the version that I have.
If somebody has any idea what the problem is, I will appreciate your help.
Thanks in advance
The preprocessCore package is available in Bioconductor. So, to install it, you need the following lines:
After that, you can load the package using library(preprocessCore)
Hope it helps.

Error : could not find function "ImportMethodFrom"

I tried to run the code in Chapter 7 Data mining with R learning with case study book but I got an error in following line:
rankWorkflows(svm, maxs = TRUE)
The error was:
Error in as.character.default(X[[i]], ...) : no method for coercing
this S4 class to a vector
Then I searched on the internet and found following solution:
and again again I got a new error:
Error: could not find function "importMethodFrom"
I searched a lot but I got nothing :(
You can try using library(sos) to find the packages where your function is located.
Based on the answer of #Bea, there does not seem to be a importMethodsFrom anywhere in R. My guess is you found the call in a NAMESPACE file. Those files have different syntax than normal R scripts.
If you want to load a specific function from an R package (rather than all functions from a package), you can use libraryname::functionname instad of functionname in your code. In your case, replace with
If this does not work (for example because you don't have anywhere in your code), you can also load the whole GenomicRanges library with library(GenomicRanges)
