DeploymentPlanExecutor.OnExecute not Being Called By SqlPackage.exe [duplicate] - sql-server-data-tools

I'm trying to program a custom DeploymentPlanExecutor using Microsofts DacFx 3.0 but the OnExecute-Method is never called.
If I use an identical DeploymentPlanModifier instead, OnExecute() is called as expected.
No matter whether I add the Executor, the Modifier, or both, the DAC actually is successfully deployed to the Database.
The Executor seems to be recognized during the Deployment since OnApplyDeploymentConfiguration() is called
Unfortunately I wasn't able to find any examples that use an DeploymentPlanExecutor (only examples with DeploymentPlanModifier) and the documentation of DacFx does not help at all.
My question is, why is OnExecute() in the DeploymentPlanExecutor not called and how can I fix this?
The code for my DeploymentPlanExecutor and DeploymentPlanExecutor:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Dac.Deployment;
namespace DacTest
// The executor that does not work as expected
[ExportDeploymentPlanExecutor(ContributorId, "")]
public class Executor : DeploymentPlanExecutor
public const string ContributorId = "DacTest.Executor";
protected override void OnApplyDeploymentConfiguration(DeploymentContributorContext context, ICollection<DeploymentContributorConfigurationStream> configurationStreams)
// Called
protected override void OnEstablishDeploymentConfiguration(DeploymentContributorConfigurationSetup setup)
// Not called
protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
// Not called!
// The modifier that does work as expected
[ExportDeploymentPlanModifier(ContributorId, "")]
public class Modifier : DeploymentPlanModifier
public const string ContributorId = "DacTest.Modifier";
protected override void OnApplyDeploymentConfiguration(DeploymentContributorContext context, ICollection<DeploymentContributorConfigurationStream> configurationStreams)
// Called
protected override void OnEstablishDeploymentConfiguration(DeploymentContributorConfigurationSetup setup)
// Not called
protected override void OnExecute(DeploymentPlanContributorContext context)
// Called!
The code calling the deployment (has to be in a different assembly):
using (DacPackage dacpac = DacPackage.Load(#"C:\Temp\dac.dacpac"))
DacDeployOptions dacDeployOptions = new DacDeployOptions();
dacDeployOptions.AdditionalDeploymentContributors = Executor.ContributorId; // + ";" + Modifier.ContributorId;
DacServices dacServices = new DacServices(connectionString);
dacServices.Deploy(dacpac, databaseName, true, dacDeployOptions);

The problem was, that you have to explicitly tell DacFx to use Executors. Modifiers are enabled by default though.
dacDeployOptions.RunDeploymentPlanExecutors = true;


DryIoc and IServiceProvider on Prism for Xamarin.Forms (DryIoc.Microsoft.DependencyInjection)

I've got a Prism application with DryIoc as container.
I'd like IHttpClientFactory to provide HttpClients to my typed clients, which are like this:
public class ExampleService : IExampleService
private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;
public RepoService(HttpClient client)
_httpClient = client;
public async Task<IEnumerable<string>> GetExamplesAsync()
// Code deleted for brevity.
In App.xaml.cs I register my typed client so they can be injected in viewmodels with the following:
public partial class App
// ...
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
// Code deleted for brevity.
containerRegistry.Register<IExampleService, ExampleService>();
And that's before trying to use IHttpClientFactory.
Now, to add it, we should AddHttpClient() on IServiceCollection. That's where I thought DryIoc.Microsoft.DependencyInjection was needed, so, still in App.xaml.cs, I wrote the following:
public partial class App
// ...
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension()
var services = new ServiceCollection();
services.AddHttpClient<IExampleService, ExampleService>(c =>
c.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
var container = new Container(CreateContainerRules())
return new DryIocContainerExtension(container);
The problem is that in my ExampleService I'm getting client with the following specs:
whilst I expected BaseAddress to be, so the REST API call fails.
What is the correct pattern to use IServiceProvider when using Prism for Xamarin.Forms with DryIoc? Unfortunately there's no documentation or open source code available on the following matter, and I am kind of lost.
Thanks you, and have a great day.
As per kind Dan S. guidance, DryIoc.Microsoft.DependencyInjection was uninstalled so the project came back at its state before trying to use IServiceCollection dependencies (in my case, IHttpClientFactory), then I installed Prism.Forms.Extended and later Prism.DryIoc.Extensions.
After that CreateContainerExtension() in App.xaml.cs became:
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension()
var containerExtension = PrismContainerExtension.Current;
containerExtension.RegisterServices(s =>
s.AddHttpClient<IExampleService, ExampleService>(c =>
c.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
return containerExtension;
and containerRegistry.Register<IExampleService, ExampleService>(); was removed from RegisterTypes().
Now ExampleService finally gets its HttpClient injected and everything is working.
The only packages related to Prism I am using are Prism.DryIoc.Forms and Prism.DryIoc.Extensions.
I completely removed the override of CreateContainerExtension() in App.xaml.cs and refactored RegisterTypes() to
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
// Code deleted for brevity.
containerRegistry.RegisterServices(s =>
s.AddHttpClient<IExampleService, ExampleService>(c =>
c.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
This way I get thrown a NotImplementedException.
However, by overriding CreateContainerExtension() with the following:
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension() => PrismContainerExtension.Current;
Everything is finally back to working!
If you want to use IServiceCollection extensions such as AddHttpClient I would suggest that you use the Prism Container Extensions. In your case it would be Prism.DryIoc.Extensions. The Container Extensions provide a lot of additional support including support for registering services with via the Service Collection extensions.
You can either install Prism.Forms.Extended and it will all just work, or you can update your App as follows:
protected override IContainerExtension CreateContainerExtension() =>
Adding as this is the only post I've found in weeks of searching that explains how to do this.
I'm using Unity rather than Dryloc but the solution is the same.
Install ONLY these additional packages:
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
//Omitted Code
containerRegistry.RegisterServices(serviceCollection =>
serviceCollection.AddHttpClient<IApiService, ApiService>(client =>
client.BaseAddress = new Uri("Your Address Here");
public ApiService(HttpClient client)
//Do Stuff

Resolve named registration dependency in Unity with runtime parameter

I have a following problem. I register my components and initialize them in Unity like this (example is for a Console application):
public class SharePointBootstrapper : UnityBootstrapper
public object Initialize(Type type, object parameter) =>
new DependencyOverride<IClientContext>(Container.Resolve<IClientContext>(parameter.ToString())),
new DependencyOverride<ITenantRepository>(Container.Resolve<ITenantRepository>(parameter.ToString())));
public void RegisterComponents()
.RegisterType<IClientContext, SharePointOnlineClientContext>(SharePointClientContext.Online.ToString())
.RegisterType<IClientContext, SharePointOnPremiseClientContext>(SharePointClientContext.OnPremise.ToString())
.RegisterType<ITenantRepository, DocumentDbTenantRepository>(SharePointClientContext.Online.ToString())
.RegisterType<ITenantRepository, JsonTenantRepository>(SharePointClientContext.OnPremise.ToString());
public enum SharePointClientContext
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var bla = bootstrap.Initialize(typeof(ISharePointManager), SharePointClientContext.Online);
So, I register my components in MVC, WCF, Console etc. once with RegisterComponents() and initialize them with Initialize().
My question is, if I want to initialize specific named registration at runtime, from e.g. user input, can it be done otherwise as the code presented (with InjectionFactory or similar)?
This code works fine, but I'm not happy with its implementation. I have a feeling that it could be written in RegisterComponents() instead of Initialize() so that it accepts a parameter of some type, but I don't know how to do it.
Or, is maybe my whole concept wrong? If so, what would you suggest? I need to resolve named registration from a parameter that is only known at runtime, regardless of the technology (MVC, WCF, Console, ...).
Instead of doing different registrations, I would do different resolves.
Let's say that you need to inject IClientContext, but you want different implementations depending on a runtime parameter.
I wrote a similiar answer here. Instead of injecting IClientContext, you could inject IClientContextFactory, which would be responsible for returning the correct IClientContext. It's called Strategy Pattern.
public interface IClientContextFactory
string Context { get; } // Add context to the interface.
public class SharePointOnlineClientContext : IClientContextFactory
public string Context
return SharePointClientContext.Online.ToString();
// Factory for resolving IClientContext.
public class ClientContextFactory : IClientContextFactory
public IEnumerable<IClientContext> _clientContexts;
public Factory(IClientContext[] clientContexts)
_clientContexts = clientContexts;
public IClientContext GetClientContext(string parameter)
IClientContext clientContext = _clientContexts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Context == parameter);
return clientContext;
Register them all, just as you did. But instead of injecting IClientContext you inject IClientContextFactor.
There also another solution where you use a Func-factory. Look at option 3, in this answer. One may argue that this is a wrapper for the service locator-pattern, but I'll leave that discussion for another time.
public class ClientContextFactory : IClientContextFactory
private readonly Func<string, IClientContext> _createFunc;
public Factory(Func<string, IClientContext> createFunc)
_createFunc = createFunc;
public IClientContext CreateClientContext(string writesTo)
return _createFunc(writesTo);
And use named registrations:
container.RegisterType<IClientContext, SharePointOnlineClientContext>(SharePointClientContext.Online.ToString());
container.RegisterType<IClientContext, SharePointOnPremiseClientContext>(SharePointClientContext.OnPremise.ToString());
container.RegisterType<IFactory, Factory>(
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(), // Or any other lifetimemanager.
new InjectionConstructor(
new Func<string, IClientContext>(
context => container.Resolve<IClientContext>(context));
public class MyService
public MyService(IClientContextFactory clientContextFactory)
_clientContextFactory = clientContextFactory;
public void DoStuff();
var myContext = SharePointClientContext.Online.ToString();
IClientContextclientContext = _clientContextFactory.CreateClientContext(myContext);

what is wrong with my code first migration?

This is my migration and seeding code:
internal sealed class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<AuthDb>
public Configuration()
AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
ContextKey = "Service.DAL.AuthDb";
public class CreateOrRunMigrations: CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<AuthDb>
public override void InitializeDatabase(AuthDb context)
var migrator = new DbMigrator(new Migrations.Configuration());
protected override void Seed(AuthDb context)
// add Default product and company
The context is constructed this way
public class AuthDb : DbContext
public AuthDb() : base("name=xxx")
Database.SetInitializer(new CreateOrRunMigrations());
Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
Configuration.AutoDetectChangesEnabled = true;
What I want is:
When the database is created first time, the seeding data is added.
When I make a change in the model, the migration code will apply the changes to the database automatically.
When I make a change (e.g. Company), and use update_database to add a migration in the console, the migration file was created. But when the code is run, I got an error complaining that my model and database doesn't match any more.
Of course it doesn't match as I just made a change and I was hoping that the migration will apply the change. However, it didn't. What I did wrong?
Your initializer derives from CreateDatabaseIfNotExists so it's only going to run when the database does not exist. Try making it derive from MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion:
public class CreateOrRunMigrations: MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<AuthDb>
// no need for InitializeDatabase override since that's what this initializer does...
protected override void Seed(AuthDb context)
// add Default product and company

How can I make AutoMoqCustomization use Strict MockBehavior?

Using AutoFixture with the AutoFixture.AutoMoq package, I sometimes find tests that weren't configured to correctly test the thing they meant to test, but the problem was never discovered because of the default (Loose) Mock behavior:
public interface IService
bool IsSomethingTrue(int id);
void Main()
var fixture = new Fixture()
.Customize(new AutoMoqCustomization());
var service = fixture.Freeze<Mock<IService>>();
Console.WriteLine(service.Object.IsSomethingTrue(1)); // false
I'd like to make Mocks get created with Strict behavior, so we're forced to call Setup() for the methods we expect to be called. I can do this for each individual mock like this:
fixture.Customize<Mock<IService>>(c => c.FromFactory(() => new Mock<IService>(MockBehavior.Strict)));
But after combing through source code for AutoMoqCustomization() and the various ISpecimenBuilder and other implementations, I'm pretty lost as to the best way to just make all Mocks get initialized with strict behavior. The framework appears to be very flexible and extensible, so I'm sure there's a simple way to do this--I just can't figure out how.
There's no simple built-in feature that will enable you to do something like that, but it shouldn't be that hard to do.
Essentially, you'd need to change MockConstructorQuery so that it invokes the constructor that takes a MockBehavior value, and pass in MockBehavior.Strict.
Now, you can't change that behaviour in MockConstructorQuery, but that class is only some 9-10 lines of code, so you should be able to create a new class that implements IMethodQuery by using MockConstructorQuery as a starting point.
Likewise, you'll also need to create a custom ICustomization that does almost exactly the same as AutoMoqCustomization, with the only exception that it uses your custom IMethodQuery with strict mock configuration instead of MockConstructorQuery. That's another 7 lines of code you'll need to write.
All that said, in my experience, using strict mocks is a bad idea. It'll make your tests brittle, and you'll waste a lot of time mending 'broken' tests. I can only recommend that you don't do this, but now I've warned you; it's your foot.
For those interested, down below you can find #MarkSeemann's reply translated into code. I am pretty sure it does not cover all use cases and it was not heavily tested. But it should be a good starting point.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Moq;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture.AutoMoq;
using Ploeh.AutoFixture.Kernel;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
public class StrictAutoMoqCustomization : ICustomization
public StrictAutoMoqCustomization() : this(new MockRelay()) { }
public StrictAutoMoqCustomization(ISpecimenBuilder relay)
// TODO Null check params
Relay = relay;
public ISpecimenBuilder Relay { get; }
public void Customize(IFixture fixture)
// TODO Null check params
fixture.Customizations.Add(new MockPostprocessor(new MethodInvoker(new StrictMockConstructorQuery())));
public class StrictMockConstructorMethod : IMethod
private readonly ConstructorInfo ctor;
private readonly ParameterInfo[] paramInfos;
public StrictMockConstructorMethod(ConstructorInfo ctor, ParameterInfo[] paramInfos)
// TODO Null check params
this.ctor = ctor;
this.paramInfos = paramInfos;
public IEnumerable<ParameterInfo> Parameters => paramInfos;
public object Invoke(IEnumerable<object> parameters) => ctor.Invoke(parameters?.ToArray() ?? new object[] { });
public class StrictMockConstructorQuery : IMethodQuery
public IEnumerable<IMethod> SelectMethods(Type type)
if (!IsMock(type))
return Enumerable.Empty<IMethod>();
if (!GetMockedType(type).IsInterface && !IsDelegate(type))
return Enumerable.Empty<IMethod>();
var ctor = type.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(MockBehavior) });
return new IMethod[]
new StrictMockConstructorMethod(ctor, ctor.GetParameters())
private static bool IsMock(Type type)
return type != null && type.IsGenericType && typeof(Mock<>).IsAssignableFrom(type.GetGenericTypeDefinition()) && !GetMockedType(type).IsGenericParameter;
private static Type GetMockedType(Type type)
return type.GetGenericArguments().Single();
internal static bool IsDelegate(Type type)
return typeof(MulticastDelegate).IsAssignableFrom(type.BaseType);
var fixture = new Fixture().Customize(new StrictAutoMoqCustomization());

Couldn't get Ninject-Interception via Attributes to work, what did I do wrong?

I'm trying build out our logging framework using EntLib Logging and use attribute to indicate which class/method should be logged. So I think Interception would be a good choice. I'm a super noob to Ninject and Interception and I's following the tutorial at Innovatian Software on how to use interception via attributes. But when I run the app, BeforeInvoke and AfterInvoke was never called. Help Please, Thank You!
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Castle.Core;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Attributes;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Request;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
var test= kernel.Get<ObjectWithMethodInterceptor>();
public class TraceLogAttribute : InterceptAttribute
public override IInterceptor CreateInterceptor(IProxyRequest request)
return request.Context.Kernel.Get<TimingInterceptor>();
public class TimingInterceptor : SimpleInterceptor
readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
protected override void BeforeInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
Console.WriteLine("Before Invoke");
protected override void AfterInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
Console.WriteLine("After Invoke");
string message = string.Format("Execution of {0} took {1}.",
public class ObjectWithMethodInterceptor
[TraceLog] // intercepted
public virtual void Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Foo - User Code");
// not intercepted
public virtual void Bar()
Console.WriteLine("Bar - User Code");
I figured it out, I missed the part where I've to disable auto module loading and manually load the DynamicProxy2Module to the kernel. Here's the change to the code:
//var kernel = new StandardKernel(); //Automatic Module Loading doesn't work
var kernel = new StandardKernel(new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = false }, new DynamicProxy2Module());
Hope this help someone else.
