How to drag and drop the method of scenario class in the scenario? - ewam

I am working on a scenario and i can see only methods of my main class on the right side of scenario. But i cannot see the methods of the scenario class on the right side. How to make it visible so that i can drag and drop those methods on my scenario ?

Go to Environment -> Options -> UI Builder and check Expert Scenario Design. You should be able to see the methods of your scenario on the right.Screenshot1


Does ReactiveUI for Xamarin supports ViewModel to ViewModel Navigation

I am in process of learning Reactive UI for Xamarin and going through the documentation. However was not able to find that does it supports ViewModel to ViewModel Navigation. Is there any example application for same.
At the moment navigation support for Xamarin forms is somewhat limited. So is is not possible to select if a Page should be Pushed Modal or not.
After trying to use RxUI nagivation I surrendered and now use RxUI together with xamvvm framework to deal with Page/ViewModel creation and ViewModel based navigation.
Check it out
Please have a look at this issue: There are ways to do it but you'll have to implement it yourself.
You can do it natively by following approach described here

Additional checkboxes/radiobutton required for treeview

I understand that treeview in comes with checkboxes option for usage. However, in my application, I will require 2 additional checkboxes or radiobutton on the righthand side of each leaf node of my treeview.
However, I seem to be unable to find a solution to this requirement, and i think treeview structure does not support this feature.
I'm new to asp and I'm not sure if there is any other class which i can use upon to implement this feature.
Hope I can have some ideas from you guys to implement this
All help is appreciated
The tree view control is quite limited however I've found this project which has extended its functionality - check out the reference and see if it provides what you need OR use it as a base to extend it as your scope requires!

Setup for navigation in wpf and mvvmlight

Currently getting started on a new wpf project and want to use mvvmlight. My initial thought was to have 4 buttons as navigation at top of the window and then a contentcontrol where new views would be injected when chosen from the navigationbuttions.
That is a mainwindow and som subviews that will be injected. The main VM should have commands hooked to wired up with the navigation buttons. When executed the command should send a navigation message to change a view, and this is where I get confused. Who should handle the navigation messages send and change the view in the ContentControl? I guess the ViewModelLocator is only for instantiating the viewmodels.
What is missing in getting this glued together?
Best regards
See this answer for a dialog strategy. This should be applicable to your problem. However, one word of caution when using messages in the above szenario ... call Unregistr() especially on your views.

Flex, RobotLegs: must you mediate all child components of a visual component?

In the examples for RobotLegs, it appears that mediators are used on every button/textArea, rather than on the custom component that contains these children. This would be very time consuming would it not?
From Joel Hooks InsideRia Example
Dependency injection works better with
unambiguous classes. What this means
is that by extending TextArea into our
new MessageView class, we are creating
a specific view component for the
dependency injection to act upon. This
is important if our application were
to have several TextAreas that served
different purposes. By dividing up our
classes in this way, we are clearly
defining the intent of the class and
allowing for the dependency injection
tools to do their jobs effectively.
No, don't mediate every child component. Your components should be organized into groups that perform related actions. In the examples the components are extremely simple and do not reflect what a real application would look like.
One rule of thumbs I use is thinking if that component needs any communication with the rest of the application, or if its only a part of a whole. Keep in mind that mediator are only intended to serve as a bridge between the view and the app.
For example, if I've a view with a form (asume a login form) I don't mediate all the child components (the textfields, the buttons, etc.) because it would be pointless and would have a proliferation of classes and objects on runtime. When I do the form I think, what does the view by its own? and what the other parts of the app should do with it?
When the user fills the form and clicks a button, the view dispatches an event (LoginRequestEvent, for this case), and then the mediator should redispatch that event, making the mediator very lean.
But with practice of the framework, you'll come up with this feel of what you shold mediate. For instance, in one app I mediate every item renderer of a list, and on other I mediate a view stack with two or three navigation contents.
Hope it helps

Problem in using tab bar controller with navigation controller

I am working on a navigation based application. I am using navigation controller for this purpose. I want to use tab bar on one of the screens and i am not able to find any way of doing this. As far as i have read, it is not possible to add tab bar controller when you are using navigation controller. Is it right? One solution was to manually add a tab bar on the screen and write its delegate class but in this solution, I will lose "More" button functionality because this thing is handled by tab bar controller itself. Does anyone has any solution to my problem? Please help!!!
You can add a UINavigationController to each of the UITabBarController's tab views but not the other way around.
According to Apple's documentation you cannot push a UITabBarController on top of the UINavigationController. I'm not sure if that is a technical limitation or if they will reject your application when you submit. Either way you shouldn't try to do this.
