iPhoneX can not show launch image well? - ios-simulator

I add 1125x2436 launch image as left for iPhoneX. However, I get the strange result in simulator as right. I have not idea what causes that.
I found that is "Landscape" launch image be read on iPhoneX simulator, and not "Portrait". Even my app is set "Portrait" Device Orientation only. If I remove the "Landscape" launch image, and app seem use the "Portrait" image instead while it can not found the "Landscape" image. I still not idea how to fix it.


RibbonToggleButton - icon is corrupted

I have a ribbon-base app and on it's toggle buttons I'm placing PNG icons - 32x32, 32 bits. But when I'm launching the app the image on the ribbon button looks corrupted. Just to checkk I've create a simple button control with the same image on it - and it looks ok. see the screenshot here - http://i.imgur.com/0zct9cf.jpg
I've tried to add RenderOptions.BitmapScalingMode="HighQuality" and RenderOptions.EdgeMode="Aliased" to my app window tag - no luck.
Can someone explain whyRibbonToggleButton corrupts the images on it?
Thank you!
Try saving the image with a program that supports setting the DPI in the metadata, for example IrfanView. I had a similar problem and changing the images DPI to match the screen fixed it for me.
Open the image in IrfanVIew and press shift+i to open the image information dialog
Change the DPI to match your screen
Save the image
I have not tested this on a screen that is set to a different DPI, so I have no idea if this will look even more horribly wrong then.

Can't set IOS 7 simulator home background image

I am using IOS7 simulator. I have an image in "Photos". I set it as background image (from "Photos") but home screen background remains black. Can you give me some advice? Thanks in advance. Is anyone alive? :)
Drag an image from your Mac to the simulator.
Mobile Safari opens. Click and hold the image.
Choose Save Image.
Go to Photos.app, and into the photo album.
Choose your image, and set it as the home screen background like you do on a device.
This works.. Tried it on the 3.5inch iPhone retina simulator. Downloaded the stock wallpapers for iOS 7 and applied with the above steps..
Turns out it is quite easy:
Drag an image from your Mac to the simulator.
Mobile Safari opens. Click and hold the image.
Choose Save Image.
Go to Photos.app, and into the photo album.
Choose your image, and set it as the home screen background like you do on a device.
Source: Setting Background image in simulator home-screen
In another plan.
Set wallpaper in iOS 6 environment to make LockBackground.cpbitmap
Place the file into following folder. (in case of 7.0.3)
~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/7.0.3/Library/SpringBoard/LockBackground.cpbitmap
Restart simulator.
I hope you will get it.

Size of iPad Simulator is too big in XCodes 4.3.2

Now i am using macbook pro with 13 inches.
Yesterday i upgraded XCodes version to 4.3.2.
In that iPad Simulator is too big and iPad Retina Simulator is also too big.
It's not fix my screen.
iPad Retina Simulator size is take all of my screen and it's can only show iPad's dock.
I can't see overview iPad screen.
I always scroll down and up to test.
When i change Simulator's Window > Scale into 75 %, It's still too big.
50% is too small and can't see anything clearly.
When i develop with XCodes 4.2 , iPad Simulator is fix size and okay to test.
I want iPad simulator size fix my screen.
Is there anyways?
If my question is out of question, so sorry for that.
Maybe it's because the iPad 3 have a really large resolution (2048x1536). That's more than most computer screens. You will need to zoom out to display the entire screen just because of this, or you must get a larger (higher resolution) screen for your computer if you don't want to scale the program.
The reason for this is that the iPad 3 have much tighter pixel density than most other computer screens so each pixel on the iPad is smaller than each pixel on your computer screen.
What you can do is make the simulator start by suppressing the title bar and your dock if it happens to be shown.
Follow these steps, please be responsible and back-up your files before editing anything as I do not take responsibility for things going wrong.
Before you start close any running simulators.
In Finder Press CMD+SHIFT+G and enter the folder /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app/Contents/; this folder may differ for you depending on your location of the simulator/SDK.
Backup the file called Info.plist
Copy Info.plist to your home directory.
Double click Info.plist in your home directory. You will be presented with the plist editor.
Select the first entry called Information Property List and click the plus (+) sign immediately to the right.
Enter Application UI Presentation Mode into the Key field of the new entry, tip: it will auto populate after typing Application UI.
Enter 4 in the Value field, this will then change to All Suppressed.
Save and close the file.
Replace the original plist file with this new one, remember to back the original up first.
Now when you run the simulator it will not show the menu bar when it becomes active. The reason you needed to copy the file to your home directory is because you do not have write permission to it. It also stops you mucking it up and preventing the simulator running while editing the file.
You can apply this trick to any application by finding it's plist file, thus I also change Xcode.app to do this too.
You will need to scale the simulator to 75%, however it will now be almost the full height of the screen with no loss of the iPad window.
Now It's more flexible with Xcode 9- Simulator. You can pick & drag any corner or simulator to resize it and set it according to your requirement.
Look at this snapshot.

QML: Issue while renderring qml screen

I am facing problem while rendering QML screen on one of the development boards
On some of the screens I have throbber gif image where I can see the background color of the screen as shown in this image.
on some screen I have list view which I am updating through JavaScript, which is not taking effect as I am not able to see the updated image/text in the list view elements.
Is this some kind of issue related to refreshing screen .
The same code runs fine on Ix86 when compiled with QML on IX86.
If the same code is fine when compiled for another platform, I expect the first platform has a buggy library.

Is there a way to display iPad Simulator fullscreen?

does anyone know if there is some way (Applescript, secret .plist defaults setting...) to view an iPad simulator window on fullscreen (or borderless)? It would be very handy to show it on a second 1024x768 display at native resolution. The simulator's vertical size when in portrait is simply too high even for a fullHD monitor... the border is too thick and the window cannot be moved offscreen above the upper edge.
Copy the Info.plist file that resides at /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneSimulator.platform/Developer/Applications/iPhone Simulator.app/Contents/Resources/Devices/iPad.deviceinfo
onto your desktop. This folder is write protected and even with root enabled it crashes xcode if you try to edit it from here.
Double click on the file and edit the plist in Xcode change the width variable to 1000 and the height variable to 1800. (I'm running this at 1366x768 and these settings worked. tweak if you need to) Save it.
Copy your edited plist file and paste it back into the original folder and replace the existing file. Run your app. Rotate the device to landscape orientation.
Bask in the glow of a full screen window running ios.
Window -> Scale -> 100%
Will make twice bigger than default
Maybe this will help?
I guess, you can edit the frame.png to make the border even smaller. Maybe even nonexistent.
