Running scripts with special conditions in Atom - common-lisp

I used to use the build system in Sublime text where I could add my own customize build systems. For example, for CLisp, I created a build system as such:
"cmd": ["clisp", "-q", "-modern", "-L", "french", "$file"],
"selector": "source.lisp"
Similarly, I had a custom one for C:
"cmd" : ["gcc $file_name -Wall -o ${file_base_name} && ./${file_base_name}"],
"selector" : "source.c",
"shell": true,
"working_dir" : "$file_path"
How can I do this in Atom?

For tthat task atom has a nice package called Atom Build package, you can find it here:
It is using javascript here is an example for:
module.exports = {
cmd: 'make',
name: 'Makefile',
sh: true,
functionMatch: function (output) {
const enterDir = /^make\[\d+\]: Entering directory '([^']+)'$/;
const error = /^([^:]+):(\d+):(\d+): error: (.+)$/;
// this is the list of error matches that atom-build will process
const array = [];
// stores the current directory
var dir = null;
// iterate over the output by lines
output.split(/\r?\n/).forEach(line => {
// update the current directory on lines with `Entering directory`
const dir_match = enterDir.exec(line);
if (dir_match) {
dir = dir_match[1];
} else {
// process possible error messages
const error_match = error.exec(line);
if (error_match) {
// map the regex match to the error object that atom-build expects
file: dir ? dir + '/' + error_match[1] : error_match[1],
line: error_match[2],
col: error_match[3],
message: error_match[4]
return array;


SyntaxError: Unexpected token { in Gruntfile.js

I don't manage to configure grunt. I have followed all the steps from Magento2 but I receive this syntax error.
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> SyntaxError: Unexpected token {
Warning: Task "default" not found. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
I have reinstalled both the grunt and the node.js, but it doesn't work.
Has anybody had the same problem?
Below you can see the Gruntfile.js ( that is original) posted.
Is it an error of this file or is there another problem?
module.exports = function (grunt) {
'use strict';
var _ = require('underscore'),
path = require('path'),
filesRouter = require('./dev/tools/grunt/tools/files-router'),
configDir = './dev/tools/grunt/configs',
tasks = grunt.file.expand('./dev/tools/grunt/tasks/*'),
filesRouter.set('themes', 'dev/tools/grunt/configs/themes');
themes = filesRouter.get('themes');
tasks =, function(task){ return task.replace('.js', '') });
tasks.forEach(function (task) {
require('load-grunt-config')(grunt, {
configPath: path.join(__dirname, configDir),
init: true,
jitGrunt: {
staticMappings: {
usebanner: 'grunt-banner'
* Assembling tasks.
* ToDo: define default tasks.
default: function () {
grunt.log.subhead('I\'m default task and at the moment I\'m empty, sorry :/');
* Production preparation task.
prod: function (component) {
var tasks = [
return task + ':' + component;
if (typeof component === 'undefined') {
grunt.log.subhead('Tip: Please make sure that u specify prod subtask. By default prod task do nothing');
} else {;
* Refresh themes.
refresh: function () {
var tasks = [
_.each(themes, function(theme, name) {
tasks.push('less:' + name);
* Documentation
documentation: [
'legacy-build': [
spec: function (theme) {
var runner = require('./dev/tests/js/jasmine/spec_runner');
runner.init(grunt, { theme: theme });;
}, function (task, name) {
grunt.registerTask(name, task);
Thanks in advance!
I was getting the same error.
I installed node using the following commands and error resolved.
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
node -v
npm -v
Hope this helps!

Protractor: define Allure reporter resultsDir to be located elsewhere

I'm using Protractor and jasmine-allure-reporter. I'm running protractor from bash script and the problem is with resultsDir, because I want results to generate in a specific folder. Currently they generate in ~/e2e/project_name/conf/allure-results/ folder. What I need is to have them generated in ~/e2e/reports/project_name/allure_results/. Simply entering full path resultsDir: '/home/e2e/reports/project_name/allure-results' in resultsDir parameter changes nothing. How can I solve this?
Current setup in conf.js file:
var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
allureReport: {
resultsDir: 'allure-results'
Desired setup in conf.js file:
var AllureReporter = require('jasmine-allure-reporter');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new AllureReporter({
allureReport: {
resultsDir: '~/e2e/reports/project_name/allure_results/allure-results'
I found answer for you:
There is one file named Jasmine2AllureReporter.js under \node_modules\jasmine-allure-reporter\src\jasmine2AllureReporter.js.
Open the file:
Change the following and try:
As i have taken example of D:\\K\\allure-results
Change the same under pluginConfig.resultsDir and var outDir, It will work.
function Jasmine2AllureReporter(userDefinedConfig, allureReporter) {
var Status = {PASSED: 'passed', FAILED: 'failed', BROKEN: 'broken', PENDING: 'pending'};
this.allure = allureReporter || allure;
this.configure = function(userDefinedConfig) {
var pluginConfig = {};
userDefinedConfig = userDefinedConfig || {};
pluginConfig.resultsDir = 'D:\\K\\allure-results';
//pluginConfig.resultsDir = userDefinedConfig.resultsDir || 'allure-results';
pluginConfig.basePath = userDefinedConfig.basePath || '.';
// var outDir = path.resolve(pluginConfig.basePath, pluginConfig.resultsDir);
var outDir = 'D:\\K\\allure-results';
this.allure.setOptions({targetDir: outDir});

How to properly build an AMD app as a single file with r.js using grunt?

I keep seeing this error when executing the compiled file:
Uncaught Error: No json
Here's my current requirejs grunt task configuration:
requirejs: {
options: {
baseUrl: "build/repos/staging/dev",
mainConfigFile: "dev/main.js",
generateSourceMaps: false,
preserveLicenseComments: false,
name: "almond",
out: "./static/js/compiled.js",
//excludeShallow: ['vendor'],
findNestedDependencies: true,
removeCombined: true,
//wrap: true,
optimize: "uglify2",
uglify2: {
output: {
beautify: true,
lint: true,
mangle: false,
compress: false,
compress: {
sequences: false
And here's my dev/main.js file:
// This is the runtime configuration file.
// It also complements the Gruntfile.js by supplementing shared properties.require.config({
waitSeconds: 180,
urlArgs: 'bust=' + (new Date()).getTime(),
paths: {
"underscore": "../vendor/underscore/underscore",
"backbone": "../vendor/backbone/backbone",
"layoutmanager": "../vendor/layoutmanager/backbone.layoutmanager",
"lodash": "../vendor/lodash/lodash",
"ldsh": "../vendor/lodash-template-loader/loader",
"text": "../vendor/requirejs-plugins/lib/text",
"json": "../vendor/requirejs-plugins/json",
"almond": "../vendor/almond/almond",
// jquery
"jquery": "../vendor/jquery/jquery",
"jquery.transit": "../vendor/jquery.transit/jquery.transit",
"jquery.mousewheel": "../vendor/jquery.mousewheel/jquery.mousewheel",
"jquery.jscrollpane": "../vendor/jquery.jscrollpane/jquery.jscrollpane"
shim: {
'backbone': {
deps: ['underscore']
'layoutmanager': {
deps: ['backbone', 'lodash', 'ldsh']
'jquery.transit': {
deps: ['jquery']
'json': {
deps: ['text']
// App initialization
require(["app"], function(instance) {
"use strict"; = instance;
And finally, my dev/app.js file:
define(function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
// External global dependencies.
var _ = require("underscore"),
$ = require("jquery"),
Transit = require('jquery.transit'),
Backbone = require("backbone"),
Layout = require("layoutmanager");
module.exports = {
'layout': null,
'load': function() {
var paths = [
// ***
// *** 1- define its path
// ***
try {
require(paths, function(
// ***
// *** 2- call it a name
// ***
) {
// ***
// *** 3- instance it in the app
// ***
app.Config = Config;
app.Nav = Nav;
app.Store = Store;
app.Utils = Utils;
app.Preloader = Preloader;
app.Popup = Popup;
app.Login = Login;
app.User = User;
app.Footer = Footer;
// require and instance the router
require(['router'], function(Router) {
// app configuration
// app initialization
app.Router = new Router();
} catch (e) {
'configure': function() {
var that = this;
// set environment
this.Config.env = 'local';
// Ajax global settings
'url': that.Config.envs[that.Config.env].core,
'timeout': 90000,
'beforeSend': function() {
'complete': function(xhr, textstatus) {
// Template & layout
_.templateSettings = {
interpolate: /\{\{(.+?)\}\}/g
// Allow LayoutManager to augment Backbone.View.prototype.
manage: true,
// Indicate where templates are stored.
prefix: "app/templates/",
// This custom fetch method will load pre-compiled templates or fetch them
// remotely with AJAX.
fetch: function(path) {
// Concatenate the file extension.
path = path + ".html";
// If cached, use the compiled template.
if (window.JST && window.JST[path]) {
return window.JST[path];
// Put fetch into `async-mode`.
var done = this.async();
// Seek out the template asynchronously.
$.get('/' + path, function(contents) {
window.JST[path] = contents;
}, "text");
Any ideas why is that json module not "required" when executing grunt requirejs ?
Thanks in advance.
Not sure if this is still an issue, but from the requirejs optimizer docs (
The optimizer will only combine modules that are specified in arrays of string literals that are passed to top-level require and define calls, or the require('name') string literal calls in a simplified CommonJS wrapping. So, it will not find modules that are loaded via a variable name...
It sounds like the requirejs optimizer doesn't like the require calls being made with a variable that is an array of dependencies.
It also sounds like the requirejs optimizer doesn't like the syntax of require([dependency array], callback) being used within the actual file being optimized.
You may have to refactor your dependency declarations within dev/app.js to conform to this specification. For example, you might be able to use the following refactoring of steps 1 and 2:
var Config = require('json!config/main.json');
var Nav = require('modules/nav');
var Store = require('modules/store');
var Utils = require('modules/utils');
var Preloader = require('modules/preloader');
var Popup = require('modules/popup');
var Login = require('modules/login');
var User = require('modules/user');
var Footer = require('modules/footer');
If this does work, it looks like you'll also have to do something similar for the Router dependency declaration.
Also, a minor addition that you might want to include to your requirejs configuration once you get it running is:
stubModules : ['json']
Since the built file should have the JSON object within it, you won't even need the plugin within the built file! As such, you can reduce your file size by removing the json plugin from it.

Location of Intern reporters output files like corbertura or html report

I'm using Grunt with Intern and set some reporters to lcovhtml and cobertura:
intern: {
runner: {
options: {
config: 'tests/intern',
runType: 'runner',
reporters: ['pretty', 'lcovhtml','junit','cobertura']
Is there any configuration to control output directory of these files for all or each reporter?
For example, by adding a parameters reportDir to the options object defined in your Gruntfile.js, you can update intern/lib/reporters/lcovhtml.js with:
], function (Collector, Reporter) {
var collector = new Collector(),
reporter = new Reporter();
], function (args, Collector, Reporter) {
var collector = new Collector(),
reporter = new Reporter({ dir: args.reportDir });
You can propagate a similar update in cobertura.js and junit.js reporters.
Note: I documented this approach in The patch for the corresponding issue has not yet been published (pushed to Intern 2.3).

Recursive and non-recursive prompt together in Yeoman

I'm building a Yeoman generator, and have some prompts for the user, I use a prompt queue like this:
var prompts = [{
name: 'name',
message: 'What is the name of this module?'
name: 'desc',
message: 'Describe your module:'
this.prompt(prompts, function (props) { =;
this.desc = props.desc;
But how can I add a recursive question to this prompt? I want to ask the user for dependencies, and let them fill in a name, press enter, fill in another name, until they press enter with a blank answer.
After some attempts i found a solution that works:
var dependencies = [];
var dependency = function(self) {
var dep_quest = {
name: "dependency",
message: "Need any dependencies? (Leave blank to continue)"
self.prompt([dep_quest], function(props)
if (props.dependency !== '') {
else {
self.dependencies = dependencies;
this.prompt(prompts, function (props) { =;
this. desc = props.desc;
After the regular questions i call the dependency function that asks one question again and again until a blank answer is provided. Then it calls the done() function.
