R highchart parallel coordinates - r

Is it possible to plot a highchart parallel coordinates in R using highcharter library?
Something like - https://www.highcharts.com/demo/parallel-coordinates
From highcharts documentation about parallelCoordinates option - "This feature requires modules/parallel-coordinates.js".
I download one from https://code.highcharts.com/modules/parallel-coordinates.js
but how can I use it?
Need minimal working example.
Thank you!


I need a special type of charts and don't know which chart plotting program support it

I would need create a chart like the one on the picture. I don't want to draw it by hand, since I need more of them. I prefer R CRAN for drawing charts, but would do also any other programming or plotting program. If possible pdf or eps outputs are preferable. Does anybody have an idea, what type of chart, or which R (or other SW) package would support something like that?
I have found the solution. Orange software package makes the charts.

Is there a way to recover a ggplot2 image from a Plotly image?

I have some code that generates a plotly image in R. Previously I included this plot in a presentation using Rstudio/ioslides. The people I am collaborating with want a version in powerpoint. I am trying to use the ReporterRs package in order to create an re-producible shell powerpoint presentation with all of my plots. However ReporterRs only accepts lattice, ggplot2, and base images. Since there is a way to convert ggplot2 objects to plotly images I was hoping there was a way to go backwards. However I am stuck. I have been unable to "downgrade" my plotly plots to ggplot2. Does anyone know if there is a way to do this?
(I know I can just copy and paste them over but I would like to develop a workflow where I can create easily reproducible and replaceable plots so that I don't have to do very much work if I change the data)

How to extract selected data from interactive htmlwidget plot

I am trying to figure out a way to extract data from a selection of an interactive plot in Shiny. I build a parallel coordinates plot using a package found at https://github.com/timelyportfolio/parcoords which builds a parcoords chart using htmlWidgets. It allows users to make specific slections, as seen below:
What I need is a way to extract the highlighted rows from the underlying data set, either through a download button or data table. Is there anyway to pull out this info from the underlying htmlWidget process? Any advice is appreciated.
Using crosstalk you can let one htmlwidget talk to another. The dev version of parcoords supports crosstalk integration as does datatable, so you can link the two with minimal effort

How to download rCharts plots in shiny with downloadHandler

In shiny apps ggplot2 graphs can easily be downloaded based on the downloadHandler function. Is it possible to download the javascript visualisations that are produced by means of rCharts in a similar way? If yes, what is the best approach?
If you use the HighCharts capability of rCharts then you can use it's exporter feature which has an download capability as demonstrated here (source).
If not, you're left with DOM introspection like I ended up using here. That has no R behind it, but it shows how to find the SVG in the DOM and make it so the graphic is exportable in a couple different ways.

Non-interactive GoogleVis charts

Is it possible for googleVis Package from R to generate Images as oppose to interactive charts? To create a GoogleVis Chart in R:
M <- gvisMotionChart(Fruits, "Fruit", "Year")
This initiates a browser and then it will plot an interative chart. Is there a way such that I can create a non-interactive image and plot it in R
What I have done is a complete hack, but it works. I view the HTML for the googleVis object generated and extract the svg. I save the svg as a file and open it in an image editor that can open and convert svg files.
There's no real need to use googleVis for this. If you create your plot in ggplot2, the ggthemes add-on package has theme_gdocs(), and associated colour palettes that will let you style your chart exactly like a Google Chart.
It looks like the only way to do this is to make the interactive plot, and take a screenshot. The object returned by googleVis is a Flash application embedded in html, I think you probably cannot expect it to give a static plot!
Some hacks I found that could potentially be able to convert gvis charts to images:
