Error in to.period.contributions() from PerformanceAnalytics sandbox - r

I've been trying to calculate my portfolio returns and the individual stock contributions. I stumbled along this post, which appears to be from the guy who help write PerformanceAnalytics.
At the end of the article he posts a link to r-forge with a sandbox file for some functions.
So I'm trying to convert my daily returns to the summed monthly returns via the to.monthly.contributions() function but I'm running into an xts error!
Here's my code:
stock.weights <- c(.15, .20, .25, .225, .175)
symbols <- c("GOOG", "AMZN", "BA", "FB", "AAPL")
getSymbols(symbols, src = 'google', from = "2016")
#xts with daily closing of each stock
merged.closing <- merge(GOOG[,4], AMZN[,4], BA[,4], FB[,4], AAPL[,4])
#xts with returns
merged.return <- na.omit(Return.calculate(merged.closing))
# weighted returns rebalanced quartely
portfolio.returns = Return.portfolio(merged.return, weights = stock.weights,
rebalance_on = "quarters", verbose = TRUE)
#to monthly contributions function
However when I run the last line I get the following error message:
Error in inherits(x, "xts") :
argument "Contributions" is missing, with no default
5. inherits(x, "xts")
4. is.xts(x)
3. checkData(Contributions)
2. to.period.contributions(contributions = contributions, period = "months")
1. to.monthly.contributions(portfolio.returns$contributions)
I'm guessing that the error has something to do with the portfolio.returns$contributions not being an xts? But I'm not sure how to get around that.
On the side note, if anyone has any better ideas or sources for calculating portfolio returns by months/quarters/years I'm keen to hear, bearing in mind they need to account for weight changes, re-balances and contributions to changes!

Note that PerformanceAnalytics (and many other packages in that R-Forge repo) have moved to Brian Peterson's GitHub account. There you will see some changes to sandbox/to.period.contributions.R about a year ago. That might be causing you some issue(s).
Another issue is that the object returned by Return.portfolio() does not have a contributions element. The element name you want is contribution (singular).
After addressing those two issues, your to.monthly.contributions() call works.
R> to.monthly.contributions(portfolio.returns$contribution)
GOOG.Close AMZN.Close BA.Close FB.Close AAPL.Close Portfolio Return
2016-01-29 0.0002244419 -0.0156956938 -0.036245552 0.0219893367 -1.330565e-02 -0.043033115
2016-02-29 -0.0095461956 -0.0113127380 -0.003625779 -0.0121676134 -1.128288e-03 -0.037780614
2016-03-31 0.0103601952 0.0140210157 0.016927654 0.0171632715 2.218899e-02 0.080661130
2016-04-29 -0.0104584200 0.0222188532 0.015479754 0.0068624014 -2.448619e-02 0.009616397
2016-05-31 0.0085179936 0.0210895602 -0.016873347 0.0024024015 9.732993e-03 0.024869602
2016-06-30 -0.0084883795 -0.0023345382 0.007080427 -0.0086331655 -6.610526e-03 -0.018986182
2016-07-29 0.0166211530 0.0120706520 0.007295757 0.0190190760 1.576098e-02 0.070767622
2016-08-31 -0.0003521895 0.0027014233 -0.007568643 0.0040084230 3.231073e-03 0.002020086
2016-09-30 0.0020684771 0.0177517727 0.004108611 0.0039452914 1.185750e-02 0.039731657
2016-10-31 0.0013990917 -0.0113434690 0.020286170 0.0047711858 7.585139e-04 0.015871492
2016-11-30 -0.0050340240 -0.0092287866 0.015187074 -0.0217047070 -4.601884e-03 -0.025382327
2016-12-30 0.0026858660 -0.0001688763 0.009813394 -0.0059705490 8.286484e-03 0.014646319
2017-01-31 0.0048528154 0.0196327363 0.012429342 0.0298631030 8.355638e-03 0.075133635
2017-02-28 0.0047757941 0.0053484794 0.025108019 0.0094951963 2.198006e-02 0.066707545
2017-03-31 0.0010760715 0.0096512663 -0.004718775 0.0111011780 8.787645e-03 0.025897386
2017-04-28 0.0138145523 0.0086741715 0.011265973 0.0129883844 -1.218154e-05 0.046730900
2017-05-31 0.0101747490 0.0150069699 0.003781232 0.0018310137 1.060194e-02 0.041395909
2017-06-30 -0.0093108126 -0.0055092033 0.013123207 -0.0006974798 -9.767034e-03 -0.012161323
2017-07-31 0.0035934766 0.0040867769 0.056523388 0.0272271162 5.723163e-03 0.097153921
2017-08-31 0.0013284632 -0.0013521084 -0.003226369 0.0036945746 1.691168e-02 0.017356239
2017-09-19 -0.0025908954 -0.0019880088 0.014497492 0.0007343197 -5.737005e-03 0.004915902


Downloading multiple stock monthly prices with R using quantmod

I am trying to get stock prices of multiple tickers over long period, collecting them in a dataframe.
Here goes my code
symbol1 = c('SPY', # S$P500
'IEF', # 10Y treasury bond
'TLT', # 20Y treasury bond
'AGG', # Core U.S Aggregate Bond
'SHY', # Cash
'GLD', # Gold
'IWN') # Russell 2000 value
price = function(symbols){
loadSymbols(symbols, src = 'yahoo', from= '2000-11-01', periodicity = 'monthly')
prices = list()
for (i in 1:length(symbols)) {
prices[[i]] = Ad(get(symbols[i])[,6])
prices =, prices)
colnames(prices) = gsub('\\.[A-z]*', '',colnames(prices))
prices = na.omit(prices)
a = price(symbol1)
I have two problems,
Error messages
To much differences between monthly prices
How can I solve this problems?
or is there any better and neat code to get time series monthly data (adjusted price) of multiple tickers?
Warnings about missing values:
If you take a look at one of the tickers,
loadSymbols('SPY', src = 'yahoo', from= '2000-11-01', periodicity = 'monthly')
> SPY[$SPY.Open),]
SPY.Open SPY.High SPY.Low SPY.Close SPY.Volume SPY.Adjusted
2021-02-01 NA NA NA NA NA NA
You will notice that the Yahoo API has returned a missing value for month of 2021-02-01. This makes sense, because you have requested monthly averages, which you cannot calculate for the ongoing month.
You would want to filter your data to exclude the ongoing month. For instance, this runs without errors:
loadSymbols(symbols, src = 'yahoo', from= '2000-11-01',to='2021-01-31', periodicity = 'monthly')
Regarding your second issue, I was not able to replicate that:
a = price(symbol1)
a %>% tail(10)
2020-04-01 286.8316 120.6718 164.8157 115.0776 86.24834 158.80 90.90018
2020-05-01 300.4978 121.0832 161.9357 115.8682 86.21467 162.91 93.73619
2020-06-01 304.4870 121.1411 162.4827 116.6548 86.23647 167.37 95.97152
2020-07-01 323.8377 122.1878 169.7082 118.2020 86.32609 185.43 98.42319
2020-08-01 346.4406 121.0134 161.1535 117.2467 86.31715 184.83 103.70540
2020-09-01 332.1390 121.4210 162.3971 117.1425 86.31710 177.12 98.25503
2020-10-01 325.1540 119.7535 156.9142 116.4811 86.28612 176.20 102.47127
2020-11-01 360.5232 120.1606 159.5191 117.8953 86.30606 166.67 122.00240
2020-12-01 372.2931 119.7973 157.4051 117.8594 86.31503 178.36 131.08641
2021-01-01 370.0700 118.6400 152.0000 117.3100 86.40000 172.61 138.39999
Nonetheless, comparison to this chart clearly shows that the values you attached for TLT prior to 2021-02-01 are wrong.

Calculate return for a set of securities downloaded using quantmod

I downloaded adjusted closing price using quantmod for a set of securities. I want to calculate daily/weekly/monthly return for all securities. Usual dailyReturn, weeklyReturn etc not working. What do I need to do? Here is my code.
tickers <- c('FB','MMM')
data_env <- new.env()
getSymbols(Symbols = tickers, env = data_env)
tempPort <-, eapply(data_env, Ad))
head(tempPort )
MMM.Adjusted FB.Adjusted
2007-01-03 57.00983 NA
2007-01-04 56.78401 NA
2007-01-05 56.39790 NA
2007-01-08 56.52174 NA
2007-01-09 56.58731 NA
2007-01-10 56.71116 NA
head(weeklyReturn(tempPort, type = 'log', leading=TRUE))
2012-05-18 -0.010791856
2012-05-25 0.015093078
2012-06-01 -0.023027534
2012-06-08 0.037315263
2012-06-15 0.016605617
2012-06-22 -0.007000966
I want data with returns for MMM and FB in two different columns. In my actual problem I have 50+ tickers. Hence calculating returns individually is not a solution.
Do it in a loop as such:
prices <- list()
returns <- list()
for(i in 1:length(tickers)) {
getSymbols(tickers[i], adjusted = TRUE, output.size = "full")
prices[[i]] <- Ad(get(tickers[i])) # Gets the adjusted close column
ret <- Return.calculate(Ad(get(tickers[i])), method = "log")
returns[[i]] <- ret # Adds return calculation to the list
Also consider using the alpha vantage api. You would need to go to their site and get an api key, and set source='av' in the getSymbols() function call.
Then, merge your data afterwords like this:
returns <-, returns)
You can use the quantmod add-in package qmao which has a built-in RF (stands for return frame) which does what you want. Assuming you have downloaded FB and AMZN this is the line to use:
rets <- RF(c(‘FB’,’AMZN’), silent = TRUE, type = ‘discrete )
> tail(rets)
2019-05-10 -0.001643 -0.005206
2019-05-13 -0.036105 -0.035609
2019-05-14 -0.004462 0.009568
2019-05-15 0.030654 0.016863
2019-05-16 0.003865 0.019464
2019-05-17 -0.009038 -0.020219
Have a look at ?RF to check the available argument options.

Anomaly detection In R

I am used to using the qcc package in R to detect outliers in the data. I recently came across the AnomalyDetection package. Found here:
My dataset is below:
count <- c(NA, 3828,
date_start count
1 2017-10-17 NA
2 2017-10-18 3828
3 2017-10-19 3532
4 2017-10-20 3527
5 2017-10-21 3916
6 2017-10-22 4303
When I test out this dataset with the AnomalyDetection package, the response is NULL and no plot appears. Any idea why this may be?
res = AnomalyDetectionTs(df, max_anoms=0.02, direction='both', plot=TRUE)
This is caused by the fact no anomalies were detected.
When one manually changes:
count[13] <- 5671
it is detected.
Additionally for the plot to work the time stamps need to be class POSIXct
df <- data.frame(date_start = as.POSIXct(date_start),
res <- AnomalyDetectionTs(df,
max_anoms = 0.02,
direction = 'both',
plot = TRUE)
timestamp anoms
1 2017-10-29 02:00:00 5671
When using POSIXct i get the the following error "Error: Column x is a date/time and must be stored as POSIXct, not POSIXlt"
However changing to POSIXlt solves the problem

quantmod : can't generate daily returns for stock using OHLC

I'm attempting to get daily returns by using one BDH pull, but I can't seem to get it to work. I considered using quantmod's periodreturn function, but to no avail. I'd like the PctChg column populated, and any help is greatly appreciated.
GetReturns <- function(ticker, calctype, voldays) {
check.numeric <- function(N){
!length(grep("[^[:digit:]]", as.character(N)))}
isnumber <- function(x) is.numeric(x) & !
startdate <- Sys.Date()-20
enddate <- Sys.Date()
GetData <- BBGPull <- bdh(paste(ticker," US EQUITY"), c("Open","High","Low","PX_Last"), startdate, enddate, = FALSE, options = NULL, overrides = NULL,
verbose = FALSE, identity = NULL, con = defaultConnection())
##Clean Up Columns and Remove Ticker
colnames(GetData) <- c("Date","Open","High","Low","Close")
GetData[,"PctChg"] <- "RETURN" ##Hoping to populate this column with returns
I'm not married to the idea of using quantmod, and even would use LN(T/T-1) but im just unsure how to add a column with this data. Thank you !
You missed the (important) fact that bdh() still returns a data.frame object you need to transform first:
R> library(Rblpapi)
Rblpapi version 0.3.5 using Blpapi headers and run-time
Please respect the Bloomberg licensing agreement and terms of service.
R> spy <- bdh("SPY US EQUITY", c("Open","High","Low","PX_Last"), \
+ Sys.Date()-10, Sys.Date())
R> class(spy)
[1] "data.frame"
R> head(spy)
date Open High Low PX_Last
1 2016-12-05 220.65 221.400 220.420 221.00
2 2016-12-06 221.22 221.744 220.662 221.70
3 2016-12-07 221.52 224.670 221.380 224.60
4 2016-12-08 224.57 225.700 224.260 225.15
5 2016-12-09 225.41 226.530 225.370 226.51
6 2016-12-12 226.40 226.960 225.760 226.25
R> sx <- xts(spy[, -1],[,1])
R> colnames(sx)[4] <- "Close" ## important
R> sxret <- diff(log(Cl(sx)))
R> head(sxret)
2016-12-05 NA
2016-12-06 0.00316242
2016-12-07 0.01299593
2016-12-08 0.00244580
2016-12-09 0.00602225
2016-12-12 -0.00114851
R> sxret <- ClCl(sx) ## equivalent shorthand using quantmod
This also uses packages xts and quantmod without explicitly loading them.

Create a trading day calendar from scratch

I just spent a day debugging some R code only to find that the problem I was having was caused by a missing date in the data returned by Yahoo using getSymbol. At the time I write this Yahoo is returning this:
QQQ.Open QQQ.High QQQ.Low QQQ.Close QQQ.Volume QQQ.Adjusted
2014-01-03 87.27 87.35 86.62 86.64 35723700 86.64
2014-01-06 86.66 86.76 86.00 86.32 32073100 86.32
2014-01-07 86.72 87.25 86.56 87.12 25860600 87.12
2014-01-08 87.14 87.55 86.95 87.31 27197400 87.31
2014-01-09 87.63 87.64 86.72 87.02 23674700 87.02
2014-01-13 87.18 87.48 85.68 86.01 48842300 86.01
2014-01-14 86.30 87.72 86.30 87.65 37178900 87.65
2014-01-15 88.03 88.54 87.94 88.37 39835600 88.37
2014-01-16 88.30 88.51 88.16 88.38 31630100 88.38
2014-01-17 88.11 88.37 87.67 87.88 36895800 87.88
which is missing 2014-01-10. That date is returned for other ETFs. I expect that Yahoo will fix the data one of these days (the data is on Google) but for now it is wrong which caused my code some fits.
To address this issue I want to check my data to ensure that there is data for all dates the markets were open. If there's a canned way to do this in some package I'd appreciate info on that but to that end I started writing some code using the timeDate package. However I have ended up with xts index questions I don't understand. The code follows:
MyZone = "UTC"
Sys.setenv(TZ = MyZone)
YearStart = "1990"
YearEnd = "2014"
currentYear = getRmetricsOptions("currentYear")
dateStart = paste0(YearStart, "-01-01")
dateEnd = paste0(YearEnd, "-12-31")
DayCal = timeSequence(from = dateStart, to = dateEnd, by="day", zone = MyZone)
TradingCal = DayCal[isBizday(DayCal, holidayNYSE())]
testSym = "QQQ"
getSymbols(testSym, src="yahoo", from = dateStart, to = dateEnd)
testData = get(testSym)
tail(testData, n=10)
#Save date range of data being checked
firstIndex = index(testData)[1]
lastIndex = index(testData)[nrow(testData)]
#Create an xts series covering all dates
AllDates = xts(x=rep(1, length.out=length(TradingCal)),, tzone = MyZone)
#Create an xts object that has all dates covered
#by testSym but using calendar I created
CheckData = subset(AllDates, ((index(AllDates)>=firstIndex) &&
The goal here was to create a 'known good calendar' which I could use to create a simple xts object. With that object I would then check whether every index in that object had a corresponding index in the data being tested. However I'm not getting that far as it appears my indexes are not compatible. When I run the code I get this at the end:
> CheckData = subset(AllDates, ((index(AllDates)>=firstIndex) && (index(AllDates)<=lastIndex))
+ )
Error in `>=.default`(index(AllDates), firstIndex) :
comparison (5) is possible only for atomic and list types
> class(index(AllDates))
[1] "timeDate"
[1] "timeDate"
> class(index(testData))
[1] "Date"
Can someone show me the errors of my ways here so that I can move forward? Thanks!
You need to convert TradingCal to Date:
TradingDates <- as.Date(TradingCal)
And here's another way to find index values in TradingDates that aren't in your testData index.
AllDates <- xts(,TradingDates)
testSubset <- paste(start(testData), end(testData), sep="/")
CheckData <- merge(AllDates, testData)[testSubset]
BadDates <- CheckData[]
