Game Maker Studio Score, My Score resets when going to the next room - game-maker

I'm having a problem regarding the scores in my game, My game is about answering questions using jumbled letters and when the player gets one correct answer, the game should add +1 to the game score and move to the next level (which is in the next room) and will generate another question, and keeping your last score which is 1. My problem is, the score just keeps on resetting to a value of 0 when moved into the next room. I want it to continuously add +1 even when I go to the next rooms. Thankyou in advance.

There are many solutions.
1) Set your score controller object as persistent
This is the best, as you don't need to do anything else, and in fact, it's a good rule to have one object as a persistent controller.
2) You can save your score to the file and load it each time this object (that stores the variable) is being created
This requires save\load manipulation, and in some cases (e.g you don't want to have ANY persistent objects) can be better, but I highly doubt.

You are not giving enough details about how are you storing the score value.
That may be cause by many issue in the way you are making the game, so im going to try to give all solutions to all possible scenarios:
1) Storing Score in Object Variable
This way may have two different sub scenarios:
a) Going to Next Room after Right answer
b) Restart the same room
This completly reset the variable on the object because the object is destroyed and then created again initilizing again the variables it hold when the room is created.
For this the solution is simply: set persistent true, you can do it from the form object properties (the interface that pop up when you open a object) or using gml on the create event of the object:
object: CREATE event
persistent = true;
This will make the object even if is repeated on the room created to no to create it again, so the event CREATE will no be never repeated again.
2) Storing the Score in variable of the room using Room Creation Event
In this scenario happeng the same that above, its just a local variable the room but exists only for the room and will only exists during the room until its restarted or leaved.
In this case the best is to transform this variable to a global instance in the following way:
global.points = 0;
And this is the best way to store score for you game.
Just remember no to put it in a create event of a not persistent object or it will be reseted to ZERO everything that object is created.
In that case you can check if the variable exists and then if not initializing it:
if (variable_global_exists("points") == true) {
global.points = 0;
Now if you want to save it you need to use file functions which is another question.


Converting a "name" to a real, then convert it back to a string

I've ran into some issues with my current gamemaker project. I've setup a simple "merge" functionality in my game, and I'm trying to increase it's QoL
So what's happening when I'm merging, is this;
var sabatons = instance_place(x, y, object_index);
if (instance_exists(sabatons)) {
instance_create_layer(sabatons.lastknownPosX, sabatons.lastknownPosY, "Instances", "");
if (level >= 3) {
So what the code above does, is to check if object_index matches with what I'm trying to merge it with, and if it does, it runs instance_create_layer - which is where my question comes in.
My objects are easily named with a digit at the end, to keep track of their "level"
so basically, obj_sabatons_1 means it's the first item in a chain, obj_sabatons_2 is the second etc. Now what I need help with is to convert whatever the object is that I'm trying to merge with, to a string (object_index) but increase it with 1, so I then can put that result in my instance_create_layer so the game will create the next level of item, if I successfully merge my first two items :)
Is there a reason that the level should be part of the name? If not, then you could convert the level into a variable of the object obj_sabatons, so you can keep all the code related to obj_sabatons in one place (And then remove all those copied objects with digits at the end)
Making multiple copies of the same object can be disadvantageous in numerous ways, For example, if you want to expand the limit, then you'd have to create a new object for each level, making a code change also means changing that code in every other object level (unless you're making use of parents/child objects), it would also make the progress of merging objects into new objects easier

How do I create a random item spawner with no repeats?

I am currently working on a rogue-like game in GameMaker Studio 2 and i would like to have an item spawner where no items are repeated.
I have tried multiple different ideas of what i think would work, such as giving items and id variable and only spawning items which hasn't had it's id called, although it doesn't seem to work.
The code I have right now is basic, but that is because it's the only way I've been able to spawn an item, there is repeating items with what i have and i would like to stop that from happening.
Here is the Create code of the object:
// Items
var items = choose(
instance_create_layer(x, y, "Items", choose(items));
I haven't had any actually crashes in the game, although the errors i have faced are multiple of the same object spawning twice when i would like items to not repeat.
One option is to modify the items array after each call to remove the spawned item, and re-initialize it as full only at the start of each game or when the array is empty.
The problem I'm seeing in looking through the Game Maker Language Documentation is that I cannot find a way to delete an object from an existing array and resize the array.
You're placing choose on both defining the var, and when creating the layer.
Now, I don't know exactly what choose does, but I assume it's choosing randomly a selection from the array.
So Items would only return a single chosen item from the array, maybe it's better to remove the choose function from the Items, and only decide that when creating the object.
So the Items should become an array:
var items = [
Just save the random instance in a variable, then when you create a random instance, check if equals to the instance that you have created previously, and if it is, call again the function until the previous instance is different from the new generated instance.
If you want to spawn every item only once, how about changing the current spawned object in the array to "noone".
And at every spawn cycle, you would check, if the selected item is noone and if so, select the next item (array[i++]).
Also do not forget to randomize the seed, somewhere in the beginning of your game with randomize().

MS Project: How to set daily actual work for a task using a JavaScript Add-In?

I want to synchronize data for actual work from a web-based application of my company with MS Project. I am currently developing an Add-In with JavaScript in order to achieve this:
The red circle in my screenshot shows the data that I want to set programmatically. However, I have no idea how to achieve this.
I understand that I can get Task GUIDs and then set task fields using the task GUID and the field ID. This way I can save the cumulative actual work, but not per day like in my screenshot.
The API Docs on the MS Office Website are rather hard to read and navigate. Any help would be apprechiated!
Let's first separate the language from the operation.
Operationally, based on your circle, you want to set work for a task to happen on individual days? This is done using timeScaleData, see . When I did something similar (in VBA), I had to (1) get an array of time scale values, then (2) walk/iterate through that array and set work to those days:
set timeScaleValsArry = myTask.Assignments(1).TimeScaleData(startDay, endDay, pjAssignmentTimeScaledWork, daily)
for a = 1 to timeScaleValsArry.Count
timeScaleValsArry[a].value = hoursToWorkThatDay
Breaking down the elements above:
myTask is the task (of type task) I want to manipulate.
Assignments is an array representing each resource assigned to the task; for my purposes, I only ever had 1 resource assigned, hence the index of (1).
TimeScaleData is the function that returns the the array starting on the day startDay (whatever you want that to be), endDay, pjAssignmentTimeScaledWork which tells this function what data we want to work with (being work, but there are alternates ), and daily which is the frequency you want to work with (for instance you can go down to minutes, or up to years).
Then the returned array timeScaleValsArry is walked, and inside the loop the daily assignment for each value is manipulated. You'd need to customize this part to meet your needs; alternatively, you don't even need to loop if you always had three days: just hard code the array indices.
As far as language, clearly this is do-able in VBA. Doing this in C# as a VSTO addin has very similar syntax. I'd presume for JavaScript (what are you using, ScriptLab?) would also have similar syntax.

Function of Rows, Rowsets in PeopleCode

I'm trying to get a better understanding of what Rows and Rowsets are used for in PeopleCode? I've read through PeopleBooks and still don't feel like I have a good understanding. I'm looking to get more understanding of these as it pertains to Application Engine programs. Perhaps walking through an example may help. Here are some specific questions I have:
I understand that Rowsets, Row, Record, and Field are used to access component buffer data, but is this still the case for stand alone Application Engine programs run via Process Scheduler?
What would be the need or advantage to using these as opposed to using SQL objects/functions (CreateSQL, SQLExec, etc...)? I often see in AE programs where the CreateRowset object is instantiated and uses a .Fill method with a SQL WHERE Clause and I don't quite understand why a SQL was not used instead.
I've seen in PeopleBooks that a Row object in a component scroll is a row, how does a component scroll relate to the row? I've seen references to rows having different scroll levels, is this just a way of grouping and nesting related data?
After you have instantiated the CreateRowset object, what are typical uses of it in the program afterwards? How would you perform logic (If, Then, Else, etc..) on data retrieved by the rowset, or use it to update data?
I appreciate any insight you can share.
You can still use Rowsets, Rows, Records and fields in stand alone Application Engines. Application Engines do not have component buffer data as they are not running within the context of a component. Therefore to use these items you need to populate them using built-in methods like .fill() on a rowset, or .selectByKey() on a record.
The advantage of using rowsets over SQL is that it makes the CRUD easier. There are built-in methods for selecting, updating, inserting and deleting. Additionally you don't have to worry about making a large number of variables if there were multiple fields like you would with a SQL object. Another advantage is when you do the fill, the data is read into memory, where if you looped through the SQL, the SQL cursor would be open longer. The rowset, row, record and field objects also have a lot of other useful methods such as allowing you to executeEdits (validation) or copy from one rowset\row\record to another.
This question is a bit less clear to me but I'll try and explain. If you have a Page, it would have a level 0 row. It then could have multiple Level 1 rowsets. Under each of those it could have a level 2 rowsets.
/ \
Level1 Level1
/ \ / \
Level2 Level2 Level2 Level2
If one of your level1 rows had 3 rows, then you would find 3 rows in the Rowset associated with that level1. Not sure I explained this to answer what you need, please clarify if I can provide more info
Typically after I create a rowset, I would loop through it. Access the record on each row, do some processing with it. In the example below, I look through all locked accounts and prefix their description with LOCKED and then updated the database.
Local boolean &updateResult;
local integer &i;
local record &lockedAccount;
Local rowset &lockedAccounts;
&lockedAccounts = CreateRowset(RECORD.PSOPRDEFN);
&lockedAccounts.fill("WHERE acctlock = 1");
for &i = 1 to &lockedAccounts.ActiveRowCount
&lockedAccount = &lockedAccounts(&i).PSOPRDEFN;
if left(&lockedAccount.OPRDEFNDESCR.value,6) <> "LOCKED" then
&lockedAccount.OPRDEFNDESCR.value = "LOCKED " | &lockedAccount.OPRDEFNDESCR.value;
&updateResult = &lockedAccount.update();
if not &updateResult then
/* Error handle failed update */
End-for; create function Student of the day

Im working on a web application about my class.
All students have their own webform site with an own link refering to thier page.
But I´m trying to do a function for the homepage "student of the day".
I know that i have to put all student links in an array and randomize them.
My problem is that i want the studentlink to change every 24 hours.
How can I make a timer to pick a new object from the array.
I'd agree with the comment that has been posted, however I am going to assume that you dont have a database at the moment, or you would alreday be using that rather than an array...
I minght have missed something in your question but I think we can use the pseudo random number generator with a seed based on today to get the "Random Number"
//I am assumung that you already have an array of students created at this point.
Random rnd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Day);
int selectedStudent = Console.WriteLine(rnd.Next(1, 6));
object student = studentArray[selectedStudent];
Because the seed is the same every time you should get the same result every time until the seed changes and that happens when the day changes.
Of course this will not work unless you create a new instance of rnd each time that you need to generate the number.
Hope this helps, if not let me know.
