Allow access from one domain with NGINX - nginx

I'm looking for a solution to prevent hot-linking with NGINX for JWPlayer. Say I have a NGINX server configured as a reverse proxy at, I'll get the url to put on my website hosted on another VPS at How do I restrict the file so it can be played on only and nowhere else?
I tried allow & deny directives but then I realized this is a HTML5 streaming so the directives will block the stream to users.

On nginx of Make sure you have one additional block which listens to default host and deny all traffic. Then in the existing listen block we add a rule to allow only
map $http_referer $not_allowed {
default 0;
"" 1;
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
deny all;
server {
listen 80;
location / {
if ($not_allowed)
return 404 "Not sure its there";

Because the mp4 url will be put in a HTML5 player, this means the remote address (user's machine) will always communicate directly with the reverse proxy. So that's impossible to restrict the access using other methods except nginx secure link module. With this module I'm now able to restrict the access basing on the user's ip, expiration time, url and a secret word.


Nginx choosing wrong server

I want to handle to handle and with different server blocks.
So I created the following config:
server {
listen 443 ssl;
location / {
server {
listen 443 ssl;
location / {
Requests to get correctly handled tby the first server block. However requests to also get handled by the first one.
From what I understand from the docs, requests to shouldn't be matched by
Probably won't apply to all cases but for me I was using a .dev domain (which requires https). I hadn't set up the cert yet and I guess nginx was just using the first https enabled site it could find even though the server_name was not a match.
Once I enabled https using certbot and enabled the 443 redirect it started working.
I had a similar problem and this question was quite high up in the Google results.
In my case I had a development subdomain running http only, and the main domain running https. One of the redirects on the main domain caught the subdomain request and forwarded it to the main site.
The fix was to specify http:// in the web browser or to enable https for the development domain.

Nginx reverse proxy without defining server_name?

I need to access a webserver in a private network, that has no direct access from outside. Opening router ports etc. is not an option.
I try to solve this with a raspi in that network, that i can manage via
Amongst other things, upswift allows temporary remote access to a given port over url's like
This will map to a port that i can define.
With this, i can access a VNC Server on the pi, start a browser there and access the webserver i need.
But i hope to find a more elegant way, where i can access the Site from my local browser, and where the Pi does not need to run a Desktop.
As far as i found out, this can be done with a reverse proxy like nginx.
I found a lot of tutorials on it, but i struggle at one point:
After being able to install nginx and accessing it's default index page from my local browser through the temporary url, i can't get it to work as reverse proxy.
I think my conf needs to look like
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://192.x.x.2;
Where would be the name or IP under which the device is accessed.
Now, this would not work for me, as that name is dynamic.
So i wonder if there's a way to configure nginx so it does not need that name. I would expect that is possible, as the default webserver config works without it too. Are reverse proxies different in that regard?
Or, is there a better way than with a reverse proxy to do what i want?
You could try to define it as a default block
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name _;
location / {
proxy_pass http://192.x.x.2;

Block direct IP access with NGINX with site behind Cloudflare

I'm trying to block direct IP access with NGINX.
I added the following block
server {
listen 80 default_server;
server_name "";
return 444;
I have another server block
server {
listen 80;
The problem is that after adding the server block for refusing direct IP access, I can no longer access my website via
It seems the first server block is catching all requests.
Note, I'm using Cloudflare, and I wonder if it might be related? Perhaps NGINX detects the incoming request from Cloudflare as being of direct IP access and blocks it? If so, how could I solve this?
If it matters, the above server blocks are on different files located in sites-enabled dir.
Cloudflare give the list of IP and ranges. You deny all and you accept traffic from these IPs, and it will work ->

Nginx: Can I `deny some-port` (not an IP) in a location?

In Nginx, can one somehow block or allow access from certain ports, in a location? Looking at the allow & deny docs it seems to me that they cannot be used for this purpose. Right? But is there no other way to do this?
In an Nginx virtual host, I'm allowing only a certain IP to publish websocket events:
server {
listen 80;
location /websocket/publish {
deny all;
However, soon the IP address of the appserver will we unknown, because everything will run inside Docker and I think I'll have no idea which ip a certain container will have.
So I'm thinking I could do this instead:
server {
listen 80;
listen 81;
location /websocket/publish {
# Let the appserver publish via port 81.
allow :81; # <–– "invalid parameter" error
# Block everything else, so browsers cannot publish via port 80.
deny all;
... other locations, accessible via port 80
And then have the firewall block traffic to port 81 from the outside world. But allow :81 doesn't work. Is there no other way? Or am I on the wrong track; are there better ways to do all this?
(As far as I've understood from the docs about the websocket Nginx plugin I use (namely Nchan) I cannot add the /websocket/publish endpoint in another server { } block that listens on port 81 only. Edit: Turns out I can just use different server blocks, because Nchan apparently ignores in which server block I place the config stuff, see: So I did that, works fine for me now. However would still be interesting to know if Nginx supports blocking a port in a location { ... }. )

Subdomain returns root domain's index page

I am trying to configure wildcard subdomains for my app but whenever I enter the subdomain I receive my root domain's index page. My app is configured through cloudflare and then I have an Nginx server that either serves the static files or pipes the request to a node app.
Within cloudflare I've added two rules in this order
-always use https
-always use https
Then within nginx I have two server blocks
listen 80;
//this will redirect user to use https
listen 443;
//this is my root domain's server that should handle all traffic for the root domain
then I have a block for the subdomains
listen 443;
server_name ~[^(www)|0-9A-Z]\
//proxies the request to the node app
The strange thing is that I am seeing the request being handled by the correct routes within the node app but I am getting the wrong file (the root domain's index page).
I am a bit confused since at first I suspected it might have been cloudflare caching the index page and serving that for all subdomains but then if that were the case why I am able to see the requests reaching my server?
