Laravel 5.3 Passport api routes are returning Unauthenticated error - laravel-5.3

I am new in Laravel Passport and I am able to get the the tokens from Laravel like below with Postman.
With this token, I tried to access my api route user-details
Here I am getting
"error": "Unauthenticated."
What is the issue actually ?

Since you didn't mention this step, I am guessing you might have missed this step.
'api' => [
'driver' => 'passport',
'provider' => 'users',
Read the documentation fully.


WooCommerce REST API: Gateway does not support admin changing the payment method on a Subscription

I am using WooCommerce Subscription REST API to extend the subscription of the user. The problem that I have is that when I want to update expire time I get this error:
Gateway does not support admin changing the payment method on a Subscription
Does someone know where is the problem?
I am using the following code to update the subscription expire time:
return $this->guzzleClient->request('PUT', 'wp-json/wc/v1/subscriptions/'.$id, [
'json' => [
'end_date' => $endDate->toDateTimeString(),
'status' => 'active',
We ran into a similar issue. Instead of passing the whole subscription object back, we instead only passed the necessary information (in our case we wanted to add to the coupon_lines field).
Our resulting payload looked like:
coupon_lines: [
code: "sample-code",
amount: "10.00"

Using multiple firewalls and multiple guards

I've got a Symfony 5.1 (fullstack) application and I'm using Api Platform. Now I want to use API tokens to access the API (using Custom Authentication System with Guard), but already logged in users should be able to access the API without a token.
I've used the example from the Symfony documentation about Multiple Guard Authenticators and added a second authenticator:
$container->loadFromExtension('security', [
// ...
'firewalls' => [
'api' => [
'context' => 'my_context',
'pattern' => '^/api',
'guard' => [
'entry_point' => LoginFormAuthenticator::class,
'authenticators' => [
'default' => [
'context' => 'my_context',
'anonymous' => true,
'lazy' => true,
'guard' => [
'authenticators' => [
When I use TokenAuthenticator as the entry_point, requests to ^/api/ are not accessible by logged in users. They'll get a 401 Unauthorized ("A Token was not found in the TokenStorage.").
When I use ApiTokenAuthenticator as the entry_point, (XMLHttp-)requests to ^/api/ are redirected to /login instead of a 401 Unauthorized.
How can I have API endpoints that are accessible by both authenticators?
Edit: Thanks to Cerad, I've added context to both firewalls, as described here. Didn't make any difference.

DDEV and D8, httpClient used for internal request fails to connect

I've a multisite installation of Drupal 8, the "main" website expose some REST webservices, locally i've some troubles on testing them, because there's no way for the various sites to see each other, when i try to do something like that
try {
$response = $this->httpClient->get($this->baseUri . '/myendpoint', [
'headers' => [
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'Content-type' => 'application/hal+json',
'query' => [
'_format' => 'json',
'myparameters' => 'value'
$results = $this->serializer->decode($response->getBody(), 'json');
catch (RequestException $e) {
return $results;
I always receive a timeout and there's no way i can make it work, i've my main website with the usual url (and $this->baseUri is ) and all the other websites are in the form subsite.ddev.local
If i ssh in the project and run ping i see
I don't understand why they cannot see each other...
Just for other people who can have a similar problem: my issue was with xdebug i have it with the autoconnect, so when the request from the subsite to the main site was made, it get stuck somewhere (phpstorm didn't stop anywhere by the way) so it made the request time out.
By disabling, or configuring only for the subdomain, and avoiding it to accept the external connenction from unconfigured servers (in phpstorm) it started working, still have to do some work as i need to debug "both sides" of the request, but in this way i can work with that...
I've not thought before to try disabling xdebug because actually it didn't came into my mind...

How to fix curl_error: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''

I am using telegram.php to connect my bot. When I use sendmessage all of thing is ok in my logs but I do not receive anything from the bot.
When I check my log there is a problem like this:
ok: False
curl_error_code: 51
curl_error: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ''
I donit know what to do to fix it.
I don't know this telegram bot, but I see that it uses GuzzleHttp.
During the initialization it doesn't accept any configuration Request::initialize()
public static function initialize(Telegram $telegram)
if (!($telegram instanceof Telegram)) {
throw new TelegramException('Invalid Telegram pointer!');
self::$telegram = $telegram;
self::setClient(new Client(['base_uri' => self::$api_base_uri]));
you should check its documentation. I see that there are a lot of setters which makes you able to overwrite the default settings.
What you need is to set the the \GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::VERIFY to false in the client config:
$this->client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client([
'base_uri' => 'someAccessPoint',
\GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::HEADERS => [
'User-Agent' => 'some-special-agent',
'defaults' => [
\GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::CONNECT_TIMEOUT => 5,
\GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::ALLOW_REDIRECTS => true,
\GuzzleHttp\RequestOptions::VERIFY => false,
For fix this problem copy this Url to browser and set webhook:
Solution 2 of The Error
Let’s follow these simple steps:
Download this bundle of root certificates:
Put in any location of your server.
Open php.ini and add this line:
curl.cainfo = "[the_location]\cacert.pem"
Restart your webserver.
That’s it. 🙂

Silex token authentication

I create my first app with silex. Only logged in users can use the app. In the first page i create a login form, so the user can authenticate. My security provider look like:
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\SecurityServiceProvider(), array(
'security.firewalls' => array(
'secure_area_edison' => array(
'pattern' => '^/admin/',
'form' => array('login_path' => '/', 'check_path' => '/admin/login_check'),
'logout' => array('logout_path' => '/admin/logout', 'invalidate_session' => true),
'users' => function () use ($app) {
return new App\Services\UserProvider($app['db']);
Every url after '/admin' require that the user was successfull authenticated. Everything works fine and now i want to extend my app with an API. I create a new controller which retrieves data from database and return a JSON reponse, this work also fine.
But how can the user authenticate for this API? Should i create a new column in my user table like "hash" or "token"? Users which will retrieve the JSON Response must send the token in every get request, is this the correct way?
The url can look:
you should use token base authentication instead of passing token in every get request.
refer :
