Wercker Firebase Deployment issue - firebase

I am trying automate Deployment to Firebase Hosting via Wercker and I am continously getting this error.
Following this tutorial
Stack Trace
> export WERCKER_STEP_ROOT="/pipeline/script-5ea4a2c6-b11f-4972-991a-eec61b3d43af"
export WERCKER_STEP_ID="script-5ea4a2c6-b11f-4972-991a-eec61b3d43af"
export WERCKER_STEP_OWNER="wercker"
export WERCKER_STEP_NAME="script"
export WERCKER_REPORT_NUMBERS_FILE="/report/script-5ea4a2c6-b11f-4972-991a-eec61b3d43af/numbers.ini"
export WERCKER_REPORT_MESSAGE_FILE="/report/script-5ea4a2c6-b11f-4972-991a-eec61b3d43af/message.txt"
export WERCKER_REPORT_ARTIFACTS_DIR="/report/script-5ea4a2c6-b11f-4972-991a-eec61b3d43af/artifacts"
source "/pipeline/script-5ea4a2c6-b11f-4972-991a-eec61b3d43af/run.sh" < /dev/null
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.071Z] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.076Z] Command: /usr/local/bin/node /usr/local/bin/firebase deploy --project --token --debug
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.076Z] CLI Version: 3.9.2
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.076Z] Platform: linux
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.076Z] Node Version: v7.10.1
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.077Z] Time: Tue Aug 15 2017 13:38:45 GMT+0000 (UTC)
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.077Z] ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.091Z] > command requires scopes: ["email","openid","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloudplatformprojects.readonly","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"]
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.091Z] > no authorization credentials were supplied or found
⚠ Your CLI authentication needs to be updated to take advantage of new features.
⚠ Please run firebase login --reauth
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.093Z] > command requires scopes: ["email","openid","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloudplatformprojects.readonly","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase"]
[2017-08-15T13:38:45.093Z] > no authorization credentials were supplied or found

The Issue was related to the Wercker.yml file. The Step was not defined properly and it seems the environment variable wasnt getting read properly.
Steps to narrow down the issue
Log out of Fire base on local and then try to perform a firebase list - should get an error
try same with --token passing token and will get a list of all the valid projects if token is valid.
Take the valid Project name and token and then hardcode it in yml and try once to make sure the build executes properly
Finally when all are working , expose as protected variables and everything works like a charm!!.


AWS Amplify build failing - Failed to get profile: Profile configuration is missing for: amplify

I have an AWS-Amplify project that had been building without a problem but is now failing.
# Starting phase: build
2021-11-20T00:40:02.506Z [INFO]: [31mFailed to get profile: Profile configuration is missing for: amplify[39m
2021-11-20T00:40:02.564Z [ERROR]: !!! Build failed
2021-11-20T00:40:02.564Z [ERROR]: !!! Non-Zero Exit Code detected
2021-11-20T00:40:02.564Z [INFO]: # Starting environment caching...
2021-11-20T00:40:02.565Z [INFO]: # Environment caching completed
Terminating logging...
The problem seemed to start after I made an error doing a pull request (in the wrong direction!), however, the problem has persisted despite reverting back to an earlier commit.
I have also ensured all the Amplify code is up to date amplify pull, as well as trying amplify configure and amplify init on my development machine.
Other posts that describe problems with 'Profile Configuration' seem to be related to the development machine and setting up the CLI. This failure is happening when I try to build on AWS using continuous deploys, building locally works fine.
so i got it to work.
Just delete the aws-exports.json and the amplify folder.
Then run the command from amplify which is something like:
amplify pull --appId XXXXXXXXXXX --envName dev
After a few mins, it will prompt you to select:
select AWS KEYS
enter credentials for a programmatic user and it should be fine

GitlabCI: Failed to authenticate, have you run firebase login?

I followed this tutorial to deploy my web project using firebase and Gitlab CI.
I use this conf to deploy on firebase:
# .gitlab-ci.yml
stage: deploy
environment: production
- npm i -g firebase-tools
- firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN" -P "$PROJECT_NAME" --debug
- master
- src/**/*
I stored the FIREBASE_TOKEN variable in my GitLab as protected and masked.
But when it's run in the pipeline it failed and return this error message:
$ firebase deploy --token "$FIREBASE_TOKEN" -P "$PROJECT_NAME" --debug
[2020-06-27T21:26:52.339Z] > command requires scopes: ["email","openid","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloudplatformprojects.readonly","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/firebase","https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"]
[2020-06-27T21:26:55.356Z] Error: Could not load the default credentials. Browse to https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/getting-started for more information.
at GoogleAuth.getApplicationDefaultAsync (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/firebase-tools/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/googleauth.js:160:19)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:97:5)
at runNextTicks (internal/process/task_queues.js:66:3)
at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:518:9)
at processTimers (internal/timers.js:492:7)
at async GoogleAuth.getClient (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/firebase-tools/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/googleauth.js:502:17)
at async GoogleAuth.getAccessToken (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/firebase-tools/node_modules/google-auth-library/build/src/auth/googleauth.js:524:24)
Error: Failed to authenticate, have you run firebase login?
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
I don't know why I get:
Failed to authenticate, have you run firebase login?
because I use a token to authenticate using the --token flag.
Have someone an idea why I get this error?
Ok so it was a dummy error. My variable $FIREBASE_TOKEN was not taken into account because I checked the Protect variable (Export variable to pipelines running on protected branches and tags only.) option. But I was working on a feature branch to test it that was not protected.
I encountered the same error, but through GitHub Actions. The solution was to run the command firebase init hosting:github locally, as indicated by the documentation at https://github.com/marketplace/actions/deploy-to-firebase-hosting. After signing in, this will set a GitHub Secret for you in your repository.
The following was taken from the above-mentioned documentation:
"It's important to store this token as an encrypted secret to prevent unintended access to your Firebase project. Set it in the "Secrets" area of your repository settings and add it as FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT: https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY/settings/secrets. "

Can't serve firebase functions

I am trying to follow this tutorial from Firebase Web Codelab, but I am facing a problem at step 5: after running the command firebase serve, I do not get the expected response
Listening at http://localhost:5000, but instead I get:
i functions: Preparing to emulate functions.
i hosting: Serving hosting files from: ./
+ hosting: Local server: http://localhost:5000
which is bad because functions are not being served, although ⚠ functions: Failed to emulate api is not prompted, it remains "preparing to emulate functions" ad infinitum.
More information: CLI Version: 3.18.4
Platform: win32
Node Version: v6.12.3 and I already tried going to ~/.config/configstore/ and deleting the #Google-Cloud folder in order to restart the whole process.
I'm pretty sure you are in the right track, the difference between the expected message (Listening at http://localhost:5000) and the message you get (hosting: Local server: http://localhost:5000) is because you are using the new version of the CLI (v3.18.4) but the codelab chapter is not updated to reflect the new change in the logging message.
You can see the difference in the source-code firebase-tools v2.2.1 where it displays
Listening at http://<HOST>:<PORT>
and in firebase-tools v3.18.4 it displays
hosting: Local server: http://<HOST>:<PORT>
And for the functions emulation, as you are in step5, you don't have yet functions, see functions in the codelab source code.

Error invoking firebase function referencing local configuration variables from Firebase Functions Shell

This is a continuation of troubleshooting this problem and a separate issue related to implementing a suggested solution.
I am attempting to consume Firebase function configuration from a locally-served environment as outlined here but I get an unexpected error.
I create a ".runtimeconfig.json" file within my functions directory containing this:
"auth": {
"clientid": MY_CLIENT_ID,
"signoutreturnto": SOME_URL,
"responsetype": SOME_URL,
"redirecturi": SOME_OTHER_URL,
"domain": SOME_DOMAIN
I execute the following commands from the firebase CLI (within the functions directory):
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
firebase experimental:functions:shell
I execute my config function via the cli:
I get the following error output in the console:
TypeError: config is not a function
at repl:1:1
at ContextifyScript.Script.runInContext (vm.js:32:29)
at REPLServer.defaultEval (repl.js:341:29)
at bound (domain.js:280:14)
at REPLServer.runBound [as eval] (domain.js:293:12)
at REPLServer.onLine (repl.js:536:10)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at REPLServer.emit (events.js:191:7)
at REPLServer.Interface._onLine (readline.js:241:10)
at REPLServer.Interface._line (readline.js:590:8)
my other functions, bigben & firebaseConfig execute as expected from the CLI
If you want to see your functions config at the the CLI emulator prompt, you should run the emulator command from your functions directory:
$ cd functions
$ firebase experimental:functions:shell
Then, at the firebase prompt, you can access your config like this:
firebase> const functions = require('firebase-functions')
firebase> functions.config()
That should print your config. Normally you don't need to do something like this - you would instead just read the config from inside the emulated function using functions.config().
Are you sure you are on the latest version of firebase-tools? You can update by running 'npm install -g firebase-tools'. You should be on v3.17.4, there was a known bug that was resolved in that version.

Access of configuration variable in Cloud Functions Firebase CLI local emulator failed

I am using Firebase Functions. I set a environment variable by command:
firebase functions:config:set my.token="abcde"
I verified it by command:
firebase functions:config:get
which returns me:
"my": {
"token": "abcde"
in my index.js , I try to get the set token by:
const tok = functions.config().my.token
I would like to test my functions locally instructed by this document, so I run command:
firebase serve --only functions
But it gives me error:
Error from emulator. FirebaseError: Error occurred while parsing your function triggers.
TypeError: Cannot read property 'token' of undefined
Why I can't access the token I set in environment variable of Firebase?
This was a bug in the Firebase CLI that was fixed in version 3.17.4. Please update your firebase-tools module:
npm install -g firebase-tools
Also, don't forget to follow the instructions in the documentation and copy your configs to a local file before running the emulator:
cd functions
firebase functions:config:get > .runtimeconfig.json
