How to parse multiline string in Julia? - julia

How can I parse more lines of code?
This is working:
julia> eval(parse("""print("O");print("K")"""))
This is not working:
julia> eval(parse("""print("N");
ERROR: ParseError("extra token after end of expression")
[1] #parse#235(::Bool, ::Function, ::String) at ./parse.jl:237
[2] parse(::String) at ./parse.jl:232
BTW if I try line by line I have other problems. For example:
julia> parse("""for i in 1:3""")
:($(Expr(:incomplete, "incomplete: premature end of input")))
julia> eval(parse("""for i in 1:2

It's a bit dopey, but this will do the trick!:
function parseall(str)
return Meta.parse("begin $str end").args
As #Alexander Morley pointed out above, parse is designed to only parse a single expression. So if you just make that single expression able to contain all the expressions in your original string, then it will parse it just fine! :)
The simplest way to do that is to wrap the string in a block, which makes it a valid julia expression. You can see that such an expression parses just fine:
julia> Meta.parse("""
function f3(x)
x + 2
>> quote
#= none:2 =#
function f3(x)
#= none:3 =#
x + 2
#= none:5 =#
#= none:6 =#
This is in fact the structure that the code in #Alexander Morley's is building. (And that's what made me think of doing it this way! Thanks Alexander!)
However, do note that if you are trying to parse a file, you actually don't want to return a single block expression like that returns, because you can't eval it as a single block: Julia doesn't allow you to nest some "top-level statements" (Modules) inside of anything. Instead you want to return an array of top-level expressions. That's why we return the args out of the Block expression.
With the above, you can eval each of those top-level expressions, and it will work correctly! :)
julia> for expr in parseall("module M f() = 1 end"); Core.eval(Main, expr); end
julia> M.f()
This part was figured out together with #misakawa (#thautwarm on Github).

parse is designed to parse a single expression (at least that's what the docs say: given this I'm actually a bit surprised your first example works , without throwing an error...).
If you want to parse mutliple expressions then you can take advantage of the fact that:
parse can take a second argument start that tells it where to
start parsing from.
If you provide this start argument then it returns a tuple containing the expression, and where the expression finished.
to define a parseall function yourself. There used to be one in base but I'm not sure there is anymore. Edit: there is still in the tests see below
# modified from the julia source ./test/parse.jl
function parseall(str)
pos = start(str)
exs = []
while !done(str, pos)
ex, pos = parse(str, pos) # returns next starting point as well as expr
ex.head == :toplevel ? append!(exs, ex.args) : push!(exs, ex) #see comments for info
if length(exs) == 0
throw(ParseError("end of input"))
elseif length(exs) == 1
return exs[1]
return Expr(:block, exs...) # convert the array of expressions
# back to a single expression


JULIA include statement error: applicable method may be too new

I want to import a function present in a julia file somewhere during runtime
just like in python we have importlib.import_module to import module is there something present in julia
I'm new to julia and I'm not sure how to do that.
I have to import a function main from another julia file and want to run it but I have to also check a condition before that if the condition is true then I want to import the function.
I have a file
function myMain()
s1 = "Hello"
s2 = "World!"
say(s1, s2)
function say(s1, s2)
print(s1, s2)
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching say(::String, ::String)
The applicable method may be too new: running in world age 32378, while current world is 32379.
Closest candidates are:
say(::Any, ::Any) at ~/Desktop/julia_including/functions/hello.jl:1 (method too new to be called from this world context.)
[1] myMain()
# Main ~/Desktop/julia_including/main.jl:5
[2] top-level scope
# ~/Desktop/julia_including/main.jl:8
in expression starting at /home/shivansh/Desktop/julia_including/main.jl:8
It works fine when I don't use include inside the myMain() function in main.jl
Julia contrary to Python is a compiled language.
Hence for maximum performance all functions should be known at the compilation time so efficient assembly code can be generated.
Hence generally you want to avoid syntax like the one you are proposing and have the inlude outside of the function.
However, if you really know what you are doing, why you are doing this and need such functionality then comes the world of Julia metaprogramming.
The code is the following:
function myMain()
s1 = "Hello"
s2 = "World!"
Base.invokelatest(say, s1, s2)
Now you can do:
julia> myMain()
Honestly, it just sounds like you wanna do this
if some_condition
I think though, after seeing the error that you added, what you wanna do is define your function multiple times instead, and with different argument types:
function say(x::Any, y::Any)
function say(x::String, y::Any)
println("String in arg1: $x")
function say(x::Any, y::String)
println("String in arg2: $y")
function say(x::String, y::String)
println("String in args 1 and 2: $x $y")
That way using say differs based on the datatype of the arguments:
julia> say("Foo", "Bar")
String in args 1 and 2: Foo Bar
julia> say("Foo", 2)
String in arg1: Foo
julia> say(0, "Bar")
String in arg2: Bar
and if you have two different functions that act on 2 strings you can do this instead:
struct MySayFunctionType{Symbol}
function say(x::String, y::String, ::MySayFunctionType{:Type1})
println("Type1 function is being called: $x $y")
function say(x::String, y::String, ::MySayFunctionType{:Type2})
println("Type2 function is being called: $x $y")
and then use these like this
if condition
say("Foo", "Bar", MySayFunctionType{Symbol("Type1")}() )
say("Foo", "Bar", MySayFunctionType{Symbol("Type2")}() )
and if you want a default version of this function to be called -- say Type2 -- you can just add a default value for the third argument like this:
function say(x::String, y::String, z::MySayFunctionType{:Type2}=MySayFunctionType{Symbol("Type2")}())
println("Type2 function is being called: $x $y")
The reason this works is because "MySayFunctionType{:Type1}" is considered to be a different type than "MySayFunctionType{:Type2}" so multiple dispatch would consider that as well.

Julia Macro to Save the Overt form of a Function, and Define it

Some of the parameters to a simulation I am writing are functions. When the output is generated, I want to put the definition of these functional parameters in the output. I have in mind a macro that somehow saves the definition as a string, and then defines it. For example, here's what I do now:
borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
global g_borda_score_fn_string = "exp(1/p)"
And then I write g_borda_score_fn_string to my output. But this is really ugly!
What I would like to do is something like this:
#paramfn borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
And later be able to both call borda_score_fn(p), and have the form (i.e., "exp(1/p)") available for writing to my output log. (The string form might get stashed in a global dict, actually, they both could.)
I have tried many version of this, but can't get the right set of parses and calls to get it to work. Any help would be appreciated.
This may be a bit different than what you have in mind, but one perhaps "Julian" approach might be to have the function itself return the form string via multiple dispatch, rather than defining a whole new global variable just for that. For example, say we have a type
struct Form end
that we can use for dispatch, then we can write
borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
borda_score_fn(::Form) = "exp(1/p)"
which can then be retrieved just by calling the function with our type
julia> borda_score_fn(2)
julia> borda_score_fn(Form())
That might actually be not bad on its own. But, if you want a macro to do both parts at once, then something along the lines of
macro paramfn(e)
name = esc(e.args[1].args[1])
str = string(e.args[2].args[2])
f = esc(e)
$name(::Form) = $str
would let you write
julia> #paramfn borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
borda_score_fn (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> borda_score_fn(1)
julia> borda_score_fn(Form())
"exp(1 / p)"
For completeness, here's how you can do it in a way more similar to your original approach, but more idiomatically than with a global variable:
julia> module FormOf
export formof, #paramfn
function formof end
macro paramfn(expr)
name = esc(expr.args[1].args[1])
form_str = string(expr.args[2].args[2])
$FormOf.formof(::typeof($name)) = $form_str
julia> FormOf.#paramfn borda_score_fn(p) = exp(1/p)
borda_score_fn (generic function with 1 method)
julia> FormOf.formof(borda_score_fn)
"exp(1 / p)"
However, since it defines a new method of FormOf.formof, this only works in global scope:
julia> function bla()
FormOf.#paramfn fn(p) = exp(1/p)
fn(10) + 1
ERROR: syntax: Global method definition around REPL[45]:10 needs to be placed at the top level, or use "eval".
[1] top-level scope
# REPL[50]:1
#cbk's solution does not have this limitation.

`UndefVarError` in a Julia macro

To help my debugging (and also in order to better understand how Julia macros
work), I'm trying to define a simple macro that sourrounds blocks of code with
"Entering" and "Leaving" notifications. Here is what I've come up with so far:
macro dbg(block_title, expr)
title = $block_title
println("Entering $title")
println("Leaving $title")
At first glance, it seems to do what I want:
julia> #dbg "first test" begin
println("does it work?")
Entering first test
does it work?
Leaving first test
however, as soon as variables are involved, nothing works anymore and I get
UndefVarError for all variables accesses. It looks like
the scope inside and outside the macro are distinct:
julia> #dbg "initialization" begin
foo = rand(10)
println("foo = ", foo)
Entering initialization
foo = [0.9178016919066918, 0.6004694971609528, 0.5294790810682284, 0.04208146400653634, 0.09271603217172952, 0.2809448815925, 0.68236281020963, 0.8313876607106496, 0.07484095574744898, 0.14099531301938573]
Leaving initialization
julia> foo
ERROR: UndefVarError: foo not defined
What am I doing wrong?
In short, you're missing the notion of macro
hygiene and
in particular the esc
Although this part of the documentation is a good read for anyone wanting to develop their own macros, let's try to expand a little on what macro hygiene does in this particular example, and how you can fix things.
A useful way to debug macros is provided by
julia> #macroexpand #dbg "initialization" begin
foo = rand(10)
println("foo = ", foo)
#= REPL[1]:3 =#
var"#32#title" = "initialization"
#= REPL[1]:4 =#
Main.println("Entering $(var"#32#title")")
#= REPL[1]:5 =#
#= REPL[5]:2 =#
var"#33#foo" = Main.rand(10)
#= REPL[5]:3 =#
Main.println("foo = ", var"#33#foo")
#= REPL[1]:6 =#
Main.println("Leaving $(var"#32#title")")
Leaving aside all comments within #= ... =# markers, we see almost the code we
wanted to get: the user code block has been surrounded with statements printing
the "Entering" and "Leaving" notifications. However, there is one notable
difference: variable names like foo or title have been
replaced with weirdly looking names like var"#33#foo" or var"#32#title". This is what is called
"macro hygiene", and it helps avoiding clashes that could occur between the
variables used in the macro itself (like title in this example), and the variables used in the code block
provided as an argument to the macro (like foo here). (Think for example what
would happen if you used you #dbg on a code block that defines a title variable.)
Julia errs on the side of caution, and protects in this way all variables
appearing in the macro. If you want to disable this for selected parts of the
expression produced by the macro, you can wrap these subexpressions inside the
function. In your example, you should for example escape the user-provided
macro dbg(block_title, expr)
title = $block_title
println("Entering $title")
println("Leaving $title")
Now things should work like want them to:
julia> #dbg "initialization" begin
foo = rand(10)
println("foo = ", foo)
Entering initialization
foo = [0.2955287439482881, 0.8989053281359838, 0.27751430906108343, 0.4920810199867245, 0.7633806735297282, 0.34535540650110597, 0.7099231627594489, 0.39978144801175564, 0.9104888704503833, 0.1983996781283539]
Leaving initialization
julia> #dbg "computation" begin
foo .+= 1
Entering computation
Leaving computation
julia> foo
10-element Array{Float64,1}:

How do I pass a variable to a macro and evaluate it before macro execution?

If I have a method
macro doarray(arr)
if in(:head, fieldnames(typeof(arr))) && arr.head == :vect
println("A Vector")
throw(ArgumentError("$(arr) should be a vector"))
it works if I write this
but the following code rightly does not work, raising the ArgumentError(i.e. ArgumentError: alist should be a vector).
alist = [:x]
How can I make the above to act similarly as #doarray([x])
I have a recursive macro(say mymacro) which takes a vector, operates on the first value and then calls recursively mymacro with the rest of the vector(say rest_vector). I can create rest_vector, print the value correctly(for debugging) but I don't know how to evaluate rest_vector when I feed it to the mymacro again.
I'm trying to implement logic programming in Julia, namely MiniKanren. In the Clojure implementation that I am basing this off, the code is such.
(defmacro fresh
[var-vec & clauses]
(if (empty? var-vec)
`(lconj+ ~#clauses)
`(call-fresh (fn [~(first var-vec)]
(fresh [~#(rest var-vec)]
My failing Julia code based on that is below. I apologize if it does not make sense as I am trying to understand macros by implementing it.
macro fresh(varvec, clauses...)
if isempty(varvec.args)
varvecrest = varvec.args[2:end]
return quote
fn = $(esc(varvec.args[1])) -> #fresh($(varvecvest), $(esc(clauses)))
The error I get when I run the code #fresh([x, y], ===(x, 42))(you can disregard ===(x, 42) for this discussion)
ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: varvecvest not defined
The problem line is fn = $(esc(varvec.args[1])) -> #fresh($(varvecvest), $(esc(clauses)))
If I understand your problem correctly it is better to call a function (not a macro) inside a macro that will operate on AST passed to the macro. Here is a simple example how you could do it:
function recarray(arr)
println("head: ", popfirst!(arr.args))
isempty(arr.args) || recarray(arr)
macro doarray(arr)
if in(:head, fieldnames(typeof(arr))) && arr.head == :vect
println("A Vector")
throw(ArgumentError("$(arr) should be a vector"))
Of course in this example we do not do anything useful. If you specified what exactly you want to achieve then I might suggest something more specific.

How can I shorten a type in the body of a function

Best be explained by an example:
I define a type
type myType
z = myType( 1., 2. )
Then suppose that I want to pass this type as an argument to a function:
myFunc( x::Vector{Float64}, m::myType ) =
Is there a way to pass myType so that I can actually use it in the body of the function in a "cleaner" fashion as follows:
Thanks for any answer.
One way is to use dispatch to a more general function:
myFunc( x::Vector{Float64}, α::Float64, β::Float64) = x[1].^α+x[2].^β
myFunc( x::Vector{Float64}, m::myType = myFunc(x,m.α,m.β)
Or if your functions are longer, you may want to use Parameters.jl's #unpack:
function myFunc( x::Vector{Float64}, m::myType )
#unpack m: α,β #now those are defined
The overhead of unpacking is small because you're not copying, it's just doing a bunch of α=m.α which is just making an α which points to m.α. For longer equations, this can be a much nicer form if you have many fields and use them in long calculations (for reference, I use this a lot in DifferentialEquations.jl).
There's another way as noted in the comments. Let me show this. You can define your type (with optional kwargs) using the #with_kw macro from Parameters.jl. For example:
using Parameters
#with_kw type myType
α::Float64 = 1.0 # Give a default value
β::Float64 = 2.0
z = myType() # Generate with the default values
Then you can use the #unpack_myType macro which is automatically made by the #with_kw macro:
function myFunc( x::Vector{Float64}, m::myType )
#unpack_myType m
Again, this only has the overhead of making the references α and β without copying, so it's pretty lightweight.
You could add this to the body of your function:
(α::Float64, β::Float64) = (m.α, m.β)
UPDATE: My original answer was wrong for a subtle reason, but I thought it was a very interesting bit of information so rather than delete it altogether, I'm leaving it with an explanation on why it's wrong. Many thanks to Fengyang for pointing out the global scope of eval! (as well as the use of $ in an Expr context!)
The original answer suggested that:
[eval( parse( string( i,"=",getfield( m,i)))) for i in fieldnames( m)]
would return a list comprehension which had assignment side-effects, since it conceptually would result in something like [α=1., β=2., etc]. The assumption was that this assignment would be within local scope. However, as pointed out, eval is always assessed at global scope, therefore the above one-liner does not do what it's meant to. Example:
julia> type MyType
julia> function myFunc!(x::Vector{Float64}, m::MyType)
α=5.; β=6.;
[eval( parse( string( i,"=",getfield( m,i)))) for i in fieldnames( m)]
x[1] = α; x[2] = β; return x
julia> myFunc!([0.,0.],MyType(1., 2.))
2-element Array{Float64,1}:
julia> whos()
MyType 124 bytes DataType
myFunc 0 bytes #myFunc
α 8 bytes Float64
β 8 bytes Float64
I.e. as you can see, the intention was for the local variables α and β to be overwritten, but they didn't; eval placed α and β variables at global scope instead. As a matlab programmer I naively assumed that eval() was conceptually equivalent to Matlab, without actually checking. Turns out it's more similar to the evalin('base',...) command.
Thanks again to Fengyand for giving another example of why the phrase "parse and eval" seems to have about the same effect on Julia programmers as the word "it" on the knights who until recently said "NI". :)
