How do I run a SQL update statement in RODBC? - r

When trying to run an update with a SQL statement with the sqlQuery function in RODBC, it brings up an error
"[RODBC] ERROR: Could not SQLExecDirect '.
How do you run a direct update statement with R?

You cannot use a plain SQL update statement with the SQL query function, it just needs to return a resultset. For example, the following statement won't work:
sql="update mytable set column=value where column=value"
cn <-odbcDriverConnect(connection="yourconnectionstring")
resultset <- sqlQuery(cn,sql)
But if you add an output statement, the SQL query function will work fine. For example.
sql="update mytable set column=value output inserted.column where column=value"
cn <-odbcDriverConnect(connection="yourconnectionstring")
resultset <- sqlQuery(cn,sql)
I just added a function to make it easy to take your raw sql and quickly turn it into an update statement.
setUpdateSql <-function(updatesql, wheresql, output="inserted.*"){
sql=paste(updatesql," output ",output, wheresql)
sql=gsub("\n"," ",sql) #remove new lines if they appear in sql
So now I just need to split the SQL statement and it will run. I could also add an "inserted.columnname" if I didn't want to return the whole thing.
sql=setUpdateSql("update mytable set column=value","where column=value","inserted.column")#last parameter is optional
cn <-odbcDriverConnect(connection="yourconnectionstring")
resultset <- sqlQuery(cn,sql)
The other advantage with this method is you can find out what has changed in the resultset.


R with postgresql database

I've been trying to query data from postgresql database (pgadmin) into R and analyse. Most of the queries work except when I try to write a condition specifically to filter out most of the rows. Please find the code below
dbGetQuery(con, 'select * from "db_name"."User" where "db_name"."User"."FirstName" = "Mani" ')
Error in result_create(conn#ptr, statement) :
Failed to prepare query: ERROR: column "Mani" does not exist
LINE 1: ...from "db_name"."User" where "db_name"."User"."FirstName" = "Mani"
this is the error I get, Why is it considering Mani as a column when it is just an element. Someone pls assist me
String literals in Postgres (and most flavors of SQL) take single quotes. This, combined with a few other optimizations in your code leave us with this:
sql <- "select * from db_name.User u where u.FirstName = 'Mani'"
dbGetQuery(con, sql)
Note that introduced a table alias, for the User table, so that we don't have to repeat the fully qualified name in the WHERE clause.

RODBC gives proper row count but yields empty query

Using R-3.5.0 and RODBC v. 1.3-15 on Windows.
I am trying to query data from a remote database. I can connect fine and if I do a query to count the rows, the answer comes out correctly. But if I try to remove the count statement select count(*) and actually get the data via select *, I yield an empty query (with some rather strange headers). Only two of the column names come out correctly and the rest are question marks and a number (as shown below). I can using sql developer to query the data no problem.
I include the simplest version of the code below but I get the same results if I try to limit to just a few rows or certain conditions, etc. Sorry I cannot create a reproducible example but as this is a remote db and I have no idea what the problem is, I'm not sure how I could even do that.
I can query other tables from different schemas within the same odbc connection, so I don't think it is that. I have tried with and without the believeNRows and the rows_at_time.
Thank you for any thoughts.
channel <- odbcConnect("mydb", uid="myuser", pwd="mypass", believeNRows=FALSE,rows_at_time = 1)
myquery <- paste("select count(*) from MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE")
sqlQuery(channel, myquery)
1 149712361
myquery <- paste("select * from MYSCHEMA.MYTABLE")
sqlQuery(channel, myquery)
[1] ID FMC_IN_ID ? ?.1 ?.2 ?.3 ?.4 ?.5 ?.6 ?.7 ?.8 ?.9 ?.10 ?.11 ?.12 ?.13 ?.14 ?.15
<0 rows> (or 0-length row.names)
I would try the following:
add a simple limit 100 to your query to see if you can get some data back
add the believeNRows option to the sqlQuery call -- in my experience it is needed at that level
In case it helps others, the problem was that the database contained an Oracle spatial field (MDSYS.SDO_GEOMETRY). R did not know what to do with it. I assumed it would just convert it to a character but instead it just got confused. By omitting the spatial field, the query worked fine.

Special Characters are Converted to ? When Inserting into Oracle Database Using R

I'm making a connection to an oracle database using the ROracle package and DBI package. When I try to execute insert statements that have special characters, the special characters get converted to non-special characters. (I'm sure there's more correct terms for "special" and "non-special" that I'm not aware of).
First I make the following connection:
connection <- dbConnect(
username = "xxxxx",
password = "xxxxx",
dbname = "xxxx"
Then I execute the following insert statement on a table I already have created. Column A has a type of nvarchar2.
dbSendQuery(connection, "insert into TEST_TABLE (A) values('£')")
This is what gets returned:
Statement: insert into TEST_TABLE (A) values('#')
Rows affected: 1
Row count: 0
Select statement: FALSE
Statement completed: TRUE
OCI prefetch: FALSE
Bulk read: 1000
Bulk write: 1000
As you can see, the "£" symbol gets replaced by a "#". I can execute the insert statement directly in PL/SQL and there's no issue, so it seems to be an issue with R. Any help is appreciated.
This was resolved by running Sys.setenv(NLS_LANG = "AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8") before creating the connection.

read table from SQL database based on a date

I'm trying to read a table from an SQL database using the sqlQuery function. Specifically, I want to ceate a function with a date as input and then select the data from the SQL database which match the given date. The commands are like:
{sqlQuery(channel,paste("select * from TABLE","where date=dateA"))}
Note that the format of the date on the SQL table is YYYY-MM-DD and the above command works fine when the specific date is written on the sqlQuery function. i.e. when using the command:
sqlQuery(channel,paste("select * from TABLE","where date='2017-10-26'"))
nevertheless when calling the function example with date as input this does not work.
Does anybody know if there is a way to overcome this??
That is because dateA is treated as part of the string instead of replacing the value of dateA, try instead:
sqlQuery(channel,paste0("select * from TABLE","where date=", dateA))
Here, dateA is replaced with '2017-10-26' when you call example, and paste0 pastes "select * from TABLE","where date=" and '2017-10-26' (the value of dateA) together to form "select * from TABLE","where date='2017-10-26'"

R: Updating SQL table loop using R

I am using the RODBC package on R which allows me to connect to SQL using R.
As an example to my problem, I have a table [Sales] within SQL with 3 Columns (Alpha, Beta, BetaDistribution).
Note that the 3rd column (BetaDistribution) is not populated, and this needs to be populated using a Statistical R Function.
I have assigned my table to the variable SELECT
select <- sqlQuery(dbhandle, 'select * from dbo.sales')
how to I run a loop to update my sql table so that the BetaDistribution column is updated with the calculated Beta Distribution - pbeta(alpha,beta)
Something like this. Basically you make a temp table and then update the existing table. There's a reasonable chance you need to tweak that update statement since I, obviously, can't test it.
sqlSave(dbhandle, select, tablename="dbo.salestemp", rownames=FALSE,varTypes=list(Alpha="decimal(10,10)", Beta="decimal(10,10)", BetaDistribution="decimal(10,10)"))
sqlQuery(dbhandle, "update dbo.sales
set sales.BetaDistribution=salestemp.BetaDistribution
from dbo.sales
inner join
sales.Alpha=salestemp.Alpha and
sqlQuery(dbhandle, "drop table salestemp")
