Can we control Philips Hue lights with RaspberryPi based Alexa - alexa-skills-kit

I have seen multiple links about controlling philips hue lights uisng Amazon Echo. I wanted to know if we can do the same with self built alexa made using RaspberryPi instead of real amazon echo ?
Is there any difference between both ?

Absolutely. As long as you have set up the RasberryPi to ask as an Alexa enabled device, all you have to do is connect it to your account, go to the Alexa phone app and discover your lights. Then it should work. It will also have all of the other functionality that Alexa has since all the RasberryPi is is a microphone and speaker and Alexa's logic is in the cloud.
Guides for this:

You should try DIYhue on GitHub for all these functions. It contains direct Alexa and Philips Hue implementation.


How can i merge philips hue mesh with mqtt mesh in home assistant?

My setup is as follows:
Home assistant running on a VM server with CC2531 zigbee2mqtt USB stick.
Next to server there is a Philips Hue hub.
I have a number of Hue lights and switches connected to Philips Hue hub. This is integrated using Philips Hue integration to Home Assistant.
I have some Aqara sensors I'm connecting to Home Assistant via USB stick. And integrated using MQTT into home assistant.
Lights/switches work throughout the house - mesh is working correctly. Some devices are pretty far away.
Aqara sensors ( they are all end devices ) are not working too far from USB stick.
This leads me to believe that at this point i have two separate zibgee meshes - one native philips hue and one for aqara.
How can i merge those two meshes ? I guess I'd have to do away with philips hue bridge and merge all philips devices into mqtt mesh ? Is there another way ?
You can either decide to use only your Z2M mesh and discard Hue. That needs to pair all devices from the Hue bridge to the CC2531 and Z2M. Keep in mind that CC2531 has limited resources and you can encounter issues if you have too many devices.
What I suggest is to keep two distinct networks but move some of the bulbs to the Z2M mesh in order to use them as relays, especially for your furthest Aqara end devices.

Advertising and connection establishment using nRF52 DK with nrf52832 chip on Segger Embedded studio

I want to know how to send out an advertisement with some specific user number and data such that a connection can be established using the the sdk 15.3.0.
could anyone suggest me what changes i need to make in the ble app beacon code given in the sdk examples.
One idea would be to start with the ble_peripheral example of the Nordic SDK.
You can find the following two guides on their forum : and
This explains how to build a custom service with a custom characteristic to handle read / write and notification of values from the embedded device to a BLE central device (e.g: smartphone).

Alexa interaction with ESP32 chip

I'm developing an IOT project on an ESP32. The ESP32 will need to interact on voice commands from the Alexa Echo. What's the best way to approach this? I found a library (named: FauxmoESP). Whit this library I can interact between the ESP32 and de Echo. My question her is. Is this a legitimate solution for bringing this ESP32 to market? If not. What's the best approach?
If you haven't found it already, Espressif has official SDK for Voice assistant.
It has examples for Alexa, Google Voice Assistant and Google Dialogflow.
The SDK is updated frequently.
Why not give it a try?

Android periipheral mode detection

Can anyone please tel me ,is there any possibility to check in which mode(i.e. central or peripheral mode), the BLE is operating? If so on what basis can we find out. I am using BCM20702. It says it supports both modes. But is there a way in which we can find out as to which mode is the device working in?
If you are advertising, you're a Peripheral. If you are scanning and initiating connections, you're a Central. It's as simple as that.

Mobile Adhoc NETwork

How to create a Mobile Adhoc NETwork using bluetooth for transmission and j2me for programming? Where should I start?
You can start by first choosing an API for Bluetooth like Bluecove etc. Google the available APIs that support java and you can choose any one you find better for you. I have personally worked on Bluecove. But i have never created an Adhoc network. I think you need to create a PAN (personal area network) via bluetooth. Please elaborate how you want to use your ad-hoc network so can tell you something more about it.
