Should I use vh or vw as responsive units? [closed] - css

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm a little confused regarding which units are the best for responsive websites.
I know the pixel units are static and it's better to work with vh or vw to get better responsive results.
Which one is better to work with a responsive design?

I would use 'rem' everywhere. Additionally set the root font size (on the html) dynamic with javascript or relative to the screen size with vw or vh.


Min width vs Max Width [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I'm new to media queries and I have a question.
I made a Desktop version of the website first and now I decided to make responsive too.
I've read that in this case I shall use max-width but I'm not sure.
Could you tell me if I'm wrong?
max-width in a media query means the following:
All styles applied in that media query will run as long as 'screen' is below the max width, for example, max-width: 1200px, all CSS will be applied under 1200px.
Min-width is the opposite, all CSS wil run as long as 'screen' is above the min-width, for example, min-width: 1200px, all CSS will be applied above 1200px.

What is best practice for fluid designs - using css sprites or inline images? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am working on a web site which is supposed to have a fluid layout. I am currently presented with a dilemma: shall I use css sprite or opt for inline images?
All images will need to be fluid and reduce/enlarge their size on each respective screen size. I was thinking to use CSS sprite image but that would mean that I need to identify all major screen widths and then slice all images with those respective widths and add them to my sprite...
My questions is: what is the best approach for rendering images in fluid / responsive designs? Sprites, inline images or combination of both?
Thank you!
Personally I think sprites are a little unnecessary, the internet is fast enough now to just use separate bg images. Displaying the correct image by using media queries and constraining the size in fluid designs by using background-size: cover; or contain.

What are the advantages of Bootstrap over CSS flex model? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Given that CSS components (buttons etc.) can be used apart from Bootstrap grid system, what are the actual advantages of using Bootstrap over CSS flex model?
I am asking this questions as I always have big problems with margin/padding in Bootstrap 3 as few pixels (15px or so) are added, preventing me to take advantage of the full width of a container. Also, if I try to manually sent the margin to 0 the whole layout is displaced (including outer containers)
One current disadvantage of using flex is that it doesn't work for IE9 or earlier. It's probably a bit soon to be dumping them yet.

Border radius with ems? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is it better for responsive design to set a border-radius in ems rather than px?
Ive read that column and media query widths are better as ems than pixels for a more responsive design, however ive never heard of someone using ems for border radius.
em is always better for responsive design and you can convert it here
Yeah you can use ems for border radius , is it better for responsive than px ? , eh debatable .. because its not always the case , when your screen is small or relatively large it will look not look so good or aesthetic , but responsive design wise , its better to use ems than px

gutter-width in a CSS grid [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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This may be a silly question, so my apologies in advance.
I'm designing a CSS grid for my website. The overall width of the grid is 1150px divided into 12 columns. But when it comes to the gutter width: It it best to use a small or big width? Or do you choose that depending on how you want your website to look/be styled?
Thanks for any help!
Gutter is a concept independent of CSS and it is related to a better legibility (easier to read).
There is no predefined rule about the width. Just set the whitespace between columns to some value that you want.
This value depends about what you looking for in your website (legibility, structure, design, information architecture ).
