WeChat admin can't login - wechat

I have built a chat bot for WeChat and connected it to a WeChat official page on https://admin.wechat.com
However, I can no longer login to the admin website. It gives invalid user/password, but I know they are correct. When I use the same user/password to check the account status it says the account is active.
Also if I try to reset the password it gives me the error "Server Busy", the same all week. It was working a few weeks ago.
I also tried login on https://mp.weixin.qq.com but I think you need a China account to connect to it?
Can anyone with an official WeChat account check if they can sign in?

This is a login page which works for me right now: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/debug/cgi-bin/sandbox?t=sandbox/login
It is for sandbox mode only, if you have official WeChat account, and wish to run your bot in production with full capabiities ensbled, you need to login differently.
You don't need a Chinese account to login to weixin sandbox.


How to recover google account after deletion?

I have google account and want to recover that but i don't have backup code whenever i am trying to login for gmail account, its prompting me to enter a backup code. Earlier when i was able to use that gmail account then i have opted for 2 step verification. After adding the 2step verification then we are able to get notification on our phone number regarding OTP number. After certain period of time then I have deleted that gmail account. Now if i am trying to login then i am not able to get any notification message on my phone number.
Can anyone help to restore the gmail account?

Can you tell if Google sign-in had 2fa?

On a web app using Sign-in with Google, I want to know if Google had let the user in with 2fa challenge or without and decide to present a 2fa challenge to the user if they have not. Is there a way to know that?
Failing that, is there a way to tell if the user has 2fa enabled on their Google account or not (regardless of it being part of the most recent login session)?
Google doesnt tell you if the user has 2fa enabled on their account or not.
The only information you are going to get back from a google sign in is if it went though or not.

Verification required for word press site

I have no experience with this and I'm in need of major help. I have a word press website that I am trying to connect a gmail account to. So that the contact form gets sent to a gmail address. I got it all set up and it is telling me I need verification. This is only being used for my word press website. Probably very few users, not a business. Can I get around the verification process or not?
You would need an OAuth Consent Screen for your Project.
You can refer to this blog post on how you can connect a Gmail account on your Wordpress site

Can't login using Google Auth, 403: org_internal

Can't login using Google Auth,
Error 403: org_internal
This client is restricted to users within its organization.
Go to cloud console (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/)
APIs and services
Oath consent screen
Ensure Application type is set to "public" and not internal.
Obviously assuming that you are creating an app that should be accessible outside your org. If this is related to testing and phones, it is possible to create testusers that are excepted from company policy rules.
The reason for this error is indeed because the Application type is set to "internal".
But setting it to public is not always the right answer...
Add "&prompt=select_account" to the authentication url. This will force the user to select the correct (organization-)account.
Without the parameter, Google tries to show the consent screen for the logged in Google-account, but as it is not an organization-account it will just display the 403 page without giving the user this choice.
I had an Internal app that I was trying to authenticate with one of our YouTube channels using an organization account, and I was getting the same error:
Authorization Error
Error 403: org_internal
This client is restricted to users within its organization.
After contacting Google Workspace Support, they asked me to Change the restriction on it from Limited to Trusted.
Steps are mentioned in this support thread: https://support.google.com/a/answer/7281227
Open the Google Admin Console.
From the sidebar menu, choose: Security → API Controls.
Hover the cursor over the required app and click on Change access.
Choose the option: Trusted: Can access all Google services
And save the CHANGE.
Once you've done, take note that there will be 24 hours of propagation on it before it gradually takes effect.
Make sure, for the browser you are using, that you have logged out of "All" Google account(s). This should force the "select account" windows to display.
We have almost exactly the same problem while trying to configure WP Mail SMTP for Wordpress.
The OAuth Client's Application Type has to be "Internal" so changing it to "External" was not an option for us.
Hope this helps.
I had the same issue and in my case was because the project didn't had a support email address set it.
I fix it by adding one on the Firebase Console > Project Settings > General under the Public settings section.
This error is most likely due to the configuration of your application in Google Cloud Platform.
Setting your application to "internal" is causing this error. Try making your app "external" in the OAuth consent screen, but make sure it is in a "testing" status. Then, add yourself to the test users. This configuration will work well for an internal, lightweight application.
Once complete, try to authenticate with the channel again.
I had the same issue with a project. The error only appeared if I tried to log in to my app while already logged in with an account outside the organization (worked just fine while logged out of all accounts, or while logged in with an internal organization account). I had to change the OAuth Client's Application Type from Internal to Public in the Google Dev Console.
More info can be found at https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en
Maybe you have another google email to login, not the correct one.

Google+ Share Button isn't work

I'm doing a website where I have a Share button for Google+. I'm trying it in my localhost server and when I click the button, it turns red with an advice. In the advice I read these motives of error:
Server timeout: Check your Internet connection and try refreshing the
Suspended profile: If your profile has been suspended, you
won't be able to +1 content.
Apps user: If your administrator hasn't
enabled Google+ for your domain, you won't be able to sign up for a
Google+ account to use the +1 button.
Blocked cookies: If you've
disabled 3rd party cookies in your browser you won't be able to use
the +1 button.
Logged out: If you've logged out of your account, you
won't be able to use the +1 button.
I checked the different motives and I don't know how I can check the Apps user...
This is expected behavior. Google has to be able to crawl your site to generate the preview snippet for the share. Google cannot crawl your localhost server.
To share pages, the content must be publicly accessible.
