I'm making a script to determine if a shape has been warped or scaled. It starts by making a list of all the lengths of a line in one shape, like so.
set noofsides to text returned of (display dialog "Enter number of sides:" default answer "")
set sidevalues to {}
set repeatnumber to 0
repeat noofsides times
set repeatnumber to repeatnumber + 1
set currentsidevalue to text returned of (display dialog "Enter length of line " & repeatnumber & ":" default answer "")
set the end of sidevalues to currentsidevalue
end repeat
It then does the same thing for the second, edited shape. This gives me two lists with different variables. To determine if the two shapes are similar, each 'before' line divided by each 'after' line has to be the same. For example, for a triangle:
firstline1/secondline1 = firstline2/secondline2 = firstline3/secondline3
Is there any way to quickly do this without having to do the following:
set primevariable1 to first item of primesidevalues
set primevariable2 to second item of primesidevalues
set primevariable3 to third item of primesidevalues
-- ...
end try
set regularvariable1 to first item of sidevalues
set regularvariable2 to second item of sidevalues
set regularvariable3 to third item of sidevalues
-- ...
end try
on error
set variable4 to ""
end try
if (regularvariable1 / primevariable1) = (regularvariable2 / primevariable2) and (regularvariable3 / primevariable3) = (regularvariable1 / primevariable1) and (regularvariable3 / primevariable3) = (regularvariable2 / primevariable2) and variable4 = "" then
display dialog "Shape is similar"
end if
That is only for a 3 sided shape. If I wanted to do something with say, 5 or 6 sides, this would get increasingly long. Perhaps something like if dividing every number in list one divided by every number in list two all equal each other, then the shape is similar? Can anyone help?
Get the value of (the first item in the first list / the first item in the second list), use a loop to compare the value of the others items, like this:
set sidevalues to my getSidesValue("Enter number of sides for the first shape:")
set primesidevalues to my getSidesValue("Enter number of sides for the second shape:")
set tc to count sidevalues
if tc = (count primesidevalues) then -- the number of items in the lists is the same
set isSimilar to true
set thisVal to (item 1 of sidevalues) / (item 1 of primesidevalues) -- Get the value of the first item in the lists
repeat with i from 2 to tc -- loop to compare the value of the others items
if (item i of sidevalues) / (item i of primesidevalues) is not thisVal then -- not the same value
set isSimilar to false
exit repeat -- no need to continue
end if
end repeat
set isSimilar to false
end if
on getSidesValue(t)
set noofsides to text returned of (display dialog t default answer "")
set l to {}
repeat with i from 1 to noofsides
set currentsidevalue to text returned of (display dialog "Enter length of line " & i & ":" default answer "")
set the end of l to currentsidevalue
end repeat
return l
end getSidesValue
In SQLite I need to format a number to display it with the thousand separator and decimal separator. Example: The number 123456789 should be displayed as 1,234,567.89
What I did partially works because it does not display the thousand separator as I expected:
select *, printf ("U$%.2f", CAST(unit_val AS FLOAT) / 100) AS u_val FROM items;
u_val shows: U$1234567.89 but I need U$1,234,567.89
The following is one way that you could accomplish the result:-
select *, printf ("U$%.2f", CAST(unit_val AS FLOAT) / 100) AS u_val FROM items;
Could become :-
WHEN len < 9 THEN myfloat
WHEN len> 8 AND len < 12 THEN substr(myfloat,1,len - 6)||','||substr(myfloat,len - 5)
WHEN len > 11 AND len < 15 THEN substr(myfloat,1,len -9)||','||substr(myfloat,len-8,3)||','||substr(myfloat,len-5)
WHEN len > 14 AND len < 18 THEN substr(myfloat,1,len - 12)||','||substr(myfloat,len -11,3)||','||substr(myfloat,len-8,3)||','||substr(myfloat,len-5)
END AS u_val
SELECT *, length(myfloat) AS len
SELECT *,printf("U$%.2f",CAST(unit_val AS FLOAT) / 100)) AS myfloat
FROM Items
The innermost SELECT extracts the original data plus a new column as per your orginal SELECT.
The intermediate SELECT adds another column for the length of the new column as derived from unit_val via the printf (this could have been done in the first/innermost SELECT, getting this value simplifies (in my opinion) the outermost SELECT, or you could use multiple length(myfloats) in the outermost SELECT).
RESULT - Example
The following is the result from a testing (source column is myfloat) :-
The highlighted columns being the original columns.
The circled data being the result.
The other 2 columns are intermediate columns.
As you've clarified that the input is an integer, then :-
SELECT *,'U$'||printf('%,d',(unit_val/100))||'.'||CAST((unit_val % 100) AS INTEGER) AS u_val FROM Items
would work assuming that you are using at least version 3.18 of SQLite.
Using the SQL immediately above if the value of the last part (the cents) is less than 10 then the leading 0 is dropped. So the correct SQL is. Note for simplicity the CAST has also been dropped and rather than concatening the . it has been added to the printf formatter string so :-
'U$' ||
printf('%,d', (unit_val / 100)) ||
printf('.%02d',unit_val % 100)
AS u_val
FROM Items
Or as a single line
SELECT 'U$' || printf('%,d', (unit_val / 100)) || printf('.%02d',unit_val % 100) AS u_val FROM Items
Here is a suggestion:
WITH cte AS (SELECT 123456789 AS unit_val)
SELECT printf('%,d.%02d', unit_val/100, unit_val%100) FROM cte;
The Common Table Expression is just there to supply a dummy value, in the absence of variables.
The %,d format adds thousands separators, but, as many have pointed out, only for integers. Because of that, you will need to use the unit_val twice, once for the integer part, and again to calculate the decimal part.
SQLite truncates integer division, so unit_val/100 gives you your dollar part. The % operator is a remainder operator (not strictly the same as “mod”), so unit_val%100 gives the cents part, as another integer. The %02d format ensures that this is always 2 digits, padding with zeroes if necessary.
I'm new to peoplesoft. I need a help in understanding the rowset and I have a requirement where i have 3 levels.
On level 1 i have a checkbox and when I open a component the value of the checkbox on level 1 should be passed and display to the level 2 grid for all rows.
For example
level0 - record1
level1 - record2 (Scroll Area)
level2 - record3 (grid)
When i access the page it should have values like this
Record2.field1 = Y => Row1 Record3.field1 = Y
Row2 Record3.field1 = Y
Record2.field1 = N => Row1 Record3.field1 = N
I have written the code at level2 record.field rowinit peoplecode event. but the problem is the same record field is used in level 0 as well. Is there a way where I can avoid using for loop as there could be n number of rows in the grid which might create a performance issue during page opening.
Thanks in advance,
Rowinit will fire for each rows in the scroll. So if you have a loop in the rowinit, loop will execute for each row.
If you want the check box to be set only during the component load, you can add the peoplecode in Component PostBuild.
&rsLevel1 = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowSet(Scroll.Level1);
for &nCnt1 = 1 to &rsLevel1.activerowcount
&rsLevel2 = &rsLevel1(&nCnt1).GetRowset(Scroll.Level2);
for &nCnt2 = 1 to &rsLevel2.activerowcount
&rsLevel2(&nCnt2).Level2.Check_box.value = &rsLevel1(&nCnt1).Level1.Check_box.value
After searching the forum, I did not find a good solution for this question. If I missed it, please tell me.
I need to count the unique values in one column in EXCEL 2010.
The worksheet has 1 million rows and 10 columns. All cell values are string or numbers.
I used the solution at Count unique values in a column in Excel
But, it runs so long time that the EXCEL is almost frozen. And, it generates 25 processes in Win 7.
Are there more efficient ways to do it?
Also, in the column, all values have for format of
here, A is a character, X is an integer, Y is an integer from 1 to 10.
For example, A5389579_10
I need to cut off the part after (including) undersocre. for the example,
This is what I need to count as unique values in all cells in one column.
For example, A5389579_10
Here, the unique value has 2 after removing the part after underscore.
How to do it in EXCEL VBA and R (if no efficient solution for EXCEL)?
If you want to do this by VBA, you can take advantage of the Collection object. Since collections can only contain unique values, trying to add all of your input data to a collection will result in an array of unique values. The code below takes all the variables in a selected range and then outputs an array with distinct values to an other sheet (in this case a sheet named Output).
Sub ReturnDistinct()
Dim Cell As Range
Dim i As Integer
Dim DistCol As New Collection
Dim DistArr()
Dim OutSht As Worksheet
Dim LookupVal As String
Set OutSht = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Output") '<~~ Define sheet to putput array
If TypeName(Selection) <> "Range" Then Exit Sub
'Add all distinct values to collection
For Each Cell In Selection
If InStr(Cell.Value, "_") > 0 Then
LookupVal = Mid(Cell.Value, 1, InStr(Cell.Value, "_") - 1)
LookupVal = Cell.Value
End If
On Error Resume Next
DistCol.Add LookupVal, CStr(LookupVal)
On Error GoTo 0
Next Cell
'Write collection to array
ReDim DistArr(1 To DistCol.Count, 1 To 1)
For i = 1 To DistCol.Count Step 1
DistArr(i, 1) = DistCol.Item(i)
Next i
'Outputs distinct values
OutSht.Range("A1:A" & UBound(DistArr)).Value = DistArr
End Sub
Note that since this code writes all the distinct values to a single column in the OutSht-sheet, this will return an error if there are more than 1,048,576 distinct values in your dataset. In that case you would have to split the data to be filled into multiple output columns.
For your specific request to count, use the below in a formula like =COUNTA(GetUniques(LEFT("A1:A100000",FIND("_","A1:A100000")-1)) entered as an array formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter.
It also accepts multiple ranges / values (e.g. GetUniques("A1:A10","B2:E4"))
Function GetUniques(ParamArray args())
Dim arg, ele, arr, i As Long
Dim c As Collection
Set c = New Collection
For Each arg In args
If TypeOf arg Is Range Then
If arg.Count = 1 Then
arr = array(arg.value)
arr = arg.Value
End If
ElseIf VarType(arg) > vbArray Then
arr = arg
arr = Array(arg)
End If
For Each ele In arr
On Error Resume Next
c.Add ele, VarType(ele) & "|" & CStr(ele)
On Error GoTo 0
Next ele
Next arg
If c.Count > 0 Then
ReDim arr(0 To c.Count - 1)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr(i) = c(i + 1)
Next i
Set c = Nothing
GetUniques = arr
End If
End Function
edit: added a performance optimisation for ranges (loads them at once into an array - much faster than enumerating through a range)
In R:
# sample data
df <- data.frame(x=1:1000000,
df$y <- paste0("A",df$y,"_",sample(1:10,1e6,replace=T))
# this does the work...
# [1] 946442
# and it's fast...
# user system elapsed
# 2.01 0.00 2.02
In excel 2010... in the next column add (if original data was in A:A add in B1)
= 1/COUNTIF(A:A,A1) and copy down col B to the bottom of your data. Depending on your PC it may chug away calculating for a long time, but it will work. Then copy col B & paste values over itself.
Then SUM col B
All I know is ControlListView function: http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/functions/ControlListView.htm
and there is an option GetText with two parameters for row and column but there I can't see anything to get the text of column heading, that is the place where user can click by mouse and for example sort by that column etc.
You could try using _GUICtrlListView_GetColumn. This function returns an array with information about the given ListView column.
Local $aCol = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumn($lvwMsgTable, 0)
ConsoleWrite('Title of column 0: ' & $aCol[5] & #LF)
$aCol = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumn($lvwMsgTable, 1)
ConsoleWrite('Title of column 1: ' & $aCol[5] & #LF)
$aCol = _GUICtrlListView_GetColumn($lvwMsgTable, 2)
ConsoleWrite('Title of column 2: ' & $aCol[5] & #LF)
I don't know if this is working with a TListView though.
I'm trying to add div after a group of 5 rows of data inside Listview.
I came up with using Mod 5 = 0 but I realized the last row is missing if total row count can't divided by 5.
For example, I have 11 rows of data.
"Div" will be added after 5 and 10.
I also need to add "Div" after 11 as well. (div will display details of each group)
So, something like this
Here is inline code I have so far
<%# IIf((Container.DisplayIndex + 6) Mod 5 = 0, "<div id='temp" + Math.Floor((Container.DisplayIndex + 6) / 5).ToString + "' style='display:none'></div>", "")%>
How do I add the last div when total # can't be divided by 5?
I have to get the total# of display index somehow...
You can compare it with the ListView.Items.Count property.
This should work:
Dim addDiv = (Container.DisplayIndex Mod 5 = 0) OrElse _
(Container.DisplayIndex + 1 = ListView1.Items.Count)
If you are using paging you should use DataItemIndex instead of DisplayIndex.
Edit: (according to your last comment)
If you need to show the total record count you have to cast the ListView's DataSource to it's correct type(f.e. a DataTable).
Dim tbl as DataTable = DirectCast(ListView1.DataSource, DataTable)
Dim totalCount as Int32 = tbl.Rows.Count
or in one line:
DirectCast(ListView1.DataSource, DataTable).Rows.Count
But this works only on databinding and not on every postback because the DataSource will be disposed at the end of the Page-Lifecycle.
the "+6" makes it look like you're guessing around how the modulo function works :)
try this:
<%# IIf(Container.DisplayIndex Mod 5 = 4 Or Container.DisplayIndex = ListView.Items.Count , "<div id='temp" + (1+Math.Floor(Container.DisplayIndex/5)).ToString + "' style='display:none'></div>", "")%>
so first (index+6)%5 == 0 is the same as index%5 == 4,
second floor((index+6)/5) results in 2 when index=4, this is not what you want.
using 1+floor(index/5) will give you the correct results --- you could even drop the "1+" if you want the index to start from 0.
(p.s. i don't know asp.net, sorry if there's compiler errors)