Update permalink of a parent page in WordPress - wordpress

I want to update the permalink of a parent page in WordPress so that all its child pages' URLs also get updated. For example: right now I've a Parent page with name "IT Courses" and it has several child pages.
The permalink for the child pages appear like this. I want to change the permalink for all child pages to http://wwww.something.com/it-courses/childpage.
I've my ads running on Google Adwords with the links, which I want to update to.


Woocommerce Custom Child Page

I have created a page that's a child of the Shop page in WooCommerce with a permalink http://localhost/website/shop/featured-products/. I know the WordPress hierarchy works with page-{slug}.php and it'll load that first, but it doesn't work on this one (page-featured-products.php) because it's a child of the shop page in WooCommerce.
I also tried page-{id}.php but it doesn't work as well, but it all works on regular (non-woocommerce Shop child) pages.

Adding Custom Pages in Wordpress

I am making my first steps learning to code, so I am building a Wordpress theme to make some experiments and see how everything works from the practice.
I installed wordpress locally and I a made a Child Theme. Now to start designing my new theme I started watching how the wordpress structure works and there is something that I don't understand:
I am making my portfolio, and I have some sections (Paintings, Films and Photography). And each section has a subcategory.
It means that each section is a page and each subcategory is a post? Or each section is a page and each category is a page too?
You can add your subcategories as subpages for to other pages. To do so, follow these steps:
Go to Administration > Pages > Add New panel.
In the right menu, click the "Page Parent" drop-down menu.
The drop-down menu contains a list of all the Pages already created for your site.
Select the appropriate parent Page from the drop-down menu to make the current Page a child Page.
Add content to the subpage.
Click Publish when ready.
More information on pages here: https://codex.wordpress.org/Pages

Add Posts page slug to Single Post permalink structure

Does anyone know if it's possible to place WordPress Blog POSTS in a unique directory?
In other words:
I'd like to create /blog/ which I believe is done by creating a PAGE but that doesn't seem possible.
I've googled this for the last few hours and still can't figure it out.
The only way you're probably going to be able to do this without a plugin is by utilizing Categories and a custom permalinks structure.
Navigate to Posts > Categories
Add a new Category
Apply the Category to the desired posts
Navigate to Settings > Permalinks
Select Custom Structure and apply the following structure: /%category%/%postname%/
There are also plugins that expand endpoints and routing. https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-permalinks/
If your goal is to not have the posts on the front page, you can also set the Blog page to a specific page in Wordpress.
Create two new Pages (not to be confused with a post)
Navigate to Settings > Reading
Set Front page displays to A Static Page
Select the Pages to be displayed for the Front page and the Posts page
The Blogroll (Posts page) will then appear under the endpoint of the defined Page's slug. However, the individual posts permalink will not have the Blogroll Page's slug in the route.

Move pages to subdirectory in Wordpress

I have a Homepage setup made with wordpress.
All pages are in the root directory:
is it possible to move some of my pages to a subdirectory ?
It is important that the root directory stays the same.
Here is simple way to do it.
Create a blank page in WordPress called "Products".
Then for all other pages, select "Products" page as "Parent" page.
Now new url of the page will be like:
Do the same for all pages you want under the "Products" base/directory slug.
Let me know if you cannot get it working or don't understand it or it does not solve your issue.
Here is how to select Page's parent in page attributes section on add or edit page screen:

Why does my blog page only show one post?

I didn't think I would encounter this kind of problem in creating a static front page because this seems to be a very trivial customization of wordpress. I am using Thematic as my parent theme. I created a home.php template and pasted the code from the parent's page template into it. I also created two new blank pages named Home and Blog. I set home.php as the template for page Home. Then I went to Settings->Reading and set my front page to a static page and selected page Home. I also set posts page to page Blog. Now when go to my Blog page, I only see a single post?
What is set for "Blog pages show at most" in Settings>>Reading? Do you have more than one post?
