How do I migrate existing Wordpress/WooCommerce users to LDAP? - wordpress

I have a Wordpress/WooCommerce installation using Wordpress itself for authentication. I want to switch to LDAP-based authentication (e.g. OpenLDAP). How can I migrate existing users with minimal intervention on their part?
Ideally they would simply continue using their pre-existing credentials for Wordpress and for any other resources using the same LDAP database.
In addition, new users created via WooCommerce purchases should be created as LDAP users.
(Existing plugins like Simple LDAP Login seem to handle creating Wordpress users for pre-existing LDAP credentials just fine. I'm looking for support in the other direction.)

I think you'll have to develop this task yourself. You could check tools like : which will allow you to configure mapping and synchronising SQL database to LDAP directory and schedule the task regularly (or trigger it on new row in the DB)
Only point where you could have some problem would be the "keep their credentials". I don't know wordpress, but if the hashing and/or crypting mechanism of the passwords are not natively supported by OpenLDAP, you will have to hash the clear password of the user to store it with a mechanism compatible.
One way would be to tell every user that the password will be reset and that they will have to retype it (some custom landing page where you authenticate the user with his credentials on the wordpress DB and if successful write the password on the LDAP)
Another way would be to deploy some self service password with all account reset and a need to re-set them with a link send to their email (from the LDAP). There are tools like that, for example :

Follow Esteban's advice I developed a solution as follows:
Wordpress interface
Install Simple LDAP Login
Install JWT Authentication for WP REST API
Users authenticate against LDAP, fall back on Wordpress
"Change password" sends them to new interface
New interface
User logs in via new interface
Users authenticate against LDAP, fall back on:
Authenticate against Wordpress via JWT. On success:
Create LDAP user (we have the password)
Delete Wordpress password hash (no longer needed, forces LDAP-based authentication in future)
Existing users can sign in via Wordpress or the new interface. Once they use the new interface (to sign in or change their password), they are migrated to LDAP-based authentication.
New users are registered in LDAP. They can sign in via Wordpress or the new interface, both backed by LDAP.


How to change firebase password from admin section

I want to change user password form admin. Users are login with firebase email and password option. Admin is also login with firebase. How can change the user password with web api?
There is no way to change another user's password with the client SDK.
Firebase Authentication doesn't have any concept of an admin user. That means that it can't grant special privileges to a user that you consider an admin.
There is however an Admin SDK, that runs with administrative privileges, and has the option to change the password (and other profile data) of any user in the project. This SDK is meant to be used on a so-called trusted environment, such as your development machine, a server you control, or Cloud Functions.
You could wrap the Admin SDK in an API endpoint that you can call from your web client code. Just be sure to check in the custom function whether the user is authorized to change the password.

WP REST API - User registration without authentication

I am just starting out with using the WP REST API.
For authentication, I use JSON Web Tokens.
The only question I have is how I can give users the possibility to register by themselves, since registering a user also requires an authentication key.
Since the user has not yet logged in, this key cannot yet be retrieved.
I came up with the following two options, but cannot figure out how to do either of them.
The application itself has an authorization key with which the request can be made.
Disabling authentication requirement for user creation.
If I'm looking at this in the wrong way, any answers are welcome!
If your application is a web page then the easiest is to do this separately from the WordPress REST API. WordPress has a web page http://aaa.bbb.ccc/wp-login.php?action=register that allows you to register new users. To enable this web page check the Dashboard -> Settings -> General -> Membership -> 'Anyone can register' option.
If your application is a mobile app then your mobile can just sent the same HTTP request that http://aaa.bbb.ccc/wp-login.php?action=register sends. I.E. a POST request with query parameter action=register with POST parameters user_email, user_login, wp-submit=Register.
If you really insists on doing this using the REST API I think the following will work. (Disclaimer: I have not actually implemented this.)
You will need to override the WordPress REST authentication. First create a new role with the capability 'create_users'. Second create a user with this role. Create a nonce that specifies that a new user is to be registered. When your app returns this nonce and the user credentials to the http://aaa.bbb.ccc/wp-json/wp/v2/users endpoint you should override the WordPress authentication to set the current user to the user you created with the role 'create_users'.

Create Wordpress users with LDAP backend

I'm setting up a Wordpress site that I need to get and store user info in LDAP. I have found a few plugins that will let me auth my users against LDAP and that is a start. What I need is new user registration to create the users in LDAP and password resets to update the passwords in LDAP as well.
The LDAP server is running OpenLDAP and LAM is installed, I know that there pro version does user provisioning but it doesn't let me redirect the people back to my WP install after they have created an account.
Ideally I would like to find a plugin for WP that would solve this but if I had to redirect users to my LDAP server for account creation that would be ok if at the end of the process I could send them back to the URL they came from.

Active Directory Authentication with Local-Role-Based Authorization

I'm developing an ASP.NET MVC application. I need to support multiple authentication mechanisms (this app is used by multiple customers, each with their own preferred authn provider). One auth provider will be Active Directory. The AD integration for authentication is straightforward and I have no problems with that.
For authorization, roles will be stored in a local database (NOTE: we cannot use Active Directory groups for doing authorization - roles need to be local application roles because we support multiple authn providers and AD admins won't want to create custom groups in AD just for our app). My expectation is that we will need to create "stub" user accounts in our local database in order to do the User-is-assigned-which-Roles mapping. These stub user accounts will also be used to indicate which users are authorized to access the application (not everyone in the AD database should have access).
The anticipated flow of control will be:
User accesses login page > enters credentials > posts credentials to app server.
The app validates the credentials against AD. At this point, we know if the user is authenticated.
The app checks the user's SID to see if a "stub" user account with that SID exists in the local database. If not, the app displays an "not authorized" error message to the user.
The app will look up roles for the user in the local database user-is-assigned-which-roles table.
User identity info including roles will be stored as claims and the app will use typical claims based authorization (i.e. ClaimsAuthorizationManager).
My question is what is the best way to create "stub" user accounts into my local database? My guess is that we should use some sort of AD export script to export AD accounts for those users that should be granted access to the ASP.NET app and then import those users into the local database (NOTE: I expect that the stub account will contain minimal info - perhaps just the user's SID from AD and maybe the username).
A batch export/import is probably OK as an initial deployment process. After the app is up-and-running and new users join the organization, I expect a more user-friendly mechanism will be desired for granting a new user access to our app (other than exporting/importing the new user's account from AD to our local database). My guess is that we'll need some sort of user browser screen so that an admin in our app can browse the AD directory, select a user, click a button and then have that user's "stub" account created automatically in our app.
Has anyone implemented an application with similar requirements? If so, how did you bootstrap the creation of "stub" accounts in your local database? Is there a better way to address these requirements?
Please feel free if this can Help You Custom Annotation Authorization
It's only a workaround, or just an idea, not a solution...
To use it you only need to use Annotation in the controller
public class BlaBlaController : Controller .....
I am currently implementing a similar solution. Here is how the application works. I'm using ASP.NET MVC 5, ASP.NET Identity 2.2.1.
I am using the Identity framework to manage users and roles within the application. The user goes to a login page, enters their credentials. The application checks against the application DB to see if the user exists. If not it throws an error that the user doesn't exist in the database. If the user exists, it authenticates against AD. If authentication fails they get an error message, if it doesn't fail I create a ClaimIdentity from the user out of the database (not the user in AD) and pass that to my SignIn method.
My user in the application DB has the same username as the AD username and I use that as my stub. I also include the domain of the user in the DB as well in the case that I might have multiple domains I need to support. With Identity, don't forget to also populate the SecurityStamp field with a guid.
The plan is to bulk import the users and permissions from a spreadsheet and I have some standard CRUD actions created to allow creation of individual users and assigning of roles after that.

How to link user between Wordpress vs. db's

I am using a web site installed with Wordpress and a Mobile app that uses to store its data.
Now I want the User Registration on either solution to automatically register a user on the other.
Example: When a new user register on the Wordpress based web site a PHP script should automatically create a User Object in datastore - and here is the problem - WITH SAME PASSWORD!
I can easily create a user in data store from the action hook register_user from Wordpress, but how do i transfer that same password to the new user account, so that when the user next time log in through the Mobile app, they just use the same password as they used when registering their account in Wordpress?
The other way around, when registering as a new user in the Mobile App saving to User Object, how can the same password be transferred to a Wordpress user account!
I realised that exchanging passwords from one database to another is not the solution, neither does OAuth solve my problem. only solution is to stick with only one database being called from both systems - at least for the account information.
