My Use case -
I have list of items which I fetch from Firebase. Below is loadItems() function that I call from HomeViewController -
viewDidLoad() and updating tableView with the fetched data.
func loadItems() {
Database.database().reference().child("items").observe(.value, with: { snapshot in
var fetchedItems = [Item]()
guard let receivedvalue = snapshot.value as? [String: Any] else {
print("Received null")
for (key, value) in receivedvalue {
let item = Item(id: Int(key)!, json: value as! [String : Any])
self.items = fetchedItems
I am saving an item and coming back from CreateViewController to HomeViewController, I am - Saving the item in Firebase, Appending the item to prefetched array, reloading tableView.
func addItem(item: Item?) {
rootRef = Database.database().reference()
let id = String(describing:!)
let itemRef = self.rootRef.child("items").child(id)
itemRef.setValue(["name":!, "type": item.type!])
After reloading tableView, its is going in the Firebase GET Call handler which is present in loadItems().
The handler is executed once when I am getting all items during viewDidLoad(). Is there any reason why the Firebase GET call handler is executed the second time even though I am not calling loadItems() in create workflow?
When .observe(.value is used, it adds an observer to that node and any changes to that node (add, change, remove) will fire the code in the closure.
If you want to leave the observer so you can be notified of changes, the the proper flow is to simply write the data to Firebase and let the closure load the data and populate the tableView.
However, the downside to this is that .value loads ALL of the data in the node. You may want to take a look at adding separate observers for .childAdded, .childChanged and .childRemoved. Those will only load the node that was modified.
If you want to only load the data once (to populate a dataSource on startup for example), use observeSingleEvent which fires once and does not leave an observer.
Then store the data in Firebase and manually add it to the array and reload the tableView.
See the documentation Read Data Once section.
I have been getting this problem now a few times when I'm coding and I think I just don't understand the way SwiftUI execute the order of the code.
I have a method in my context model that gets data from Firebase that I call in .onAppear. But the method doesn't execute the last line in the method after running the whole for loop.
And when I set breakpoints on different places it seems that the code first is just run through without making the for loop and then it returns to the method again and then does one run of the for loop and then it jumps to some other strange place and then back to the method again...
I guess I just don't get it?
Has it something to do with main/background thread? Can you help me?
Here is my code.
Part of my UI-view that calls the method getTeachersAndCoursesInSchool
VStack {
NavigationView {
VStack {
NavigationLink {
.onAppear {
} label: {
ZStack {
// ...
Here is the for-loop of my method:
//Get a reference to the teacher list of the school
let teachersInSchool = schoolColl.document("TeacherList")
//Get teacherlist document data
teachersInSchool.getDocument { docSnapshot, docError in
if docError == nil && docSnapshot != nil {
//Create temporary modelArr to append teachermodel to
var tempTeacherAndCoursesInSchoolArr = [TeacherModel]()
//Loop through all FB teachers collections in local array and get their teacherData
for name in teachersInSchoolArr {
//Get reference to each teachers data document and get the document data
schoolColl.document("Teachers").collection(name).document("Teacher data").getDocument {
teacherDataSnapshot, teacherDataError in
//check for error in getting snapshot
if teacherDataError == nil {
//Load teacher data from FB
//check for snapshot is not nil
if let teacherDataSnapshot = teacherDataSnapshot {
do {
//Set local variable to teacher data
let teacherData: TeacherModel = try TeacherModel.self)
//Append teacher to total contentmodel array of teacherdata
} catch {
//Handle error
} else {
//TODO: Error in loading data, handle error
//Assign all teacher and their courses to contentmodel data
self.teacherAndCoursesInSchool = tempTeacherAndCoursesInSchoolArr
} else {
//TODO: handle error in fetching teacher Data
The method assigns data correctly to the tempTeacherAndCoursesInSchoolArr but the method doesn't assign the tempTeacherAndCoursesInSchoolArr to self.teacherAndCoursesInSchool in the last line. Why doesn't it do that?
Most of Firebase's API calls are asynchronous: when you ask Firestore to fetch a document for you, it needs to communicate with the backend, and - even on a fast connection - that will take some time.
To deal with this, you can use two approaches: callbacks and async/await. Both work fine, but you might find that async/await is easier to read. If you're interested in the details, check out my blog post Calling asynchronous Firebase APIs from Swift - Callbacks, Combine, and async/await | Peter Friese.
In your code snippet, you use a completion handler for handling the documents that getDocuments returns once the asynchronous call returns:
schoolColl.document("Teachers").collection(name).document("Teacher data").getDocument { teacherDataSnapshot, teacherDataError in
// ...
However, the code for assigning tempTeacherAndCoursesInSchoolArr to self.teacherAndCoursesInSchool is outside of the completion handler, so it will be called before the completion handler is even called.
You can fix this in a couple of ways:
Use Swift's async/await for fetching the data, and then use a Task group (see Paul's excellent article about how they work) to fetch all the teachers' data in parallel, and aggregate them once all the data has been received.
You might also want to consider using a collection group query - it seems like your data is structure in a way that should make this possible.
Generally, iterating over the elements of a collection and performing Firestore queries for each of the elements is considered a bad practice as is drags down the performance of your app, since it will perform N+1 network requests when instead it could just send one single network request (using a collection group query).
I have a component that renders a table of Inventoried computer equipment. Here is the relevant code for initial render:
let oEquiptByType = reactive({
Laptop: [],
iPad: [],
"Document Camera": [],
"Overhead Projector": [],
Chromebook: [],
Desktop: [],
MacBook: [],
Scanner: [],
// ======== Props =========== //
const props = defineProps({
propFormData: {},
// Now let's use Stein to retrieve the SS data
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
const fetchSheetsData = function () {
const store = new SteinStore(
.read("HS - Classrooms")
.then((data) => {
scrapDataHSClassrooms.value = data;
emptyRowsRemoved.value.forEach((item) => {
// Let's construct an object that separates equipment by type
// Check if property exists on oEquiptByType object
const exists =
// If item(row) is good lets push the row onto the corresponding Object Array
// in oEquiptByType. This will construct an object where each object property corresponds
// to an equipment category. And each oEquiptByType entry is an array where each array
// element is a row from the SS. e.g., oEquiptByType["Laptop"][3] is a row from
// SS and is a laptop.
if (exists) {
.catch((e) => {
failure.value = true;
// =============== Called on component mount =============================== //
The initial render is fine. Now I have a watcher on the prop so when someone submits a new item for the inventory I push that data onto the corresponding object array (ie, a laptop would be pushed onto the oEquiptByType[props.propFormData.Equipment] via oEquiptByType[props.propFormData.Equipment].push(props.propFormData);
// ================================================================ //
// ======================= Watch effects ========================== //
// ================================================================ //
watch(props.propFormData, () => {
// Push the submitted form item onto the reactive
// oEquiptByType object array. This update of Vue state
// will then be injected into DOM and automagically update browser display.
This works fine for the first item I add to backend as you can see here with original and then adding first item :
and after first item added (a laptop)
Notice the oEquiptByType[props.propFormData.Equipment] has the new item added. Great.
But now when I add a second item (a MacBook) is added this is resulting state:
Notice the Macbook array has been updated but also the Laptop array's last item has been overwritten with the Mac book entry??? And this behavior continues for any additional items added from a user. I have read docs over and do not see anything that would explain this behavior. I'm hoping maybe someone with more than my limited experience with Vue can help me out. Any additional info needed please let me know. Thanks...
Put a JSON.Stringify in watch function
Update two:
here is lineage of prop.FormData-
we start in form-modal and emit the form data like:
emit("emiterUIUpdate", formAsPlainObject);
then catch the data in the parent App.vue:
<DisplayScrap :propFormData="formData" />
const formData = reactive({});
// Method to be called when there is an emiterUIUpdate event emiited
// from form-modal.vue #param(data) is the form data sent from the
// form submission via the event bus. We will then send this data back
// down to child display-scrap component via a prop.
const updateUI = (data) => {
Object.assign(formData, data);
and then as posted previous in display-scrap.vue the prop propFormData is defined and watched for in the watch function. hope that helps..
It seems like the watch is getting triggered more often than you expect.
Might be that changes to props.propFormData are atomic and every incremental change triggers changes to the props, which in turn triggers the watch.
Try console logging the value of props.propFormData with JSON.stringify to see what changes are triggering it.
What happens here:
Your form modal emits the emiterUIUpdate event on Ok or Save (button)
Parent takes the object emitted and use Object.assing to copy all properties of emitted object to a formData reactive object. Instead of creating completely new object, you are just replacing the values of all properties of that object all and over again
The formData object is passed by a prop to child component and whenever it changes, it is pushed to target array
As a result, you have a multiple references to same object (formData hold by a parent component) and all those references are to same object in memory. Every Object.assign will overwrite properties of this object and all references will reflect those changes (because all references are pointing to the same object in memory)
Note that this has nothing to do with Vue reactivity - this is simple JavaScript - value vs reference
There is no clear answer to what to do. There are multiple options:
Simplest (and not clearest)
just do not use Object.assign - create new object every time "Save" is clicked
change formData to a ref - const formData = ref({})
replace the value of that ref on emiterUIUpdate event - formData.value = { }
your watch handler in the child will stop working because you are watching props in a wrong way - instead of watch(props.propFormData, () => { use watch(() => props.propFormData, () => {
Better solution
the data should be owned by parent component
when modal emits new data (Save), Parent will just add the newly generated object into a list
share the data with DisplayScraps component using a prop (this can be a simple list or a computed creating object similar to oEquiptByType)
Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'RLMException', reason: 'Attempting to modify object outside of a write transaction - call beginWriteTransaction on an RLMRealm instance first.'
All changes to a managed object (addition, modification and deletion) must be done within a write transaction. For example,
// Update an object with a transaction
try! realm.write { = "Thomas Pynchon"
I can make a Realm sub-class conform to ObservableObject. However, I don't see how to make the realm properties updatable in SwiftUI. Realm property example below.
#objc dynamic var myName: String = "Adam"
Realm automagically sets up the schema based on #objc dynamic var. I don't see a way to get #Published on a realm property. SwiftUI will render a TextField, but crashes when the value is edited.
TextField("Quantity (\(shoppingItem.myUnit!.myName))", value: $shoppingItem.stdQty, formatter: basicFormat)
Is there any way to wrap SwiftUI state changes inside a Realm write transaction?
Another way to do this is to use a Custom Binding, and when setting the property, open a transaction and save data to realm.
TextField("Quantity (\(shoppingItem.myUnit!.myName))",
value: Binding(get: {shoppingItem.stdQty},
set: {(value) in
//if your state property is in a view model, all this code could be like viewModel.saveData(newMessage: value)
let realm = try! Realm()
try! realm.write {
shoppingItem.stdQty = value
formatter: basicFormat)
This will save to realm on every character inserted
Consider the Realm property, stdQty shown below. It can only be changed within a write transaction.
import RealmSwift
import Combine
class ShoppingItems: Object, ObservableObject
let objectWillChange = PassthroughSubject<Void, Never>()
#objc dynamic var stdQty: Double = 1
You cannot bind stdQty without the error in the original question. However you can create a calculated variable that can be bound.
var formQty: Double {
get {
return stdQty
set {
if let sr = self.realm {
try! sr.write {
stdQty = newValue
Binding the calculated variable works fine.
TextField("Quantity (\(shoppingItem.myUnit!.myName))", value: $shoppingItem.formQty, formatter: basicFormat)
Answer limitation: objectWillChange is only triggered by the calculated variable. Changes in the form are reflected in the form. Changes in the realm don't trigger a Combine objectWillChange yet.
Is it possible to select a document at a specific index?
I have a document import process, I get a page of items from my data source (250 items at once) I then import these into DocumentDB in concurrently. Assuming I get an error inserting these items into DocumentDB I wont be sure what individual item or items failed. (I could work it out but don't want to). It would be easier to just Upsert all the items from the page again.
The items i'm inserting have an ascending id. So if i query DocumentDB (ordered by id) and select the id at position (count of all Id's - page size) I can start importing from that point forward again.
I know SKIP is not implemented, I want to check if there is another option?
You could try a bulk import stored procedure. The sproc creation code below is from Azure's github repo. This sproc will report back the number of docs created in the batch and continue trying to create docs in multiple batches if the sproc times out.
Since the sproc is ACID, you will have to retry from the beginning (or the last successful batch) if there are any exceptions thrown.
You could also change the createDocument function to upsertDocument if you just want to retry the entire batch process if any exception is thrown.
id: "bulkImportSproc",
body: function bulkImport(docs) {
var collection = getContext().getCollection();
var collectionLink = collection.getSelfLink();
// The count of imported docs, also used as current doc index.
var count = 0;
// Validate input.
if (!docs) throw new Error("The array is undefined or null.");
var docsLength = docs.length;
if (docsLength == 0) {
// Call the CRUD API to create a document.
tryCreate(docs[count], callback);
// Note that there are 2 exit conditions:
// 1) The createDocument request was not accepted.
// In this case the callback will not be called, we just call setBody and we are done.
// 2) The callback was called docs.length times.
// In this case all documents were created and we don't need to call tryCreate anymore. Just call setBody and we are done.
function tryCreate(doc, callback) {
var isAccepted = collection.createDocument(collectionLink, doc, callback);
// If the request was accepted, callback will be called.
// Otherwise report current count back to the client,
// which will call the script again with remaining set of docs.
// This condition will happen when this stored procedure has been running too long
// and is about to get cancelled by the server. This will allow the calling client
// to resume this batch from the point we got to before isAccepted was set to false
if (!isAccepted) getContext().getResponse().setBody(count);
// This is called when collection.createDocument is done and the document has been persisted.
function callback(err, doc, options) {
if (err) throw err;
// One more document has been inserted, increment the count.
if (count >= docsLength) {
// If we have created all documents, we are done. Just set the response.
} else {
// Create next document.
tryCreate(docs[count], callback);
I am monitoring for changes in node leaf jobs/{jobid}/proposals. Whenever I remove the proposals the function gets executed and reinsert proposals (this is the expected behavior).
The problem is When I remove its parent {job}, proposals gets reinserted in a new object with same parent ID. Is there a way to do a check if the parent exists? If so, reinsert proposal otherwise not.
exports.RecountProposals = functions.database.ref("/jobs/{jobid}/proposals").onWrite(event => {
const jobid = event.params.jobid;
if (! && {
const propRef = admin.database().ref(`proposals/${jobid}`);
const counterRef =;
const collectionRef = counterRef.parent.child('proposals');
// Return the promise from counterRef.set() so our function
// waits for this async event to complete before it exits.
return propRef.once('value')
.then(messagesData => collectionRef.set(messagesData.numChildren()));
I am checking if parent exists but it is showing an error:
TypeError: is not a function is a Reference type object. As you can see from the linked doc, there is no exists() method on Reference. In Realtime Database, if you want to know if there is any data at a node, simply fetch the snapshot there and call val() on it to check to see if it's null. Reference objects are just paths, they don't contain any knowledge of data.
To put it another way, there is no such concept as a node that "exists" but contains no data, like an empty folder in a filesystem. For any given path that you can construct, the snapshot of the data there is either available (non-null) or not (null).