certificatehostnamemismatch while installing google cloud SDK? - httplib2

I met a certificationhostnamemismatch error while installing google clould SDK. The error message looks like this:
httplib2.certificatehostnamemismatch: server presented certificate that does not match host dl.google.com
Does anyone know how to fix it?

I searched on the internet and found that might be several reasons:
the python version
the host file
I checked my environment and found that the host file was changed to access google websites for convenience. So I removed the host file. Now everyting works fine.


ACORE API, assistance with errors and deployment

I'm having trouble with setting up ACORE API's and then having them work on a website.
Azerothcore running 3.3.5 on a debian standalone server, this has the Database, Core files and runs both the world and auth server basically a standard setup that is shown in the how-to wiki.
I also have a standalone web server, on the same subnet, but it's a separate server running linux and normal web server stuff, this has a wordpress installation with azerothcore plugin for user signup etc.
I'm trying to add the player map (https://github.com/azerothcore/playermap) and the ACORE-API set of functions (server status, arenastats, BG que and wow statistics) (https://github.com/azerothcore/acore-api)
I understand the acore-api must be run in a container (docker or whatever) on the server, which I have done and it binds to port 3000, I can then go to the local ip:3000 and it brings up this error. (all db's etc are connecting and soap is working)
error 404 when navigating to IP:3000
I do get a few errors when running NPM install seen here: I'm not sure if they would be causing any issues or not.
screenshot of NPM errors on install
But further that, when I put say 'serverstatus' on the webserver (separate server) and configure the config.ts file I can't seem to get anything to display.
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but is the same scenario for all of the different functions for the acore-api
How are these meant to be installed and function? I feel I'm missing a vital step.
Likewise, with PLAYERMAP I have edited the comm_conf.php and set the realmd_id, but when loading the page, I do get the map, but the uptime is missing and no players are shown?
Could someone assist if possible?
Seems like an issue with NodeJS version. Update your NodeJS to latest LTS version 16.13.0 (https://nodejs.org)

Issue while installing Packages in R

I am facing the below Issue while installing the packages in Rstudio
Warning: unable to access index for repository https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib:
cannot open URL 'https://cran.rstudio.com/src/contrib/PACKAGES'
So the problem is with the URL. Note that if you check the PACKAGES URL that it’s failing to access, This problem is often the result of proxies, firewalls, or other traffic filtering software blocking R from accessing remote URL
Try disabling your firewall/anti-virus
Giving R studio access to the firewall etc.
Have a look at the link below. Multiple, possible solutions are provided to the above described problem.

How to get rid of this "Cannot download the "Shortcodes" extension zip. No working transports found"?

While during install the plugin, I am getting below error:
Cannot download the "Shortcodes" extension zip. No working transports found
Thank you in advance..
This is a hosting issue and usually it means that the server has no OpenSSL module for PHP installed or the CURL module is outdated. Contact your hosting for this issue, it's probably not something you can fix yourself unless you own the server.

"There is no route for the path" in Flow Router on remote server but fine on local

I use Flow Router in my Meteor app. On the local environment, everything works fine. But when I upload the app to meteor.com server and open it, I get the "There is no route for the path: /" error in console. The route for "/" surely exists and is placed in client folder.
What do I do wrong? Is it a known issue?
#RishatMuhametshin The problem was due to another package that had dependencies on Iron router. For me it was meteor hacks:kadira_debug. That was an older version of the plug in which is now kadira_debug:debug.
It was not intuitive at all to find the package. I literally had to just start commenting out packages one by one to see. Console messages weren't helping and the log output from the terminal showed nothing. This is one of those where instances where I wish there was a development log like I got in rails.
Anyhow the problem was a plug in with dependencies on Iron router.
For me, this problem was caused by "ecmascript" package that was installed with Meteor 1.3.

gapi.auth2.ExternallyVisibleError: Invalid cookiePolicy

I'm trying to add a Google Sign In Authentication system to my app, but I keep getting a strange error that I haven't seen anyone get. I'm using EXACTLY the google example code.
I thought it could be some mistake when loading the api, so I checked the async loading and everything seems to be loading properly, but I keep getting this error in the console:
gapi.auth2.ExternallyVisibleError: Invalid cookiePolicy
I searched everywhere for people with the same problem, but I could not find anything similar.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I tried to create a page with ONLY the code of the tutorial, but the error still occurs.
Well, turns out I was trying to test the API by directly acessing my files locally (index.html). The Google Sign In API only works in a running web server. I started a simple node.js server, ran my app trhough this server, and everthing worked just fine.
As already answered by KoJoVe, you need to run inside a web server. If you are using Python 2.7 you might use python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 and then use localhost:8000 on your browser
I've been trying to get a chrome extension to work for a very long time, and I recently decided to click into the error. The reason is because the google platform script checks window.location.protocol (which isn't https for chrome extension) and throws the error 'invalid cookie policy'.
My theory as to why Google won't fix this:
They want to drive people into using paid OAuth2 endpoints
They want to know who received the tokens, if possible (via certificate authorities)
I was having this problem using react-google-login in a create-react-app, and I found that I was accessing the page with http://[::1]:3000/sign_in instead of localhost.
I think google does not like or ::1 since we expose the IP directly or something
When I change to localhost:3000 and it worked.
This worked in my case with python 3:
open python terminal and write the following code:
from http.server import SimpleHTTPRequestHandler as handler
import socketserver as socket
httpd = socket.TCPServer(("",8000),handler)
