I want to create a program in R that takes integer user input and then adds it to the previous user input. ex. user input(say one day): 10, then (maybe the next day) user input: 15 --> output 25.Ideally this would accept nearly an infinite amount of input. here is what I have so far:
amount_spent <- function(){
i <-1
n <- readline(prompt="How much did you spend?: ")
Problems I have with this code are that it only saves the last input value, and it is difficult to control when User is allowed to input. Is there any way to save user input to a data that can be manipulated through readline()?
# 1.R
fname <- "s.data"
if (file.exists(fname)) {
if (!exists("s")) {
s <- 0
n <- 0
while (TRUE) {
cat ("Enter a number: ")
n <- scan("stdin", double(), n=1, quiet = TRUE)
if (length(n) != 1) {
s <- s + as.numeric(n)
cat("Sum=", s, "\n")
save(list=c("s"), file=fname)
You should run the script like this: Rscript 1.R
To exit the loop press Ctrl-D in Unix, or Ctrl-Z in Windows.
An R-ish way to do it would be through closures. Here is an example for interactive use (i.e. within an R session).
balance_setup <- function() {
balance <- 0
change_balance <- function () {
n <- readline(prompt = "How much did you spend?: ")
n <- as.numeric(n)
if (!is.na(n))
balance <<- balance + n
print_balance <- function() {
list(change_balance = change_balance,
print_balance = print_balance)
funs <- balance_setup()
change_balance <- funs$change_balance
print_balance <- funs$print_balance
Calling balance_setup creates a variable balanceand two functions that can access it: one for changing the balance, one for printing it. In R, functions can only return a single value, so I bundle both functions together as a list.
## How much did you spend? 5
## [1] 5
## How much did you spend? 5
## [1] 10
## [1] 10
If you want many inputs, use a loop:
Break the loop with Ctrl-C, Escape or whatever is used on your platform.
a is more than 1 and b is less than 1000. How do I input in a and b in R console instead of defining in the R script? I have read about the readline function but don't really understand it well.
a <- 3
b <- 4
y <- a*b
if((y %% 2) == 0) {
print(paste(y,"is Even"))
} else {
print(paste(y,"is Odd"))
You can use readline() function.
my.name <- readline(prompt="Enter name: ")
my.age <- readline(prompt="Enter age: ")
# convert character into integer
my.age <- as.integer(my.age)
print(paste("Hi,", my.name, "next year you will be", my.age+1, "years old."))
By just changing your first two lines using readline and wrapping the entire thing in {} You can combine your script into a clause.
a <- as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Enter a: ")) # Read in from console and change to number
b <- as.numeric(readline(prompt = "Enter b: ")) # Read in from console and change to number
y <- a*b
if((y %% 2) == 0) {
print(paste(y,"is Even"))
} else {
print(paste(y,"is Odd"))
This allows you to run the whole thing from top to bottom and take your inputs consecutively. You can also make this into a function.
This function uses the per-specified data frame cars Cars93. I'm trying to figure out how i can also return the number of iterations by returning the variable 'passes' at the end as well as the number of resources aka 'needed'.
factory.function <- function (cars.output=1, trucks.output=1) {
factory <- matrix(c(40,1,60,3),nrow=2,
available <- c(1600,70); names(available) <- rownames(factory)
slack <- c(8,1); names(slack) <- rownames(factory)
output <- c(cars.output, trucks.output); names(output) <- colnames(factory)
passes <- 0 # How many times have we been around the loop?
repeat {
passes <- passes + 1
needed <- factory %*% output # What do we need for that output level?
# If we're not using too much, and are within the slack, we're done
if (all(needed <= available) &&
all((available - needed) <= slack)) {
# If we're using too much of everything, cut back by 10%
if (all(needed > available)) {
output <- output * 0.9
# If we're using too little of everything, increase by 10%
if (all(needed < available)) {
output <- output * 1.1
# If we're using too much of some resources but not others, randomly
# tweak the plan by up to 10%
# runif == Random number, UNIFormly distributed, not "run if"
output <- output * (1+runif(length(output),min=-0.1,max=0.1))
you can use
return(list(output = output,passes = passes, needed = needed))
and you will get back a list object from the function that contains passes and needed
Would it be possible to return the data from the current iteration when a user would abort R?
Something like:
if (user.aborts == TRUE) { return(data) }
This would be really useful since the input for this procedure is only data. It could then be broken up, and continued afterwards.
It is possible, if what you mean is manually stopping the process, e.g.
myfun <- function(x){
for(i in 1:5){
x <- x + 1
x <- myfun(1) # Stopping before it finishes
[1] 4
I have a large list of objects (say 100k elements). Each element will have to be processed by a function "process" BUT I would like to do the processing in chunks... say 20 passes for example as I want to save processing results into a hard drive file and keep operating memory free.
I'm new to R and I know that it should involve some apply magic but I don't know how to do it (yet).
Any guidance would be much appreciated.
A small example:
objects <- list();
for (i in 1:100){
objects <- append(objects, 500);
processOneElement <- function(x){
x/20 + 23;
I would like to process first 20 elements in one go and save results then process second 20 elements in second go and save results... and so on
objects <- list();
for (i in 1:100){
objects <- append(objects, 500);
process <- function(x){
x/20 + 23;
results <- lapply(objects, FUN=process)
index <- seq(1, length(objects), by=20);
lapply(index, function(idx1) {
idx2 <- min(idx1+20-1, length(objects));
batch <- lapply(idx:idx2, function(x) {
write.table(batch, paste("batch", idx1, sep=""));
With what you have given, this is the answer I could suggest. Assuming your list is stored in list.object,
lapply(seq(1, length(list.object), by=20), function(idx) {
# here idx will be 1, 21, 41 etc...
idx2 <- min(idx+20-1, length(list.object))
# do what you want here..
batch.20.processed <- lapply(idx:idx2, function(x) {
process(list.object[[x]]) # passes idx:idx2 indices one at a time
# here you have processed list with 20 elements
# finally write to file
lapply(1:20, function(x) {
write.table(batch.20.processed[[x]], ...)
# where "..." is all other allowed arguments to write.table
# such as row.names, col.names, quote etc.
# don't literally pass "..." to write.table
I am new to R. I know how to write map reduce in Java. I want to try the same in R. So can any one help in giving any samle codes and is there any fixed format there for MapReduce in R.
Please send any link other than this: https://github.com/RevolutionAnalytics/RHadoop/wiki/Tutorial
Any sample codes will be more helpful.
When you want to implement a map reduce (with Hadoop) in a language other than Java, then you use a feature called streaming. Then the data is fed to the mapper via STDIN (readLines()), back to Hadoop via STDOUT(cat()), then to the reducer again through STDIN (readLines()) and blurted finally via STDOUT (cat()).
The following code is taken from an article I wrote on writing a map reduce job with R for Hadoop. The code is supposed to count 2-grams but I'd say simple enough to see what is going on MapReduce-wise.
# map.R
library(stringdist, quietly=TRUE)
input <- file("stdin", "r")
while(length(line <- readLines(input, n=1, warn=FALSE)) > 0) {
# in case of empty lines
# more sophisticated defensive code makes sense here
if(nchar(line) == 0) break
fields <- unlist(strsplit(line, "\t"))
# extract 2-grams
d <- qgrams(tolower(fields[4]), q=2)
for(i in 1:ncol(d)) {
# language / 2-gram / count
cat(fields[2], "\t", colnames(d)[i], "\t", d[1,i], "\n")
# reduce.R
input <- file("stdin", "r")
# initialize variables that keep
# track of the state
is_first_line <- TRUE
while(length(line <- readLines(input, n=1, warn=FALSE)) > 0) {
line <- unlist(strsplit(line, "\t"))
# current line belongs to previous
# line's key pair
if(!is_first_line &&
prev_lang == line[1] &&
prev_2gram == line[2]) {
sum <- sum + as.integer(line[3])
# current line belongs either to a
# new key pair or is first line
else {
# new key pair - so output the last
# key pair's result
if(!is_first_line) {
# language / 2-gram / count
# initialize state trackers
prev_lang <- line[1]
prev_2gram <- line[2]
sum <- as.integer(line[3])
is_first_line <- FALSE
# the final record
cat(prev_lang,"\t",prev_2gram, "\t", sum, "\n")