The efficiency of prime factoring algorithms - math

I'm trying to understand what the issue is with creating an efficient prime factorisation algorithm. Specifically, the research I've done so far says that no algorithm has yet been discovered which can find the prime factors of a number in O(n2) time. However, the obvious algorithm to me is something like (pseudocode)
method(int number, ArrayList<int> listOfPrimes)
int x = 0;
for (int i : listOfPrimes)
for (int j : listOfPrimes)
if (i * j = number)
x = i*j;
return x;
I think method is O(n2), where n is the size of the list. Clearly my understanding of this issue is flawed or there wouldn't be such a fuss about prime factorisation. Where am I going wrong?

As alluded to by #dmuir, your "n" is not the correct "n". Otherwise a trivial O(n) algorithm to factor would be:
for (int i=2; i<n; i++) {
if (n % i == 0) {
print("found factor:", i);
return i;
For factoring, the size of the input is measured in digits, so "n" is the number of digits or bits in the number. The best algorithms have a very complicated complexity that requires some number theory to understand, but is "greater than" polynomial time yet "less than" exponential time, where the quoted phrases can be made formal. For this reason the complexity is sometimes referred to as "subexponential".

A more optimal way would be
method(int number, ArrayList<int> listOfPrimes)
int x = 0;
for (int i : listOfPrimes)
while(number%i == 0){
number /= i;
return x;
this returns the count prime factors of a number. the complexity would be
O(n + number_of_prime_factors)
where n is the length of listOfPrimes


Frame the solution using Dynamic programming

Given a bag with a maximum of 100 chips,each chip has its value written over it.
Determine the most fair division between two persons. This means that the difference between the amount each person obtains should be minimized. The value of a chips varies from 1 to 1000.
Input: The number of coins m, and the value of each coin.
Output: Minimal positive difference between the amount the two persons obtain when they divide the chips from the corresponding bag.
I am finding it difficult to form a DP solution for it. Please help me.
Initially I had to tried it as a Non DP solution.Actually I havent thought of solving it using DP. I simply sorted the value array. And assigned the largest value to one of the person, and incrementally assigned the other values to one of the two depending upon which creates minimum difference. But that solution actually didnt work.
I am posting my solution here :
bool myfunction(int i, int j)
return(i >= j) ;
int main()
int T, m, sum1, sum2, temp_sum1, temp_sum2,i ;
cin >> T ;
cin >> m ;
sum1 = 0 ; sum2 = 0 ; temp_sum1 = 0 ; temp_sum2 = 0 ;
vector<int> arr(m) ;
for(i=0 ; i < m ; i++)
cin>>arr[i] ;
if(m==1 )
cout<<0<<endl ;
cout<<1<<endl ;
else {
sort(arr.begin(), arr.end(), myfunction) ;
// vector<int> s1 ;
// vector<int> s2 ;
for(i=0 ; i < m ; i++)
temp_sum1 = sum1 + arr[i] ;
temp_sum2 = sum2 + arr[i] ;
if(abs(temp_sum1 - sum2) <= abs(temp_sum2 -sum1))
sum1 = sum1 + arr[i] ;
sum2 = sum2 + arr[i] ;
temp_sum1 = 0 ;
temp_sum2 = 0 ;
cout<<abs(sum1 -sum2)<<endl ;
return 0 ;
what i understand from your question is you want to divide chips in two persons so as to minimize the difference between sum of numbers written on those.
If understanding is correct, then potentially you can follow below approach to arrive at solution.
Sort the values array i.e. int values[100]
Start adding elements from both ends of array in for loop i.e. for(i=0; j=values.length;i<j;i++,j--)
Odd numbered iteration sum belongs to one person & even numbered sum to other person
run the loop till i < j
now, the difference between two sums obtained in odd & even iterations should be minimum as array was sorted earlier.
If my understanding of the question is correct, then this solution should resolve your problem.
Reflect as appropriate.

Fibonacci series using alternate approach is not working

I have written a simple fibonacci series using recursion as below. But the below program is based on the formula fib(n)=fib(n-1)+fib(n-2).
Can we write a program to take a value of n and compute the fibonacci series using the formula fib(n+2)= fib(n)+fib(n+1). Can we write a program based on this formulae taking n as input.
public class FibonacciClass{
public static void main(String[] argv){
for (int index=0; index < 7; index++){
System.out.println("The Fibonacci series for the number "+index+" is " + fib(index));
private static int fib(int n){
if (n == 0 ) return 0;
if (n <= 2 ) return 1;
return (fib(n-1) + fib(n-2));
If we can solve the fib series using recursion, please let me know your inputs to write the program for the same.
hmm this sounds like you're trying to get an answer to a homework problem. But looks like you have legitimate reputation so:
gib(n) = fib(n+2).
Use this to substitute for fib(n) and fib(n+1):
gib(n-2) = fib((n-2)+2) = fib(n)
gib(n-1) = fib((n-1)+2) = fib(n+1)
So the original equation becomes
fib(n+2)= fib(n)+fib(n+1) --> gib(n) = gib(n-2) + gib(n-1)
And we can recurse on this. We must make similar substitutions (n for n+2) in the code:
static unsigned int gib(int n)
if (n <= -2) return 0;
if (n == -1) return 1;
return gib(n - 2) + gib(n - 1);
I didnt include negative numbers that result in negative fibonacci (your code breaks on them too) so truly it needs to be returning "unsigned int". To modify for negative see here.

is it the fibonacci algorithm without recursion linear?

I know that the fibonacci algorithm can be programmed without recursion like this:
int fibo(int n){
if(n <= 1){
return n;
int fibo = 1;
int fiboPrev = 1;
for(int i = 2; i < n; ++i){
int temp = fibo;
fibo += fiboPrev;
fiboPrev = temp;
return fibo;
and also that the recursive fibonacci has a complexity of O(2^k) approximately, but for what I see the non-recursive algorithm is O(n); so it seems is way more efficient, is it ok my calculus or is there any hidden complexity on the non-recursive solution?
Evaluate the complexity of the implementation on its own. In this case, the complexity related to the input n is defined by the for loop, which is directly proportional to the size of n. Therefore, the complexity is O(n) - linear.

Time complexity (in big-O notation) of the following recursive code?

What is the Big-O time complexity ( O ) of the following recursive code?
public static int abc(int n) {
if (n <= 2) {
return n;
int sum = 0;
for (int j = 1; j < n; j *= 2) {
sum += j;
for (int k = n; k > 1; k /= 2) {
sum += k;
return abc(n - 1) + sum;
My answer is O(n log(n)). Is it correct?
Where I'm sitting...I think the runtime is O(n log n). Here's why.
You are making n calls to the function. The function definitely depends on n for the number of times the following two operations are made:
You loop up to 2*log(n) values to increment a sum.
For a worst case, n is extremely large, but the overall runtime doesn't change. A best case would be that n <= 2, such that only one operation is done (the looping would not occur).

Codility K-Sparse Test **Spoilers**

Have you tried the latest Codility test?
I felt like there was an error in the definition of what a K-Sparse number is that left me confused and I wasn't sure what the right way to proceed was. So it starts out by defining a K-Sparse Number:
In the binary number "100100010000" there are at least two 0s between
any two consecutive 1s. In the binary number "100010000100010" there
are at least three 0s between any two consecutive 1s. A positive
integer N is called K-sparse if there are at least K 0s between any
two consecutive 1s in its binary representation. (My emphasis)
So the first number you see, 100100010000 is 2-sparse and the second one, 100010000100010, is 3-sparse. Pretty simple, but then it gets down into the algorithm:
Write a function:
class Solution { public int sparse_binary_count(String S,String T,int K); }
that, given:
string S containing a binary representation of some positive integer A,
string T containing a binary representation of some positive integer B,
a positive integer K.
returns the number of K-sparse integers within the range [A..B] (both
ends included)
and then states this test case:
For example, given S = "101" (A = 5), T = "1111" (B=15) and K=2, the
function should return 2, because there are just two 2-sparse integers
in the range [5..15], namely "1000" (i.e. 8) and "1001" (i.e. 9).
Basically it is saying that 8, or 1000 in base 2, is a 2-sparse number, even though it does not have two consecutive ones in its binary representation. What gives? Am I missing something here?
Tried solving that one. The assumption that the problem makes about binary representations of "power of two" numbers being K sparse by default is somewhat confusing and contrary.
What I understood was 8-->1000 is 2 power 3 so 8 is 3 sparse. 16-->10000 2 power 4 , and hence 4 sparse.
Even we assume it as true , and if you are interested in below is my solution code(C) for this problem. Doesn't handle some cases correctly, where there are powers of two numbers involved in between the two input numbers, trying to see if i can fix that:
int sparse_binary_count (const string &S,const string &T,int K)
char buf[50];
char *str1,*tptr,*Sstr,*Tstr;
int i,len1,len2,cnt=0;
long int num1,num2;
char *pend,*ch;
Sstr = (char *)S.c_str();
Tstr = (char *)T.c_str();
str1 = (char *)malloc(300001);
tptr = str1;
num1 = strtol(Sstr,&pend,2);
num2 = strtol(Tstr,&pend,2);
buf[i] = '0';
buf[i] = '\0';
str1 = tptr;
if( (i & (i-1))==0)
if(i >= (pow((float)2,(float)K)))
str1 = myitoa(i,str1,2);
ch = strstr(str1,buf);
if(ch == NULL)
if((i % 2) != 0)
return cnt;
char* myitoa(int val, char *buf, int base){
int i = 299999;
int cnt=0;
for(; val && i ; --i, val /= base)
buf[i] = "0123456789abcdef"[val % base];
buf[i+cnt+1] = '\0';
return &buf[i+1];
There was an information within the test details, showing this specific case. According to this information, any power of 2 is considered K-sparse for any K.
You can solve this simply by binary operations on integers. You are even able to tell, that you will find no K-sparse integers bigger than some specific integer and lower than (or equal to) integer represented by T.
As far as I can see, you must pay also a lot of attention to the performance, as there are sometimes hundreds of milions of integers to be checked.
My own solution, written in Python, working very efficiently even on large ranges of integers and being successfully tested for many inputs, has failed. The results were not very descriptive, saying it does not work as required within question (although it meets all the requirements in my opinion).
solutions with bitwise operators:
no of bits per int = 32 on 32 bit system,check for pattern (for K=2,
like 1001, 1000) in each shift and increment the count, repeat this
for all numbers in range.
int KsparseNumbers(int a, int b, int s) {
int nbits = sizeof(int)*8;
int slen = 0;
int lslen = pow(2, s);
int scount = 0;
int i = 0;
for (; i < s; ++i) {
slen += pow(2, i);
printf("\n slen = %d\n", slen);
for(; a <= b; ++a) {
int num = a;
for(i = 0 ; i < nbits-2; ++i) {
if ( (num & slen) == 0 && (num & lslen) ) {
printf("\n Scount = %d\n", scount);
num >>=1;
return scount;
int main() {
printf("\n No of 2-sparse numbers between 5 and 15 = %d\n", KsparseNumbers(5, 15, 2));
