How to simulate IIS App-Pool shutdown due to timeout -

I am facing an error in production due to IIS application pool shutdown during App-pool time out.
I want to reproduce the scenario in my local machine, however even if set low application pool time-out (5 minutes or 1 minute), it doesn't shutdown.
If I shutdown the application pool in the IIS user interface, it doesn't serve new requests. I want to simulate the scenario how it is shutdown and awake automatically when a new request comes in.
Thanks in advance,

Instead of issuing a Stop command, use "Recycle". This will create a new instance of the AppPool and shutdown the old one.


Whether the Default App pool crashes and shut down will affect other App pools running in the same farm / IIS?

We have Windows 2003 Server IIS 6.0 and Windows 2008 Server IIS 7.0
Issue : In IIS 6.0, when Default App pool crashes it shut down other App pools as well.
Whether the Default App pool crashes and shut down will affect other App pools running in the same farm / IIS ?
Other Pools
One pool can affect other in this cases.
Lock some global resource that the rest need to access and all pools gets time outs.
Eat the servers power with bad loops.
Each pool have their space that work aside from the other, so general speaking you need to look for what they have common, like if you use session database and the one locks it for long time, and the other is gets time outs many time together with the first one and fell also on Rapid-fail protection.
Pool it self
The pool is connected with many apps, so when this pool crash, is affect and all apps/web sites that are connected with this.
When this is a problem.
When the pool crash many times and is felt on the "Rapid-Fail Protection" that make the pool to permanently shut down.
When some site is keep the pool inside a loop that eats all resource of it and the power of your server.
here is an example : How do I crash the App Pool?
For the first case you must go to your pool and turn off the "Rapid-Fail Protection". For the second case you need to locate the problem and isolate.
More to read:
Rapid Fail Protection
Configuring Rapid-Fail Protection
IIS app pools, worker processes, app domains

Application Pool automatically disabled in IIS 7 on Windows 2008R2

Have a web application running on several servers. Two of the servers are having issues where the application pool becomes disabled. Message in the Event viewer System Log: Application pool 'xxxxx' is being automatically disabled due to a series of failures in the process(es) serving that application pool.
Just prior to this message are several other 'Warning' Messages: A process serving application pool 'xxxxx' suffered a fatal communication error with the Windows Process Activation Service. The process id was '1072'. The data field contains the error number. Or A process serving application pool 'xxxxx' terminated unexpectedly. The process id was '3644'. The process exit code was '0x0'.
Running IIS 7. The servers that are failing are running 2008R2 with Service Pack1 and the other are running 2008R2 (no Service Pack).
In the HTTP log right before I see the AppOffline message, there are the several Connection_Abandoned_By_ReqQueue and Client_Reset messages.
I have read and reread many posting about changing the Rapid-Fail Protection settings from the default of failure interval (minutes) 5 and Maximum failures 5 as I can see that after five failures in five minutes the AppPool is stopped. However, doing this just changes the number of issues during a particular time before the AppPool will be stopped and not really addressing the root cause of the problem.
What is the correct method for determine why the application is failing?
Could the difference in service pack on the server be a culprit?

Does stopping IIS7 application pool kill any currently executing requests?

Does stopping an IIS7 application pool kill any currently executing requests? Or does it wait for all requests to complete?
Please notice, I am asking about stopping the pool, not recycling it.

Net.Msmq Binding Not Picking Up Messages in Queue as soon as the application pool gets recycled

"when the application pool is "alive" the service picks up the messages correctly, but as soon as the application pool gets recycled (because of timeout or any other reason), the service stops picking up the messages, that just sit
in the queue until the service starts again by browsing to the service webpage"
Have you find a solution, to activate the service without manualy browse the service.
The solution is to configure auto-start. Then IIS will start your service immediately without waiting for the first request.
But first you need to add AppFabric to your ISS, then you need be sure you have the "Start Mode" option in your pool advance settings.
Note: In my windows 7 IIS7 didnt work, but in my windows server 2012 R2 IIS8 Works perfectly
Also you can check this similar question:
MSMQ WCF hosted in IIS

IIS 7.0 Application Pool Recycling log files

Which event log files does the IIS 7.0 Application Pool Recycling log to?
I want to check out at what time the default app pool automatically recylces.
They are logged in the Windows Event Viewer. On Win7 they are in Windows Logs > System - filter for Source = WAS
A typical message may read:
A worker process with process id of '5916' serving application pool 'DefaultAppPool' was shutdown due to inactivity. Application Pool timeout configuration was set to 20 minutes. A new worker process will be started when needed.
