Semantic-ui Table: how to make a column selectable - semantic-ui

I would like to make table column selectable with semantic-ui. Whereas it is clearly explained in the doc how to make a row selectable (, I can not figure it out for a column.
Is there a way to achieve it ?
Thanks a lot in advance

<td class="selectable">Selectable entry</td>
This is the solution i came up with. Im sorry that this might be too late two years after.
So the thing is, that you cant make a row selecteble that easy so I made the single entries selectable. From this selection you can determine which column was clicked in.


How can I do format dynamic grid view in VB?

I got issue to format the dynamic grid view in vb. Hopefully anyone can help me to give some idea for this.
Apparently as in the image, in the red box will be dynamic sub header and dynamic rows. The value for those dynamic item were define by user entry. So I will retrieve the value of the sub headers and rows from database.
However, I faced issue when it come to format it into VB. Hopefully you may help me to give some ideas about it.
I believe that I still need to <asp:GridView></asp:GridView> in markup and also format the dynamic in code behind.
Thanks in advances.
I would suggest for such additional customizing, you use a list view.
And your heading requirements look NOTHING like a heading from a database table. So, a gridview (or better listview) can render the repeating rows of data.
But that heading part? That's not a database heading of columns at all - not even close.
This suggests that the top part can't really be a heading for the listview/gridview.
However, I do suggest that listview would be much better here then a gridview. the reason is both the rows of data, and the heading part can be markup with a listview.
In the gridivew, you could even layout that top part OUTSIDE of the lv, and then consider if it worth the efforts to move that layout into the lv, or just leave it on top.
So, I would just layout the top part as standard web layout like anything else you wish to have on that page.
Then below, you could use a listview/grid view for the repeating rows of data.
You might then be able to take what you laid out separate for the top part, and drop that into the listview, but it probably not worth the trouble.
Given the layout for the top part - I leaning towards the idea of building that separate. It also not clear how normalized the data source is for this, and how many tables are involved. So, boatloads of issues and details here, that would amount to 50 more pages of questions.
However, a list view would be a better choice for such high degrees of customizing. I would thus spend some time googling list view examples for
but, that top part is a best as a separate part, and task for you to create. (so it really a form type of layout, and not some "repeating" set of row data).
however, for the bottom repeating rows of data? Listview or grid view would suffice. But the top part is not any kind of classical database heading based on column names with simple rows of data repeating below. that's going to be just pure HTML layout, and you have to do that as such like laying out any other web page.
One might even just use a plain jane HTML table for that part.
Note how listview allows this in the heading layout:
<h2>My Cooling heading area layout</h2>
<div style="width:140px;border:solid;background-color:aquamarine;float:left">
Holiday description
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" BackColor="Transparent"></asp:TextBox>
<div style="width:140px;border:solid;background-color:aquamarine;float:left">
Holiday description
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" BackColor="Transparent"></asp:TextBox>
<div style="clear:both"></div>"
<table id="itemPlaceholderContainer" runat="server" border="0" style="">
<tr runat="server" style="">
<th runat="server">FirstName</th>
<th runat="server">LastName</th>
<th runat="server">City</th>
<th runat="server">Active</th>
So, we see this:
If I run the above, we get this:
so you can layout the heading part with ANY kind of markup you want.
but then below is the table layout for the repeating rows.
so you can layout quite much any HTML markup for the repeating rows (easy), and then layout the heading part (hard), but at least using a listview allows this. So, listview has much more configuration and layout abilities then does gridiew.
For a simple grid of data? Gridview is great.
For more complex, but more work? then use listview.

Is it possible to merge cells of a datagrid vertically in clarity framework

I want to create a datagrid that has cells that are vertically next to each other and has the same name merged. Tried to google many sources but couldn't find any help.
This is not possible with Clarity in a datagrid, as this breaks the pattern of rows holding content atomically. Pagination, rendering, sorting, filtering would all be much more complex to implement and understand for the user.
I would suggest that you use a regular table which can have column or row spans attached to a cell, or just have each row repeat the content in the cell instead of trying to merge it.

Grid cell has multiple rows and each row can be editiable

I would like to have build a grid, each cell can have multiple rows and each of the row can be editable. and each cell can be right click on the cell also. I am thinking jquery for the choice of grid. But there are a few work need to be done. Are there any other grid out there very close to what I require and not much of work require would be good. Thanks for answering my qestions
jqGrid has the functionality you have specified.
See the online documentation:

Make GridView look like a textbox/savebutton

using Visual.Web.Developer.2010.Express;
using SQL.Server.Management.Studio.2008.R2;
N00b here,
I have a GridView, but I want to make it look like a textbox/savebutton rather than a table with an edit/update lable next to it. I'm not really looking for "teh codez", but is this even possible? Is there a more practical way of doing this? Please help!
Thanks in advance
I have a GridView, but I want to make it look like a
textbox/savebutton rather than a table with an edit/update lable next
to it. I'm not really looking for "teh codez", but is this even
possible? Is there a more practical way of doing this? Please help!
Well, since you aren't looking for the code, let me just point you in the direction of TemplateColumn and EditItemTemplate. They should get you there.
You can put whatever controls you want inside a template column.

Blue selection of Datagrid row programmatically

I have a question I came up with 3 days ago about how to do the blue underlining of a datagrid row programmatically. I thought to have found the solution, with just adding the column and row Indexes to the datagrids editedItemPosition Property.
It turned out, that this is just practical if you want to be able to edit the grids row right away. But what if I just want to underline it with the blue color?
Additionally how to detect that a list based Item got this kind of selection? es there a event to detect that? whats the name of this kind of selection?
Thanks for any Hints,
You can set datagrid.selectedIndex or datagrid.selectedItem to select a specific entry in the datagrid. The row will get highlighted (blue by default).
The dataGrid dispatches a change event in that case afair. And of course you can retrieve the selected item with datagrid.selectedItem.
