How to drag and drop a particular cell between columns? - grid

I have two grids with DHTMLX. I want to pick one row from first and drag it to the other table. When I drop the row, the information stays in a particular cell.
If I have, for example, 3 columns like ID, TEXT, and NUMBER, I would like to stay in the second table in a particular cell and this say for example ID-TEXT-NUMBER.
I can move rows between tables, but not one cell only.
Any idea?

Unfortunately the cell dragging is not supported in the dhtmlxGrid.


BIRT how to get value outside column

I'm trying to create a BIRT report about a productline.
This productline is a table, existing of 3 columns.
The first column contains the name of the product, the 2nd one a product scale and the last one a MSRP. My table looks like the following:
Because product description is normally longer than the product name, it's wrapped to the column borders. Now what I want to do is that this description just passes the column border, because it's the only element on that line.
Please note that creating another detail row isn't a solution for this case.
In CSS you can achieve this by using position: absolute; . I didn't find yet how to do this in BIRT, how to do this?
Click on the empty cell under MSRP then slide to the product description cell. Then right click on the empty cell and select merge cell

How I can add checked rows from grid view to another girdview in c#

I have two GridViews. The first grid view's first column is a checkbox.
How can I populate a second grid with the values of the checked rows from the first grid?
For this you need to have a for loop for taking all the rows together and one after another you need to check for the checkbox check property and for all those which are checked you need to add them into another dataset and then you have to assign that dataset to another grid.
You can find detailed narrative here,

Flex Datagrid insert row below current row

my application needs to allow users to insert rows below the current datagrid row. My solution is to to add a row to the dataproviders collection. This works, but the row does not appear beneath the current row the user clicked on.
The Datagrid has a default sort order (date ASC), which re-orders the this seems to affect the position of the row in the grid.
Any ideas how to fix this?
Two possible answers:
1. define your own sort function that sorts according to item order in dataprovider (i.e. it does nothing), and assign it to the sortFunction property
2. simply comment out the sorting of the data inside the component.

How to count Number of Rows devexpress xtragrid

I am using Devexpress XtraGrid Control, Here I can count the number of rows in footer of grid. but for this I need to set count property of SummeryItem in grid for at least one column. I dont want to do like this.
I want count number of rows in xtraGrid without referring any one column in grid. I just want to show number of rows count. when user will filter that rows, at that time count also need to be changed.
Is there any option to show this number in Group header panel?
I'd use BaseView.RowCount to get the row count and draw it within CustomDrawGroupPanel event.
You can use the customsummarycalculate event to count the number of rows currently shown in the filtered collection and display it in the summary area (generally, I put that text in the summary area of the ID field for the collection I'm using - as I never have a need to put anything else there).
I don't know if this is an update but:
int i = view.SelectedRowsCount;

"freeze" one column in flex datagrid

I'm using a datagrid to display a column of date ranges and several columns of data. I'd like to make the first column (the date ranges) fixed; i.e. that column stays in place when the user scrolls the other columns. That way, the dates column will always be visible as the user scrolls through many data columns. I don't see a datagrid property for this; anyone have a solution? TIA
lockedColumnCount (and lockedRowCount) is more than likely what you are looking for.
The reason you probably didn't see it is because it is part of the DataGridBase and not part of the DataGrid class itself.
use locked column count property
lockedColumnCount=”1″ height=”96″ horizontalScrollPolicy=”on”
verticalScrollPolicy=”on” width=”397″>
