Julia fails to multiple dispatch - julia

I want to write a signature that expect 2 to 3 arguments. The first one is either an Integer or Vector of Integer. The second one is either a Vector of Integer or Matrix of Integer. The third one is either a Vector of Integer or not specified.
I first tried it like this
function foo(
a::Union{Integer, Vector{Integer}},
b::Union{Vector{Integer}, Matrix{Integer}},
c::Union{Void, Vector{Integer}} = nothing)
When I call this like this foo(3, [0o7, 0o5]) I get an error telling me that it is unable to match.
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching foo(::Int64, ::Array{UInt8,1})
Closest candidates are:
foo(::Union{Array{Integer,1}, Integer}, !Matched::Union{Array{Integer,1}, Array{Integer,2}}) at ...
foo(::Union{Array{Integer,1}, Integer}, !Matched::Union{Array{Integer,1}, Array{Integer,2}}, !Matched::Union{Array{Integer,1}, Void}) at ...
Now I understand why julia is unable to match this Array{UInt8} <: Array{Integer} == false, but this just seems to be not smart of julia.
Then I tried this
foo(a::Union{Z1, Vector{Z1}},
b::Union{Vector{Z2}, Matrix{Z2}},
c::Union{Void, Vector{Z3}} = nothing
) where {Z1 <: Integer, Z2 <: Integer, Z3 <: Integer}
Now julia does not even tell me what does not match!
ERROR: LoadError: MethodError: no method matching foo(::Int64, ::Array{UInt8,1}, ::Void)
Closest candidates are:
foo(::Union{Array{Z1<:Integer,1}, Z1<:Integer}, ::Union{Array{Z2<:Integer,1}, Array{Z2<:Integer,2}}, ::Union{Array{Z3<:Integer,1}, Void}) where {Z1<:Integer, Z2<:Integer, Z3<:Integer} at ...
foo(::Union{Array{Z1<:Integer,1}, Z1<:Integer}, ::Union{Array{Z2<:Integer,1}, Array{Z2<:Integer,2}}) where {Z1<:Integer, Z2<:Integer} at ...

Yes, Array{UInt8} <: Array{Integer} == false. This is called "parametric invariance." Lots of other questions have discussed this topic.
The other problem you're running into, though, is that when you use a static function parameter — that is, f(…) where T — the T must match something since it's available for use in the body of the function. This causes trouble in Unions where T isn't available in every option. I believe there's an open issue about changing this behavior to allow matching Union elements that don't contain T, which would turn that binding into an undefined variable if you tried to access it.
The workaround right now is to use type vars that aren't static parameters of the function. E.g.,
foo(a::Union{Integer, Vector{<:Integer}},
b::Union{Vector{<:Integer}, Matrix{<:Integer}},
c::Union{Void, Vector{<:Integer}} = nothing) = 1


Trying to pass an array into a function

I'm very new to Julia, and I'm trying to just pass an array of numbers into a function and count the number of zeros in it. I keep getting the error:
ERROR: UndefVarError: array not defined
I really don't understand what I am doing wrong, so I'm sorry if this seems like such an easy task that I can't do.
function number_of_zeros(lst::array[])
count = 0
for e in lst
if e == 0
count + 1
lst = [0,1,2,3,0,4]
There are two issues with your function definition:
As noted in Shayan's answer and Dan's comment, the array type in Julia is called Array (capitalized) rather than array. To see:
julia> array
ERROR: UndefVarError: array not defined
julia> Array
Empty square brackets are used to instantiate an array, and if preceded by a type, they specifically instantiate an array holding objects of that type:
julia> x = Int[]
julia> push!(x, 3); x
1-element Vector{Int64}:
julia> push!(x, "test"); x
ERROR: MethodError: Cannot `convert` an object of type String to an object of type Int64
Thus when you do Array[] you are actually instantiating an empty vector of Arrays:
julia> y = Array[]
julia> push!(y, rand(2)); y
1-element Vector{Array}:
[0.10298669573927233, 0.04327245960128345]
Now it is important to note that there's a difference between a type and an object of a type, and if you want to restrict the types of input arguments to your functions, you want to do this by specifying the type that the function should accept, not an instance of this type. To see this, consider what would happen if you had fixed your array typo and passed an Array[] instead:
julia> f(x::Array[])
ERROR: TypeError: in typeassert, expected Type, got a value of type Vector{Array}
Here Julia complains that you have provided a value of the type Vector{Array} in the type annotation, when I should have provided a type.
More generally though, you should think about why you are adding any type restrictions to your functions. If you define a function without any input types, Julia will still compile a method instance specialised for the type of input provided when first call the function, and therefore generate (most of the time) machine code that is optimal with respect to the specific types passed.
That is, there is no difference between
in terms of runtime performance when the second definition is called with an argument of type Vector{Int64}. Some people still like type annotations as a form of error check, but you also need to consider that adding type annotations makes your methods less generic and will often restrict you from using them in combination with code other people have written. The most common example of this are Julia's excellent autodiff capabilities - they rely on running your code with dual numbers, which are a specific numerical type enabling automatic differentiation. If you strictly type your functions as suggested (Vector{Int}) you preclude your functions from being automatically differentiated in this way.
Finally just a note of caution about the Array type - Julia's array's can be multidimensional, which means that Array{Int} is not a concrete type:
julia> isconcretetype(Array{Int})
to make it concrete, the dimensionality of the array has to be provided:
julia> isconcretetype(Array{Int, 1})
First, it might be better to avoid variable names similar to function names. count is a built-in function of Julia. So if you want to use the count function in the number_of_zeros function, you will undoubtedly face a problem.
Second, consider returning the value instead of printing it (Although you didn't write the print function in the correct place).
Third, You can update the value by += not just a +!
Last but not least, Types in Julia are constantly introduced with the first capital letter! So we don't have an array standard type. It's an Array.
Here is the correction of your code.
function number_of_zeros(lst::Array{Int64})
counter = 0
for e in lst
if e == 0
counter += 1
return counter
lst = [0,1,2,3,0,4]
would result in 2.
Additional explanation
First, it might be better to avoid variable names similar to function names. count is a built-in function of Julia. So if you want to use the count function in the number_of_zeros function, you will undoubtedly face a problem.
Check this example:
function number_of_zeros(lst::Array{Int64})
count = 0
for e in lst
if e == 0
count += 1
return count, count(==(1), lst)
This code will lead to this error:
ERROR: MethodError: objects of type Int64 are not callable
Maybe you forgot to use an operator such as *, ^, %, / etc. ?
[1] number_of_zeros(lst::Vector{Int64})
# Main \t.jl:10
[2] top-level scope
# \t.jl:16
Because I overwrote the count variable on the count function! It's possible to avoid such problems by calling the function from its module:
function number_of_zeros(lst::Array{Int64})
count = 0
for e in lst
if e == 0
count += 1
return count, Base.count(==(1), lst)
The point is I used Base.count, then the compiler knows which count I mean by Base.count.

Iterate over the types in a Tuple DataType

Is there a way to iterate over the types contained in a Tuple{...} DataType? For instance, if I have the type Tuple{String, Int}, I'd like to be able to use something like values(Tuple{String, Int}) to return an iterator of String and Int, like this:
julia> collect(values(Tuple{String, Int}))
2-element Array{DataType,1}:
But of course that doesn't actually work:
julia> values(Tuple{String, Int})
julia> collect(values(Tuple{String, Int}))
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching length(::Type{Tuple{String,Int64}})
Closest candidates are:
length(::Core.SimpleVector) at essentials.jl:596
length(::Base.MethodList) at reflection.jl:852
length(::Core.MethodTable) at reflection.jl:938
[1] _similar_for(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Type{Any}, ::Type{T} where T, ::Base.HasLength) at ./array.jl:576
[2] _collect(::UnitRange{Int64}, ::Type{T} where T, ::Base.HasEltype, ::Base.HasLength) at ./array.jl:609
[3] collect(::Type{T} where T) at ./array.jl:603
[4] top-level scope at REPL[30]:1
I would prefer a solution that does not involve digging into the internals of DataType.
A tuple type is only a DataType. Everything operating on it will have to involve DataTypes -- you're looking for a function of type DataType -> [DataType]. One possible answer is Tuple{String, Int}.parameters. At least in 1.3, Core.Compiler also contains
datatype_fieldtypes(x::DataType) = ccall(:jl_get_fieldtypes, Any, (Any,), x)
which only internal and undocumented, though. Both result in a Core.SimpleVector.
But then I remembered that tuple parts can be treated both as indices and as fields. So it turns out fieldtypes would probably be your favourite:
julia> fieldtypes(Tuple{Int, String})
(Int64, String)
The other methods, however, have the advantage that you can use them with any parametrized type. This often comes in handy in generated functions.

Is it possible to get the return type of a Julia function in an unevaluated context?

I want to get the result type of a function call in Julia without evaluating the function, and use that type. The desired usage looks somewhat like this:
foo(x::Int32) = x
foo(x::Float32) = x
y = 0.0f0
# Assert that y has the type of result of foo(Float32)
y::#resultof foo(Float32) # This apparently does not work in Julia
While in the case above, I can simply use y::typeof(foo(1.0f0)) with evaluation of a dummy variable, in more complicated cases, initializing a dummy variable might be inconvenient and expensive. For example, I want to use the iterator type returned by function eachline(filename::AbstractString; keep::Bool=false), but using the typeof really requires opening a file successfully, which looks like an overkill.
From a C++ background, what I am asking is that is there an equivalent of std::result_of in Julia. The question is almost the same as this one but the language is Julia.
After some research I see that Julia allows for return value of different types in one function, where the type inference looks very hard. For example,
foo(x::Int64) = x == 1 ? 1 : 1.0
The return type can now be Int64 or Float64, depending on the input value. Nevertheless, in this case, I am still wondering if there are some macro tricks that can deduce that the return type is of Union{ Int64, Float64 }?
To summarize, my questions are:
Fundamentally, is it possible to get the function return type by only supplying argument types in Julia?
If 1 is not possible, for functions that have one deterministic return type (as in the 1st example), is it possible to get the return type unevaluated?
(Might be unrelated with what I want but I think it can boost my understanding) When Julia codes are compiled, are the return types of the functions known? Or is the type information only determined at run time?
1) Yes, Base.return_types(foo, (Int64,)) will return an array containing the return type you're asking for, i.e. Union{ Int64, Float64 } in this case. If you drop the second argument, a tuple specifying the input argument types, you'll get all possible infered return types.
It should be noted, however, that the compiler might at any point decide to return Any or any other correct but imprecise return type.
2) see 1) ?
3) For given input argument types, the compiler tries to infer the return type at compile-time. If multiple are possible, it will infer a Union type. If it fails completely, or there are too many different return types, it will infer Any as the return type. In the latter cases, the actual return type is only known at runtime.
Demonstration of 1):
julia> foo(x::Float32) = x
foo (generic function with 1 methods)
julia> foo(x::Int32) = x
foo (generic function with 2 methods)
julia> foo(x::Int64) = x == 1 ? 1 : 1.0
foo (generic function with 3 methods)
julia> Base.return_types(foo)
3-element Array{Any,1}:
Union{Float64, Int64}
julia> Base.return_types(foo, (Int64,))
1-element Array{Any,1}:
Union{Float64, Int64}
julia> Base.return_types(foo, (Int32,))
1-element Array{Any,1}:

ambuigity on function call in julia

I have this error
ERROR: MethodError: vcat(::Array{Real,2}, ::TrackedArray{…,Array{Float32,2}}) is ambiguous. Candidates:
vcat(364::AbstractArray, x::Union{TrackedArray, TrackedReal}, xs::Union{Number, AbstractArray}...) in Tracker at C:\Users\Henri\.julia\packages\Tracker\6wcYJ\src\lib\array.jl:167
vcat(A::Union{AbstractArray{T,2}, AbstractArray{T,1}} where T...) in Base at abstractarray.jl:1296
Possible fix, define
vcat(::Union{AbstractArray{T,2}, AbstractArray{T,1}} where T, ::Union{TrackedArray{T,1,A} where A<:AbstractArray{T,1} where T, TrackedArray{T,2,A} where A<:AbstractArray{T,2} where T}, ::Vararg{Union{AbstractArray{T,2}, AbstractArray{T,1}} where T,N} where N)
Telling me that two vcat() functions are ambiguous. I want to use the Base.vcat() function but using it explicitly throws the same error. Why is that ? And what is this "possible fix" proposed by the error throw?
Moreover, when I call manually each line in the REPL no error is thrown. I do not understand this behavior. This only happens when vcat() is in a function called inside another function. Like in my example below.
Here is a code that reproduces the error:
using Flux
function loss(a, b, net, net2)
function test()
opt = ADAM()
net = Chain(Dense(3,3))
net2 = Chain(Dense(6,1))
L(a, b) = loss(a, b, net, net2)
data = tuple(rand(3,1), rand(3,1))
xs = Flux.params(net)
gs = Tracker.gradient(() -> L(data...), xs)
Tracker.update!(opt, xs, gs)
As mentionned in comments with Henri.D, we've managed to fix it by being carreful with the type of a which was an Array of Float64, default type returned by rand whereas net(a) returned a TrackedArray of Float32 and made impossible to vcat it with a.
I've managed to fix vcat by changing your loss function with this: net2(vcat(net(a),Float32.(a))) because vcat couldn't concatenate as net(a) was a Float32 Array and a a Float64 one. Then L(data...) is a TrackedArray of 1 element whereas I think you need a Float32 that's why I finally replace loss function by net2(vcat(net(a),Float32.(a)))[1]

Can I build a parameterless constructor for a parametric type in an outer constructor?

In order to instantiate a type like x = MyType{Int}()
I can define a inner constructor.
immutable MyType{T}
MyType() = new(T[])
Is it possible to achieve the same objective using an outer constructor?
This can be done using the following syntax:
(::Type{MyType{T}}){T}() = MyType{T}(T[])
The thing in the first set of parentheses describes the called object. ::T means "of type T", so this is a definition for calling an object of type Type{MyType{T}}, which means the object MyType{T} itself. Next {T} means that T is a parameter of this definition, and a value for it must be available in order to call this definition. So MyType{Int} matches, but MyType doesn't. From there on, the syntax should be familiar.
This syntax is definitely a bit fiddly and unintuitive, and we hope to improve it in a future version of the language, hopefully v0.6.
I may be wrong, but if you cannot build parameterless function like this:
julia> f{T}() = show(T)
WARNING: static parameter T does not occur in signature for f at none:1.
The method will not be callable.
f (generic function with 1 method)
therefore you won't be able to do this:
julia> immutable MyType{T}
julia> MyType{T}() = MyType{T}(T[])
WARNING: static parameter T does not occur in signature for call at none:1.
The method will not be callable.
julia> x = MyType{Int}()
ERROR: MethodError: `convert` has no method matching convert(::Type{MyType{Int64}})
Every outer constructor is also a function.
You can say
f(T::Type) = show(T)
and also
MyType(T::Type) = MyType(T[])
But julia needs to see the type in the call to know which you want.
