Does uninstall of meteor remove .meteor directory items? - meteor

I started to get "the system cannot find the path specified" running meteor in a project directory thats been ok for months, reboot etc not resolving it.
So I uninstalled meteor via control panel (windows 10) downloaded latest version for site and reinstalled.
back in project directory I then got error "your not in meteor project directory" a bit of SO tells me the .meteor/release number could be incorrect. When I look in the .meteor director everything has disappeared apart from the local directory. This is the same in two separate project directories. It looks like the packages, releases ,version files etc have been removed - could or would the uninstall of meteor do this?
All seems a bit fragile....


Can't remove dotNET Runtime 2.1.17

I have a vulnerability scanner that returns a finding for an outdated dotNET build - 2.1.17. This needs to be removed.
I have confirmed the file is in the right spot (C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.AspNetCore.All\2.1.17) and I have deployed the updated version "2.1.25".
Unfortunately, 2.1.17 refuses to be removed - the latest dotnet-core-uninstall tool does not list it as an option, and it doesn't let me just hand-jam 2.1.17 as an -aspnet-runtime option either.
Somewhere on the 'net I found a suggestion that if I remove a certain SDK installation (5xx something - naturally can't find it again) that it would also remove the files. It didn't, and 2.1.17 is still there.
I also tried simply taking ownership of the directory in Windows and then removing it with RMDIR. The directory was removed and all the files were gone, but when I rebooted it looks like it was actually restored and now I'm stuck with 2.1.17 again.
I'm no Developer, so my experience with these packages is in deploying and removing them, which I've done successfully in the past either by deleting the folder (for a very old version) or this dotnet removal tool. I've not had the Runtime simply just not be removable.
Is there a way to get rid of these Runtimes without the dotnet tool?
EDIT: I followed Ian Kemp's advice below and it did briefly remove the 2.1.17 folder that was behind my finding, but it actually restores when the machine is rebooted (causing it to be flagged again).
The solution for me was to remove the 2.1.813 SDK, then manually TAKEOWN and RMDIR the offending directories, then reinstall 2.1.813 SDK.

Meteor stopped working

I was working on a meteor project (version 1.2, React installed) when suddenly a spew of errors appeared in the command prompt. I could no longer start the server. Entering 'meteor' and nothing happened. I then uninstalled meteor completely and reinstalled (now version 1.3). The problem persisted. The only command I could get to work was 'meteor --help'. Even doing a new create (meteor create newapp) did nothing. The command line carriage returned and did nothing. I'm running under windows 10.
Some people have ran into issues when updating to meteor 1.3. Possible duplicate answered here:
Unable to install meteor 1.3 on win 8.1 laptop
I had this issue too. It's a problem from the 1.3 release on Windows.
In the github issues you can find the solution they found to solve this temporarily; what you have to do is this:
Delete the following folders from C:\Users\YOUR_USER_NAME\AppData\Local.meteor\packages
templating, templating-tools, ecmascript, standard-minifier-css. But some people mention having to delete extra folders too <-- emphasis on this
Then open the console as administrator and run meteor in the folder where your app is, so it starts downloading the missing packages you deleted.
This would be enough for it to work.

Meteor doesn't work in Windows 10

I downloaded the Meteor's official Download from here: Meteor 1.2.1
and the installer is just 1.2mb
Now, after running it: Nothing happens. No permission. Nothing. This page is shown:
And then when I hit Skip this step, this is shown:
Even after restarting, there is no .meteor folder in AppData\Local directory, and Meteor command is still not recognised.
Also, I think, how can a 1.2mbinstall something like Meteor which is like 53mb when installed via curl on OSX or Linux.
Are the Meteor fooling windows? I dont know why the installer doesn't work. The point is: How can it?
Downloaded file is installer not setup.
First install the meteor in your machine.
Then set it in environment variable.

Meteor isn't installing after removal of some files

I installed Meteor for Windows 7. On my computer, I have two partitions of my hard drive: C: for operating system, and D: for everything else. The C: drive has just enough space for the OS, so I wanted to install Meteor on D:. However, the installer directly installed onto C, and the installation stopped halfway through saying that it ran out of space.
I deleted some files to restart the installation (bad idea on my part). Specifically, I removed from the AppData\Local.meteor directory, the meteorsession file, prefetch files, and the PackageCache directory. I also deleted the PATH environment variable set up by the installation (only the AppData\Local.meteor directory; the other paths I didn't delete).
So I restarted my computer and started to install again and this time it doesn't download anything and just jumps directly to the "Meteor has now been installed" screen. I'm guessing that there's some leftover files hiding around somewhere that the installer uses to check to see if Meteor has already been installed. So what should I do to clear these/what's the actual cause of the issue?

WampServer, client header and library files

WampServer is installed on my computer.
I am wishing to install the RMySQL package.
The online documentation of the latter mentions:
Install a MySQL client library from or If you already installed a MySQL server, you may want to re-run the install to ensure that you also installed client header and library files. Note that Xampp doesn't include these.
I am confused I don't know which are these required 'header' and 'library' files. And, how do I know whether they are made available by WampServer? If it is not the case, can I simply add them somewhere to a WampServer folder (instead of uninstalling WampServer and installing Apache and its friends separatedly)?
OK so I've just gone through the living hell that is installing RMySQL on Windows. But finally succeeded.
Binaries on windows are not supported, so the other answers saying this is "Simple" are wrong. Also a lot of the guides etc out there are outdated, or have broken links.
The best overall answer for MYSQL generally is to look at:
Using MySQL in R for Windows
Basically you have to install RTools in order to be able to compile the packages from source.
However specifically with WAMPServer, it doesn't install the .lib and client files. So what I did was go to MYSQL to find the exact same version of MYSQL as Wampserver had installed. I downloaded the zip file version. I compared the lib directories with a visual difference tool (Beyond Compare) and copied across the missing files into my WAMPServer MYSQL installation.
As per the guide above, I then copied:
libmysql.lib from mysql/lib to mysql/lib/opt to meet dependencies.
libmysql.dll to C:\Program Files\R\R-2.12.1\bin
Finally install.packages('RMySQL',type='source') worked
For people using WampServer in Windows and wanting to install RMySQL, I've adapted the instructions outlined here. I'm assuming you already have WampServer installed. I'll also use the file paths that I used on my computer, but keep in mind that your file paths may differ slightly (due to different versions, installations, etc.)
Install latest RTools from here.
Create a new file called in C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1\etc\, open the file in a text editor, and add a line like MYSQL_HOME="C:/wamp/bin/mysql/mysql5.6.12" (path to your mysql files). Make sure to use forward slashes and don't forget the quotes.
Click on your WampServer icon and go to MySQL, then Version. This will tell you what version of MySQL was included in your WampServer distribution.
Go to and download and install the same version of MySQL that is included in your WampServer distribution.
Once you've gone through the complete installation, go to the folder where MySQL installed and copy the file called libmysql.lib, which can be found in the lib\ folder.
Now go to the lib\ folder in your WampServer directory (mine is C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.12\lib) and create a new folder called opt\.
Paste into this new opt folder the libmysql.lib file that you just copied.
You can now uninstall the MySQL server that you just downloaded, since we only needed that one file from it (which is apparently not included in the WampServer distribution).
Under C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.6.12\lib\, you'll also find libmysql.dll. Copy this to C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1\bin\i386\ (This works if you have 36 bit Windows like me. I think if you have 64 bit, you may just put it under the bin\ subdirectory instead of under bin\i386\, but please don't hold me to that.) I also copied the same file (libmysql.dll) to the C:\windows\system32\ directory, but I'm not sure if this is necessary.
In R, run install.packages('RMySQL',type='source') and hopefully the installation completes without any issues. You can then load the package as usual with library(RMySQL).
Note: I'm running 32 bit Windows, R-2.15.1, and a WampServer distribution that includes MySQL 5.6.12.
