conda - R Essentials missing dependencies on offline private repository - r

I'm currenty trying to install R essentials package for Anaconda on virtual Linux RedHat machine which doesn't have access to internet (that's why usual
conda install c -r r-essentials
won't work). To do that I've downloaded from air gap repository linux-64-pkgs.tar file from 2017-08/anaconda-server-sync-conda/ directory and used only r (r\pkgs\linux-64) directory from it.
Then I followed the instructions from this link. Since the directory contained repodata.json and repodata.json.bz2, it is not necessary to build and index files by following this instruction. After i run
conda install r-essentials
happens this:
Fetching package metadata ....
WARNING: The remote server could not find the noarch directory for the
requested channel with url: file:///home/math/conda-r/
It is possible you have given conda an invalid channel. Please double-check
your conda configuration using `conda config --show`.
If the requested url is in fact a valid conda channel, please request that the
channel administrator create `noarch/repodata.json` and associated
`noarch/repodata.json.bz2` files, even if `noarch/repodata.json` is empty.
$ mkdir noarch
$ echo '{}' > noarch/repodata.json
$ bzip2 -k noarch/repodata.json
Solving package specifications:
PackageNotFoundError: Dependencies missing in current linux-64 channels:
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-base 3.2.1 -> ncurses
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-boot
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-class -> r-mass
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-cluster
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-codetools
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-foreign
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-kernsmooth
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-lattice
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-matrix
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-mgcv -> r-nlme >=3.1_64
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-nnet
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-rpart
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-spatial
- r-essentials -> r 3.2.1* -> r-recommended 3.2.1 -> r-survival
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-bradleyterry2 -> r-brglm -> r-profilemodel
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-bradleyterry2 -> r-gtools
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-bradleyterry2 -> r-lme4 >=1.0 -> r-minqa >=1.1.15 -> r-rcpp >=0.9.10
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-bradleyterry2 -> r-lme4 >=1.0 -> r-nloptr >=1.0.4 -> nlopt
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-bradleyterry2 -> r-lme4 >=1.0 -> r-rcppeigen
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-car -> r-pbkrtest >=0.3_2
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-car -> r-quantreg -> r-sparsem
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-car -> r-quantreg -> r-matrixmodels
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-foreach -> r-iterators
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-digest
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-gtable >=0.1.1
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-plyr >=1.7.1
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-proto
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-reshape2 -> r-stringr -> r-magrittr
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-reshape2 -> r-stringr -> r-stringi >=0.4.1
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-scales >=0.2.3 -> r-dichromat
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-scales >=0.2.3 -> r-labeling
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-scales >=0.2.3 -> r-munsell >=0.2 -> r-colorspace
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-scales >=0.2.3 -> r-rcolorbrewer
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-lazyeval
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-tibble -> r-assertthat
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-ggplot2 -> r-tibble -> r-rlang
- r-essentials -> r-caret -> r-modelmetrics >=1.1.0
- r-essentials -> r-data.table -> r-chron
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-bh >=1.58.0_1
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-dbi >=0.3
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-r6
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-bindrcpp -> r-bindr
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-bindrcpp -> r-plogr
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-glue
- r-essentials -> r-dplyr -> r-pkgconfig
- r-essentials -> r-glmnet
- r-essentials -> r-jsonlite
- r-essentials -> r-quantmod -> r-ttr >=0.2 -> r-xts >=0.9_3 -> r-zoo >=1.7_10
- r-essentials -> r-quantmod -> r-curl
- r-essentials -> r-randomforest
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-catools -> r-bitops
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-htmltools >=0.2.4
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-knitr >=1.6 -> r-evaluate >=0.6
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-knitr >=1.6 -> r-formatr
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-knitr >=1.6 -> r-highr
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-knitr >=1.6 -> r-markdown -> r-mime >=0.3
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-knitr >=1.6 -> r-yaml >=2.1.5
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-base64enc
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> r-rprojroot -> r-backports
- r-essentials -> r-rmarkdown -> pandoc >=1.15.0
- r-essentials -> r-shiny -> r-httpuv >=1.3.2
- r-essentials -> r-shiny -> r-rjsonio
- r-essentials -> r-shiny -> r-xtable
- r-essentials -> r-shiny -> r-sourcetools
- r-essentials -> r-tidyr
- r-essentials -> r-irkernel -> ipython-notebook
- r-essentials -> r-irkernel -> r-irdisplay -> r-repr
- r-essentials -> r-irkernel -> r-rzmq >=0.7.0
- r-essentials -> r-irkernel -> r-uuid
- r-essentials -> r-irkernel -> r-pbdzmq >=0.2_1
- r-essentials -> r-irkernel -> r-crayon -> r-memoise
- r-essentials -> r-rbokeh -> r-hexbin
- r-essentials -> r-rbokeh -> r-htmlwidgets
- r-essentials -> r-rbokeh -> r-maps
- r-essentials -> r-rbokeh -> r-gistr -> r-httr >=1.0.0 -> r-openssl >=0.8
- r-essentials -> r-rbokeh -> r-pryr
- r-essentials -> r-broom >=0.4.1 -> r-psych -> r-mnormt
- r-essentials -> r-forcats >=0.1.1
- r-essentials -> r-haven >=1.0.0 -> r-hms
- r-essentials -> r-haven >=1.0.0 -> r-readr >=0.1.0
- r-essentials -> r-lubridate >=1.6.0
- r-essentials -> r-modelr >=0.1.0 -> r-purrr >=0.2.2
- r-essentials -> r-readxl >=0.1.1 -> r-cellranger -> r-rematch
- r-essentials -> r-rvest >=0.3.2 -> r-selectr
- r-essentials -> r-rvest >=0.3.2 -> r-xml2
- r-essentials -> r-tidyverse >=1.0.0
Close matches found; did you mean one of these?
nlopt: r-nloptr
pandoc: pango
(and similarly for the other packages)
I also copied these repodata.* files to /noarch directory, but nothing changed except part between Fetching package metadata .... and Solving package specifications: is now not shown.
Is it conda r package issue or I'm doing something wrong?

I have the same problem.But the difference is that I followed the post and only downloaded the required packages. But unexpectedly, I found the package r-base was not downloaded. So I downloaded it again.
Then I built the conda repo by the command conda index. When I used the following command:
conda install r r-essentials -c file:///opt/kevin/channel --override-channels
It didn't make work.I would update r-base with the default channel(it needs internet)
enter image description here


How to download DESeq2 in miniconda3 environment?

I created an environment using miniconda3 with the following commands:
conda create -n r_ngs r-essentials r-base
source activate r_ngs
I needed to download some extra packages and I managed to download biomart and tximport with the following commands.
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-tximport
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-biomart
However, then I tried to install DESeq2 but I am getting errors. The command and errors are shown below.
conda install -c bioconda bioconductor-deseq2
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: failed with repodata from current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source.
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done
Solving environment: failed with initial frozen solve. Retrying with flexible solve.
Solving environment: \
Found conflicts! Looking for incompatible packages. failed
UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be incompatible with each other:
Output in format: Requested package -> Available versions
Package libgcc-ng conflicts for:
bioconductor-deseq2 -> libgcc-ng[version='>=10.3.0|>=12|>=9.4.0|>=9.3.0|>=7.5.0|>=7.3.0|>=4.9']
bioconductor-deseq2 -> r-base[version='>=4.2,<4.3.0a0'] -> libgcc-ng[version='7.2.0.*|>=11.2.0|>=7.2.0']
Package libstdcxx-ng conflicts for:
bioconductor-deseq2 -> r-base[version='>=4.2,<4.3.0a0'] -> libstdcxx-ng[version='7.2.0.*|>=11.2.0|>=7.2.0']
bioconductor-deseq2 -> libstdcxx-ng[version='>=10.3.0|>=12|>=9.4.0|>=9.3.0|>=7.5.0|>=7.3.0|>=4.9']
Package xz conflicts for:
python=3.10 -> xz[version='>=5.2.5,<6.0a0|>=5.2.6,<6.0a0']
bioconductor-deseq2 -> r-base[version='>=4.2,<4.3.0a0'] -> xz[version='5.2.*|>=5.2.4,<6.0a0|>=5.2.5,<6.0a0']The following specifications were found to be incompatible with your system:
- feature:/linux-64::__glibc==2.35=0
- feature:|#/linux-64::__glibc==2.35=0
- python=3.10 -> libgcc-ng[version='>=11.2.0'] -> __glibc[version='>=2.17']
Your installed version is: 2.35
The R version I have in the environment is R version 3.6.1 (2019-07-05).
How can I fix this?
Thank you
Bioconda has very specific channel requirements, namely:
conda-forge > bioconda > defaults
The best way to manage Conda environments is with YAMLs. One to use DESeq2 might look something like:
name: r_ngs
- conda-forge
- bioconda
- defaults
- r-base=4.2
- bioconductor-deseq2
## additional packages...
and create it with
conda env create -n r_ngs -f r_ngs.yaml
Note, it is almost always preferable to declare all dependencies at time of creation of the environment.

how to manually install the pre-build python package into conda environment

Need to install Azure cosmos-db python sdk via conda. But I can only install up to version 3.1.2 and 4.2.0 is needed in the project. I wonder how can I manually load the prebuild cosmo sdk in to the conda environment?
I have a env.yml file shown as follow, the enviroment is created via conda env create -f <path_to_env.yml>
name: cco_1410
- conda-forge
- azure-cosmos=4.2.0 (this would lead to fail)
- python=3
- fastapi=0.65.0
- pytest
install 4.2.0 version via conda is not possible. Conda is only able to install up to 3.1.2 version
conda search azure-cosmos
/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/requests/ RequestsDependencyWarning: urllib3 (1.26.2) or chardet (4.0.0) doesn't match a supported version!
warnings.warn("urllib3 ({}) or chardet ({}) doesn't match a supported "
Loading channels: done
# Name Version Build Channel
azure-cosmos 3.0.2 py_0 conda-forge
azure-cosmos 3.1.0 py_0 conda-forge
azure-cosmos 3.1.1 py_0 conda-forge
azure-cosmos 3.1.2 py_0 conda-forge
azure-cosmos 3.1.2 py_0 pkgs/main
In lieu of someone fixing the Conda Forge feedstock so that the newer versions are available on Conda, it is a PyPI package, so one can also install it through Pip:
name: cco_1410
- conda-forge
- python=3
- fastapi=0.65.0
- pytest
- pip
- pip:
- azure-cosmos==4.2.0
Please read the Conda documentation on installing non-Conda packages.
Microsoft releases Azure SDK packages for conda every three months in Microsoft channel (
azure-cosmos 4.2.0 was included in Sep. release.
You can find it from
(I work in MS in the SDK team)

pipenv and Atom packages

I'm trying to download few Python packages for Atom with pipenv but Atom can't "see it". The pop-ups says it's not installed:
- entrypoints [required: >=0.3.0,<0.4.0, installed: 0.3]
- mccabe [required: >=0.6.0,<0.7.0, installed: 0.6.1]
- pycodestyle [required: >=2.5.0,<2.6.0, installed: 2.5.0]
- pyflakes [required: >=2.1.0,<2.2.0, installed: 2.1.1]
- pycodestyle [required: >=2.4.0, installed: 2.5.0]
Clearly it is installed. What can I do ? Before you ask, I did restart the editor.
install one of Terminal packages for Atom, run it and then :
cd "the_path_to_the_directory"
pipenv shell python3(or python depending on your OS)

conda install r-essentials takes forever

I am unable to install the r-base and r-essentials packages into my conda environment. Whenever I run
conda install -c r r-base r-essentials
I just get the Solving environment message for a good hour or more before I just exit out altogether. This even occurs when I create a brand new environment without any other packages before attempting to install r-base and r-essentials.
What is going on here and is there any way to fix this?
Try that. conda install -c conda-forge r r-essentials.
For some reason there is a conflict when r-essentials and pip are in the same conda environment. You can solve it by creating a new environment that has the package directly:
conda create -n r_env -c r r-essentials

Install a package without updating other unrelated packages (Julia 1.0)

It is possible to install a package in Julia 1.0 without updating other packages? For instance if a install ClusterManagers, the package IJulia (among others) gets updated. The package ClusterManagers has no dependencies.
(v1.0) pkg> add ClusterManagers
Resolving package versions...
Installed IJulia ───────────── v1.12.0
Installed ClusterManagers ──── v0.3.2
Installed ColorTypes ───────── v0.7.5
Installed OrderedCollections ─ v1.0.1
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Project.toml`
[34f1f09b] + ClusterManagers v0.3.2
[7073ff75] ↑ IJulia v1.11.1 ⇒ v1.12.0
Updating `~/.julia/environments/v1.0/Manifest.toml`
[34f1f09b] + ClusterManagers v0.3.2
[3da002f7] ↑ ColorTypes v0.7.4 ⇒ v0.7.5
[7073ff75] ↑ IJulia v1.11.1 ⇒ v1.12.0
[bac558e1] ↑ OrderedCollections v1.0.0 ⇒ v1.0.1
Building IJulia → `~/.julia/packages/IJulia/4VL8h/deps/build.log`
I use Julia 1.0.0 (official release) on Linux.
Yes, the intention is that adding a package should not update the other ones. This is a bug ( that has been fixed ( and will be included in Julia v1.0.1.
