I made a diff in Phabricator containing a config file with sensitive information. Usually I would be content with abandoning the diff, but I don't want anybody seeing my password (even after I change it)
I should have been more careful when making my commit but it has already been done.
Take a look at the ./bin/remove command:
remove - remove objects
remove command [options]
Administrative tool for destroying objects permanently.
destroy [options] object ...
Permanently destroy objects.
help [command]
Show this help, or workflow help for command.
Show a log of permanently destroyed objects.
Use help command for a detailed command reference.
Use --show-standard-options to show additional options.
I'm trying to remove unused docker images from nexus repo using nexus-cli(with automation script).
I have downloaded nexus-cli and configured Host, Repository, Username and Password when I'm trying to hit command
./nexus-cli image ls
It retrns HTTP Code: 404
can anyone please help me on this or please suggest me if there is any another way to remove unused docker images
Refrance links: http://www.blog.labouardy.com/cleanup-old-docker-images-from-nexus-repository/
NXRM3 has a "Purge unused docker manifests and images" task that may be helpful. It removes any items that are no longer associated as in use. Unfortunately, because docker shares layers if the layers are used elsewhere this task often isn't as much help. If you manually remove the images then it should remove the layers that are no longer used however.
Ref: https://help.sonatype.com/display/NXRM3/System+Configuration#SystemConfiguration-TypesofTasksandWhentoUseThem
Also don't forget to run the "Compact blob store" task after you run any NXRM3 cleanup task. Otherwise, your files are just soft deleted and not freeing up any space.
You may also wish to watch https://issues.sonatype.org/browse/NEXUS-11435 and even provide feedback if you have specific usage scenarios.
So, yeah, the form is saying:
Please contact the system administrator to change your publisher name
and I'm the system administrator for the project and I don't know what the hell am I doing. :)
I can change the name of the publisher but not the URL. I guess this also changes some URL in the dataset? Do I need to do the change with API or there is some GUI?
BTW. I'm using DGU package.
You should ssh to your server and run commands like this to change the name, and optionally the title too with the -t:
source /home/co/ckan/bin/activate && cd /vagrant/src/ckanext-dgu
python ../ckanext-dgu/ckanext/dgu/bin/publisher_rename.py $CKAN_INI highways-agency highways-england -t 'Highways England'
From: http://guidance.data.gov.uk/publisher_editing.html#rename-a-publisher
The problem is it can take a few minutes to rename and reindex all the datasets, so this often can't be done during a web request. Ideally someone would code this as a background task so this can still be done in the form. However in the meantime DGU implemented this command-line script to do it, hence the need for a sysadmin.
I'm running several VMs within Xen, and now I'm trying to create/revert snapshots of my VMs.
Along with Xen and blktap2, another utility, vhd-util is also delivered, and according to its description, I guess I can use it to create/revert VM snapshots.
To create a snapshot is actually easy, I just call:
vhd-util snapshot -n aSnapShot.vhd -p theVMtoBackup.vhd
But when it comes to reverting a snapshot, things get really annoying.
The "revert" command requires a mandatory argument "journal", like this:
vhd-util revert -n aSnapShot.vhd -j someThingCalledJournalOfWhichIHaveNoIdea
And vhd-util expects some info from the journal, which means it's not some empty file you can write logs in.
But I've went through the code and the internet, still get no idea where this Journal comes from.
Similar question is asked
http://xen.1045712.n5.nabble.com/snapshots-with-vhd-util-blktap2-td4639476.html but poor guy never get answered.
Hope someone here could help me out.
Creating snapshots in VHD works by putting an overlay over the existing VHD image, so that any change get written into the overlay file instead of overwriting existing data. For reading the top-most data is returned: either the data from the overlay if that sector/cluster was already over-written, or from the original VHD file if it was not-yet over-written.
The vhd-util command creates such an overlay-VHD-file, which uses the existing VHD image as its so-called "backing-file". It is important to remember, that the backing-file must never be changed while snapshots still using this backing-file exist. Otherwise the data would change in all those snapshots as well (unless the data was overwritten there already.)
The process of using backing files can be repeated multiple times, which leads to a chain of VHD files. Only the top-most file should ever be written to, all other files should be handled as immutable.
Reverting back to a snapshot is as easy as deleting the current top-most overlay file and creating a new empty overlay file again, which again expose the data from the backing file containing the snapshot. This is done by using the same command again as above mentioned. This preserves your current snapshot and allows you to repeat that process multiple times.
(renaming the file would be more like "revert back to and delete last snapshot".)
Warning: before re-creating the snapshot file, make sure that no other snapshots exists, which uses this (intermediate) VHD file as its backing file. Otherwise you would not only loose this snapshot, but all other snapshots depending on this one.
You don't need to use revert, all you need to do is shut down the VM, rename aSnapShot.vhd to theVMtoBackup.vhd and restart the VM.
Our team is using phabricator to review code. In eclipse, we can post a review request by added Auditors: someone in comment when check in repository. Is there a command patch in comment to update the review request?
arc uses information about the working copy (like the path, branch name, local commit hashes, and local tree hashes, depending on which version control system you are using) to figure out whether you intend to create or update a revision. If it guesses incorrectly, you can force it to either create or update a revision with:
$ arc diff --update <revision>
see http://www.phabricator.com/docs/phabricator/article/Arcanist_User_Guide_arc_diff.html
Use Arcanist, command arc diff and arc update
I am working on a view created from the main code repository on a Solaris server. I have modified a part of the code on my view and now I wish to update the code in my view to have the latest code from the repository. However when I do
cleartool update .
from the current directory to update all the files in the current directory, some(not all) of the files do not get updated and the message I get is
Keeping hijacked object <filePath> - base no longer known.
I am very sure that I have not modified the directory structure in my view nor has it been modified on the server repository. One hack that I discovered is to move the files that could not be updated to a different filename(essentially meaning that files with original filename no longer exist on my view) and then run the update command. But I do not want to work this out one by one for all the files. This also means I will have to perform the merge myself.
Has someone encountered this problem before? Any advice will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
You should try a "cleartool update -overwrite" (see cleartool update), as it should force the update of all files, hijacked or not.
But this message, according to the IBM technote swg1PK94061, is the result of:
When you rename a directory in a snapshot view, updating the view will cause files in the to become hijacked.
Problem conclusion
Closing this APAR as No Plans To Fix (NPTF) because:
(a) to the simple workaround of deleting the local copy of renamed directories which will mitigate the snapshot view update problem and
(b) because of this issue's low relative priority with higher impact defects
So simply delete (or move) the directory you have rename, relaunch you update, and said directory (and its updated content) will be restored.
Thanks for your comment VonC. I did check out the link you mentioned, but I did not find it much useful as I had not renamed any directory. After spending the whole day yesterday, I figured out that I had modified some of the files previously without checking them out first. This made me to modify them forecfully as they were in read-only mode as they were not checked-out. This resulted in those files to become hijacked, and hence when I tried to update my view to look at all the modifications in the repository, it was unable to merge my modified file with that on the server as those files were modified without being checked out so the cleartool update was made to believe that the file is not modified(since it was not checked out) but actually it was. That was the fuss!! :)