userid doesn't match with real users - google-analytics

We have set up a user id view in GA, but it seems users data doesn't match with the real number of employees in the company. The website is an intranet and in GA there are more users than employees so we don't understand why this can be possible.
Does anyone kwow how that can be possible?
Thanks in advance,


GA4 Item Name Duplicate Values

Hi guys need your expert help. I have a client who sells membership. With each membership client also sell a supplementary membership (optional) which a user can purchase along with the primary. The problem is that in GA4, supplementary membership values are not showing up as unique. How can I fix this?
See attached screenshot
I am expecting unique values for each membership.

Can google Analytics track a unique users that using our app

I'm new when using google analytics for App and it make me quite confused, I have several question that I want to ask:
Is Google Analytics still track unique users? some of source that I read say no but and some say yes I'm quite confused about this
Let say if I want to search a Unique users can I use User Type dimension with users metric to get the right value for new users (Not with session but users)
for question number 2, let say it have New Users and Returning Users as user Type dimension and users have a metric and from google analytics itself give an explanation such as this:
Users who have initiated at least one session during the date range. Learn more about how Analytics calculates the number of users.
Can someone help me to understand this? I'm already using it for 2 weeks and still confused with this
By default, Google Analytics track unique users by setting an unique id (clientId) in device memory (a cookie in web tracking). This method isn't accurate because cleaning a cookie or device cache would reset clientId, causing the tool to identify a new user in the next session. To avoid it you can collect User Id, a built-in dimension specific to user tracking.

Adding Extra Validation To WordPress User Registration

I'm creating a members only Parent Directory for my son's high school International Baccalaureate website. This directory will contain contact information (names, street addresses, phone numbers, email addresses) of parents from each grade who have students currently enrolled in the IB program. I need to be able to authenticate a parents access to the directory against a valid student ID (which is a number).
I have a spreadsheet that contains the names of each student, their student ID, and their parent's names. There are some instances where a family has more than one student/student ID.
I'm trying to figure how I should be thinking about this, as a general approach. I have a few ideas but I need to distill them down to a more succinct inquiry.
One thought would be to bulk create wp subscriber accounts for all students. Their student IDs would somehow be appended to the user record. Parents would be directed to a login page, where they would login with the username of their child, password(which could be reset), and a fixed student id. If validation passes, they are redirected to the directory page.
Another thought would be to create user accounts on the fly that references a separate table which includes the student ID. So long as that unique student ID is part of the registration and it authenticates, anyone who has that number can register a profile.
In either scenario, once an account is created, the contact profile could either be pre-populated with the users info or updated at that time.
So my question is: Am I thinking about this in the right way? If so or if not, how can I better define this idea to get a more accurate scope? And then, ultimately, I need some direction on some possible options for getting it done in DIY way.
Sorry for the long word count. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Below are some links that seem to be in the neighborhood of what I'm trying to do.
Integrating wordpress authentication with an existing user database

ASP.NET preventing a user from successive logins

I'm working on a web-based academical evaluation project (VS2010,C#,ASP.NET). Users can enter the web site and evaluate personnel of a company (or the company managers). Then my clients (company owners) should be able to view results of the evaluation (appraisal). As this process involves people and there is always risk of re-voting by some users, I'm searching for ways to minimize number of re-evaluations by similar users, i.e. I'm going to prevent a user from voting for more than once as it can hugely affect results of the appraisal process, I'm asking user about his name, surname and national ID; I'll store these data in my database, and the next time a user trying to login with the same data will get a warning, but anyone can change his data and vote for several times! Also I save user IP and will check it on later logins but it can also be faked easily! what else can I do? using cookies? sessions? how should I technically prevent users can from voting for several times?
You can't avoid it but can minimize it. Take a look at this similar question/answers:
multiple voting.
Hunting Cheaters.
Prevent Users from Voting Multiple times

Simplest way to count visits ASP.NET web app?

What is the simplest way to count # of visits by a user in an ASP.NET web app?
Our app services anonymous users, registered users and an intermediate user, called a "prospect". Prospects are users that request information but do not create an account.
We leave an ID cookie for every type of user, and that's the key into our database for visit information.
Prospects never "sign in" per se, but we still want to count those visits. We also want to count member visits, even when they don't sign in.
I am thinking of storing the ASP.NET Session cookie and then incrementing our counter every time the session cookie changes.
Anyone out there already solve this, or have any suggestions?
PS: We are ASP.NET 1.1
Refinement: We want this data in our app's database, so Google Analytics is not a reasonable solutions for this...and we are using Google Analytics.
Use Google Analytics. You can specify "goals" and "funnels" that lead to these goals quite easily.
Since you're using 1.1... in the Global.aspx... in the App_EndRequest (or whatever), insert a record into a DB with Name, IPAddress, timestamp, etc.
EDIT: Don't do the session thingy, sessions can be cleared, plus how will you report on them days, or weeks later... insert a record (including the Request.Url.Path if you'd like to have those kinds of stats).
Because it's on the EndRequest method, it's pretty safe even if there is some sort of glitch... also, performance won't matter as the user has gotten his page sent to him already.
We leave an ID cookie for every type of user, and that's the key into our database for visit information
Sounds to me like you already have a counter, you just need to figure out a way to make this data useful.
SELECT COUNT(1) FROM TblUsers WHERE UserType = 'Prospect' AND DateRange Between....
