Target menu item - CSS - css

I am trying to target the light grey color that appears in the background of the menu items on this site (where I have placed the red dots). I can't seem to target the correct element in order to remove the grey color - can anyone help me with this?
Screenshot of menu

Use the css selector


Featherlight Gallery: get source element of current slide

Is there a way to find the element that contains the href to the current featherlight content when cycling through a gallery?
Basically, I want to change the .featherlight background color to match that of the source element's background color.
As you can seen in this jsfiddle, if I click on an image, .featherlight's background color matches that of the anchor that opened it. I would like the background color to change as I cycle through the gallery, so that .featherlight matches the anchor thumbnail's background color. Is there a way to get that information?
UPDATE: For anyone seeking the solution, I edited the jsfiddle above so that the color change now works. Thanks to Marc-André.
Yes, I believe what you are looking for is $currentTarget.
Example of usage in this wiki page

Twitter Bootstrap's Element Border Color

I want to change the border color of any element when it gets focused from blue to green. The problem is I don't know the attribute name I should change to override this. Any help would be very much appreciated.
Below is an image for better comprehension:
Go to, look for #input-border-focus, enter your desired color code, scroll down and click "Compile and Download".

Dropdown menu disappears when mouse moves over the WHO WE SUPPLY tab

Recently i encountered a problem with the dropdown menu called "WHO WE SUPPLY". The main_menu disappear just when i move my cursor over them. I have tried the other answers to similar questions like this but they were not of great help in my case.
I just want the dropdown elements to remain at their places when i move my mouse over them so that i can select them.
Can anyone please check the problem?
My website link is
Try to go to the WHO WE SUPPLY tab and you will see what exactly i am saying.
Many thanx in advance..
..hope to get a reply soon !!
As far as I can see the "color" property of your "Who We Supply" anchor tag is getting overridden by some other class's color property and the firebug is pointing to line #530 of your style.css file.
The color property mentioned there is "#FFFFFF" which is for white color.
So change the color of that particular class.
Basically the link is not hidden just the color property of that link changes on Hover event to White which is same as your background color

Removing the gap between a firefox toolbarbutton and the dropdown marker

I have a toolbarbutton of type menu-button which is working perfectly in my Firefox extension, however it's not styled quiet as I'd like.
There is a gap with an outline between the buttpon image and the dropdown marker arrow (the red arrow shows the outlined gap I'm referring to - the outline is part of the problem - and you can also see the AdBlock Plus button which does not have this problem).
Also, when you hover over the image/button a shaded grey background appears.
I'd like to remove the gap (AdBlock Plus manages this with their toolbar button but I haven't figured out how) and also remove the shading (I hava hover image defined for the button which should be sufficient to indicate that you are in the click-zone).
Can anyone give me any pointers? It seems to be something to do with the following two classes: toolbarbutton-1 and chromeclass-toolbar-additional
The gap is because the type is "menu-button", and ADP button type is "menu". The gap style is depend on the theme you are using.
The image problem, how do you setup the image? In my case, it work fine to setup with = 'url("chrome://referrercontrol/skin/icon24.png");'

css tab selected background color

based off code in my prior question: CSS radius and hover fill entire area
how do i get the tab that is selected to have the same background color of the visible box below? the rest of the tabs i want to remain the default color. this way the user knows which tab is selected very easily.
i see the ui-state-default ui-corner-top ui-tabs-selected ui-state-active classes but can't get the css right to make it work.
Do you want to highlight a tab on hover? I moved your background color into your class .ui-state-default and added a pseudo statement.
Here is a working Live Demo. Is this you want?
