Add extra field on login form - symfony

I'm using FOSUserBundle in my Symfony3 app. I have been requested to add an extra layer of security to the login page.
Let's say I get a custom key string (saved on the user computer) with JQuery.
I need to grab that key, and then send it along with the user credentials for verification to Symfony. That key will be stored in the database (I was thinking a new column in the user table) and when the user tries to log into the app, if there's no key or the key is different, it will give an error.
I read the documentation, and the closest topic to my needs is this one.
Except that I have to compare the token I send with the one in the database.
Thanks in advance for any help!


what is the use of hashedToken inside meteor.user

Hi I am a newbie to Meteor and I would like to know what is the use of hashedToken generated inside the Meteor.user object.
In Meteor documentation it is explained that the services object,
containing data used by particular login services. For example, its reset field contains tokens used by forgot password links, and its resume field contains tokens used to keep you logged in between sessions.
When I check the localstorage, Meteor.loginToken seems different from the hashedToken.
so my question is,
1.what is the difference between Meteor.loginToken generated in the local storage and hashedToken generated inside the service object?
2.Also why do resume.loginTokens inside service object is an array?
Any help is appreciated...
So a loginToken is a string of characters that can be left on the computer similar to a cookie token. You don't want to leave the actual username and password on a computer so the token is used instead.
The token is then used to authenticate to the server and log-in in place of a username/password.
There are a multiple of them in the array because you can be logged in on many devices at the same time. Each would have their own token.
The reason the tokens are hashed is an extra measure of security on the database. The tokens on the client are sha256 hashed and matched up to the one on the already hashed database ones to try and log in the user automatically.
The reason they are hashed is so no one can use them as loginToken localStorage form to login as a certain user by copying it from the database and pasting it as a localstorage logintoken. Its similar to a plaintext password being able to be used to log in a user.

Simple temporary authentication without a username or password

I need to add some authorization/authentication logic to an existing web form. Essentially, a user will enter their email address, then I check that email address against an existing database, and if it exists I send an email to that address containing an activation link to the web application. Once the user clicks that link, I want their client to be considered "authorized" for a short amount of time (like their browser session, for instance). They can then access certain pages until their authentication expires.
This would be extremely easy to do using custom ASP.NET forms authentication, but after doing some research there seems to be many more options today in terms of authorization/authentication. Things like ASP.NET Identity 2, Katana/OWIN, and more, it is getting to be quite overwhelming.
I'm looking for suggestions on the simplest way to currently implement something like this in an MVC4 application. I should be able to upgrade the application to MVC5 if necessary.
This is essentially the same process most password resets use, so you can pretty much approach it the same way:
Create a table to track these "authentications". You pretty much just need a column for the token, a column for a datetime, a column for a boolean. The datetime can either track the creation date and time of the token, which you'd then use in your code to calculate if it's too old based on your desired time frame, or you can track the expire date and time of the token and then simply check in your code if that expire date has passed or not. The boolean would track whether the email address has been confirmed, via having followed the link with token in the email you send out.
In your initial form, you collect the email address and combine this with a salt and one-way encryption to produce a token. You send the email with a link that includes that token. Save the token and the appropriate datetime value in your table.
On the page the user goes to after clicking the link, you use the token from the URL to lookup the matching row in your table, check the date value, and set the boolean to true for confirmed. Then, store the token in Session.
On each subsequent request, check 1) there's a token in Session and 2) that that token is still valid (lookup it up in the database and check the datetime and confirmed status). If the token doesn't exist or is no longer good, delete the row, remove the token from Session, and redirect the user to the original email address collection form. Otherwise, allow the user to view whatever content is there.
The simplest way, is to have a database table for the users, and do checking for user authentication and if it's use FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage, The identity framework gives you more options for security and encryption also for group and role management.

Connecting to multiple social logins within HWIOauthBundle

I'm trying to arrange being able to login with a social network (initially LinkedIn, but it could be any other, or self-generated from FosUserBundle), and then adding new connections to the same user, via Twitter, FB, Github, etc.
The difficulty is connecting the multiple account connections within FosUser and the HWIOauthBundles. In order to collect as much data as I can, and be able to easily add additional connections to services, I'd really like to have each new connection as a one-to-many record. IE: The initial login with LinkedIn creates a FosUser record, and a new row in a 'socialLogin' table, the next (say login with Twitter) adds a new row to the 'socialLogin' table, that refers back to the
How can I use the currently logged in (Fos)user as part of the new record that HWIOauth would generate? The end result would be, being able to login with any known user to get into the same account.
The solution is actually easy. First check out Symfony2: How to login using OAuth (HWIOAuthBundle) + custom roles (by default and loaded from DB) which is a great how-to for HwiOAuthBundle, and then scroll down and carefully look at public function loadUserByOAuthUserResponse(){ ... } section.
From there, your workflow will be checking the provider name from the response object. And then based on the provider name, you can update your user (use email for searching). However, with twitter you may have problem because twitter doesn't supply user email. So you need to ask your user for that email address and after you get that, you may need to merge current user account (for twitter based reg, consider it as a temporary a/c) with previous user account with this email.
Otherwise, if your user is already logged in using form/other-social-login (before connecting with twitter) you can add his twitter details once he connects with it. But you need to store user's currently logged in details in session (so that you can fetch it after user comes back with twitter token)
Hope it helps
First step would be to create the relation between the user entity and the social_data table and the rest is all about overriding the custom user provider FOSUBUserProvider.php, which I believe you already have started doing as you have FOSUserBundle and HWIOAuthBundle working together.
I will make some edits with actual code later, but I had to answer this to get you on the track until then.

ASP.NET MVC 2 using Authentication

Here is my problem if i can call it that way.I have implemented authentification with custom memebership provider in mvc 2.0.Everything works well but i have one problem.When user log in he provides its username and password and i check this through databse in MSSQL then i validate user and pass and use FormsAuthentication to set only UserName as profile information.
But when that user wants to create new item(lets say for sale or something) that belongs only to him and can be listed with other items that user created i can use this username(in FormsAuthentication) check it in database and connect that item to appropriate user with foreign key but that works if username is unique so i need additional informations like ID column from database table "user" to store and use it later so what is the most secure and "best practice" way to store additional information of user and use it later because username as i mentioned must be unique in database and it is not enough information about logged user.
Couldn't you store the User object (or whatever additional info you have) in the Session? or using a cookie at the client side (if you need to persist the login state even after the user closes his browser etc)? Let me know if you need specific examples.
EDIT: After reading your comments, if you are looking for a "secure cookie" solution have a look at this:
I use it to store the user's id (only his id). When I retrieve this cookie I load the user given his id. Some in-memory caching allows me to avoid loading the user on each request.
But just wanted to clarify that the session object seems great for what you are trying to do + you dont have to worry about security (for the average app that is).

Can we use single sign on for diffrent Form Authentication Sites?

I have 2 different websites
-> can be accessed directly or from webgrants
there is link provided for in
so how can i validate the credentials of user when they click on the link provided. how can i do this .urgent please
There might be better ways to do it, but off the top of my head you can do this:
Assuming they have access to the same(or a common) database you create a table of userId and ticket.
Whenever a user wants a redirection to other website, you create a random value(ticket) and assign that value to the user and store this pair into the database.
You add this ticket to address of the other website, as a parameter. Other website checks the table for that 'ticket' and authenticates the user.
