Percentage Calculation in Spotfire - percentage

This is the data that i've in Spotfire like this and trying to arrive at a percent calculation with the logic.
The formatting messed up the first time i posted the question.
Percentage for Instagram: (Count of Instagram) / (Count of all Social network)
Can you please help me with the calculation?

I'd do it with a cross table:
set "Question# 1" as row header
enter this expression as value: Count() / Count() over (All([Axis.Rows]))


QlikView - How to make a filter in one column and then get the maximum on the other column

I am trying to apply a filter in one column model_number and then the maximum number of the other filed, Week.
This is the formula that I tried.
Does anyone can help me to formulate this?
You can use set analysis to filter the data.
In your case the expression can be written in this way:
max( {< model_number = {"*4*"} >} Week, 1)
The max function will be calculated only on the records that fulfil the condition applied on model_number field.

Tableau Weighted Average Per Capita Calc not aggregating right

I am trying to create a simple revenue per person calc that works with different filters within the data. I have it working for a single record, however, it breaks and aggregates incorrectly with multiple records.
The formula I have now is simply Sum([Revenue]) / Sum([Attendance]). This works when I only have a single event selected. However, as soon as I select multiple shows it aggregates and doesn't do the weighted avg.
I'm making some assumptions here, but hopefully this will help you out. I've created an .xlsx file with the following data:
Event Revenue Attendance
Event 1 63761 6685
Event 2 24065 3613
Event 3 69325 4635
Event 4 41996 5414
Inside Tableu I've created the calculated column for Rev Per Person.
Finally, in the Analysis dropdown I've enabled Show Column Grand Totals. This gives me the following:
Simple Fix
The problem is that all of the column totals are being calculated using the SUM aggregation. This is the desired behavior for Revenue and Attendance, but for Rev Per Person, you want to display the average.
In Analysis/ Totals / Total All Using you can configure the default aggregation. Here we don't want to set all of them though; but it's useful to know. Leave that where it is, and instead click on the Rev Per Person Grand Total value and change it from 'Automatic' to 'Average'.
Now you'll see a number much closer to the expected.
But it's not exactly what you expect. The average of all the Rev Per Person values gives us $9.73; but if you take the total Revenue / total Attendance you'd expect a value of $9.79.
Slight More Involved Fix
First - undo the simple fix. We'll keep all of the totals at 'Default'. Instead, we'll modify the Rev Per Person calculation.
IF Size() > 1 THEN
// Grand Total
// Regular View
Size() is being used to determine if the calculation is being done for an individual cell or not.
More information on Size() and similar functions can be found on Tableau's website here -
Now I see the expected value of $9.79.

error in function - argument is a length of zero in R-studio

deadcheck<-function(a,t){ #function to check if dead for specific age at a time age sending to function
roe<-which( birthmort$age[i]==fertmortc$min & fertmortc$max) #checks row in fertmortc(hart) to pick an age that meets min and max age requirements I think this could be wrong...
prob<-1-(((1-fertmortc$mortality[roe])^(1/365))^t) #finds the prob for the row that meets the above requirements
if(runif(1,0,1)<=prob) {d<-TRUE} else {d<-FALSE} #I have a row that has the probability of death every 7 days.
return(d) #outputs if dead
Background: I am creating an agent based model that is a population in a dataframe that is simulating how Tuberculosis spreads in a population. ( I know that there are probably 10000 better ways of having done this). I have thus far created a loop that populates my dataframe with people ages etc. I am now trying to create a function that will go to a chart that lists the probability of death per year, based on a age bracket. 0-5,5-10,10-15 etc. (I have math in there b/c I want it to check who lives, dies, makes babies every 7 days). I have a function similar to this that check who is pregnant and it works. However I for the life of me can't figure out why this function is not working. I keep getting the following error.
Error in if (runif(1, 0, 1) <= prob) { : argument is of length zero
I am unsure how to fix this.
I apologize in advanced it this is a dumb question, I have been trying to teach myself to code over the last 4-5 months. If I asked this question in the wrong format or incorrectly then please let me know how to do so correctly.
Value of prob is of length zero. It means
prob = NULL
in this case. Try to print alter your code and add
so you can check partial result.
As you suspected in your comments, the expression
birthmort$age[i]==fertmortc$min & fertmortc$max
is problematic. What this does is evaluate the comparison birthmort$age[i]==fertmortc$min, and then takes the result of that comparison and combines it with fertmortc$max using the and operator. This involves forming the and of a Boolean value and an integer, which is unlikely to make much sense.
Just guessing, you perhaps want:
birthmort$age[i] >= fertmortc$min & birthmort$age[i] <= fertmortc$max
I don't know if this will fix your problem -- you haven't given enough to test it. For optimal help, you should give a reproducible example. See this for how to do so in R

Spotfire, Calculated Columns to show Percentages

I hope you are well and that you can be of assistance. I have a table and I need calculated columns to show what percentage of 'No' 'Yes' and 'Empty' I have. I have attached a picture below.
Any help with the syntax would be greatly appreciated.
error screenshot posted by Philip Connell:
#Philip Connell - I have created a calculated column 'consent%' with the below expression and change the format of this column to percentage from column properties.
[number] / [Total amount]
Used this calculated column in a cross table. Screenshots below.
Please let me know if this is the solution you are looking for.
Refined solution:
I have created some sample data for the sake of explanation.
Added pivot transformation (count of customer ID) while loading sample data into Spotfire.
Created two calculated columns.
Total amount:
Sum([count of Customer_ID]) over ([Country])
[count of Customer_ID] / [Total amount]
The solution is below
Count([CUSTOMER_ID]) as [No. Of Customers], Count([CUSTOMER_ID]) THEN [Value] / Sum([Value]) OVER (All([Axis.Columns])) as [Percentage ]
Thank you all for the support

How do I retrieve aggregate measures from R when I need to pass disaggregated data in Tableau?

I have extensively read and re-read the Troubleshooting R Connections and Tableau and R Integration help documents, but as a new Tableau user they just aren't helping me.
I need to be able to calculate Kaplan-Meier survival probabilities across any dimensions that are dragged onto the sheet. Ideally, I would be able to retrieve this in a tabular format at multiple time points, but for now, I would be happy just to get it at a single time point.
My data in Tableau have columns for [event-boolean] and [time to event]. Let's say I also have columns for Gender and District.
Currently, I have a calculated field [surv] as:
fit <- summary(survfit(Surv(.arg2,.arg1) ~ 1), times=365);
, min([event-boolean])
, min([time to event])
I have messed with Computed Using, Addressing, Partitions, Aggregate Measures, and parameters to the R function, but no combination I have tried has worked.
If [District] is in Columns, do I need to change my SCRIPT_REAL call or do I just need to change some other combination of levers?
I used Andrew's solution to solve this problem. Essentially,
- Turn off Aggregate Measures
- In the Measure Values shelf, select Compute Using > Cell
- In the calculated field, start with If FIRST() == 0 script_*() END
- Ctrl+drag the measure to the Filters shelf and use a Special > Non-null filter.
