How to extract functions used in R package? - r

I have inadvertently over-ridden the package I created with a different function, saved it, and closed R Studio. Now, my R package contains an unintended function.
Thankfully, I did not install the package, so I still have the old package contents stored in my computer.
Is there a way to extract the function from the installed package? It's one long function. Not more than one function.
And, no, I do not have a backup, at least not the updated version.

Where package is the package you mentioned you had installed and function is the function you're looking to to inspect.
The important thing is to forego the parenthesis where you would normally have the function argument. This will open the function code for inspection.

You can view the structure of a function by typing it's name in the console.
> sum
function (..., na.rm = FALSE) .Primitive("sum")
To get the function from a package, you can use the :: operator
> dplyr::coalesce
function (x, ...)
values <- list(...)
for (i in seq_along(values)) {
x <- replace_with(x,, values[[i]], paste0("Vector ",
<environment: namespace:dplyr>


R - how to make base "merge" function the default one

I'm quite an R newbie, so apologizes if mine is a simple question.
I have many R scripts that use the base merge function. Yesterday, I had to install the config library and that completely screwed up the merge function since it's also defined inside congif.
I read this useful post: R - can't merge dataframe after installing config package
but my question here is different.
I can't go through tens of R scripts and replace "merge()" with "base::merge()".
So my very simple question is the following and very similar to what discussed here:
R: 2 functions with the same name in 2 different packages
how can I specify to use the "base::" version of the function "merge()" as default one?
Or - is there a way to not install the "merge()" function contained inside the config package?
Many thanks
The accepted answer to R - can't merge data frame after installing config package directs the user to explicitly reference functions from the config package as config::merge() or config::get().
Another way to address the problem of config masking base::merge() is to load the config package, use it to configure the environment, and then use detach() to remove the package. This will unmask base::merge().
# use config functions to set up environment
At this point we can show that config::merge is the default by printing the merge() function.
> merge
function (base_config, merge_config)
merge_lists(base_config, merge_config, recursive = TRUE)
<bytecode: 0x7fcddf5de488>
<environment: namespace:config>
To restore base::merge() as the default, we use the detach() function.
# at this point base::merge() and base::get() are unmasked
To demonstrate this, we'll print the merge() function again.
> detach(package:config)
> # print merge function to show it is from base package
> merge
function (x, y, ...)
<bytecode: 0x7fcde7c08e70>
<environment: namespace:base>

R Functions require package declaration when they are included from another file?

I am writing some data manipulation scripts in R, and I finally decided to create an external .r file and call my functions from there. But it started giving me some problems when I try calling some functions. Simple example:
This one works with no problem:
change_column_names <- function(file,new_columns,seperation){
new_data <- read.table(file, header=TRUE, sep=seperation)
colnames(new_data) <- new_columns
write.table(new_data, file=file, sep=seperation, quote=FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
change_column_names("myfile.txt",c("Column1", "Column2", "Cost"),"|")
When I crate a file "data_manipulation.r", and put the above change_column_names function in there, and do this
change_column_names("myfile.txt",c("Column1", "Column2", "Cost"),"|")
it does not work. It gives me could not find function "read.table" error. I fixed it by changing the function calls to util:::read.table and util:::write.table .
But this kinda getting frustrating. Now I have the same issue with the aggregate function, and I do not even know what package it belongs to.
My questions: Which package aggregate belongs to? How can I easily know what packages functions come from? Any cleaner way to handle this issue?
The sys.source() by default evaluates inside the base environment (which is empty) rather than the global environment (where you usually evaluate code). You probably should just be using source() instead.
You can also see where functions come from by looking at their environment.
# <environment: namespace:stats>
For the first part of your question: If you want to find what package a function belongs to, and that function is working properly you can do one of two (probably more) things:
1.) Access the help files
?aggregate and you will see the package it belongs to in the top of the help file.
Another way, is to simply type aggregate without any arguments into the R console:
> aggregate
function (x, ...)
<bytecode: 0x7fa7a2328b40>
<environment: namespace:stats>
The namespace is the package it belongs to.
2.) Both of those functions that you are having trouble with are base R functions and should always be loaded. I was not able to recreate the issue. Try using source instead of sys.source and let me know if it alleviates your error.

R Package development: overriding a function from one package with a function from another?

I am currently working on developing two packages, below is a simplified
version of my problem:
In package A I have some functions (say "sum_twice"), and I it calls to
another function inside the package (say "slow_sum").
However, in package B, I wrote another function (say "fast_sum"), with
which I wish to replace the slow function in package A.
Now, how do I manage this "overriding" of the "slow_sum" function with the
"fast_sum" function?
Here is a simplified example of such functions (just to illustrate):
# Functions in package A
slow_sum <- function(x) {
sum_x <- 0
for(i in seq_along(x)) sum_x <- sum_x + x[i]
sum_twice <- function(x) {
x2 <- rep(x,2)
# A function in package B
fast_sum <- function(x) { sum(x) }
If I only do something like slow_sum <- fast_sum, this would not work, since "sum_twice" uses "slow_sum" from the NAMESPACE
of package A.
I tried using the following function when loading package "B":
assignInNamespace(x = "slow_sum", value = B:::fast_sum, ns = "A")
This indeed works, however, it makes the CRAN checks return both a NOTE on
how I should not use ":::", and also a warning for using assignInNamespace
(since it is supposed to not be very safe).
However, I am at a loss.
What would be a way to have "sum_twice" use "fast_sum" instead of
Thank you upfront for any feedback or suggestion,
With regards,
p.s: this is a double post from here.
UDPATE: motivation for this question
I am developing two packages, one is based solely on R and works fine (but a bit slow), it is dendextend (which is now on CRAN). The other one is meant to speed up the first package by using Rcpp (this is dendextendRcpp which is on github). The second package speeds up the first by overriding some basic functions the first package uses. But in order for the higher levels functions in the first package will use the lower functions in the second package, I have to use assignInNamespace which leads CRAN to throw warnings+NOTES, which ended up having the package rejected from CRAN (until these warnings will be avoided).
The problem is that I have no idea how to approach this issue. The only solution I can think of is either mixing the two packages together (making it harder to maintain, and will automatically require a larger dependency structure for people asking to use the package). And the other option is to just copy paste the higher level functions from dendextend to dendextendRcpp, and thus have them mask the other functions. But I find this to be MUCH less elegant (because that means I will need to copy-paste MANY functions, forcing more double-code maintenance) . Any other ideas? Thanks.
We could put this in sum_twice:
my_sum_ch <- getOption("my_sum", if ("package:fastpkg" %in% search())
"fast_sum" else "slow_sum")
my_sum <-
If the "my_sum" option were set then that version of my_sum would be used and if not it would make the decision based on whether or not fastpkg had been loaded.
The solution I ended up using (thanks to Uwe and Kurt), is using "local" to create a localized environment with the package options. If you're curious, the function is called "dendextend_options", and is here:
Here is an example for its use:
dendextend_options <- local({
options <- list()
function(option, value) {
# ellipsis <- list(...)
if(missing(option)) return(options)
else options[[option]] <<- value
dendextend_options("a", 1)
dendextend_options("a", NULL)

How is J() function implemented in data.table?

I recently learned about the elegant R package data.table. I am very curious to know how the J function is implemented there. This function is bound to the function [.data.table, it doesn't exist in the global environment.
I downloaded the source code but I cannot find the definition for this J function anywhere there. I found lockBind(".SD", ...), but not J. Any idea how this function is implemented?
Many thanks.
J() used to be exported before, but not since 1.8.8. Here's the note from 1.8.8:
o The J() alias is now removed outside DT[...], but will still work inside DT[...]; i.e., DT[J(...)] is fine. As warned in v1.8.2 (see below in this file) and deprecated with warning() in v1.8.4. This resolves the conflict with function J() in package XLConnect (#1747) and rJava (#2045). Please use data.table() directly instead of J(), outside DT[...].
Using R's lazy evaluation, J(.) is detected and simply replaced with list(.) using the (invisible) non-exported function .massagei.
That is, when you do:
DT = data.table(x=rep(1:5, each=2L), y=1:10, key="x")
i (= J(1L)) is checked for its type and this line gets executed:
i = eval(.massagei(isub), x, parent.frame())
where isub = substitute(i) and .massagei is simply:
.massagei = function(x) {
if ( && as.character(x[[1L]]) %chin% c("J","."))
x[[1L]] = quote(list)
Basically, data.table:::.massagei(quote(J(1L))) gets executed which returns list(1L), which is then converted to data.table. And from there, it's clear that a join has to happen.

extracting source code from r package

I am trying to install the r package sowas and unfortunately it is too old to implement in the new versions of r.
According to the author you can use the package using the source() function to gain access to the code but I have not been able to figure out how to do that.
Any help is appreciated.
Here is a link to the package I described as it is not a CRAN package:
The .zip file is a windows binary and as such it won't be too interesting. What you'll want to look at is the contents of the .tar.gz archive. You can extract those contents and then look at the code in the R subdirectory.
You could also update the package to work with new versions of R so that you can actually build and install the package. To do so you could unpack the .tar.gz as before but now you'll need to add a NAMESPACE file. This is just a plaintext file at the top of the package directory that has a form like:
Where you have an export statement for any function in the package that you actually want to be able to use. If a function isn't exported then the functions in the package still have access to that function but the user can't use it (as easily). Once you do that you should be able to build and install the package.
I took the liberty of doing some of this already. I haven't actually taken the time to figure out which functions are useful and should be exported and just assumed that if a help page was written for the function that it should be exported and if there wasn't a help page then I didn't export it. I used Rd2roxygen to convert the help pages to roxygen code (because that's how I roll) and had to do a little bit of cleanup after that but it seems to install just fine.
So if you have the devtools package installed you should actually be able to install the version I modified directly by using the following commands
install_github("SOWAS", "Dasonk")
Personally I would recommend that you go the route of adding the NAMESPACE file and what not directly as then you'll have more control over the code and be more able to fix any problems that might occur when using the package. Or if you use git you could fork my repo and continue fixing things from there. Good luck.
If you want to see the source code of a particular function, then just type the name of the function without the braces and press enter. You will see the code.
For example type var in command prompt to see it's code.
> var
function (x, y = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, use)
if (missing(use))
use <- if (na.rm)
else "everything"
na.method <- pmatch(use, c("all.obs", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs",
"everything", "na.or.complete"))
if (
stop("invalid 'use' argument")
if (
x <- as.matrix(x)
else stopifnot(is.atomic(x))
if (
y <- as.matrix(y)
else stopifnot(is.atomic(y))
.Call(C_cov, x, y, na.method, FALSE)
<bytecode: 0x0000000008c97980>
<environment: namespace:stats>
